LIONEL MURPHY POSTGRADUATE SCHOLAR Name: Anthony BRITT Year: 1988 Scholarship: Australian Education 1982-1987 1989 1990 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Law (Hon) University of Sydney Lionel Murphy Scholarship Lionel Murphy Scholarship Employment Anthony was admitted as a Solicitor in 1988 and from 1991 worked both in private practice and for two large employer groups as a Senior Industrial Officer and Director. Anthony has since 1989 lectured in industrial law for the Law Extension Committee and has also lectured in Occupational Health & Safety Law at the University of Western Sydney. Barrister From September 1997 Practicing from Sir Owen Dixon Chambers Sydney Practicing mainly in the areas of employment law, industrial law, discrimination, and occupational health and safety law. Anthony has appeared in major industrial relations test cases before the Federal and NSW Industrial Commissions including the Pay Equity Inquiry and the Secure Employment Test Case. 7-Mar-16