egg drop apparatus - mr. rock's physics class

Date Due: Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Purpose: To make a cardboard apparatus that can carry a raw egg SAFELY down when the apparatus
is dropped from the top of the football stadium.
1 standard sheet of Poster Board (any color)
1 RAW egg (to be supplied by Mr. Rock/Ms. Sandy)
Stopwatch (to be supplied by Mr. Rock/Ms. Sandy)
No other materials can be used in construction: no glue, tape, etc.
Apparatus may be decorated using materials that will NOT affect the
construction such as: markers, crayons, or colored pencils (nothing with glue)
Size Restriction: The mass of the apparatus may not exceed the mass of 1 sheet of poster board. The
apparatus may not be larger than 50 cm (19.5 inches) in ANY DIRECTION.
1. Each student will construct an original apparatus by cutting, shredding, folding, bending, making
tabs, inserting in slits, etc. Glue, tape, or materials other than poster board will disqualify an
entry and result in a grade of zero (0).
2. Label the apparatus with your assigned number and period (easily visible).
3. Bring the apparatus to class on the due date. The apparatus will be massed and measured to
check for size restriction. If too large or too heavy, the apparatus will need to be modified, or it
will be disqualified and receive a grade of zero (0).
4. Each apparatus will be judged for its design including originality (2 alike will lower the value),
workmanship (is it neatly done?), and aesthetics (does it look good?).
5. The class will go to the football stadium and, one person at a time, drop the apparatus containing
the raw egg from the top of the football stadium. The time of the fall will be measured. The
longest time is the best time. If the egg breaks, the drop will be disqualified.
6. Each student will have two “drops”. The better time will count. If the egg breaks both times,
then the grade for the time is zero (0).
7. After each drop, the egg must be removed from the apparatus and shown to Mr. Rock/Ms. Sandy
to prove that it did not break and that is a raw egg.
Grading: Project is worth a total of 80 points:
40 points are for the design: originality, workmanship, aesthetics, etc.
40 points are for the time: the longest time receives 40 points and the rest of the times are scaled
down from there.
If the egg breaks on both drops, the score for the time is zero (0).
The PROJECT must be in class on the due date, whether YOU are or not.
If the project is not turned in on the due date it will receive a grade of zero (0).
Practice Testing: If any student decides to test their apparatus on their own time, you must take precautions so
that no damage the stadium area occurs in any way! You must use a thick drop cloth and clean up any and all
egg spills. Any student who leaves a mess will be turned in for vandalism to Mr. Alfonso. Please remember we
have cameras on campus.
Earn 10 extra points by doing a video type podcast (quick time or windows media) on your designing, making and testing of
your apparatus. ANY vulgar language (including music) or situations will be turned over to Mr. Alfonso for disciplinary
action. Please be tasteful so that I may offer you opportunities for extra points in the future.