BLACKWATTLE BAY CAMPUS SCIENCE FACULTY ASSESSMENT TASK COVERSHEET: Earth and Environmental Science Preliminary Course TOPIC / MODULE: A local environment (human impact on the environment) WEIGHTING: 25% DUE DATE: Thursday the 25th August (Week 6) TIME ALLOWED: 3 Weeks OUTCOMES: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Identify and describe the geological features of the local environment that determine its natural landforms Gather and process information from secondary sources to describe changing vegetation cover, plant and animal diversity and abundance, and water flow and quality in the local environment over the last fifty years. Identify data, gather, process and analyse first-hand information and use available evidence to assess current human impact on the local biotic and abiotic environment. Identify one environmental issue that requires some government regulation or management, such as environmental planning, air and water quality management, or land use and rehabilitation. Identify an appropriate local environmental document that aims to address one of the issues above (eg environmental impact statement, catchment management plan) P7, P10, P13, P16 Earth and Environmental Science Preliminary Course Assessment 3 TASK The Blackwattle Bay area has changed significantly over the past 200 years. In the 1800’s the area was transformed by heavy industrialisation and urbanising of the area. Today the area’s local environment is in the process of being rehabilitated. It is a responsibility of today’s governments, businesses and citizens to make efforts to minimise the harmful effects of human activities on their local environment . Your Assignment will involve 3 parts. Part A – Site assessment of the Blackwattle Bay area Your site assessment will need to include; (i) The main geological features of the area (refer to maps and general information about the Sydney Basin Region) (ii) Soil assessment of the area (include 3 soil tests that you have conducted in class) (iii) The dominant type of plants and animals in the area. (You need to relate the type of plants to the geology and soil of the area). (iv) A description of what the Blackwattle Bay area would have been like before Urbanisation? (You need to use research material and make valid inferences from the use of old paintings and photos. Research current ecosystems such as that at Homebush Bay). (v) A description of the Blackwattle Bay area now. (use maps and photos) Part B – Summarise and asses the changes the Blackwattle environment from its natural state in the early 1800s to its present state today. (i) Use available evidence to assess human impacts such as industrial run off and changes in water flow on the local biotic and abiotic environment. (ii) Gather, process and present information from secondary sources on one local Australian species that has been declared endangered and use available evidence to outline the reasons why the species have become endangered and the measures taken to ensure their survival. Part C - Evaluate the effectiveness of government regulations and management in helping to restore the Blackwattle Bay area. Identify one environmental issue that involves Blackwattle Bay that requires some government regulation or management, such as environmental planning, air and water quality management, or land use and rehabilitation. Identify an appropriate local environmental document that aims to address the issue (eg, environmental impact study, catchment management plan). Compare and contrast the environmental condition of the Blackwattle Bay area prior to and after government rehabilitation efforts. Evaluate using appropriate resources the effectiveness of government regulations and management in helping to restore the Blackwattle Bay area. All resource material must be correctly referenced (see wikispace) 1500 word limit ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Earth and Environmental Science Preliminary Course Assessment 3 Marking Criteria B=Beginning, D=Developing, S=sound, H=High, O=Outstanding Description B D S High O Mark 70 Site Description of the Blackwattle Bay area Summarise and asses the changes to the Blackwattle Bay Area from its natural state in the early 1800’s to its present state today Evaluate the effectiveness of government regulations and management in helping to restore the Blackwattle Bay area Students gather information from secondary sources a) accessing information from a range of resources, b) summarising and collating information from a range of resources Students present information by; e)using a variety of pictorial representations to show relationships The main geologically of the area has been Outlined. Geological maps have been used. Geological history of the area has been briefly outlined. Geological maps have been included. 6 3 Experiments relating to soil assessment have been written up in scientific formate with valid results and conclusions. (2 marks per experiment) 6 Description of the Natural Blackwattle Bay area. At least 4dominant plants and 4 dominant animals of the area have been identified and briefly described. 4 At least 2 human impacts that have affected the area are identified and their impact on the environment assessed. 6 One local species that has been declared endangered has been identified and the reasons why the species has become endangered and the measures taken to ensure their survival has been outlined 6 One environmental issue has been identified and outlined. One appropriate environmental document has been identified and its relevance briefly discussed. 4 The conditions of the Blackwattle Bay area before and after government management have been effectively compared and contrasted. The effectiveness of government regulations and management in helping to restore the area has been effectively evaluated 10 Information gathered from at least 8 different sources 4 Clear summary of relevant points 5 Uses appropriate terminology and reporting styles to communicate information. Well written in own words neat layout Bibliography is referenced correctly Relevant pictures and diagrams have been used COMMENT Earth and Environmental Science Preliminary Course Assessment 3 5 4 10