I-deas CAE Data Migration to NX Jim Bernard 7/8/2008 Background There is a large base of existing I-deas CAE customers that will be migrating to the NX CAE product over the next several years. These customers typically will also have I-deas part and assembly data to migrate as well. The migration path for this design data is straightforward. I-deas TDM data is migrated to Teamcenter where it can then be checked out into NX. I-deas CAE data cannot be migrated using this same path since there are limitations on what CAE data can be checked into I-deas TDM. In addition, the typical I-deas CAE user does not build their FE Model directly on a tracked, referenced revision of the design part, but rather on an unassociated copy of it. Because of the breadth of solutions offered in I-deas CAE, there is no “one size fits all” solution for migration to NX Simulation. The needs of an analyst in an integrated design environment are different than on using I-deas for CAE only on foreign CAD data. Many users have existing Model Solution simulations and results, while others have Ansys, Abaqus, Nastran or TMG/ESC, etc. simulations and results. Some users only need a way to view archived models and results, while others may need to actively modify the model and define new analysis tasks, and so on. I-deas CAE to NX Migration Strategies Based on the constraints outlined above, there are three main migration paths for I-deas CAE users moving to NX Simulation. The first is to simply not migrate any data at all. Since I-deas and NX share license keys, users can have both programs installed and run either from their existing license keys, switching between the two as needed. Existing projects can be continued and completed in I-deas, while new projects can be started in NX. This strategy has an added benefit of allowing the user more time to come up to speed in working with NX Simulation. This is the recommended path for most users. The second is for users who have geometry based FE Models in I-deas and who wish to migrate them to NX, maintaining associativity if at all possible. This is accomplished using the CMM Native tool which operates on data stored in an I-deas Model file. Using this tool, users can manually migrate a particular FE Model and the geometry of it’s associated part to a NX part/fem/sim file set. The CMM Native tool exports up to 4 files from I-deas: a Nastran bulk data deck containing the finite element model. Properties, boundary conditions, etc.; a .xpk file containing b-rep geometry of the associated part; a mapping file that contains geometry associativity and mesh recipe information; and a .universal file containing analysis results, if any are present in the I-deas model file. More details on the CMM Native process are provided in the next section. The third is to manually migrate individual FE Models via some type of analysis input file. Since the CMM Native tool uses a NX Nastran bulk data deck as the transfer mechanism, settings specific to other solvers (i.e. TMG/ESC, Ansys, Abaqus) will not be preserved. If a solver specific file (i.e. TMG/ESC universal file or Ansys/Abaqus input deck) is manually exported from I-deas and imported into NX, more solver specific settings and boundary conditions will be maintained. Each user must weigh the tradeoff between mesh associativity to geometry and preservation of analysis specific settings for each model to be migrated when determining whether to migrate via CMM Native or a solver specific file. CMM Native Details The primary purpose of CMM Native is to transfer an I-deas FE Model and its associated geometry to NX Simulation, maintaining as much of that associativity as possible. Since there is no single mechanism in place to transfer CAE data from I-deas to NX, CMM Native for FE data uses several methods to complete the transfer: Part geometry, and optionally history, is transferred via a .xpk file using the same routines that the Teamcenter embedded CMM tool uses. Details of this are beyond the scope of this paper. FE model data (nodes, elements, physical & material properties, boundary conditions, solution settings, etc.) are transferred via a NX Nastran bulk data deck. Any entity type that is supported by both the I-deas Nastran export translator and the NX Nastran import translator can be transferred. Any results stored in with the FE Model in the I-deas model file are exported to an I-deas universal file, along with the node/element geometry data necessary for the universal file to be used to display results in NX Post Processing. Finally, node and element geometry associativity, geometry based boundary condition data and mesh recipe (element size, pid, mid) information are exported to a mapping file. The CMM Native process imports all of this data into NX and uses the mapping file to reestablish relations between FE data and the NX geometry wherever possible. A Nastran bulk data deck was chosen as the medium to transfer CAE data because NX Nastran is the embedded solver packaged with NX Simulation. Existing I-deas Model Solution users can begin to migrate from Model Solution to NX Nastran as their solver while they are still using I-deas as a pre/post processor. Once the Nastran solution is properly defined and verified in I-deas, moving the FE data to NX via a Nastran bulk data deck provides the most robust and reliable method for ensuring as much of the design intent as possible is carried forward. It is important to note that I-deas and NX are two distinct packages and as such, there are some fundamental differences in the way they are designed that prevent full compatibility between the two. For CAE users, there are two major areas that are impacted. The first is that the NX Modeler does not support non-manifold geometry. The primary of this on CAE users is that partitioned geometry from I-deas cannot be migrated to NX with full history support. The CMM Native tool can transfer the orphaned Brep (no history) geometry. Duplicate faces will be created at any partition locations. These faces will be connected via a ‘Glue Coincident’ Mesh Mating Condition in the NX fem. The second is that there is no concept similar to section meshing in NX Simulation. Sections defined in I-deas will not be migrated to NX Simulation. Users will be able to update or regenerate a mesh on the underlying geometry, but any edges that were merged or suppressed in the I-deas Section will be unmerged and unsuppressed in the NX fem. Boundary conditions defined on sections will be converged to equivalent FE based entities before the Nastran bulk data deck is exported from I-deas. It should also be noted that the CMM native process is a manual migration that takes place on data in a single model file. There is no automated batch processing capability for large scale conversion of multiple model files. These factors should be taken in to consideration when a user is deciding which migration path is most appropriate for his specific circumstances.