File - Mrs. Dickinson`s Virtual Classroom

Motor Learning
Exam 3 Review
Chapters 14-19
 How
can a beginner benefit from
observing another beginner practice a
 Research has shown that to achieve the
best learning of skills that require both
speed and accuracy, the initial verbal
instructions should emphasize
 When
augmented feedback tells the
performer which movement
characteristics produced the movement
outcome, the type of augmented
feedback is known as…
 If you are told “your score was 16 on that
attempt,” the type of augmented
feedback you received is known as…
 When
augmented feedback serves to
encourage a person to continue striving
to achieve a performance goal,
augmented feedback functions as…
 In experiments in which erroneous KR was
given to participants for skills that could
be learned on the basis of the taskintrinsic feedback without KR, the results
have shown that participants…
 According
to Gentile, developing
variable practice experiences for closed
skills should focus on …
 For open skills, regulatory condition (do
(i.e. do they change? And when?)
 Contextual
interference: Describe the
continuum from low to high interference.
 Research has shown that blocked
practice consistently leads to poor
performance in what situation?
 In
experiments in which participants are
asked during practice trials to predict how
well they think they perform on a retention
test, the results show that participants
experiencing a blocked schedule will…
 In the U.S. Army sponsored study by
Schendel and Hagman, the machine gun
assembly-disassembly skill that was shown
to benefit from overtraining was referred
to as which of the following types of skill?
 When
massed practice hinders the
learning of continuous skills, the most
probable cause is…
 The term task complexity refers to….
 The term task organization refers to…
 According
to the Naylor and Briggs
hypothesis, whole practice of a motor skill
is recommended for skills that are
 If
(_______ complexity, _______ organization)
a skill should not be physically separated
for part practice, an alternative means of
achieving the benefits of part practice is
If a person visually imagines himself or herself
performing a skill from the perspective of an
observer, the type of mental practice is
referred to as…
The neuromuscular explanation for the
effectiveness of mental practice has been
supported by research showing…
The Movement Imagery Questionnaire (MIQ)
has been established to be a valid and
reliable instrument to assess
Fill in the Blank
term that has been used to describe
the type of learning involved when a
visual model is used to demonstrate a skill
is ________ learning.
 Observation of another beginner
practicing a skill seems to work best when
the observer can hear the ________ given
by the instructor.
 It
is important that the verbal instructions
given to a beginner should not exceed
that person’s limited ________ capacity to
attend to information.
 When EMG or heart rate is given to
people as augmented feedback, the
general term used to describe this type of
augmented feedback is ________.
 When
augmented feedback is given
while a person is performing a skill or
movement, it is known as ________
augmented feedback.
 Research has shown that the general
guideline for establishing the frequency of
practice sessions is that [more and
shorter] or [fewer and longer] sessions are
progressive-part method of practicing a
skill has also been called a ________
method of part-task training.
 If you practiced juggling scarves before
juggling tennis balls, the practice strategy
you would be using is called the ________
 Of
the two types of imagery that have
been categorized, the one that involves
people experiencing the sensations that
could be expected in an actual
performance situation is called ________
 Two roles for mental practice related to
motor skills are aiding in the acquisition of
skills and in the ________ for performing
Other terms to Know
 Performance
 Random practice
 Blocked practice
 Massed practice
 Distributed practice
 Natural unit (ch. 18)
 Overlearning
Make sure to read about
 Verbal
(Movement outcomes vs. movements
 Effects
of erroneous KR
 When to give augmented feedback
 Frequency of demonstration of skills
 The use of a virtual reality environment