Project Name Augmented Reality for Kitchen Orientation & safety procedures Document Name Project Initiation Document Document Identifier T7 – Project Initiation Document Document author Version No. Tyrone McGillick and Elizabeth Everingham MIller 1.0 Version Date: 15/3/12 Document Name and file location Revision History Version Revision Number date 1.0 1.1 Summary of Changes Original document 15/3/2012 Additions by Elizabeth Everingham Miller Project Initiation Document Contents 1. Project Brief.................................................... 2 1.1. Background ........................................................... 2 1.2. Project objectives ................................................... 2 1.3. Project scope and exclusions ................................... 3 1.4. Project approach .................................................... 3 1.5. Project deliverables and outcomes ........................... 4 1.6. Dependencies and Interfaces ................................... 4 1.7. Assumptions and Constraints ................................... 4 2. Project organisation structure ........................ 4 2.1. Project Management Team ...................................... 4 2.2. Role of the Project Team ......................................... 5 3. Initial Project Plan and Schedule .................... 5 4. Initial Business Case ....................................... 5 5. Initial Risk Log................................................ 6 6. Communication Plan ....................................... 7 7. Project Quality Plan ........................................ 7 8. Attachments ................................................... 7 1. Project Brief 1.1. Background This project is being co funded by North Coast TAFE and the National VET e-Learning strategy. The project developer is Tyrone McGillick. Project Manager is Elizabeth Everingham Miller. Project assistant is Lisa McGowan. The North Coast TAFE contribution to the project is coming from the Library HUB. The project is about having Augmented Reality (AR) content that is accessible from mobile devices. Content for each AR item will relate to an aspect of kitchen orientation and or safety. The project will be tested by a small group of students using iPad’s. Learning outcomes will be compared to another small group of students that have been taught using conventional teaching methods. 1.2. Project objectives The objective of this trial is to produce an augmented view of our training kitchen. We would like to build upon the augmented orientation project from Sunshine Coast TAFE and focus ours on a specific training environment (kitchen). In addition to precise, geo-specific augmentation, we would like to investigate “vision” augmentation - augmentation that is 106749621 Page 2 of 8 Project Initiation Document object-referenced rather than geo-located - to minimise indoor reception issues faced by GPS. The project would address: • Safe use of kitchen equipment • Emergency procedures • First aid procedures There would be a mix of delivery formats: video, text, SMS, webpages & phone numbers. Basically, students would hold up their mobile device and view all the different pieces of equipment, emergency exits, gas and electricity shut down locations and basic first aid procedures and be provided with relevant learning content and OHS information via an augmented reality platform. The application will need to access content via the internet. Each mobile device will connect to our on campus Wi-Fi and also have a backup SIM installed for 3g Connectivity. 1.3. Project scope and exclusions There will be a maximum of 5 AR layers that relate to kitchen safety and orientation. The layers are… Hand Wash Fire extinguisher Gas shutdown valve Correct oven operation Electricity shut down switch The project will create these 5 test layers. It will run a testing group comprising of 10 students using iPad’s and Galaxy Tab tablets. Student feedback will be recorded via a survey. A control group (using conventional teaching methods) will also be used to help gauge the effectiveness of the trial. The trial will have a completion report completed outlining the benefits and mistakes made, and also the recommendations for future AR projects. The project will not cover the complete unit delivery for SITXOHS001B Follow health, Safety and Security procedures. 1.4. Project approach The project will be run in accordance with the brief supplied by The National VET eLearning Strategy to provide clear analysis of the success of Augmented Reality as an eLearning tool for North Coast TAFE. The project brings North Coast TAFE together with the two industry partners Telstra and Futura Group. We will work with these partners to provide the learners with a functioning and engaging Augmented Reality resource. Futura Group will be supplying North Coast TAFE with Tutorial videos and text Telstra will be supplying North Coast TAFE with 3 months access to the 3G network via 10 sim cards for the iPads. The development of the resource will be created by Tyrone McGillick using the free software Layars 106749621 Page 3 of 8 Project Initiation Document This project builds on past AR projects that used GPS for the Points of Interest (POI’s). We are taking this technology further by testing the ability to use image referencing. A noted problem with past projects was the inability for GPS signals to penetrate through walls and ceilings. With the image referencing approach there is no need for satellite reception. The platform uses a preloaded key image instead. For example an image of a fire blanket could be used as the key image that then links to instructions on using a fire blanket. 1.5. The project will have a Layar account created. This is the software used to create the AR links. Within this account will be 5 layers that are both Geo referenced and object (vision) referenced. The project will be tested with a group of 10 students using multi-platform mobile devices. There will be a student survey created and completed for the testing phase and a final report at the end of the project. There will also be a “how to” guide explaining how the layers were created. 1.6. Project deliverables and outcomes Dependencies and Interfaces Access to two student cohorts to compare and contrast project findings Unimpeded access to campus wifi through the firewall Use of 3G sim cards provided by telstra to test alternative access types iPads with “Layar” app installed Continued support of Futura Group and Telstra iPads available at required times for testing with students this will be coordinated through the library 1.7. Assumptions and Constraints It is assumed that: This project will show that Augmented Reality is a superior delivery mechanism for OHS learning in the kitchen. This project will bring about exposure of Augmented Reality as a training device and will add to the rich variety of eLearning already offered through North Coast TAFE Futura Group will supply the Augmented Reality App for use in the project Telstra will supply the 3g Sim Cards for alternative access Students will have unimpeded access to the Wifi network Students will have access to the bank of iPads available through the Library at the times they are required 2. Project organisation structure 2.1. Project Management Team Name 106749621 Phone # Page 4 of 8 Project Initiation Document Geoff Baldry and Chrishna Dixon Executive Mary Allen Senior User Chrishna Dixon Senior Supplier Elizabeth Everingham Miller Project Manager Tyrone McGillick Project Officer Lisa McGowan Project Assistant 2.2. 0 4 4 Role of the Project Team The project Team is a decision making group. Responsibilities include approvals at each of the determined project stages, make decisions on project issues and to receive and be aware of the project reports made by the project manager. 3. Initial Project Plan and Schedule For this project we will be following the ADDIE development methodology. Key tasks and deliverables are detailed in the table below. Develop the Layers to represent each Point Of Interest (POI). Create graphics for icons, and interface back ground. Determine what content can be sourced from Futura group and what needs to be created by NC TAFE. Test the layers from different mobile devices (Android and iOS). Date 1/3/12 10/3/12 10/4/12 Stage Analysis Design Development Implementation Key tasks Analyse user needs Map out clear objectives with all stakeholders.Acquire required tools for project Create resource prototype design Generate accounts Source/create graphics and multimedia Test prototype on multiple platforms Create Layers Geo map the Kitchen Develop remaining layers Project phase report How to Guide on layer creation Milestone or deliverable User requirements Project Plan created Tools acquired Live Trial 106749621 Train students to use the equipment e.g. iPads Delivery of Augmented Protype desined Account created Media sourced Purchase Layer subscription Prototype tested Resource created Project report Page 5 of 8 Project Initiation Document 30/4/12 30/5/12 Reality to 10 students Delivery of traditional training to second cohort of students Evaluation Survey learners Collate and analyse data from both student groups including learner results Finalisation Final report completed Final Analysis Final report 4. Initial Business Case The intent of this project is to look at an active way of presenting Kitchen safety and orientation information. It’s anticipated that this new and innovative digital learning experience will engage students and in turn help the learner consolidate their learning so that hopefully, in a real emergency, our TAFE cookery students will remember and have the ability to react appropriately, hence maximising their learning and improving teaching & learning outcomes here at TAFE. 5. Initial Risk Log The risk: what can happen and how it can happen The consequence s of an event happening Likelihoo d Rating Level of risk Student unfamiliar with technology Student outcomes/resul ts would be lower Possible Medium Internet or Application drop out Application will not work without internet connection Possible High Facilitator is unfamiliar with technology Trial would struggle. Results would be poor Possible High Corporate partners withdraw Content would need to be created in Possible – low Medium 106749621 Countermeasures (Prevent, Reduce, Accept, Contingency, Transfer) Insure all participants have received adequate training prior to testing Observe sytem outage notifications. Insure SIM cards are active Proactive training to ensure this doesn’t eventuate Constant communication with partners Chosen counter measure Ow ner Brief training in mobile Augmentatio n to Students prior to testing. Using supplied iPad’s. Arrange alternate testing time TM Weekly training and development , creating the project content TM TM TM Page 6 of 8 Project Initiation Document The risk: what can happen and how it can happen The consequence s of an event happening their support house Project is not ready at the time needed Possible failure in receiving final payment Likelihoo d Rating Level of risk Countermeasures (Prevent, Reduce, Accept, Contingency, Transfer) low High Adhere to project time line. Ensure all parties are on track with tasks Chosen counter measure Ow ner TM 6. Communication Plan The project will produce several documents. Firstly there will be a student feedback form that will contain the learning data from the students. Secondly there will be a how to guide that will explain how to create Augmented Reality layers. And Third an end of project report. 7. Project Quality Plan Product/Outcome Crieria App displays layers correctly Displays as planned App works on multiple devices App is accessible for students of varying abilities Displays as planned Accessibility to check for visual, auditory and dyslexic students Method of checking Prototype testing Person Responsible Tyrone Sign-off date Prototype testing Tyrone 15/4/12 Prototype testing Tyrone and test students 20/4/12 31/3/12 At multiple stages through the development process this product will be checked against the eLearning Health Check to validate the soundness of the design. 8. Attachments Name of source and purpose of funding including relationship to this project: Amount of external funding: $ Emerging Technology Trial Project - Budget and Resources Resource (description) 106749621 Funding requested for Value of coinvestment Page 7 of 8 Project Initiation Document the Emerging Technology Trial ($ ex GST) from project applicants ($ ex GST) Salary Development hours (10hrs approx.) $820 Project Manager (1/2 day p/w) 6hrs X $82 X 12 weeks $2952 Consultation with relevant stakeholders and subject-matter experts 10hrs X $82 $820 $2952 Teaching delivery / resource trial hours 8x$82 $656 Teacher replacement hours 18x$82 $1476 Non-salary Travel for post-project presentation (travel & accommodation for 2 people) $2500 $380 On campus Wi-Fi (N) supply Tech Support ICTU 15 hrs @ $65.92 p/hr $988 HUB team support 10hrs X $82 $820 iPad loan HUB Library @ $50 X 10 $500 MacBook Air X 2 $2800 Layar Subscription (augmented reality server) $150 Free Telstra Next G 3G SIM cards & Multimedia from Futura Free Free BUDGET TOTAL (all funding types) $9050 $8764 106749621 Page 8 of 8