Indoor League League play is at Doug Miller Sports Dome

Indoor League
League play is at Doug Miller Sports Dome
Wednesday Nights Only
8 Teams Max
Deadline to sign up for the Winter Season is October 26th at 10:00PM. Registration Notes and
The cost is $600 per team (we require a deposit of at least $100).
Shirt color and team name are on a first come first served basis.
Teams must consist of at least 6 females.
Please have at least 12 COMMITTED players before starting the registration process
(You must have 12 players to sign up a team).
There will be a captains meeting to hand out Shirts Monday November 9th.
Games will be on Wednesday nights, 10 pm at Doug Miller Soccer Dome.
Game dates/holidays are the following: 11/11, 11/18, Thanksgiving Break 12/2, 12/9,
12/16, Holiday Break 1/6, 1/13, 1/20.
Your League Registration Includes:
Official Kickball shirt (max. 20 per team...additional shirts may be purchased for $10
Paid game officials
Cost of fields and field maintenance
Kickball League of Rochester
Team Sign-Up Sheet
Team Name _________________________________________
Team Color _________________________________________
Team Captain ________________________________________
Team Captain Phone __________________________________
Team Captain Address _________________________________
Total # of Players
Money Submitted Online
Waiver: In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in the Kickball League of Rochester,
hereinafter called “Activity”, I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby
release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Rochester Sports Network, LLC, Kickball League
of Rochester, its officers, employees, and agents from liability from any and all claims resulting in
personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to,
participation in the Activity.
Assumption of Risks: Participation in Activity carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be
eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one activity to
another, but the risks range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains to 2) major
injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint of back injuries, heart attacks, and concussions to 3)
catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.
I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and
other risks that are inherent in Activity. I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and
that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD Rochester Sports
Network, LLC, and the Kickball League of Rochester HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits,
procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees brought as a result of my
involvement in Activity and to reimburse them for any such expenses incurred.
Severability: The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing waiver and assumption of
risks agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of
New York and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall,
notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and
indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial
rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and
voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all
liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
The Kickball diamond is a square with equal sides of 60 feet
Teams shall consist of a maximum of 10 players in the field. Teams must have 4 women
playing in the field to use 10 players in the field. If a team only has three women, they
will only be allowed to use 9 players in the field. Teams must have a minimum of 8
players with at least 2 players being women on the field/kicking at all times. One of the
players must be a catcher. There is no maximum to amount of players on your team
All players must kick but no more than TWO MEN can kick in a row. Women can rekick after the minimum of four women have kicked if necessary.
Pincher runners are allowed if a player is injured during the game. If a player cannot
run at the start of the game, they cannot play.
The kicking order cannot change, but you can change fielders as many times as
necessary as long as the minimum number of women is met.
Only players who are paid league members and wearing a current official K.L.O.R.
issued shirt are allowed to play unless agreed upon by both teams and the umpire.
Substitutions can only be used in the field as a means of filling the 10 person
maximum. Late arrivals force substitutes back out of the game.
All players must be at least 21 years of age and wear the official K.L.O.R. issued shirts to
play and receive beer specials afterwards at participating bars. K.L.O.R. shirts must be
worn on top of any jackets, sweatshirts or any other clothing.
Late arrivals are welcome as long as they are paid league members, wearing a K.L.O.R.
shirt and are entered in at the bottom of the batting order.
Any team having less than 8 players and/or less than 2 girls 15 minutes after the start of
the game as determined by the schedule will be forced to forfeit the game.
Games will last for 7 innings, or 50 minutes, whichever comes first.
Games are official after 5 innings (4 1/2 if the home team leads.)
There is a 10 run mercy rule enforced after 5 innings or any inning thereafter (4 ½ if the
home team leads.) If a team is up by 10 runs or more after 5 innings or any inning
thereafter and the teams have had an equal amount of at bats (if necessary), the game is
automatically over and the team in the lead wins.
If the ball bounces more than 6 inches above home plate (as measured by the bottom of
the ball) and/or does not pass over any part of the plate, it is a ball; however, the player
may kick the ball if he/she chooses and accept the outcome.
If a pitch passes over any part of the plate and it is not too bouncy, it is a strike.
A kicker may walk (4 balls) OR strike out (3 strikes.)
If a male is followed by a female kicker and the male is walked, he is to advance an extra
base and any runner(s) in front of him may also advance (if necessary.)
Pitching must be underhand only.
Pitchers must pitch from the rubber.
If a pitcher walks 5 kickers in one game, they are not allowed to pitch for the rest of the
game and must be immediately replaced.
There is NO drinking on the field of play.
Fielders must allow base runners to reach the base they are covering. Blocking the base
from the base runners is prohibited.
All kicks must be made by foot/shin (below the knee). A kick made by the knee or above
will be a dead ball and count as a strike.
The heel of the kicker’s plant foot may not be in front of home plate when kicking. If
they step in front of home plate the kick will be a dead ball and count as a strike.
Kickers may not stop the ball with their foot and then kick it.
If a kicker double-kicks the ball it is a dead ball. If the kicker is in foul territory, it counts
as a strike. If the kicker is in fair territory, they are out.
Bunting is allowed
A foul ball counts as a strike whether it is the first strike or the third strike. Thus, a
kicker will strike out with any combination of 3 strikes and/or foul balls.
Runners must stay within base line
Fielders must stay out of the base line unless attempting to tag runner or field a kickball
If a fielder attempts to physically obstruct a runner from advancing, the runner may
advance as many bases as they would've had they not been obstructed- this is a judgment
call made by the official.
It is the responsibility of the runner to avoid a collision. Please save yourself and save
your opponents from injury by paying attention. Ties go to the runner.
Runners can run through first base.
Fielders must use the primary first base and the runners must use the safety first base if
there is a play at first base.
Neither leading off base nor stealing is allowed.
Runners may tag up once a fly ball is caught to advance to the next base.
Hitting a runner with the ball above the shoulder is not allowed. The runner will be safe
AND advances 1 base except for the following situations:
o The runner intentionally uses his/her head to block the ball as determined by an
o The runner is ducking, diving, or sliding (i.e. attempting to dodge the ball) and is
hit in the head as determined by an umpire.
When the runner is hit with the ball above the shoulder level, other runners are permitted
to advance to the base to which they were running, but do not receive additional bases
unless forced by the advancement of the runner hit with the ball.
If runners are on the same base at the same time, the fielder has the choice to tag either
runner. The runner who is tagged is out, the other is safe.
Time may be called by any fielder on the infield grass. The fielder must be on the infield
grass and time must be granted by the umpire. Runners may continue running until time
is granted. Once time is granted, the runners cannot advance past the base they are
running to.
Runners advance one base if the ball travels out of play on an overthrow. Advancing one
base is defined as the base they are running to. If they are on a base when the overthrow
that travels out of play occurs, they may advance to the next base. If the overthrow is
into the outfield and stays in play, the runners may keep running until time is granted.
If the ball ever touches the runner in fair territory, they are out. If a runner is touched by
a kicked ball by the kicker in foul territory, it is a foul ball and they must go back to the
base they were previously on. If they are touched by a ball in fair or foul territory in
which a fielder was trying to get them out, they are out.
If a first or third base coach enters the field of play during active game play, the lead base
runner will automatically be called out.
A ball that hits a foreign object in foul territory (i.e. wall.) is considered a dead ball, thus
a strike, and cannot be caught for an out.
A ball that lands in foul territory past first or third base.
A ball that is touched or stops rolling in foul territory before first or third base.
A ball that rolls past first or third base in foul territory where no part of the ball rolled
over any part of the base.
A player may attempt to catch an otherwise foul ball; if caught it is an out and if it is
dropped it is treated as a foul ball.
Tagging up on a caught foul ball is allowed.
NOTE: A ball that lands/rolls in foul territory before first or third base but rolls
back into fair territory and is touched or stops in fair territory before first or third
base is a fair ball as long as the ball was not touched or did not hit a foreign object
in foul territory and vice versa.
There are NO challenges of calls. Umpires will eject you from the game (at their
discretion) if you are too argumentative.
Umpires reserve the right to eject any player for heckling, blatant intoxication and/or any
other offensive gesture and/or act between players, teams and/or directed at the umpire
Please support your sponsors.
Remember: HAVE FUN, Be respectful of others.