FBA PLANNING FORM -Sources of InformationSTUDENT NAME: FBA INITIATION DATE: Instructions: Use this form to document all sources of information BEFORE completing the FBA. First, describe the one inappropriate behavior that was identified for the FBA (all FBA information should be collected on that behavior). Then, document all sources of information and indicate if you are reviewing existing data or if new data are needed. Complete both pages of this form. At a minimum, the FBA sources of information should at least include the 5 required sources below. Finally, finish gathering all necessary information and data before completing the FBA form with the team. Attach this form with all documentation to the completed FBA. Existing vs. New Data: Were observations and interviews conducted within 90 school days prior to the FBA initiation date and was that information gathered for the current inappropriate behavior? If yes, the data is considered “existing” data. If no, those particular assessments must be conducted as part of the FBA and are considered “new” data. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: REQUIRED SOURCES OF INFORMATION Education history/testing Attendance history Discipline records Medical/medication history Diagnostic evaluations Previous FBA, PBIP, or interventions 1. Records Review 2. Interview with Parent or Guardian Existing or Date Completed: Interviewee: Date Completed: Interviewee: Date Completed: Observer: New 3. Interview with Teacher or Staff Existing or Intervention data/graphs IEP Classroom logs/notes Developmental/Social History Other: New 4. Functional Assessment Observation #1 (ABC Data or Scatterplot Data) Existing or New Location: Functional Assessment Observation #2 (ABC Data or Scatterplot Data) Existing or New *One observation must be from someone outside of the classroom. 5. Baseline Data on Inappropriate Behavior Existing or New Date Completed: Observer: Location: A minimum of 3 to 5 days of data must be collected to calculate the baseline average. This data must be entered on the FBA form. WERE ALL OF THE REQUIRED SOURCES OF INFORMATION COLLECTED? YES NO If NO, indicate the reason why the information was not collected. The student was not available for direct observation. The student’s behavior was a one-time serious incident. The parent does not consent to the collection of additional data (see bottom of next page). Other: EVS-016 – Revised: 07/10 FBA Planning Form – Page 1 of 2 FBA PLANNING FORM -Sources of InformationOPTIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION Interview with: Existing or New Date Completed: Interview with: Existing or New Date Completed: Existing or New Date Completed: Existing or New Date Completed: Existing or New Date Completed: Existing or New Date Completed: Existing or New Date Completed: Other: Existing or New Date Completed: Other: Existing or New Date Completed: Behavior Rating Scale or Questionnaire Social Skills Checklist Setting Events Checklist Classroom Management Checklist Reinforcer Assessment or Checklist PARENTAL CONSENT Is the FBA for a student with a disability or to assist in determining ESE services for a student? YES NO If NO, consent is not needed. If any new data is needed to complete the FBA, determine data gathering procedures, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. Once all information is gathered, schedule the team meeting to complete the FBA form and possibly develop a PBIP. If YES, was “new” checked for any of the sources above? YES NO If NO, consent is not needed. If YES, PARENTAL CONSENT must be obtained prior to collecting the information. Refer to the procedures below. Once consent is obtained, determine data gathering procedures, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. Once all information is gathered, schedule the team meeting to complete the FBA form and possibly develop a PBIP. ESE Students with Disabilities If an FBA is being completed for a student with a disability or a student with a 504 plan, it is considered a re-evaluation and parental consent must be obtained. In these cases, parental consent is obtained by using the “Informed Notice and Consent for Re-evaluation” form. EVS-016 – Revised: 07/10 General Education Students If an FBA is being completed for a student who is not identified with a disability, an FBA would only require parental consent if it is being completed to assist in determining ESE services for that student. In these cases, parental consent is obtained on the “001 Referral Form.” FBA Planning Form – Page 2 of 2 The School District of Escambia County FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT Name: Student ID#: School: Grade: Date of FBA Meeting: Gender: DOB: Age: Check One: ESE GEN If ESE, list exceptionalities: STEP 1: IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM BEHAVIOR For what reason(s) was the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) initiated? Check all that apply. *If initiated for a one-time serious offense, complete the FBA (One-time Serious Offense) Form instead. The student’s behavior consistently disrupts the learning environment. The student’s behavior is not consistently disruptive, but requires proactive interventions to prevent further escalation. The student’s behavior places the student or others at risk of harm and/or results in substantial property damage. Behavioral concerns are resulting in exclusion from participation in activities or settings with peers. The educational team is considering a more restrictive placement due to behavioral concerns. Current intervention involves excessively intrusive procedures (e.g., secured seclusion, therapeutic hold). The student’s behavior persists despite behavior management strategies that were previously implemented consistently. Other: Briefly summarize a history of the student’s inappropriate behaviors that prompted this FBA. Identify ONE inappropriate behavior to be addressed for intervention. Define the behavior by using specific terms that ensure the behavior can be easily observed and recorded by all parties involved. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: BEHAVIOR DEFINITION: EVS-015 – Revised: 07/10 Functional Behavior Assessment – Page 1 of 5 Distribution: Cumulative Folder, Teacher(s), Parent, Central Files (if ESE) STUDENT NAME: DATE: STEP 2: GATHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION REQUIRED SOURCES: At a minimum, the FBA sources of information should at least include the sources below. Documentation of all sources should be recorded on the FBA Planning (Sources of Information) form and then attached to the FBA. Records review 2 functional assessment observations (one observation must be from someone outside the classroom) Structured interview with the parent or guardian Baseline data Structured interview with a teacher or school personnel BASELINE DATA Check the type of data collected on the inappropriate behavior. Frequency (total #) Rate (freq ÷ time) % of Intervals (e.g., 15 min, 30 min) Average Duration % of Activities Behavior Rating Scale minutes Other: Enter the baseline data into the table below and calculate the baseline average. A minimum of 3 to 5 days of data must be collected to calculate the baseline average. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Average STEP 3: SUMMARIZE ASSESSMENT DATA STRENGTHS/SKILLS: What are the student’s strengths? When is the student most successful (e.g., academically, behaviorally, socially)? SETTING EVENTS: What events or conditions affect how the student responds to situations? Check all that apply. The following are examples of possible setting events. Setting events can be environmental, physiological, social, or related to learning and self-regulation. Change in teacher Change in living environment Crowded conditions Noisy environment Curricular issues Insufficient sleep Hunger/Thirst Skill Deficit: Medical condition: Change/Missed medication Side effects of medication Pain Illness Atypical sensory needs Depression Previous arguments Difficulty with peer(s) Stress from home/community Vision Hearing Anxiety Death of family member Loss or Failure Comments/Other: EVS-015 – Revised: 07/10 Functional Behavior Assessment – Page 2 of 5 Distribution: Cumulative Folder, Teacher(s), Parent, Central Files (if ESE) STUDENT NAME: DATE: ANTECEDENTS: What is most likely to “trigger” or immediately precede the inappropriate behavior? Check all that apply in relation to the inappropriate behavior being assessed. Morning, Approximate time(s): When is the inappropriate behavior most likely to occur? Where does the inappropriate behavior usually occur? During what subject area or activity is the inappropriate behavior most likely to occur? Who is present when the inappropriate behavior usually occurs? Are there any EVENTS or CONDITIONS that immediately precede the inappropriate behavior? Afternoon, Approximate time(s): Before school After school Recess Lunch Time of day does not seem to affect this behavior Other: Classroom Cafeteria Bus Hallway Playground/Recess Bathroom Gym Therapy: Unstructured setting Special(s): Location does not seem to affect this behavior Other: Subject(s) Seatwork/Independent work Group activities Unstructured activities Transitions Free play 1:1 instruction Lesson presentation Task explanations Subject/Activity does not seem to affect this behavior Other: Teacher Other staff Classmates Other peers Therapist: Who is present does not seem to affect this behavior Other: Demand or request to student Non-preferred/difficult task Non-preferred activity Non-preferred social interaction Transition from a preferred to nonpreferred activity Lack of attention or attention is given to others Changes in schedule or routine Loss of privilege Consequences imposed for behavior Preferred activity/item interrupted or terminated Denied access to a preferred item or activity Touch/Physical contact with the student A particular sound, sight, etc. Request was denied/Told “no” Reprimand was given Comments or teasing from other students (provocation from peers) Other: Comments/Other: EVS-015 – Revised: 07/10 Functional Behavior Assessment – Page 3 of 5 Distribution: Cumulative Folder, Teacher(s), Parent, Central Files (if ESE) STUDENT NAME: DATE: CONSEQUENCES: What is most likely to immediately follow the occurrence of the inappropriate behavior? Check all that apply in relation to the inappropriate behavior being assessed. Verbal reprimand/Corrective feedback from teacher/adult Laughing/comments/teasing from peers Scared or shocked reaction from others Eye contact Soothing/calming interaction from teacher/adult Student is given access to a preferred activity/item Student is given time to relax and calm down Removal from the setting Removal to a different area of the room Another student is moved away Assignment is shortened or terminated Student does not complete work or activity Loss of privileges Loss of time with a preferred person or activity Loss of points (reward/incentive system) In-class time-out Out-of-class time-out Secured Seclusion Therapeutic hold Sensory stimulation Behavior is ignored Law enforcement/legal involvement Comments/Other: PREVIOUS INTERVENTIONS: What has been consistently implemented to change the inappropriate behavior? Check all that apply in relation to the inappropriate behavior being assessed. In-class time-out Out-of-class time-out Time in office Loss of privileges Conference with student Conference/contact with parents Detention In-school suspension Out-of-school suspension Environmental modifications Reward/Point systems Curriculum modifications Modified instruction Schedule adjustment Setting limits (expectations, rules, and consequences) Home/school communication system Behavior or academic contract Verbal reprimands/corrections Redirection techniques Referral to Guidance or Intervention Specialist Counseling by: Emergency Procedures: Comments/Other: PREFERENCES & REINFORCERS: What school-related items and activities are most enjoyable to the student? Are there special items, activities, privileges, or social interactions that could serve as special rewards for appropriate behavior (e.g., praise, hug, stickers, line leader, breaks from work, computer time, homework pass, positive notes home, candy, etc.) EVS-015 – Revised: 07/10 Functional Behavior Assessment – Page 4 of 5 Distribution: Cumulative Folder, Teacher(s), Parent, Central Files (if ESE) STUDENT NAME: DATE: STEP 4: FORMULATE SUMMARY STATEMENTS FUNCTION: After reviewing the data on antecedents and consequences, what “payoff” does the student obtain when she/he demonstrates the inappropriate behavior? Check only what applies. Limit to 1 or 2 functions. The student GAINS…. Teacher/adult attention Peer attention/acceptance Desired items Preferred activities/privileges Control over others or situations Sensory stimulation (input) HYPOTHESIS: Based on the primary function identified, write a hypothesis statement describing why the student is engaging in the inappropriate behavior. Example: When working on independent seatwork during his regular education math class, this student breaks his pencils and throws them in order to escape work that is too difficult. WHEN (describe antecedents)…. …THE STUDENT (describe inappropriate behavior)… The student AVOIDS or ESCAPES… Teacher/adult attention Peer attention Non-preferred activity Instructional task (difficult, boring, repetitive, etc.) Non-preferred setting Non-preferred social interaction A transition Aversive physical sensations Sensory stimulation (reduction) …IN ORDER TO (state the function)… DEFICIT: Is the student’s failure to perform an appropriate alternative behavior due primarily to a: Skill Deficit (the student does not know how to perform the appropriate behavior/skill) Performance Deficit (the student is capable of performing an appropriate behavior/skill but chooses not to do so) PARTICIPANTS SIGNATURES: ____________________________ Parent Date _____________________________ LEA Representative Date ______________________________ General Education Teacher Date ____________________________ Student Date _____________________________ ESE Teacher Date ______________________________ Other/Title Date ____________________________ Other/Title Date _____________________________ Other/Title Date ______________________________ Other/Title Date EVS-015 – Revised: 07/10 Functional Behavior Assessment – Page 5 of 5 Distribution: Cumulative Folder, Teacher(s), Parent, Central Files (if ESE)