KS2 Year 3 French Scheme of Work

KS2 Year 4 French Scheme of Work
Lesson 23-24
Learning Intention: To understand how to ask for different flavours of
Linguistic Objectives: Asking and answering questions, reinforcing
knowledge of vocabulary (food, colours)
Non Linguistic Objective: Learning about the history of IcecreamSinging in harmony
structures :
Une glace
Les/des glaces
and Pronunciation:
Quel parfum ?
Une boule
Une glace à la vanille
Une glace à la fraise
Une glace à la pistache
Une glace au chocolat
J’adore…. (la fraise)
Oone glasse
Lay/day glasse
Kel parfa
Oone bool
Oone glasse ah la vanee
Oone glasse ah la frayze
Oone glasse ah la pistashe
Oone glasse oh chocola
J’adoor…. (la frayze)
An ice-cream
What flavour?
A scoop
A vanilla ice-cream
A strawberry ice-cream
A pistachio ice-cream
A chocolate ice-cream
I love (strawberry)
Extra Resources:
Early start French
Ice-cream poster (preferably French or written over in French)
Ice-cream making resources and facilities
Stack of blank and coloured ice-cream cone flashcards
Suggested Teaching Sequence:
Lesson 23
Revise food from previous lesson using flashcards. Ask pupils
Qu’est-ce que c’est? (What is it?) and Qu’est-ce que tu aimes?
(what do you like)
Watch Earlystart section 12:les glaces to introduce words for
flavours and say which you want.
Show flashcards of cones/in smart notebook and say flavour as
show them. Children to echo.
 When confident, say phrase “Une glace à la fraise” and children to
 Continue with different flavours and throw ball to children to echo.
Repeat several times.
 Give each child a flashcard of an ice-cream and ask what colours
these should be:
Eg “La vanilla est de quelle couleur?” La fraise? “ Et la pistache?”
Note: you may need to re-cap on colours and have these flashcards on
 Plenary – Pupils colour cone. When call out a flavour, children
jump up, repeating the word.
Lesson 24
Starter – Getting used to sounds – Highlight key sounds in words: s
as in pistache and chocolat i as in vanilla. (see section on phonemes
and key sounds)
Play game ‘swap ices’ – using vocabulary ‘parfum’ Pupils’ chairs
arranged in circle and each given coloured ice-cream flashcard.
Ensure that there is a balance of colours. When you call out ‘fraise’
children holding that card swap places. Continue with different
Ice-cream stall.
Re-cap on question “Quel parfum?” (what flavour) and “Une glace
s’il vous plait”. Explain that children will be taking turns to run a
ice-cream stall and buy ice-creams from it.
Customer: “Une glace s’il vous plait”
Stall holder: “Quel parfum?”
Customer: (says the flavour on their card)
Stall-holder: (gives a card for that flavour)
Extension: “Une boule ou deux?” (1 scoop or 2?)
Introduce written word
Show final sequence of Early start DVD section 12 which repeats
key phrases with on-screen text.
Play word-picture match 1 and 2 with text cards to match pictures
Naming ice-creams on posters – use vocabulary learnt to write the
flavour of ice-cream.
In pairs pupils create ice-cream stall menus using key vocabulary
Plenary – Learn ice-cream song (to the tune of ‘The grand old Duke of York’)
Quelle parfum?
C’est quel parfum tu aimes?
Moi, j’aime bien la vanille,
elle aime bien le pistache
et il aimes bien la Fraise.
Learn about history of ice-cream (use powerpoint)
Making ice-cream following bilingual instructions.
Create own instructions in simple French
Notes on activities and resources: See powerpoint
Framework objectives (Oracy, Literacy, Intercultural Understanding):
See framework objectives
Knowledge About Language/ Language Learning Strategies
See framework objectives
Follow-up and consolidation
See extension activity: Making ice-cream/history of ice-cream