1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational Make plans now to attend the 1st annual Cheer Invitational to be held at Augustana College on December 11, 2005. This competition is open to area high school, middle school cheer squads and all – star squads. The entry fee to compete is only $10 per participant for team participants and $15 for individuals. School Division There will be two team categories judged: Cheer and Coed Cheer. We will have multiple trophies for each division. We will attempt to divide schools by division. These divisions will be determined once we receive the completed registration forms. The break down per category may look like this: High School: Large Varsity = 13+ members Small Varsity = 12 or less members Large JV = 13+ members Small JV = 12 or less members Large Coed = 13+ members Small Coed= 12 or less members Middle School: Large Squad = 13+ members Small Squad = 12 or less members Large Coed = 13+ members Small Coed= 12 or less members We will also have the following categories judged: Girls Four Partner stunts Cheer Solo All-Star Divisions We will be using the USASF rules and divisions. 1 1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational How to Register: Mail a completed registration form and a check payable to Augustana College to: Shonna Murrey 2944 Katie Lane Bettendorf, IA 52722 If you have any questions you may call or email Shonna Murrey 563-332-7498 or 563-370-7498 email: shonnamurrey@hotmail.com All registration forms/deposits must be received on or before November 21, 2005. Checks should be made payable to: Augustana College. You may pay by check or money order. (One check or money order per registration please). Note: A $30 “returned check” fee will be charged for each insufficient check. Late Registration Fees There will be a $10 per participant late registration fee for registrations postmarked after the designated registration deadline. Cancellation Policy All deposits are non-refundable. If a participant cancels (regardless of the reason) you cannot apply that person's deposit to your total balance. However, if a participant cancels from your registration, and you replace that participant with another participant, you can use the deposit of the first participant. General Information: Date: December 11, 2005 Location: Augustana College - Carver PE Center 639 38th Street Rock Island, IL Schedule: 11:00 a.m. Registration 12:00 p.m. Warm ups begin 1:00 p.m. Competition begins Price: $10 per participant for team competition $15 per participant for Girls Four, Partner Stunts and Cheer Solo Performance Order The date your Registration Form(s) and Deposits are will determine your order of performance (i.e. the first registration received in a division, will be the last to perform in that division). Performance times may be adjusted accordingly to accommodate any cross-over performances. Performance Area All cheer squads will perform on a 54' deep x 54' wide carpeted cheer floor. All cheerleaders and props must start within the performance area boundaries. Cheerleaders may not reach outside the performance area to place or retrieve props during the routine. This rule is designed for the safety of the cheerleaders. Penalty points will be deducted for stepping outside these boundaries. All cheer individuals, partner stunt couples and stunt groups will perform on a 54' deep x 54' wide carpeted cheer floor. All participants and props must start within the performance area boundaries. Penalty points will be deducted for stepping outside these boundaries. Warm-up Area Each squad/team will have a designated warm-up time prior to its performance time. A sound system will not be provided. You may bring a portable sound system; however, electricity is not provided. 2 1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational Music All music must be recorded on a quality cassette tape and/or CD. Please note: Most cassette tape plays have slight variations in speed and pitch. Music should be recorded at a medium volume on a high bias, top quality tape or CD. Duplicate tapes and/or CDs must be available in case of lost or broken tapes/CDs. A representative from your squad/team (coach/director) will be responsible for bringing the music to the music table, inserting the tape/CD into the player, pushing "play" and "stop" at the proper times during the routine, and taking the tape/CD with them at the conclusion of the routine. All tapes/CDs must be labeled with the name of the squad/team and the coach/director. Coaches/directors should create routines that finish a few seconds under the time limit to ensure that the squad/team does not go over the time limit. Penalty points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit for routines. Interruption of Performance Augustana officials reserve the right to stop a routine due to an obvious injury or equipment/technical difficulty. In the event a routine is stopped due to injury or equipment/technical difficulty, the squad/team will have the opportunity to prepare and perform their routine again. Penalty/Legality Questions Time Limit Penalty .1 will be deducted from your total score if your routine goes from 1-10 seconds overtime. .2 will be deducted from your total score if your routine goes 11 or more seconds overtime. .1 will be deducted from your total score if the musical portion of your routine goes overtime. Boundary Penalty .25 will be deducted from your total score if any member of your squad/team steps out of bounds. A squad/team can only incur this penalty one time per performance, and not every time a squad/team member steps out of bounds. Safety Guidelines/Routine Requirements Penalty .5 will be deducted from your total score for each infraction of the America's Best Safety Guidelines/Routine Requirements. Inappropriate Choreography .1 will be deducted from your total score if your squad/team performs any vulgar or suggestive movements, words or music. Penalties are assessed at the sole discretion of the penalty judge. All judges' decisions are final. Legality Questions As a coach it is your responsibility to be knowledgeable and adhere to the safety guidelines. If you have questions concerning any safety guidelines or questions regarding specific stunts and/or pyramids, please follow these steps: 1. All questions must be in written form. Due to differences in terminology and interpretation, no phone calls will be accepted. 2. For partner stunt and/or pyramid approval, you must send a VHS videotape of the mounting and dismounting of the partner stunt and/or pyramid in question. Safety Guidelines: I. General 1. Mini-tramps, springboards and any other height increasing apparatus are prohibited. 2. Knee drops, seat drops, thigh drops, front drops, and split drops from a jump or airborne position are prohibited. 3. Flags, banners, megaphones, pom pons, and signs are the only following props allowed. Flags and banners may not be used in conjunction with stunting or tumbling. 4. Soft-soled tennis shoes must be worn while competing; jazz shoes/boots are prohibited. 5. Jewelry of any kind is prohibited. This includes earrings, nose, tongue and belly button rings, necklaces and pins on uniforms. II. Stunts/Pyramids 1. All stunts and/or pyramids are limited to two persons high. Any flyer must receive primary support from a base(s) who is in direct, weight-bearing contact with the performing surface. 2. A continuous spotter is required for extended stunts. A spotter cannot be under a stunt. 3. Single based extended stunts are allowed if the flyer is centered directly over the base. There must be an additional spotter who may help stabilize the stunt. This spotter may not be a primary support or be directly under the flyer. The spotter must be positioned to protect the head/shoulders of the flyer, and must not be under the stunt. The spotter must be to the side or directly behind the stunt. 4. Single based double awesomes are legal if there is a separate spotter for each of the flyers in the stunt. In order for this stunt to be 3 1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational legal, both feet of each flyer must be in contact with the main base. (Note: Single based double liberties and variations are illegal.) 5. The following extended stunts may brace each other: chair, double/triple based dead man lift, double/triple based straddle lift, torch, and extended stunts (where both feet of the flyer are in contact with a base) may brace other extended stunts of the same nature. (i.e. Single and double based extensions and double based awesomes.) 6. Teeter-Totters (pendulums) are allowed if the flyer remains shoulder level or lower. There must be at least four stationary catchers on each side. 7. Flyers are not allowed to hold or pass through an inverted position during a stunt or dismount. This includes needle stunts, supported handstand stunts, and roll-ups into stunts. (Exception: double based suspended forward roll dismounts from shoulder height or below.) No inverted teeter-totters are allowed. 8. Hanging pyramids are allowed if an only if they are upright and stationary. Each flyer involved must have a continuous spotter and bases must brace the hanging person(s). (No moving or rotating diamond heads.) 9. Flyers in a suspended split or a sponging split position must have continuous hand to body contact with a base and must be supported on the back thigh. Bases must have constant contact with the performance surface. Single-based split catches are prohibited. 10. Only vaults without hip over head rotation are allowed. Bases involved in the vault must have constant contact with the performing surface. 11. In transitional stunts, physical contact must be maintained between the flyer and the base(s). When the transitional stunt involves changing bases, the base may make no more than a half turn (180) degrees) as they take the flyer to a new base. The flyer must remain in an upright (vertical) position throughout the transition. 12. In a transitional stunt that does not change bases, but moves to a flat body position, it is not necessary to have four additional catchers when the weight of the flyer does not travel away from the vertical axis. 13. Tic Tocks are illegal. 14. No stunt, pyramid, individual, or prop may move through or under a stunt or pyramid. (i.e. stunt/person cannot move under an extension prep.) III. Tosses 1. Basket tosses or any type of multi-based toss must be performed from ground level and must be dismounted to a cradle position by the original two bases plus a spotter at the head and shoulder of the flyer. The flyer may not be tossed to another set of bases or to another stunt or toss before the cradle. The bases must remain stationary during the toss. (No traveling basket tosses.) 2. Basket tosses or any types of multi-based tosses are limited to a total of four bases tossing the stunt. One base must be behind the flyer during the toss and may assist the flyer into the stunt. This base counts as one of the tossing bases. 3. When a flyer is tossed into a stunt, they cannot perform any skill (i.e. Toe-touch, twist) during the toss unless they are cradled. 4. No stunt, pyramid, individual or prop may move through or under a toss/pop, and tosses/pops are not allowed to be thrown over or through stunts, pyramids, individuals or props. 5. Helicopter tosses are prohibited. (Legal if bases maintain contact with the flyer). 6. Toss to prone position is prohibited. 7. Toss flips are prohibited. 8. The head of the flyer must remain in line with the shoulders when hitting a back arch position during an aerial dismount from a stunt, pyramid or toss. The flyer may not snap their head backwards to increase the arch position. 9. Flyers may not be inverted at any point during a toss. IV. Dismounts 1. Dismounts from all single-based stunts (extended and non-extended) to a single-based cradle are permitted provided there is a separate spotter at the head-and-shoulder area of the flyer. (Exception: no spotter is required when cradling a chair or a torch.) 2. Dismounts from all multi-based extended stunts to a cradle require at least two catchers and a separate spotter at the head-andshoulder area of the flyer. 3. Dismounts from all multi-based extended stunts (which includes tosses, pops, sweeps, etc.) to a cradle require at least two catchers and a separate spotter at the head-and-shoulder area of the flyer. 4. Dismounts from multi-based non-extended stunts do not require an additional spotter. (Example: a half extension can be cradled by the two bases without an additional spotter) 5. Dismounts from stunts or aerial tosses may not exceed two twisting rotations. 6. Stunts may dismount to a new set of bases provided their original base(s) maintains contact with the flyer. A flyer may not be tossed from a stunt to a new set of bases. 7. Extended stunts may dismount directly to the cheering surface with at least two spotters assisting on the landing. The original base(s) must spot the dismount and can count as one of the two required spotters. 8. All dismounts from shoulder height or above shall have assisted landings. No skill (i.e. Toe-touch, twists) are permitted when dismounting directly to the performing surface without constant hand-to-hand contact with the bases. 9. Suspended forward roll dismounts from a multi-based stunt, shoulder height and lower are allowed if the flyer maintains constant hand-to-hand contact with the base(s) on which he/she is standing. Suspended rolls must dismount directly to the performing surface. 10. Single based suspended forward roll dismounts are prohibited. 11. Tosses or aerial stunts may not dismount to a prone, face down position. (Exception: log roll) 12. Tension drops are prohibited. 13. When dismounting single based double awesomes, the base may not lose contact with the flyers until the flyers have landed in the 4 1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational cradle position. All single based double awesomes must be cradled. 14. Dismounts landing in a layout or prone position must be performed from shoulder height or below and must have four catchers who are not original base(s). Toss dismounts to a prone position are prohibited. V. Tumbling 1. Tumbling skills that exceed one flipping rotation and/or one twisting rotation are prohibited. (No double backs or double fulls) 2. All gymnastics stunts must originate from the ground level. The person performing a gymnastic skill(s) may (without hip over head rotation) rebound from his/her feet into a cradle. 3. Spotted or assisted aerial flips are prohibited. This includes toe and leg pitch flips. (Cheerleaders in a connected line or circle with every other person flipping with assistance are prohibited). 4. Double cartwheels are prohibited. Routine Requirements: A) Cheer Squad Routine Requirements 1) Each cheer squad will perform a choreographed routine that does not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. 2) Up to 1 minute and 15 seconds of the routine may be performed to music. No voice-overs or words may be recorded to make the team’s vocal projection sound louder. (All – Star Teams may have all music). 3) Formal entrances are not allowed. Squads should move on and off the performance area as quickly as possible. 4) Timing will begin with the first organized word, movement, or note of music by the team after it is officially announced and has taken the floor. Timing will end with the last organized word, movement, or note of music by the team. 5) Routines must be appropriate for family viewing. Any vulgar/suggestive movements, words, music, tear away uniforms or removal of clothing may result in a penalty. B) Girls Four The routine may be up to, but no longer than 60 seconds, with background music. The routine does not have to be choreographed directly to the music. Teams will be judged on technique, strength and stability of stunts, degree of difficulty, and perfection of routine and overall impression. There will be a .5 penalty each time there is a violation of safety guidelines, and a separate penalty if your routine exceeds the time limit. C) Partner Stunts: There is no limit on the number of couples/groups that may enter from the same team. Individuals may not enter more than one stunt group. A spotter from the team may perform with a partner stunt couple, but may not base or help hold up the stunts. The spotter must assist in all cradles. If you do not have a spotter from your team, a spotter will assigned to the partner stunt couple. The routine may by up to 60 seconds, with background music. The routine need not be choreographed directly to the music. Participants will be judged on technique, strength and stability of stunts, degree of difficulty, perfection of routine and overall impression. There will be a .5 penalty each time there is a violation of the safety guidelines, and a separate penalty if your routine exceeds the time limit. D) Cheer Solo: Each Cheerleader will perform the following in the order: three consecutive jumps, with or without a prep, one consecutive tumbling pass, and a cheer. Overall performance may not exceed 90 seconds. Music is not allowed. A partner may not be used during the performance. Judging is based on, showmanship, cheer and/or dance execution, spirit, personality, and ability in the area of jumps and tumbling, as well as overall impression. After your consecutive tumbling pass, there is a five-trick limit in your cheer (i.e. jumps, gymnastics, and splits). Note: a back handspring back tuck, toe touch back handspring or a round-off back tuck is considered two tricks. There will be a .5 penalty if more than five tricks are performed in your cheer. 5 QC Ultimate Cheerleading Invitational Medical Release Form Please bring this form to the competition. Do not mail it in with your registration. Each participant must have a medical release form signed by a parent or legal guardian. No one will be permitted to compete without one. I the undersigned being parent, legal next to kin, or legal guardian of (Participant Name) _____________________________ do hereby grant my permission for him/her to participate in the Augustana Cheer Invitational dated December 11, 2005. Furthermore, I do hereby accept the responsibility for any injury he/she may receive while participating in any activity pertaining to the Augustana Cheer Invitational. In order that my son/daughter may receive the necessary treatment in the event of any injury or illness, I hereby authorize any employee of Augustana College to obtain medical treatment for my son/daughter for such injury or illness during their participation. I hereby hold the personnel and representatives of Augustana College harmless in the exercise of this authority. Parent Signature____________________________ Date ___________ Address___________________________________________________ Home phone # ______________________________________________ Mother/Father Daytime Phone # ________________________________ Participants Birth Date________________________________________ Participants Social Security #___________________________________ Participants Grade____________________________________________ Coaches - Please make copies as needed 6 1st Annual “Quad Cities Ultimate” Cheerleading Invitational Registration Form – Due November 21, 2005 Please Print School Name: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________ School Phone:_________________ School Fax: _____________ Coach Name: _________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Coach Phone:_________________ Coach Email: _____________ Division – Please circle one Large Small Middle School JV Please print squad member’s names: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Cheer Varsity Coed All – Star 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) ************************************************************************************** Please send a separate list of participants for the following categories: Girls Four, Partner Stunts, and Cheer Solo # of Participants for Team # of Girls Four Participants # of Partner stunt Participants # of Cheer Solo Participants __________ x $10 = $___________ ___________x $15 = $___________ ___________x $15 = $___________ ___________x $15 = $___________ Total Please send one check payable to Augustana College 7 $___________