Expectations and Opportunities


Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus

Expectations and Opportunities at Blackwattle Bay Campus

Sydney Secondary College Exit Outcomes

At the end of their education at Sydney Secondary College, our goal is for students to be:

 Successful lifelong learners

 Positive participants in a changing society

 Resilient, responsible and independent people

 Respectful of diversity and advocates of social justice

 Good communicators, creative thinkers and problem solvers



Responsibility, mutual respect, involvement in decisions about the learning process

 Diversity Day- Diversity Day is held in Term 1 each year - 16 March 2011. It is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our student body and the day takes place in conjunction with the state wide Harmony Day, a day aimed to promote harmony among all students.

 SRC- the Student Representative Council is open to all students. It is the official voice of the student body. It provides leadership opportunities for students and an opportunity to contribute to the wider life of the school. Students have the opportunity to form strong links with SRC students in other senior campuses. SRC representatives join staff on various committees.

 School Leadership camp held at the college property, Lostock, in the Hunter valley

 Concert Band- talented musicians are invited to join one of the college music ensembles. Each band has students from all three of the college campuses.

 Sport- College sporting teams are entered in many Combined High Schools knockout competitions. All sportsmen and women are encouraged to participate

 Mentors’ Challenge day where mentoring teams participate in the Bay Run and then fun team activities to determine the champion mentor group. This is an important day for mentoring groups to work together as a team.

 Volunteering- the volunteering program offers opportunities for students to participate in volunteer work through many outside agencies. Students should see

Ms Cleaver.

 Best Buddies- This program aims at developing friendships between students with an intellectual disability and those from the mainstream. The program is organised through the SRC and the student Support Centre.

 Careers leaders- Students can be trained to take a leadership role in providing careers information to their fellow students. The careers leaders help to keep the

careers data base and intranet site up to date and also organize careers opportunities for students.

 Indigenous students have the opportunity to participate in the AIME program at

University of Sydney and the Norta Norta transition program run by Ms Courtney

Redman. Our Indigenous students meet regularly with our College AEA,Rebecca

Mooney. Ms Morgan is the contact person for Aboriginal students.

 Beyond Horizons- The Sydney Secondary College project in East Timor in conjunction with Leichhardt Council. Currently the focus is on the restoration of the gymnasium in Maliana and assistance to the senior high school in Maliana

 Kayak club- Each Wednesday and Thursday morning our students take to the harbour at 7.45 am. All are welcome to enjoy this wonderful early morning experience.

 Hospitality students have the opportunity to cater for and be waiters at an number of important events throughout the year, including the College Art Exhibition, held each year at The Muse, Ultimo TAFE. At this exhibition, HSC bodies of work are exhibited.

 Officiating at sporting carnivals and events. Blackwattle bay Campus students play an important official role at all college carnivals and large sporting events. Students develop important skills and great team work in this role.

 Debating – Blackwattle Bay Campus enters teams in state wide debating competitions each year. All interested students should take the opportunity to develop these very important skills.

 Academic Competitions- Faculties provide opportunities for students to enter academic competitions in areas like Writing, Mathematics, Economics, Business

Studies, Geography, Chemistry – the Titration competition and many others.

Students should speak to their class teacher. These competitions are a great opportunity to develop skills in these important academic areas, as well as demonstrating the high achievement that characterises Blackwattle Bay students in all areas.

 College Environment team – Blackwattle Bay Campus students are members of this college committee. These students have initiated a number of auditing programs focused on reducing the school’s carbon footprint. The campus environment team is open to all students. Students are able to use software associated with the solar panels to calculate energy use and energy fed to the grid from our solar panels.

 Business Services students manage a virtual office provides administrative services for all major campus and college events. Students have initiated a laminating service and other services for students.

 Construction students are engaged in various building projects around the school and have provided all the outdoor seating for student use.



 All students have a commitment to achieving their personal best at the HSC through:

 Choosing their subjects carefully. Each student should choose subjects that they like and in which they are likely to do well. Students should always build on their strengths.

 Meeting Board of Studies requirements –to follow the course set, apply themselves with diligence and sustained effort and achieve some or all of the course outcomes.

 Full attendance and punctuality at all times – the swipe system allows students greater flexibility but also gives the school administration greater accuracy in tracking students. All students will be issued with a photograph school identity card which will be used to swipe in and out of school under certain circumstances. It will also be the school library card and it can be used for identification purposes outside of school.

 Positive contribution to all classes – students who engage with their subjects achieve commensurate results.

 Being a team player- work with other students, teachers and parents to get the most out of the time at our senior campus.

 Taking responsibility for their own learning outcomes – to talk about issues, to work to solve problems and to understand that they need to take control of their learning.

 By choosing to be part of Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus there is a requirement for student to adhere to College Expectations. In particular this requirement refers to developing relationships of mutual respect and respecting requirements in relation to school uniform, punctuality to class, respect for the school environment and relationships with other students, among other things.

 Diary – Blackwattle Bay Campus provides all students with a diary. These are expensive but we believe that organisation is essential to success at the HSC. So we expect all students to use their diary daily. The mentoring program is linked to the information units in the diary, so that students have it at their fingertips at all times. It is important that students have their diary in mentoring sessions each


 Textbook deposit – All students are expected to pay the $100 textbook deposit at the commencement of their Year 11 course. This will ensure that they are able to be issued with textbooks promptly. This deposit is refunded when students leave school. Any student experiencing financial difficulty is able to pay the textbook deposit in installments.
