study_guide2K3e2 - Department of Mathematics

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} \newcommand{\doquiz}[1]{\htmladdnormallink{quiz~\#{}#1}{\QUIZurl}}
\newcommand{\StewartURL} {\&qf=DCQuery\&ht=catalog.xml\&q
=[field,ISBN:0534377181]\&xsl=productdescription.xsl} \newcommand{\UNSWPressEMS}
{} %
{\htmladdimg[align=right,WIDTH=120,height=150,border=0]{../anton.jpg}}{\AntonURL}} %
}} \newcommand{\EMSpressLink}{\htmladdnormallink {(order from UNSW
Press)}{\UNSWPressEMS}} \newcommand{\QUESTIONS}{Questions/Questions.html}
\newcommand{\QUESTIONlink}[1]{\htmladdnormallink{Questions}{../A#12K3e2/\QUESTIONS}} \newcommand{\SOLUTIONS}{Solutions/Solutions.html}
\newcommand{\notavailable}{{\small not available yet.}}
\begin{htmlonly} %\pagecolor[named]{paleyellow} \pagecolor{paleyellow} \end{htmlonly}
\title{Study Guide} \author{MATH~135, 2003 E2\\Mathematics IA} \begin{document}
\maketitle \htmlrule % \begin{rawhtml}
\end{rawhtml} % \subsection*[center]{Lecturers}\label{lecturers}
\tableofchildlinks* \begin{htmllist*}\htmlitemmark{GreenBall} % \item[
\begin{rawhtml} \htmladdnormallink{Professor Ross Street}%
{\&action=exact}% \label{street}
{}, Office: E7A-311,
\htmladdimg[align=middle,border=0]{\images/phone.gif}~9850~8921 %
\item[ \htmladdnormallink{Dr Ross Moore}{\MATHSurl/~ross/}%
\label{ross} ]~\htmladdnormallink
{}, Office: E7A-419,
\htmladdimg[align=middle,border=0]{\images/phone.gif}~9850~8955 %
\end{htmllist*} % % \subsection*[center]{Lecture Times}
\begin{htmllist*}[RedBall] \item[Wednesday] at 6--8pm in Mason Theatre,
Calculus with \htmlref{Ross Moore}{ross} % \item[Thursday] at 6--8pm in
Mason Theatre, Algebra with \htmlref{Ross Street}{street} %
\end{htmllist*} % \begin{rawhtml}
\end{rawhtml} \htmlrule* % % \subsection*[center]{Course Outline \& Timetable}
\begin{htmlonly} \begin{center} \input timetable2K3e2.tex \end{center} \end{htmlonly}
\smallskip The course consists of two sections: % \subsubsection*[center]{Calculus
{\protect\small(lecturer: \protect\htmlref{Ross Moore}{ross})}}\label{Cstrand} %
\textit{Calculus} as a tool to determine the properties of functions.\\ Topics include:
\begin{description} \item[Real numbers\label{reals}, \CHENnotes{01}{rn}] field axioms,
natural numbers, integers and rationals, absolute values, upper and lower bounds.
\item[Functions\label{funcs}, \CHENnotes{03}{f}] domain, co-domain, range, composition;
one-to-one, onto and inverse functions. \item[Limits\label{lims}, \CHENnotes{04}{s},
\CHENnotes{05}{lf}] definition, arithmetic of limits, squeezing principle.
\item[Continuity\label{conty}, \CHENnotes{06}{c}] definition, the intermediate value theorem.
\item[Differentiation/Derivatives\label{derivs}, \CHENnotes{07}{d}, \CHENnotes{08}{sf}]
definition, derivatives of standard functions, sum rule, product rule, quotient rule, chain rule,
stationary points, second derivatives, maxima and minima, curve sketching, Rolle's theorem and
mean value theorem, l'Hopital's rule, implicit differentiation. \item[Integration/Antiderivatives\label{antidiff}, \CHENnotes{09}{di}] Riemann integral, fundamental theorem of
calculus. average values, mean-value theorem for integrals. \item[Techniques of
Integration\label{integ}, \CHENnotes{10}{ti}] substitution, partial fractions, integration by
parts. \item[Applications\label{intapps}, \CHENnotes{11}{adi}] areas, volumes of revolution.
\item[Numerical Integration\label{numint}, \CHENnotes{31}{ni}] Simpson's rule, trapezoidal
rule. \end{description} \subsubsection*[center]{Algebra {\protect\small(lecturer:
\protect\htmlref{Ross Street}{street})}} \label{Astrand} \begin{description} \item[Complex
numbers\label{cx-nos}, \CHENnotes{02}{cn}] arithmetic, geometry, modulus, argument, polar
coordinates, de Moivre's theorem, extracting n-th roots, roots of unity. %arithmetic and
conjugation, polar coordinates, root-finding, analytic geometry. \item[Vectors\label{vectors},
\CHENnotes{27}{v}] arithmetic, scalar and vector products, geometric interpretations on the
plane and 3-space, area and volume. %introduction, vectors in 2-space, vectors in 3-space, vector
products, %scalar triple products, applications to geometry in 3-space. \item[Linear
Equations\label{lineq}, \CHENnotes{24}{le}] Equations of lines and planes in 3-space.
\item[Matrices\label{matrices}, \CHENnotes{25}{m}] addition and multiplication, elementary
row operations. Solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems of linear equations.
Square matrices and their determinants, inverse and transpose, relationship to solvability of
linear equations. % %systems of linear equations, inversion of matrices, %finding inverses by
elementary row operations, criteria for invertibility, %consequences of invertibility.
\item[Congruences\label{congs}, \CHENnotes{20}{c}] divisibility, arithmetic modulo n, sets of
residues, linear congruences. %arithmetic of congruences, linear congruences, special divisibility
rules, %further discussion. \item[Binomial theorem\label{binom}, \CHENnotes{19}{bt}]
%\item[Linear equations\label{linalg}] %elementary row operations, row-echelon form, reduced
row-echelon form, %solving a system of linear equations, homogeneous systems.
\item[Determinants\label{dets}, \CHENnotes{26}{d}] determinants for square matrices of
higher order, some simple observations, elementary row operations, further properties of
determinants, some useful formulas, further discussion. \end{description}
\subsection*[center]{Textbooks and other Course Materials} % \paragraph*{Online Course
Materials} \begin{htmllist}[PurpleBall] \item[Lecture notes] Quite detailed notes are available
\htmladdnormallink{on the web}{\CHENurl/lnfym.html}. Relevant chapters for this course
are:\\ \begin{description} \item[Calculus] Chapters \CHEN{1}{01}{rn}, \CHEN{3}{03}{f},
\CHEN{4}{04}{s}, \CHEN{5}{05}{lf}, \CHEN{6}{06}{c}, \CHEN{7}{07}{d},
\CHEN{8}{08}{sf}, \CHEN{9}{09}{di}, \CHEN{10}{10}{ti}, \CHEN{31}{31}{ni} and
\CHEN{11}{11}{adi}. \item[Algebra] Chapters \CHEN{2}{02}{cn}, \CHEN{19}{19}{bt},
\CHEN{20}{20}{c}, \CHEN{24}{24}{le}, \CHEN{25}{25}{m}, \CHEN{26}{26}{d} and
\CHEN{27}{27}{v}. \end{description} Do \textbf{not} download all the notes at once, then
print them, on campus machines and printers.\html{\\} (Your printing allowance should not
allow this anyway.) Just get what you will need, 3--4 weeks in advance.
\item[\htmladdnormallink{Notes on Congruences}{../notes/congruences/}]
\item[\htmladdnormallink{Cardan's zeros for the Cubic}{../Cardan.pdf}] % \end{htmllist}
\MacQTeXlogoLink \paragraph*{Online Self-testing Quizzes} To ensure that all students have
basic mathematical abilities, which should have been learnt at school or in earlier mathematics
units, we have prepared~\htmladdnormallink{electronic quizzes}{\QUIZurl} that test these
skills. \html{\\} There are 3 \textbf{compulsory} quizzes which must be completed within the
first few weeks of semester. The quizzes may be attempted as many times as is necessary to be
able to answer all questions with 100\% accuracy. Fully worked solutions are provided at the end
of the quizzes, so these can be used for a brush-up both on working out how to solve a problem
and also on how to write out the solution. \begin{itemize} \item Quizzes 1 \& 2 \textbf{must} be
completed by the end of week 2; \item Quiz 3 \textbf{must} have been attempted by the end of
week 2, and successfully completed by the end of week 3. \end{itemize} The due dates are
deliberately set to be well before 29 August, the final date for~\htmlref{withdrawal}{withdraw}
without penalty.\html{\\} If you have difficulties with these quizzes then most likely you will not
be able to cope with the new material in this course and will fail at examination time. These
dates allow you to withdraw from the unit without penalty, and perhaps change to doing~
\htmladdnormallink{MATH130}{\HANDBOOKurl/p4/pt4e_144.htm\#MATH130} instead. If
difficulties are encountered with any questions, students should seek help from
the~\htmlref{Numeracy Centre}{numcentre}, or consider transferring to the lower-level
\htmladdnormallink{MATH130}{\HANDBOOKurl/p4/pt4e_144.htm\#MATH130} unit instead
of \htmladdnormallink{MATH135}{\HANDBOOKurl/p4/pt4e_144.htm\#MATH135}. \html{\\}
While these quizzes do not count for any marks towards the final grade, failure to have
completed the quizzes by the due dates constitutes failure to meet a compulsory requirement of
the course and can result in exclusion from the examination. % Quizzes 1 and 2 must be
completed before Friday 16 August.\html{\\} % Quiz 3 \emph{must} be completed before
Friday 23 August. \EMSlogoLink \paragraph*{Essential Mathematical Skills} The book by the
name of `Essential Mathematical Skills' contains a ``comprehensive summary of all the maths
that undergraduate engineers, scientists and applied mathematicians need''. It was written by
lecturers at Australian universities, and printed by~\htmladdnormallink{UNSW
Press}{\UNSWPressEMS}, and contains many exercises, quizzes and tests.\html{\\} Extra
exercises and material is available at the~ \htmladdnormallinkfoot{EMS website}{\EMSurl}.
For MATH135, students should \emph{already be familiar with} all of the work in Chapters 1-3, and early parts of some other chapters. Much of this will be considered as `assumed
knowledge'.\html{\\} Students should attempt \emph{all} the exercises in these chapters. If any
difficulties are encountered, then seek help at the~\htmlref{Numeracy Centre}{numcentre}. By
the end of the semester most of the material in chapters 4--9 will have been covered. The
corresponding exercises should be attempted by all students, and some may be used as questions
for assignments.\html{\\} Material in the remaining chapters will be covered in later courses,
such as ~\htmladdnormallink{MATH136}{\HANDBOOKurl/p4/pt4e_144.htm\#MATH136}
and \htmladdnormallink{MATH235}{\HANDBOOKurl/p4/pt4e_144.htm\#MATH235}; so this
book will be useful also for those units. Note that the mathematics units taught at Macquarie
University typically contain extra material that is not present in the `Essential Mathematical
Skills' book. Thus it is \emph{not} a good idea to rely solely on this as a text-book.
\paragraph*{Reference text for Algebra} % \htmladdnormallink{Anton}{\AntonURL}:
``Elementary Linear Algebra'', \htmladdnormallink{Wiley}{} \bigskip
\paragraph*{Reference text for Calculus} \ANTONlogoLink \STEWARTlogoLink
\htmladdnormallink{Stewart}{\StewartURL}: ``Calculus'',
\htmladdnormallink{Brookes/Cole}{} \bigskip
\subsubsection*{Interesting \& Useful Websites} \begin{htmllist}[GreenBall] \item [JCM (Java
Components for Mathematics)] \htmladdnormallink{Function \& Calculus Applets}
{}, \htmladdnormallink{Modified Applets}
{}\\ \htmladdnormallink{Function
Composition} {},
\htmladdnormallink{Inverse Functions}
{}\\ \htmladdnormallink{Quadratics}
{} \item [\textit{Manipula Math}]
\htmladdnormallink{Calculus animations} {} %
%\end{htmllist} \subsection*[center]{Tutorials} Tutorials commence in Week~2. There are four
(4) time-slots: Wednesday 5pm, 8pm and Thursday 5pm, 8pm.\html{\\} You have been assigned
to a group meeting at the time that you selected at enrolment: \begin{center}
\begin{tabular}{t{.65\textwidth}t{.65\textwidth}} %\textbf{Note:} \textcolor{red}{room
changes}, due to large class sizes. \begin{htmllist*}[RedBall] % \item[class 01: Wednesday at
5pm] in room E5A-119 with Peter Brooke; % \item[class 02: Wednesday at 5pm] in room E5A118 with Joe Cathcart; % \item[class 03: Wednesday at 5pm] in room E5A-116 with Ross
Moore; % \item[class 04: Wednesday at 8pm] in room E7B-263 with Peter Brooke;
\end{htmllist*} & % \begin{htmllist*}[RedBall] \item[class 05: Thursday at 5pm] in room E7B200 with Peter Brooke; % \item[class 06: Thursday at 5pm] in room E7B-263 with Ross Street;
% %\item[class 07: Thursday at 5pm] in room E7B-163 with % Dilshara Abayasekara; %
\item[class 08: Thursday at 8pm] in room E7B-264 with Peter Brooke. % \end{htmllist*}
\bigskip \end{tabular} \end{center} % Tutorial rooms are posted on the Mathematics noticeboard on Level~2, % above the courtyard in building E7B.\html{\\} % There are four (4) timeslots: % Wednesday 5pm, 8pm and Thursday 5pm, 8pm\html{\\} % with several tutorial groups
at each of these times.\\ % You have been assigned to a group meeting at the time that % you
selected at enrolment.\html{\\} You will get the most out of tutorials if you have looked at all the
tutorial exercises in advance. During the tutorial you will also have the opportunity to ask your
tutor for help with any aspect of the unit. %Tutorial questions will be provided in
advance.\html{\\} %During the tutorials you will have the opportunity to ask your tutor for help
%with these, or other questions. To get the most out of tutorials you should spend %some time
attempting to solve the questions prior to the tutorial session. \label{tutexs}
\begin{htmllist*}\htmlitemmark{OrangeBall} \item[Week 1] No tutorials. \item[Week 2]
Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapter 1 (Nos. 1--7) and Chapter 2 (Nos. 1--8). \item[Week 3]
Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapter 3 and Chapter 2 (9--16). \item[Week 4] Exercises from
Chen Notes: Chapters 3, 4 (Nos. 1--7) and 27 (Nos. 1--5). \item[Week 5] Exercises from Chen
Notes: Chapters 4, 5 (Nos. 1--6) and 24 (Nos. 1--5). \item[Week 6] Test 1. \item[Week 7]
Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapters 5 (Nos. 16--20), 6 (1--5) and 25 (Nos. 1--7). \item[Week
8] Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapters 6 (Nos. 6--10), 7 (6--12) and 26 (Nos. 2--8).
\item[Week 9] Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapter 7 (Nos. 16--22, 28--32), 27 (Nos. 6--10).
\item[Week 10] % Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapter 7 (Nos. 23--27), 8 (1--8) \item[Week 11]
Test 2. \item[Week 12] Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapter 10 (1--2), 20 (2--5, 12--20).
\item[Week 13] Exercises from Chen Notes: Chapters 10, 11, 19, 20. \end{htmllist*}
\subsection*[center]{Assignments\label{assign}} Five assignments will be set. Each will contain
questions from both strands of the unit. As well as contributing 10\% towards the final grade, at
least 40\% of the final examination will consist of questions similar to the assignment questions.
You are advised to make a serious attempt on all questions, as the assignment questions will be
designed to enhance your understanding and to highlight areas that often cause students
difficulty, so that you can remedy any deficiency in your understanding before it becomes a real
problem. Please be aware that not all of the exercises set for assignments will be marked. This
does not detract from the desirability of doing all of the exercises. You should ask your tutor
about any unmarked assignment question for which you are unsure of the best method of
solution, or for which you do not fully understand the solution provided. The assignments are
due by 10pm on dates to be advised. \begin{tabular}{p{.45\textwidth}p{.75\textwidth}} %
\begin{htmllist*}\htmlitemmark{BlueBall} \item[Assignment 1] Due Thursday 14 August:
%\notavailable \QUESTIONlink{1}, %.%, \ANSWERlink{1}.
\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A1-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. % \item[Assignment 2] Due
Thursday 28 August: % \notavailable \QUESTIONlink{2}, \ANSWERlink{2}.
%\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A2-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. % \item[Test 1] % Due
Wednesday 18 September: \htmladdnormallink{1A}{../T1A-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS},
\htmladdnormallink{1B}{../T1B-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, \htmladdnormallink{1C}{../T1C2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, \htmladdnormallink{1D}{../T1D-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}.\newline
Solutions: \htmladdnormallink{1A}{../T1A-2K3e2/\ANSWERS},
\htmladdnormallink{1B}{../T1B-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}, \htmladdnormallink{1C}{../T1C2K3e2/\ANSWERS}, \htmladdnormallink{1D}{../T1D-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. %
\item[Assignment 3] Due Thursday 18 September: %\notavailable \QUESTIONlink{3},
\ANSWERlink{3}. %\htmladdnormallink{Questions}{../A3-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, %
\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A3-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. % %\item[Assignment 4] Due
Thursday 16 October: \item[Assignment 4] Due \textcolor{red}{Friday 17 October}:
%\notavailable \QUESTIONlink{4}, \ANSWERlink{4}.
%\htmladdnormallink{Questions}{../A4-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, %
\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A4-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. % \item[Test 2] % Due
Wednesday 18 September: \htmladdnormallink{2A}{../T2A-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS},
\htmladdnormallink{2B}{../T2B-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, \htmladdnormallink{2C}{../T2C2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, \htmladdnormallink{2D}{../T2D-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}.\newline
Solutions: \htmladdnormallink{2A}{../T2A-2K3e2/\ANSWERS},
\htmladdnormallink{2B}{../T2B-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}, \htmladdnormallink{2C}{../T2C2K3e2/\ANSWERS}, \htmladdnormallink{2D}{../T2D-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. %
\item[Assignment 5] % Due Thursday 6 November: %\notavailable \QUESTIONlink{5},
\ANSWERlink{5}. %\htmladdnormallink{Questions}{../A5-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}, %
\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A5-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. % %\item[Assignment 6] Due
Wednesday ???: \notavailable % \QUESTIONlink{6}. %, \ANSWERlink{6}.
%%\htmladdnormallink{Questions}{../A6-2K3e2/\QUESTIONS}. %%
\htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A6-2K3e2/\ANSWERS}. \end{htmllist*} & %There will be
5 assignments. %Each will contain questions from both strands of the unit.\html{\newline}
%Make a serious attempt on all questions.\html{\newline} %Start working on the questions well
before the due date; you may need %several attempts before you can solve the
problems.\html{\newline} %Do not be discouraged if you cannot solve them at your first
attempt. %First devise a plan, then try to carry it out, then check it; %if it was not successful,
choose another plan and repeat the cycle. % %\medskip % You should start working on the
questions well before the set date, as you may need several attempts to solve some of the
problems. Do not be discouraged if you cannot solve them at your first attempt. A good strategy
is to spend short amounts of time on several occasions thinking about them and coming back to
them. You may and indeed should discuss your assignment questions with your friends as you
can learn a lot this way. Success in mathematics units is closely related to the amount of effort
and time you devote to the unit. \medskip Please use the cover-page provided here, to identify
yourself, the assignment number, and your tutorial group.\html{\newline} It is available as either
an \htmladdnormallink{html}{../Assignment_Cover_Page.html} or
\htmladdnormallink{Word}{../Assignment_Cover_Page.doc} document. \end{tabular} %
Assignments that are presented on unstapled sheets or without a cover, may get misplaced or
pages can get misplaced, resulting in loss of marks. Similarly, handwritten assignments that are
barely legible or do not present arguments clearly may attract reduced marks. You are not
expected to use a word-processor for mathematics assignments, but doing so encourages you to
devote time to thinking about what to say, and helps to avoid the illegibility of poorly
handwritten work. % \subsubsection*{Assignments from previous years} %
\begin{htmllist*}\htmlitemmark{GreenBall} % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 1,
1996}{../A1-96/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A196/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 2, 1996}{../A296/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A296/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 3, 1996}{../A396/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A396/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 4, 1996}{../A496/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A496/Answers/Answers.html}. % % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 1, 1997}{../A197/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A197/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 2, 1997}{../A297/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A197/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 3, 1997}{../A397/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A397/Answers/Answers.html}. % % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Examination, 1998}{../EXAM98/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../EXAM98/Answers/Answers.html}. % % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 1, 1999}{../A199/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A199/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 2, 1999}{../A299/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A299/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 3, 1999}{../A399/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A399/Answers/Answers.html}. % % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 1, 2000}{../A12K/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A12K/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 2, 2000}{../A22K/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A22K/Answers/Answers.html}. % \item % \htmladdnormallink{Assignment 3, 2000}{../A32K/Questions/Questions.html}. % \htmladdnormallink{(Solutions)}{../A32K/Answers/Answers.html}. % % \end{htmllist*} \subsection*[center]{Assessment}
\begin{htmllist*}\htmlitemmark{OrangeBall} \item[5 assignments] will together count for 10\%
of the final grade. % \item[2 tests] each will count for 10\% of the final grade.\\ These will be
conducted in Weeks~6 and ~11, during the tutorials; that is, \begin{tabular}{rl} \qquad Test~1:
& Wednesday 3 September or Thursday 4 September\\ Test~2: & Wednesday 22 October or
Thursday 23 October \end{tabular} You must attend your regular tutorial to sit the test.\\
\textcolor{red} {If you do not attempt both tests, then any request for \htmlref{special
consideration}{speccon} is likely to be rejected.} % \item[final exam] will count for 70\% of the
final grade. % \end{htmllist*} \[ \mathrm{Grade\ score} = 10\%\,\mathrm{Assignment} +
20\%\,\mathrm{Tests}+ 70\%\,\mathrm{Exam} \] %However, if the mark on the final exam,
taken as 100\% of the assessment, %is greater than the total arrived at by the above formula, then
this will %be taken as the basis for the final grade. % \subsection*{Feedback survey} All
students are invited to provide feedback concerning this course, via the
\htmladdnormallink{survey}{\FEEDBACK} to be found on the Mathematics Department's
\htmladdnormallink{Feedback Site}{\FEEDBACK}. \subsection*[center]{Withdrawal from
Courses}\label{withdraw} You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw from any second halfyear course, then~\htmladdnormallink{university
regulations}{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3b_011.htm} dictate that you must withdraw by Friday
29~August to be considered `\htmladdnormallink{Early
Withdrawn}{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3d_089.htm}' (NE). This is the last day for students to
lodge a `Change of Program' form to discontinue the unit. Withdrawal after 29~August will
result in the grade `\htmladdnormallink{Fail Withdrawn}{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3d_090.htm}'
(FW). A grade of W (withdrawal without academic penalty) will only be awarded in the case of
fully documented `\htmladdnormallink{unavoidable
disruption}{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3d_092.htm}'. See pages 127--128 of the 2003 Macquarie
University Handbook of Undergraduate Studies, or links to the online version in the above
paragraphs, for more details about these rules. \subsection*[center]{Special
Consideration}\label{speccon} If illness or misadventure makes it impossible for you to sit for
the final examination, or interferes with your performance in the examination, you are permitted
to request `\htmladdnormallink {special
consideration}{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3d_100.htm}'.\html{\\} If we (the
\htmlref{lecturers/examiners}{lecturers} for the course) are satisfied that there is evidence (e.g,
your previous performance in the unit, or by the quality of work you have been able to produce
in the examination) that you have not been able to show your true ability, then we may decide to
invite you to sit for a special examination to resolve your grade for the unit. It is the
Department's decision whether to offer a special examination or not. Students should not expect
to be granted one automatically.\\ {\color{red} As a rough guide, a performance of less than
40\% in the assignments will indicate unsatisfactory performance for the purpose of special
consideration.} You must notify the Registrar in writing of the illness or misadventure,
accompanied by any appropriate documentary evidence. (See pages 113 and 116 of the 2002
Macquarie University Handbook of Undergraduate Studies). You are advised to let us know
informally that you have written to the Registrar. The purpose of the special examination is to
resolve the temporary difficulty caused by your illness or misadventure. We will hold the special
examinations very shortly after the end of the examination period at a time of our
choice.\html{\\} This is likely to be Friday 12 December at 9.20am in room E7B263/264.\html{\\} You must be available to sit for the exam at short notice and provide sufficient
details in your written request for special consideration to enable us to easily contact you.
\subsection*[center]{Numeracy Centre}\label{numcentre} Each new idea encountered in
mathematics usually depends on earlier work. It is therefore important to sort out
misunderstandings as soon as they occur. First consult the relevant lecturer or tutor.
Alternatively, any student is entitled to seek help from the `\htmladdnormallink{Numeracy
Centre}{\MATHSurl/numeracy/}', located in Room C5A-225. The following services are
offered to students: \begin{description} \item[Advice on supplementary work needed] Students
may consult with the staff of the Numeracy Centre, who will recommend work to fill in any gaps
in the student's background knowledge. \item[Independent study] The Centre has a collection of
self-study materials on elementary mathematics.\html{\\} Solutions to standard problems are
available.\html{\\} Computers are available with calculus software. \item[Supplementary
workshops] A special class may be arranged for groups of six (6) or more students who are all in
need of help in the same area.\html{\\} If you would like to join such a class, please go to the
\htmladdnormallink{Numeracy Centre}{\MATHSurl/numeracy/} to make the necessary
arrangements. \end{description} There may also be a series of weekly or fortnightly workshops
for MATH135 after week 3 or 4. \noindent\textbf{Note:} A grade of at least `P' in this unit is a
prerequisite for entry to
Mathematics IB and
Mathematics IIC.\html{\\} It is the policy of the Mathematics Department \emph{not} to waive
prerequisites. \subsection*[center]{Doris Wallent Scholarships} As a result of a
bequest,~\htmladdnormallink{two scholarships}%
{\HANDBOOKurl/p3/pt3d_108.htm\#Schemes_and_Scholarships}, valued at \$1000 each, are
available to \textit{second-year students} having a GPA of at least 3.25 in 100-level
mathematics. Applicants must enrol in units enabling them to have completed at least 12 credit
points in 200-level mathematics by the end of the year in which the award is given.\html{\\}
Under the terms of the bequest preference will be given to suitably qualified female
students.\html{\\} Contact \htmladdnormallink{Dr Cooper}{\MATHSurl/\~{}chris} (E7A303)
for further information. \end{document}