USC Interfraternity Council Executive Board 2016 Application The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the coordinating and governing body of the IFC fraternities. The Executive Board is composed of nine members from the IFC community that demonstrate leadership both within and outside of their respective chapters and are dedicated to making the USC Greek experience better, safer, and more meaningful. ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for membership on the IFC Executive Board, one must: 1. Have a cumulative GPA over 2.5. 2. Be an initiated sophomore (or older) in good standing with his respective chapter and the University. 3. Earn at least twelve units of credit during each semester of his term of office. 4. Not hold the offices of President, Vice President, Rush Chair, New Member Educator, Treasurer, or Social Chair within his respective chapter during his term of office. NOTE: To be eligible for the positions of President and Vice-President Rush, one must be present in the USC area for the entire 2016 summer. REQUIREMENTS: In addition to fulfilling the duties of his position, as a member of the IFC Executive Board, one is required to: 1. Attend an all-day transition retreat which will be held in December. 2. Attend weekly Executive Board meetings on Sunday nights. 3. Attend bi-weekly General Assembly meetings on Tuesday nights. 4. Attend one weekend leadership retreat per semester. 5. Disaffiliate completely from his respective chapter during Rush and be available every night of Rush to patrol IFC chapters’ events. 6. Be willing to disaffiliate from his chapter when necessary at the discretion of the President. 7. Attend mandated All-IFC events at the discretion of the President. APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications are due November 3rd at 11:59 p.m. via email to Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Please submit your application (page 3 of this document), resume, and essays in one email. Applicants will be notified if they will be considered for an interview by the end of the day, November 8th. Please contact Logan Burkhead at with any questions. The elections will be held on November 17th. ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU USC Interfraternity Council Executive Board 2015 Application PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name: Chapter: Year in School: Major: Pledge Semester: Overall GPA: Phone Number: E-mail: NOTE: Please see attached sheets for descriptions of each Executive Board position. Primary Desired Position: Additional Positions of Interest: You will be given 3 minutes to give your first speech and if you choose to run down for any other position you will have one minute to give subsequent speeches for each additional position. There will not be a cap for how many positions you can run down for, however, please put significant thought into any positions you wish to run for. CERTIFICATION: I certify that all information contained in this application is true and written solely by me. Furthermore, I have carefully read the requirements of being a member of the Interfraternity Council Executive Board and certify that I am eligible and would fulfill the duties of the position(s) for which I am applying. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU SHORT ESSAYS: NOTE: Please type your responses to all of the following questions, and please limit your responses to 250 words each. Also note that as a representative of the council you will be expected to communicate effectively, so please be thoughtful and precise with your answers. 1. Please briefly discuss your qualifications. Feel free to list any academic, professional or extracurricular achievements or positions that you have served in student organizations or within your own chapter. 2. Name at least one specific issue impacting the greek system that you would like to address and how, specifically, you would address it during your term on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board. 3. For the position(s) in which you are interested, please identify one policy or program the 2015 IFC Board Member for your desired position has created or implemented and explain how you would improve it. This should require you to contact the incumbent. Please refer to the attached contact information. 4. As a member of the 2016 Interfraternity Council Executive Board, you are approached by the parent of an incoming freshman who says that greek life is “just a bunch of partying.” How would you respond? What does greek life mean to you? Please use personal experience in your answer. 5. Who are you? How would you describe yourself? Where do you see your strengths and weaknesses and how will they impact your ability to fully execute the responsibilities of your desired position on the IFC Executive Board? Interfraternity Council Executive Board Positions ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU NOTE: The descriptions below are not exhaustive lists but constitute the essential (minimal) duties. Moreover, the number of bullets does not necessarily correspond to the amount of time or effort the position demands. Finally, the most qualified applicant would not only fulfill these duties, but also recognize opportunities to grow the position for the benefit of the council. President o The President is the visionary leader who ensures his overall goal is consistently executed and sought after by his EVP Admin and EVP Judicial. Amongst those three, they will communicate and execute this vision and the goals to the rest of the board. They will check on everyone to hold them accountable on their plans for the year and assist them wherever necessary. o Conducts Executive Board and General Assembly meetings o Attends and participates in various meetings, including (but not limited to): weekly presidents meetings, Greek Coordinating Council meetings, Interfraternity Parents Council meetings, Student Leadership Forum meetings o Coordinates and oversees the duties of the Executive Board with the Executive VicePresident Administrative Affairs o Serves as the official Interfraternity Council representative officer as needed o Attends summer orientation sessions to discuss greek life with incoming students o Acts as a liaison to the other greek councils, other student organizations, the University, the community, and the Interfraternity Council Chapter Presidents o Meets frequently and regularly with the Interfraternity Council advisor o Oversees organizational budget along with the Vice-President Finance o Prepares the end-of-year transition retreat o Coordinates various retreats and workshops o Attends various workshops, symposiums, lunches, and banquets as chief representative of fraternities o Reads all fraternity President’s Award applications and sits on selection committee o Speaks at various functions as needed, including (but not limited to): Greek Orientation, Rush symposium, New Member Retreat, Scholarship Banquet, and Greek Awards o Serves as the official spokesman to the press o Constantly strives to build and maintain communication among fraternities, sororities, the University, national offices, and the community o Devotes approximately twenty hours per week to position Executive Vice-President Administrative Affairs ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU o o o o o o o o o o o o o Fills in as needed for the President Helps oversee the Executive Board Oversees and implements the IFC Directors Program. Coordinates and manages advocacy and programming work done by the Executive Board, Directors, and Chapter Presidents as necessary Helps coordinate and run Executive Board and General Assembly meetings Takes minutes and attendance at Executive Board and General Assembly meetings Works closely with the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Greek Senators to coordinate work Works closely with the Presidents to formulate and execute goals for the Executive Board Serves as liaison to all guest speakers at General Assembly meetings Compiles and organizes the agenda for all General Assembly meetings Creates Directors application with Vice Presidents and coordinates the selection process for Directors Holds meetings with Directors as needed and monitors their contributions to the committees with the Executive Board Maintains all administrative information and resources including contact sheets, social calendar, graphics, and more. Executive Vice-President Judicial o Oversees and mediates all judicial hearings o Facilitates the selection of the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board (IFCJB) o Ensures IFCJB is utilized to its fullest potential outside of just rush infractions – deals with hazing, social, and other infractions not abiding to the IFC constitution and its bylaws. o Is knowledgeable of the Interfraternity Council constitution and by-laws and updates them by submitting amendments as necessary. o Assists fraternities in working with the University, especially Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards (SJACS) o Works closely with Student Judicial Affairs and DPS to coordinate better risk management and adherence to IFC and SCampus policies o Puts together annual Risk Management Safety Seminar and CPR Certification Program with EVP Admin ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU Vice-President Recruitment o Coordinates Rush – including All Greek Rush BBQ, House Tours, Marketing on social media sites and IFC website with IFC VP Public Relations, Secondary Rush o Attends all summer orientation sessions o Reviews all fraternity Rush events to ensure they abide to national fraternity and SCampus policies o Works with the Vice-President Communications to create Rush brochure and video o Works with Executive Vice-President Judicial to ensure all fraternities adhere to all Rush regulations o Works with VP New Member to provide Rush and Pledge programming report analysis to Presidents and assess these programs o Serves as a resource to all rush chairmen and meets with them at least once a semester prior to rush week o Must completely disaffiliate from chapter during Rush Week Vice-President President New Member o Coordinates New Member Retreats and activities each semester o Holds meetings with New Member Educators as needed o Makes himself available as a resource to New Member Educators as needed o Develops and executes programs focused on integrating new members into Greek and university communities through speaker series, socials, etc. o Works with VP Recruitment to provide Rush and Pledge programming report analysis to Presidents and assess these programs Vice-President Finance o Prepares semester budgets- Presented by the 3rd week of each semester o Coordinates collection of dues and dues breaks for good behavior o Maintains financial records and works with the President to maintain a balanced budget o Collects and disperses funds as authorized by the Executive Board o Ensures Vice Presidents and Directors are being properly allocated funding they may need. Helps forecasts their budgets and documents expenditures to formulate budgets for future reference. o Responsible for coordinating necessary purchase orders for the projects and programs of Executive Board members and Directors ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU Vice-President Communications o Coordinates all Public Relations, Marketing and Communications, and Alumni and Parent Relations for the Greek community. o Ensures adequate and appropriate press coverage of all greek programs o Works to maintain an active, up-to-date IFC website including profiles, letters from the President and VP Rush, sections covering philanthropy, parents, scholarship, etc. o Updates IFC Event Calendar and All Greek Event Calendar o Compiles all greek media and press coverage during term of office o Works with President as a spokesperson for the Interfraternity Council o Responsible for the development and supervision of all marketing materials and advertising strategies for events sponsored by IFC o Maintains the brand image of the Interfraternity Council through technology and current trends in industry design practices o Creates and maintains e-mail groups for the Executive Board and the fraternity presidents o Writes bi-weekly Involvement letters in conjunction with Vice President-Events, the Greek Senators, and PHC Vice President-Communications to Presidents to get their chapters involved in on-campus programming o Create and manage IFC Alumni Database o Meets with IFPC/ISPC to maintain a relationship between parents and IFC o Meets with University Alumni Relations o Responsible for corresponding with all alumni, building support and interest in the Greek alumni community, and informing alumni of recent IFC news through Parent/Alumni newsletters ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU Vice-President External Affairs o Oversees philanthropic and scholastic endeavors of the Greek community o Is responsible for planning and executing all-greek philanthropies including but not limited to the All-Greek Carnival o Is responsible for planning and executing all-greek community-service events, including but not limited to Greek Service Day, Food Truck Wars o Holds meetings with Philanthropy Chairs as needed o Makes himself available as a resource to Philanthropy Chairs as needed o Assists fraternities in planning and executing their respective philanthropies and community-service events o Leads the Interfraternity Council Scholarship Program and accepts or denies applications in conjunction with the Executive Board and Scholarship Panel o Holds meetings with Scholarship Chairs as needed o Makes himself available as a resource to Scholarship Chairs as needed o Coordinates Scholarship Banquet each year with Panhellenic VP Scholarship o Makes himself available as a resource for fraternity’s individual scholarship banquets o Organizes a recognition prize for fraternity with best GPA Vice-President Special Events o Coordinates all events with IFC board members, in particular the President o Helps plan in conjunction with the President Spring and Fall IFC Presidents’ Retreats, IFC Executive Board Retreats, and IFC Socials o Plans with VP External Affairs events such as Greek Week, Fall Carnival and any other events the IFC Board need helps coordinating o Coordinates IFC service outings and works closely with organizations like A Place Called Home, Troy Camp, and Best Buddies o Works directly with Recreational Sports and fraternities and keeps track of all Ironman points and standings ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU 2014 Interfraternity Council Executive Board Position Name President EVP Admin Jake Simon Logan Burkhead EVP Judicial VP of Recruitment Ehren Elder Alex Keane 650-996-9489 408-506-2738 VP New Members VP of Finance Daniel Weiner Joey Cleveland 201-213-7906 303-521-8322 VP of Communications VP of External Affairs VP of Events Nathan Cordes Sean Salisbury 202-236-6122 443-896-8645 915-691-9325 Sebastian Moya Email Address Phone Number 310-867-4121 949-903-4196 ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA - ALPHA EPSILON PI - BETA THETA PI - DELTA CHI - DELTA TAU DELTA LAMBDA CHI ALPHA - PI KAPPA ALPHA - PI KAPPA PHI - PHI GAMMA DELTA - PHI DELTA THETA - PHI KAPPA PSI - PHI SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA ALPHA MU - SIGMA CHI - SIGMA NU - TAU KAPPA EPSILON - THETA CHI - THETA XI - ZETA BETA TAU