NEW HR OPERATIONAL TEAM CENTRAL SERVICES On 29 June 2009 the new HR Operations structure will go live. Handover of work and transfer of knowledge processes where required are already underway. The new HR Operations structure which reflects customer feedback will enable us to provide core HR Operational services coupled with designated professional HR staff to enable and support managers to manage performance, disciplinary and change management issues appropriately. For Central Services your new contacts will be: HR Consultant Linda Moran tel 020 7882 3177 Based in HR Department, Queens Building Linda will be your first point of contact for professional advice and guidance on performance management, disciplinary and grievance matters Linda will lead on providing high quality advice, guidance and coaching to managers on how to successfully handle the staffing implications of organisational change and identifying the HR implications of business plans within your Departments providing advice and expertise to managers with: -The development of staffing plans to meet current and future needs - Performance management - Change management and the employee relations implications of these. HR Adviser Kirsty McAllister Kirsty will be your first point of contact specifically for: tel 020 7882 3725 Based in HR Department, Queens Building - the management of probation processes within Central Services including advising managers on the appropriate handling of performance issues arising during the probation period -providing advice and guidance on job grading processes for Central Service Departments, specifically reviewing agreed job profiles -providing support in the resolution of employee relations issues, including probation and first stage grievance and disciplinary matters, liaising with Linda as appropriate - advice on the management of the College’s sickness absence policy, including referral to Occupational Health and advising on the management of return to work. For all Operational HR and Payroll transactional matters including issuing employment contracts, advertising, probation administration, tenure maternity leave your team will be Senior HR Administrator Natalie Williams tel 020 7882 3729 Natalie will be your first point of contact for all Central Services Operational HR transactional matters. HR Administrator Sarah Williams tel 020 7882 3737 Areas: Principals Office, Student and Campus Services, HR, Estates, St Benets HR Administrator Alison Williams starts on 8 June 2009 Areas: Finance, Occupational Health, Corporate Affairs, Information Services and Computing Services, Students Union, Nursery. ESD, ARCS HR Administrator Natasha Riviere starts on 8 June 2009 Area: Library will also be covering other Departments in the College Your payroll contacts are Payroll Officer Andrea Modeste tel 020 7882 7713 Areas: ESD, Estates*, Library, Principals Office, Students Union, Payroll Officer Gina Dias Areas: Corporate Affairs tel 020 7882 7709 Payroll Officer Wanda Cottage Areas: Human Resources Payroll Officer George Caven Finance , CCRS* tel 020 7882 7715 tel 020 7882 7714 * these are currently under review as a consequence of new Student and Campus Services The e-mail accounts hr team a,b,c or d will be taken out of use from 30 June 2009 you will be advised of a new address to use by your respective new team. Your Operational HR and payroll contacts are part of the HR Services team. The HR Services team is managed by Gemma Lewis, HR Services Manager e-mail tel 020 7882 5172 Marissa Harris Head of HR (Operations) 27/5/09