A Separate Peace by John Knowles Vocabulary

A Separate Peace by John Knowles
1. tacit – adj. - silent, unspoken, implied, not said
2. capacious – adj. - spacious, large, wide, comprehensive
3. convalescence – n. - state of recovery after illness
4. specters – n. - ghosts, apparitions
5. contentious – adj. - quarrelsome, controversial
6. droll – adj. - comical, humorous, odd
7. prodigious – adj. - huge, enormous, extraordinary
8. inveigle – v. - to seduce, entice, persuade to do something evil
9. grovel – v. - show submission or fear
10.consternation – adj. - concern, worry, fear, alarm
11.genially – adv. - friendly, kindly, cheerfully
12.indulgent – adj. - tolerant; lenient; being favorably inclined
13.inane - adj. – mindless, foolish, asinine
14.conniver – n. – one who pretends ignorance or blindness
15.venerable – adj. – worthy of respect
16.entrenched – adj.– established firmly and securely, dug in
17.perilous – adj. - dangerous
18.insidious – adj. - working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way;
"glaucoma is an insidious disease"; intended to entrap
19.formidable – adj. - difficult to undertake, worthy of being opponent
20.encroach – v. - entrench, infringe