Midterm Exam Study Guide

Visual Arts Midterm Exam Study Guide (Art III & IV)
Name: ___________________________________________________
The process and result of critical thinking about art?
2. A method of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional
surface giving the illusion of depth?
3. Architectural construction built of wedge-shaped blocks to span an opening
and usually supported by columns or piers?
4. The inner court of a Roman house open to the sky?
5. Massive support built against a wall to receive the lateral thrust (pressure)
exerted by a vault, roof or arch is known as?
6. Works of art that have forms, images, or subjects representing meanings
other than ones with which they are usually associated?
7. A material used in pencils that can be found in a range of hardness from soft
(6B) to hard (4H)?
8. Pigments pressed into sticks and used as a dry medium on paper; sometimes
referred to as hard or soft?
9. Relief block, Intaglio, and stencil are three types of this art technique?
10. Art works that are created from natural or man made fibers? (Weavings,
basketry, stitchery, and knitting are just a few of the processes involved)
11. The color group that uses three colors of equal distance from each other on the
color wheel, forming an equilateral triangle?
12. What type of paint is known as the most recent type of paint and has a
polymer binder?
13. What is a problem with using tempera paint?
14. The angle from which the viewer sees the scene?
15. The results of the reflection or absorption of light by a surface?
16. The element of art that is an enclosed space determined by other art elements
such as line, color, value and texture?
17. An element of art that is three-dimensional and encloses volume?
18. The principle of design that combines elements to produce the look of action
or to cause the viewer’s eye to sweep over the work in a certain manner?
19. The principle of design that refers to a way of combining art elements to
produce the look and feel of movement, especially with a visual tempo or beat?
20. What type of balance occurs when elements branch out from a central point?
21. If an artwork has visual rhythm created through repeating the same motif with
the same distance between placements, what type of rhythm is being used?
22. If an artist is painting an abstract design of geometric shapes and somewhere in
the painting he/she has one organic shape and it in a contrasting color, what
principle of design are they using?
23. What purpose of art would a painting of the war in Iraq serve?
24. If an artist wanted to create the implied texture of roughness in a charcoal
drawing what two shading techniques would he use?
25. What art forms would be classified 3-dimensional?
26. The areas around images in a two or three dimensional shape or form which
defines those objects are referred to as what type of space?
27. What category of art would a billboard or an advertisement be classified?
28. A technique in printmaking in which the lines or tones of an image are cut
directly into the surface of a wooden block (end-grain) or metal plate?
29. All parallel lines meet at one point on the horizon, refers to what type of
30. When a line forms a 90 degree angle to the horizon line, what type of line is it?
31. What is the name of the perspective term that can be the view from the artist
eye level?
32. What is considered to be the HEART of a perspective drawing?
33. This type of perspective refers to the objects size decreasing according to the
closest object?
34. Art that has objects that you can recognize, but the objects do not look that
way in real-life?
35. In visual art, examining the unique features of a work of art as they relate to
the elements of art and principles of design?
36. Aerial perspective shows space by changing ____________?
37. Art methods/media used for visual communication in a variety of art forms?
38. A technique made famous by the artist, Rembrandt, which was a technique for
modeling forms of painting? (hint:a painting technique that stresses sharp
contrast of lights and darks)
39. A technique of sculpting a human figure in a pose that shows the weight of the
body in balance?
40. A method of painting in which pigments suspended in water are applied to a
thin layer of wet plaster so that the plaster absorbs the color and the painting
becomes part of the wall?
41. A slight blurring of the edges of figures and objects in a painting? (hint: the
Mona Lisa is a good example of this technique)
42. The process of creating functional and nonfunctional art forms?
43. Any visual expression (original art, functional graphics, scientific illustrations)
created with a computer?
44. This is obtained by adding white to the hue to lighten a color?
45. Those colors that fall between primary and secondary colors on the color wheel?
46. Tones of one color in addition to the main hue?
47. Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, belong to what color
48. A tool used for organizing colors, where colors are arranged according to the
color theory?
49. The study of pigmented color as opposed to light?
50. Actual and Implied are two types of this element of art?
51. The basic components of visual communications?
52. The concepts for organizing the elements of art into successful art forms?
53. Three types of balance include:
54. A principle of art, closely related to emphasis, refers to a way of combining art
elements to stress the differences between the elements?
55. The principle of design that is concerned with dominance?
56. What art term best describes not allowing light to show through?
57. Size relationship of one part to the whole and of one part to another, refers to what art
58. The height of a person’s head is about _____ of the height of the whole body?
59. The size of the hand usually equals the distance from the _____ to the _____?
60. In a frontal view of a portrait there is room for how many eyes?
61. The length of the foot equals the height of the ______?