University Centers Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda/Minutes Date and Time: November 4, 2009 5:00 pm Location: Badger Room Agenda: MSC Radio Survey 5:00 – 5:10 pm UC Budget Review 5:10 – 6:00 pm Preparation: Meeting Minutes: Dave Karis: Memorial Student Center Radio Survey Data and Recommendation Conducted electronic survey using campus software tool, Qualtrics. Random sample of 700 students (list provided by Registrar), 100 faculty and staff and 15 MSC staff. Received 135 responses or 16%. Respondents were asked to rank 10 categories of music between the 6:30 am – 4:30 pm and 4:30 pm – 12 midnight. Open ended comments were also requested. 92% of the respondents listed to the radio in the MSC. The order of preference was: 6:30 am -- 4:30 pm: Pop, Rock, Oldies, Hip Hop and Country 4:30 pm – 12 midnight: Pop, Rock, Country, Hip Hop, and Oldies Schroeder asked if the campus could start a campus radio station. This would allow the campus to preview music of performers coming to Stout. Rizzo responded that the licensing of a station is an issue. Green suggested that Stout Media is contacted. Recommendation: The University Centers Advisory Committee recommended The Current 89.3 because it plays all genres throughout the day. The Service Center will be responsible for ensuring this change occurs. Karis: Review of the 2008-09 University Centers Budget Operations included in the UC Budget: General Operations and Capital, Bookstore, Service Center, Conference and Reservations, Event Services, Underground, and PC Operations and Capital. Revenue was 3.5% less than original budget due to enrollment projections. Expenses were 3.9% less than original budget. Improvements included soft furniture, artwork, electrical improvements to accommodate laptops, carpet and furniture, technology, patio furniture and umbrellas and items to meet ADA. Revenue is generated by segregated fees paid by each student. Interest income is earned on ending fund balance. Other income includes Bookstore commission, equipment and room rentals, revenue from Service Center and Underground. Expenses include salaries and wages of permanent and student staffs as well as fringe benefits; supplies. Sales credits are rent collected from Dining Services, Campus Card, and Housing in Price Commons. Less was spent in the capital areas because of the following projects deferred until 2009-2010 budget: the replacement of partitions in the Ballrooms and exterior calking to the MSC. Ballroom and Great Hall roll up doors were repaired and rebuilt instead of replaced, thus saving money. Challenges facing the UC Budget are: moving expenses to move out of the MSC and to move back into the MSC after renovation; reduction in rent and bookstore commission; landscaping and water runoff; identifying repairs and purchases out of scope of the MSC renovation. Schroeder asked where the MSC will be moving to during the renovation. Karis gave an example that other campuses rented tents during warm months to house entertainment; relocated programs and entertainment to other spaces on and off campus, Nicolai indicated that MSC staff is reviewing our products, programs and services to see what is essential to provide during renovation. Riesenweber asked how the budget will be impacted due to a renovation. Karis responded that rent from dining service will be reduced. The committee thanked Karis for the information. Nicolai reported that Frisbie Architects in association with Mackey Mitchell Architects have been selected for the D:\106758081.doc MSC renovation: Campus Updates and Information: n/a Announcements: Next meeting: December 2, 2009; 5 – 6 pm; Badger Room Action Items: n/a Committee Members X Dustin Green, SSA X Phil Lyons, ex-officio, Asst. VC of SLS X Andrew C. Muhich, IRHA X Lucy Nicolai, co-chair, MSC X Ashley Noel, MSC Student Employee X Emily Riesenweber, SSA X Phil Rizzo, co-chair, SSA X Hannah Schroeder, BDP X Pete Swensen, University Dining Service Guests: X Dave Karis, Assistant Director, University Centers D:\106758081.doc