department of the army - Arkansas National Guard

Camp Joseph T. Robinson
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72199-9600
233d REGT (RTI)
13 September 06
SUBJECT: Welcome Letter for Career Management Field (CMF) 11 (ADT)
1. Congratulations on your selection to attend this course. This course is both physically and
mentally demanding. We will provide the very best instructors supported by a professional
support staff. Your success will depend on your willingness to learn the material and
maintain a "can do" attitude. My goal is to provide you with the best CMF 11 training
available and to hand you a diploma at the conclusion of the course. Here is some
information to help us get a smooth start.
2. REQUIREMENTS: You must have a completed and signed Pre-Execution Checklist in your
possession upon arrival. The Pre-Execution Checklist is the responsibility of your unit. It
must be signed by your Unit Commander. If the Unit representative is signing for the
Commander, a letter of authority must be accompanied with the Pre-Execution Checklist.
* All students must meet the prerequisites in DA PAM 611-21 prior to course
enrollment for the following: CO Score, proof of color vision and PULHES
(minimum of 111221).
3. ORDERS: Your orders are the responsibility of your unit, and you must report to the course
with a copy of your orders.
4. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: Students not complying with uniform appearance will not be
enrolled. Camp Robinson has limited barber and tailoring facilities. I advise you to take care
of these matters prior to reporting in.
5. MEDICAL/PHYSICAL CONDITION: Weigh-in is a part of our in-processing. Weigh-in is
conducted in the PT Uniform. Students with a temporary profile will be denied enrollment.
Students with a permanent profile that limits your ability to walk, lift, stand, carry, march,
will be denied enrollment. BNCOC & ANCOC Phase II must be prepared to take the APFT
within 72 hours of the course start date. Physical training will be conducted daily. It would
be to your benefit to develop a personal training program to prepare you for the physical
demands of this course.
6. LAND NAVIGATION TRAINING: In order to assure your success familiarize yourself with
land navigation skills prior to arrival at the course. The pace of instruction considering the
time allocated will be very challenging if you are unfamiliar with land navigation
7. QUARTERS: Quarters are available for all students. Non-availability statements will not be
8. MEALS: The first meal offered will be the noon meal on report day (Friday). Soldiers will be
on per diem for all meals prior to the first meal offered. All meals are furnished from the
noon meal on the report day until graduation day at no cost to the students.
9. TRAVEL/TRANSPORTATION: Your state directs your mode of travel. Do not travel in
your BDUs/ACUs. The uniform for commercial air transportation is Class A, or proper
civilian attire. Your return flight cannot depart earlier than 1000 hours on graduation day. We
will provide transportation from Little Rock Airport to Camp Robinson and return. For
transportation from the airport, check outside the baggage claim area for our bus or van. If
they are not there call us from the courtesy phone by the information booth. The phone
number is *27 or 212-5591. There will be a CQ after 0700 Hours on Friday, before class
starts, at this number. If you will be arriving before Friday you must coordinate with the
school prior to your arrival date at (501) 212-5583, (501) 212-5588, (501) 212-5557. This
will enable us to pick you up at the airport. If for any reason you cannot reach anyone at the
above numbers call CSM Davis at 590-0448, or LTC Miller at 416-4455.
10. UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: See enclosed list. You will need all of the
items on the list. Contact your unit to get any equipment or clothing you do not have. You
can count on cold weather in Arkansas during the months of October thru April. If you are
coming during these winter months please be sure you are issued cold weather clothing from
your unit. During the months of October thru April bring both your cold and warm weather
APFU. During the months of May thru September bring your warm weather APFU. We will
not be able to issue any clothing here. Do not bring personal weapons to this course; this
includes knives with a blade longer than four inches or any type of pyrotechnics.
11. PAY AND ALLOWANCES: Your unit will process your pay. You will not receive pay or
allowances while you are at Camp Robinson. Please bring enough funds to defray any
personal or incidental costs you may incur while here.
12. REPORTING INFORMATION: Report to Building 17500 NLT 1800 one day prior to start
13. MEDICAL FACILITIES: The Troop Medical Clinic at Camp Robinson is open Monday
through Friday. Bring your medical records, if possible. Prescription drugs are not available
at Camp Robinson. If you require daily medication bring sufficient supplies to last the
duration of the course. Prescription drugs will be student's responsibilities. For weekend
emergencies; Baptist Hospital will be used.
14. GRADUATION EXERCISES: The graduation exercise is mandatory for all students who
successfully complete the course. Family members and friends are invited to attend.
Graduation times are published on the training schedule. Graduation uniform is BDU / ACU.
* Inform your Cadre Platoon Sergeant of expected packages.
16. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additional information concerning our course can be
found on the ATRRS SH Screen under school code 977.
COMMERCIAL PHONE: (501) 212-5557/5588/5564
DSN: 962-5557/5588/5564
FAX: COMMERCIAL PHONE: (501) 212-5589 DSN: 962-5589
AFTER 1530 Hours on Friday call (CQ) (501) 212-5591 or DSN 962-5589
Enclosed is a list of subjects you should read up on before attending your course.
All 11C30 BNCOC Phase II students should bring the complete Mortar Ballistic Computer
(MBC) with extra battery and accessories. This equipment has a 1-1 student to equipment
Again, congratulations on being selected to attend our course. If you have any questions
concerning the course please call the POC's above.
All soldiers are still expected to meet height and weight standards IAW AR600-9 and the physical
fitness standards of AR 350-1. However, the Army's policy concerning the Army Physical Fitness Test
(APFT) and height weight standards applicable to institutional training (AR 350-1, Paragraph 3-9) is
amended to reflect the following:
1. As an end-of-course graduation requirement, Soldiers attending institutional training courses, in
either PCS or TDY status, will be administered the APFT and screened for compliance with AR 600-9
standards. Ref. DA Memo dated 10 August 2006.
a. Soldiers who meet academic course requirements, but fail APFT standards will be considered an
academic course graduate and receive a DA Form 1059 with item 13.c. marked, "Marginally
achieved course standards," and item 16 containing the statement, "13.c: Soldier met academic
requirements, but failed to meet APFT standards IAW AR 350-1 during the course." This DA Form
1059 along with the Soldier's Diploma will be held at the institution until the Soldier's O5 level
commander (LTC for officer/warrant officer, CSM for NCO/enlisted) verifies the Army standard is
met. The Soldier's command will then submit to the respective school, supporting documents for
meeting the APFT standards, at which time the school will issue the Soldier's DA Form 1059 as
stated above and diploma.
b. Soldiers who meet academic course requirements, but fail body fat compositions standards will
be considered an academic course graduate and receive a DA Form 1059 with item 13.c. marked,
"Marginally achieved course standards," and item 16 containing the statement, "13.c: Soldier met
academic requirements, but failed to meet body fat composition standards IAW AR 600-9 during the
course." This DA Form 1059 along with the Soldier's Diploma will be held at the institution until
the Soldier's O5 level commander (LTC for officer/warrant officer, CSM for NCO/enlisted) verifies
the Army standard is met. The Soldier's command will then submit to the respective school,
supporting documents for meeting the body fat composition standards, at which time the school will
issue the Soldier's DA Form 1059 as stated above and diploma.
c. Soldiers who meet academic course requirements, but fail to meet body fat compositions and
APFT standards will be considered an academic course graduate and receive a DA Form 1059 with
item 13.c. marked, "Marginally achieved course standards," and item 16 containing the statement,
"13.c: Soldier met academic requirements, but failed to meet APFT standards IAW 350-1 and body
fat composition standards IAW AR 600-9 during the course." This DA Form 1059 along with the
Soldier's Diploma will be held at the institution until the Soldier's O5 level commander (LTC for
officer/warrant officer, CSM for NCO/enlisted) verifies the Army standard is met. The Soldier's
command will then submit to the respective school, supporting documents for meeting the body fat
composition and APFT standards, at which time the school will issue the Soldier's DA Form 1059 as
stated above and diploma.
2. Soldiers flagged for weight control and/or APFT will remain blocked from scheduling, selection, or
attendance to military schooling IAW AR 600-8-2. Once Soldiers overcome their flagging action, they
will be considered eligible for institutional training courses again.
3. Although soldiers attending institutional training must meet the height and weight standards IAW
AR 600-9 and the physical fitness standards of AR 350-1, failing to meet those standards will not result
in being removed from the course. Instead, Soldiers will continue to receive training and their DA Form
1059 will reflect their deficiencies as specified in paragraph 3. The Commandant will process a
Memorandum for Record to the Soldier's command outlining deficiencies. Unit commanders will have
three months from the course graduation date to ensure the Soldier has corrected the deficiencies. The
Commandant will forward memorandums to the gaining command of soldier in a TDY en route status.
If a soldier fails to meet standards at the end of three months, comments in the DA Form 1059, block 16,
will make note of repetitive failure to meet standards.
BNCOC Common Core
1. IAW DA Memo dated 10 Aug 06, “3(a); as an end of course requirement, Soldiers attending
institutional training courses in either PCS or TDY status, will be administered the APFT and
screened with AR 600-9 standards.”
2. The Intent of the mentioned Paragraph in the referenced DA Memo above is to change the APFT
and the AR 600-9 standards, to an end of course graduation requirement. BNCOC Phase1 Common
Core is a phase completion and not the end of course. The technical phase(s) are the end of course.
3. BNCOC CMP Pg 1-6 states “APFT requirements for BNCOC common core Phase training, as
outlined in 350-1 is suspended. With guidance as outlined in the above mentioned memo, both the
APFT and 600-9 requirement will shift to the technical phase training as a graduation requirement.
4. Soldiers attending BNCOC phase 1 with no follow on technical phase available, will be required to
take the APFT, and or HT/WT at completion of Common Core since the phase 1 represents the end
of course.
(Please read all information carefully)
1. Completion instructions for TRADOC Form 350-18-2-R-E. (Reference TRADOC Regulation
350-18 C1) before Soldiers report date.
a. Items 1 through 6 are self-explanatory, complete as applicable for course attendance.
b. Part I, Unit Pre-execution: (complete before Soldiers report date)
(1) First line leader and soldier initial blocks. The first line leader and soldier
attending training must initial each appropriate line item, no earlier than 90 days
from course report date.
(2) Unit POC List. Unit must complete all information. Partial completion could
result in disenrollment in the course if all information is not completed.
c. Part II, Routine Prerequisites:
(1) Minimum Aptitude Score (ASVAB). Enter only those lines scores required for Duty
Military Occupational Specialty Qualification (DMOSQ) (reclassification) courses IAW
DA Pam 611-21 (or current published requirements) in each column (regulatory data and
soldier data). As stated in DA Pam 611-21, line scores are for initial MOS training
(IET/OSUT) and area guide for soldiers reclassifying. The RC unit commander’s
decision for a soldier attending reclassification training may be based on performance or
experience. Commanders must request justification for training to the proponent school
and receive concurrence before the soldier attends the course. The request and
concurrence may be submitted either electronically or in writing. Training institutions
will not routinely coordinate for line score waivers, but may receive proponent school
concurrence only if the TASS commander determines that time allows.
(2) Color vision requirements. Enter only for DMOSQ (reclassification) courses if the
course requires a color vision requirement IAW DA Pam 611-21 (for the regulation data
column) and soldier’s color vision, as per DD Form 2808 or applicable color vision
testing (for the soldier data column). If color vision testing was used, a copy must
accompany the pre-execution checklist (for example, wire test).
(3) Physical demand rating/profile. Enter “Permanent” or “Temporary” in this block if
applicable. Enter PULHES data per DA Pam 611-21 (or current published requirements)
for all courses/phases. If the soldier has a P2 profile, the DA Form 3349 must accompany
the pre-execution checklist. If a soldier has a P3 or P4 profile, MMRB and/or DA Form
3349 must accompany the pre-execution checklist (IAW paragraph 3-23c). DA Form
3349 must include Army doctor-approved alternative aerobic event for the APFT. Those
soldiers possessing a temporary profile may attend training, provided the profile does not
prohibit full participation and full compliance with course graduation requirements. If
completion of an APFT is a course requirement, the profile cannot prohibit completion of
the Aerobic event (RN, walk, bike, swim). Reference the institution’s ATRRS-SH screen
for physical requirements related to the course in question. If questions remain, contact
the school for clarification prior to attendance approval. Attach profile documentation for
(4) Prerequisite phase/course attendance. Enter school code, date of completion, and
name of the course/phase completed from DA Form 1059 for previous required training,
only if applicable.
(5) Military and civilian vehicle operator licenses. Enter soldier’s current military and
civilian vehicle operator licenses, when applicable, for the course/phase attending IAW
ATRRS SH screen. Enter expiration date for military license. Enter license number, state,
and expiration date for civilian license. Licenses must be valid through course/phase end
date. Soldier must have all licenses in their possession during course/phase attendance.
d. Part III, Required Documents:
(1) Security clearance: Enter “yes” if required for course and attach copy to pre-execution
(2) Permanent profile: Attach copy of complete MMRB or DA Form 3349, if applicable.
(3) Temporary profile: Copy of the DA Form 3349, if applicable.
(4) All required waivers: List each required waiver and attach, as applicable.
(5) Other requirements: List each requirement, not previously listed above, that the
ATRRS SH screen requires and attach copy of document, if applicable (for example,
copy of Unit Manning Report (UMR) to verify soldier slotted in position requiring
training for course/phase).
(6) Other requirements of DA Pam 611-21: List each requirement of DA Pam 611-21 not
previously listed. Attach copy of document, if applicable.
e. Signatures. The soldier attending the training must sign and date the form. Type/print the
commanding officer’s name and date. The commander or their designated signature authority
signs the form. If the designated signature authority signs the form, attach a copy of the
written designation memo.
2. Prerequisites. Unless a waiver is obtained, Army personnel must meet the prerequisites for the
course stated in the Army Formal School Catalog (DA Pam 351-4). In addition, Army personnel
must also satisfy applicable provisions of AR 611 series, AR/NGR 350-1, ATRRS, and other
pertinent Army policies and regulations. (I.E. No temp profiles, color blindness…etc.)