PCT 140 day schedule

PCT 140 - Anatomy and physiology-Phlebotomy
PCT 140/Anatomy and Physiology-Phlebotomy
Course Calendar/Schedule
Required TextbooksMedical Terminology for Health Professions-Fifth Edition, Ann Ehrlich
Advanced Skills for Health Providers, by Barbara Acello, MS, RN, 2007.
Career Directions, third Edition, by Yena PAR Incorporated (Irwin), 2006
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 20, published by F.A Davis
Company, 2005
Day 1-Lecture- Introduction to class
Career Directions unit 7 & 8
Lab-Computer lab-students to start working on resumes and cover
Review Hand washing techniques
Day 2-Lecture-Medical Terminology –chapter 1
Lab-Computer lab-medical terminology in computer-chapter 1
Advanced Skills-Chapter 3-Introduction to applying and
removing non-sterile gloves
One hand technique gloving
Day 3-Lecture-Medical Terminology-chapter 2
Lab-Demo- applying and removing sterile gloves
Demo-applying Personal Protective Equipment
Day 4-Lecture-Quiz 1-Medical Terminology-Chapter 1&2
Advanced Skills-Infection Control-chapter 3
Lab- Introduction to opening a sterile tray, wrapping and opening a
sterile package.
Introduction to setting up a sterile field using a sterile drape
Continue practicing applying and removing PPE
Continue practicing applying and removing sterile gloves.
Day 5-Lecture- Medical Asepsis, and Sterile techniques- chapter 4 in
Advanced Skills
Review chapters 1,2 in MT & 3, 4 in advanced skills
Lab- Practice: Sterile techniques, PPE, infection control techniques
Begin to obtain Vital Signs
Day 6-Lecture- Test #1-chapters:1,2-MT, and chapter 3&4 in advanced
Lab-Computer lab-Research assigned term papers,
Work on resumes, cover letters and thank you letters
Continue to obtain vital signs
Day 7-Lecture- Integumentary System-MT-chapter 12
Lab-Introduction to elastic bandages application-to upper and
lower extremities.
Begin check-off’s on sterile techniques
Day 8-Lecture-The Skeletal System-MT-Chapter 3
Lab-Computer lab on medical terminology(Skeletal system)
Practice elastic bandage application
Continue practicingVital signs
Introduction to applying kling/kerlix applications
Day 9-Lecture- The Muscular system-MT-chapter 4
Lab-Continue vital signs & sterile techniques
Begin check-offs on applying elastic bandages, kling and kerlix
Day 10-Lecture-Computer lab on medical terminology (Muscular system)
Qiuz # 2-CHAPTERS 3, 4, 12
Lab-Continue practicing vital signs, continue check-off’s on elastic,
Kerlix and kling dressings
Day 11-Lecture-Test # 2 – chapters 3, 4, and 12
Endocrine System-MT-chapter 13
Lab-final check-off’s on sterile techniques, bandages and vital signs
Day 12-Lecture-Complete Endocrine System
Computer lab-research papers, resumes, cover letters, thank
you letters,
Lab- Introduction to finger Sticks
Blood Sugar Monitoring
Day 13-Lecture-Lymphatic and Immune System-chapter 6-MT
Lab- Continue practicing Finger Sticks/Blood Sugar Monitoring
Introduction to obtaining stool for occult blood
Practice obtaining throat cultures
Practice obtaining sputum cultures
Day 14-Lecture-Quiz # 3-MT chapters 13, 6
Introduction to Phlebotomy
Lab-complete obtaining throat cultures
complete obtaining sputum cultures
Day 15-Lecture-Test # 3-MT chapter 13, 6
Day 16-Lecture-Phlebotomy
Day 17-Lecture-Nervous System-MT-chapter 10
Resumes, thank you letters, cover letters due
Day 18-Lecture-Special Senses-MT-chapter 11
Research papers due
Day 19-Lecture-computer lab-Medical Terminology chapter - 10, 11
Lab-Phlebotomy check-offs
Day 20-Lecture-Test #4-chapters-10, 11
Lab-Final Phlebotomy check-offs