
Name _____________________________________________ Date __________ Period ______
Unit 5 Review Packet
Directions: Match the phylum and class names in the box with the correct
A. Cnidaria
B. Ctenophora
C. Porifera
_____ 1. Comb jelly
_____ 2. Finger sponge, tennis ball sponge
_____ 3. Hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the statements below and circle the correct answer choice.
4. All of the following are characteristic of members of the phylum Porifera except one.
Select the exception.
A. asymmetrical
B. three cell types
C. central cavity, or a series of branching chambers, through which water
circulates during feeding
D. cells organized into tissues
5. Which of the following cell types is involved with creating water currents during filter
feeding of a sponge?
A. pinacocytes
B. choanocytes
C. porocytes
D. amoeboid cells
6. Which of the following cell types is involved with secreting skeletal elements of a
A. pinacocytes
B. choanocytes
C. porocytes
D. amoeboid cells
7. Which of the following cell types is involved with regulating water movements
through a sponge?
A. pinacocytes
B. choanocytes
C. porocytes
D. mesenchyme cells
8. Which sponge body form is considered to be the simplest?
A. ascon
B. leucon
C. sycon
9. In an ascon sponge, choanocytes _________________________.
A. line radial canals that branch of the spongocoel
B. line the spongocoel directly
C. are found in flagellated chambers
D. line incurrent canals
10. In a sycon sponge, the body wall appears to be _______________.
A. highly folded
B. thick and perforated by a highly branched canal system
C. unfolded and not perforated by a branched canal system
D. a single cell layer thick
11. Sponges are supported by a skeleton that may consist of microscopic needlelike
spikes called _______________.
A. spongin
B. pinacocytes
C. spicules
D. mesohyl
12. Some sponges have a skeleton made of ___________ which is a fibrous protein
made of collagen.
A. spongin
B. pinacocytes
C. spicules
D. mesohyl
13. Just below the pinacocyte layer of a sponge is a jellylike layer called the ________.
A. mesoderm
B. mesohyl
C. mesenchyme cells
D. endoderm
14. Thin, flat cells called _______________ line the outer surface of a sponge.
A. pinacocytes
B. choanocytes
C. porocytes
D. mesenchyme cells
15. The majority of sponges are filter feeders.
A. true
B. false
16. The ______________ is the water outlet in sponges.
A. spongocoel
B. porocyte
C. pinacocytes
D. osculum
17. The ______________ is the central cavity in simple sponges.
A. spongocoel
B. coelom
C. mesohyl
D. mesoderm
18. Because most sponges have the ability to produce both sperm and eggs, they are
known as __________________.
A. dioecious
B. monoecious
C. polyps
D. medusae
19. Porifera lack tissues and organs. As a result, circulation, respiration, and excretion
occur by diffusion.
A. true
B. false
20. All of the following are characteristics of members of the phylum Cnidaria except
one. Select the exception.
A. radial or biradial symmetry
B. nervous system in the form of a nerve net
C. choanocytes used in defense, feeding, and attachment
D. gelatinous mesoglea located between epidermal and gastrodermal tissue
21. The coelom of cnidarians functions in digestion, the exchange of respiratory gases,
and discharge of gametes.
A. true
B. false
22. Some cnidarians exhibit alternation of generations.
A. true
B. false
23. Sea anemones, like the one pictured to the right, are
A. true
B. false
24. The ___________________ is water or body fluids confined in a cavity of the body
and against which contractile elements of the body wall act.
A. endoskeleton
B. exoskeleton
C. hydrostatic skeleton
D. mesoglea
25. Most ctenophorans possess eight bands of cilia that are used in locomotion. These
locomotor structures are called ______________.
A. comb rows
B. colloblasts
C. flagella
D. tentacles
Directions: Identify the structures indicated on the diagrams below.
31. Identify the organism pictured above
36. Identify the organism pictured above
37. Identify the organism pictured below left
38. Identify the organism pictured above right _______________________________
39 & 40. The picture below is an example of alternation of ______________________.
Explain why this term is applied.