1 SHIP MANAGEMENT ATTITUDES QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is part of a study aimed at understanding maritime operations attitudes. All data are strictly confidential and the results will be presented only at the group level. No individual feedback will be given to management so feel free to express your opinion (with reference to you current or most recent ship). A. Please indicate how satisfied you yourself are with each of these aspects of ship operations. Please answer by writing beside each item a letter from the corresponding scale. A B C D E Very Low Low Adequate High Very high ___ 1. Your own basic seafaring training. ___ 2. Your own basic seafaring instructors’ skills. ___ 3. Your own post qualification training. ___ 4. Your own post qualification instructors’ skills. ___ 10. My ability in handling normal operations. ___ 11. My ability in handling emergencies. ___ 12. Regular feedback on my daily performance. ___ 13. ISM code. ___ 5. Current Checklists. ___ 14. Voyage planning (if relevant). ___ 6. Operation Manuals (including Standard Operational Procedures). ___ 15. The company’s formal performance evaluation (if relevant). ___ 7. Safety Manuals. ___ 16. Simulator training (if relevant). ___ 8. Onboard shift schedule. ___ 9. Length of shore leave. ___ 17. Crew Resource Management Training (if relevant). B. Please describe your personal perception of the quality of teamwork with each of the groups listed below. Please indicate your own opinion by writing beside each item a letter from the corresponding scale.. (If you have not worked with a particular group, leave the item blank.) A B C D E Very Low Low Adequate High Very high ___ 1. Deck officers. ___ 2. Engineers. ___ 3. Ship’s assistants. ___ 4. Ship agents. ___ 5. Maintenance department onboard. ___ 6. Maintenance department ashore( if relevant). ___ 7. Training department (if relevant). ___ 8. Shore based Nautical department (if relevant). ___ 9. Shore based Operational department (if relevant). 1 2 C. ORGANIZATION ISSUES Please answer by writing beside each item the letter from the scale below. A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 1. Checklists are essential for safety ___ 2. I am sure management will never compromise safety for profitability. ___ 3. Morale in the company is good. ___ 4. My suggestions about safety will be acted upon if I express them to senior officers on board (if relevant). ___ 5. Drugs present a safety problem in my company. ___ 6. I am proud to work for this company. ___ 7. My colleagues are adequately trained in emergency procedures. ___ 8. I am encouraged by my seniors to report any unsafe conditions I may observe. ___ 9. My suggestions about safety will be acted upon if I express them to management on shore (if relevant). ___ 10. I know the proper channels through which questions regarding safety procedures should be routed. ___ 11. Emergency drills are conducted as prescribed. ___ 12. When I enter a new ship I always receive a proper hand-over. ___ 13. Our training has prepared the crew to work as a well co-ordinated team in an emergency. ___ 14. I like my job. ___ 15. This company practices the highest maintenance standards. ___ 16. Task assignments are always cross-checked and verified. ___ 17. My colleagues frequently carry out secondary tasks while on watch ___ 18. It is the practice to report colleagues who can not perform their duties due to alcohol or drugs. ___ 19. Crewmembers are well trained to cope with fatigue. ___ 20. It makes no difference to me which company I sail for. ___ 21. The company deals constructively with problem crewmembers. ___ 22. Many junior officers are reluctant to assume full responsibility for their assigned tasks. ___ 23. It is not uncommon to abandon the watch briefly if there appears to be no danger. ___ 24. Crewmembers visibly impaired by alcohol or drugs will be kept from going on duty. ___ 25. On board, open discussion is a common way of solving problems. ___ 26. Alcohol presents a safety problem in my company. 2 3 A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 27. The catering services for the crewmembers are good. ___ 28. I support attempts to reduce the manning level on board ships. ___ 29. Accidents and near-misses are always reported according to company orders. ___ 30. More attention should be paid to sleep and sleeping possibilities on board. For the following items use the scale below to indicate what percentage of time these events occur. A B C D E 0-20 % 21-40 % 41-60 % 61-80 % 81-100 % ___ 31. How often are checklists omitted? ___ 32. How often are briefings omitted? (eg. in relation to planning) ___ 33. How often are handovers provided improperly? D. SHIP MANAGEMENT Please answer by writing beside each item the letter from the scale below. A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 1. Senior officers should encourage crewmember questions during normal operations and in emergencies. ___ 2. Even when fatigued, I perform effectively during critical times of operation. ___ 3. Asking for assistance makes one appear incompetent. ___ 4. People should be aware of and sensitive to the personal problems of other crewmembers. ___ 5. The organization’s rules should not be broken - even when the crewmember thinks it is in the company's best interest. ___ 6. I am normally consulted on matters that affect the performance of my duties. ___ 7. When my workload is high I ask for assistance. ___ 8. Leaders who encourage suggestions from crew members are weak. ___ 9. My decision making ability is as good in emergencies as in routine conditions. ___ 10. A debriefing and critique of procedures and decisions after critical situations is an important part of safety. 3 4 A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 11. Leaders make sure that relevant operational intentions and actions are understood. ___ 12. Junior crewmembers should not question their senior officer’s decisions. ___ 13. Briefings are important for safety. ___ 14. I am more likely to make errors in an emergency. ___ 15. Senior ship’s management ensures full cooperation between all onboard departments. ___ 16. When I detect an error I speak up. ___ 17. I am ashamed when I make a mistake in front of other crewmembers. ___ 18. I am less effective when stressed or fatigued ___ 19. My performance is not adversely affected by working with inexperienced crewmembers ___ 20. Crewmembers should monitor each other for signs of stress or fatigue. ___ 21. A truly professional crewmember can forget personal problems while on duty. ___ 22. Effective team co-ordination requires team members to take into account the personalities of the others participants. ___ 23. I am reluctant to disagree with my superiors. ___ 24. Socializing among the crew can help reduce stress. ___ 25. During the nightwatch I stick strictly to written orders, whether I agree with them or not. ___ 26. Seniors should delegate responsibilities to junior crews as parts of their training. Please read the following descriptions of four leadership styles, and answer the questions that follow. Style 1. Usually makes his/her decision s promptly and communicates them to his/her subordinates clearly and firmly. Expect them to carry out the decisions loyally without raising difficulties. Style 2. Usually makes his/her decisions promptly, but, before going ahead, tries to explain them fully to his/her subordinates. Gives them the reason for the decisions and answers whatever question they may have. Style 3. Usually consults with his/her subordinates before he/she reaches his/her decisions. Listens to their advice, considers it, and then announces his/her decision. He/she then expects all to work loyally to implement it whether or not it was in accordance with the advice they gave. Style 4. Usually calls a meeting of his/her subordinates when there is an important decision to be made. Puts the problem before the group and invites discussion. Accepts the majority viewpoint as the decision. (for Captain and Chief Engineer, leader refers to onshore management, for ship’s company, leader refers to immediate senior.) 4 5 ___ 27. Which one of the above styles would you most prefer work under? Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 ___ 28. In your organization, which one of the above styles do you find yourself most often working under? Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 E. WORK GOALS Please answer the items below by writing beside each item the letter from the scale below. A B C D E of very little or no importance of little importance of moderate importance very important of utmost importance Please think of your ideal job - disregarding your present job. In choosing an ideal job, how important would it be to you to: ___ 1. Maintain good interpersonal relationships with fellow workers or crewmembers? ___ 2. Have an opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs? ___ 3. Have security of employment? ___ 4. Have a changing work routine with new, unfamiliar tasks? ___ 5. Have the time to consider more than one solution to a problem? ___ 6. Have a warm relationship with your direct superior? ___ 7. Have considerable freedom to adopt your own approach to the job? ___ 8. Have an opportunity for higher earnings? ___ 9. Have challenging tasks to do, from which you get a personal sense of accomplishment? ___ 10. Know everything about the job, to have no surprises? ___ 11. Have sufficient time left for your personal time or family life? ___ 12. Work with people who co-operate well with one another? ___ 13. Have a job or career that will bring you prestige and recognition from others? ___ 14. Find the truth, the correct answer, the one solution? ___ 15. Observe strict time limits for work projects? 5 6 F. AUTOMATION Please answer by writing beside each item the letter from the scale below. A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 1. I prefer working on highly automated vessels. ___ 2. Crewmembers should always use the automation provided. ___ 3. I am concerned that the use of automation will lead to diminished general competence. ___ 4. It is easy to forget how to operate onboard computer systems which are not frequently used. ___ 5. There are features of shipboard automation within my area of responsibility that I do not fully understand. ___ 6. I am allowed to select the level of automation that I consider appropriate. G. MULTI-CULTURAL OPERATIONS Please answer the following if your vessel has a member of a different nation or culture on its safety crew, otherwise go to the next section. Please answer by writing beside each item the letter from the scale below. A B C D E disagree strongly disagree slightly neutral agree slightly agree strongly ___ 1. There is greater adherence to SOP’s among multi-cultural crews. ___ 2. There is more tension among multi-cultural crews. ___ 3. I am particularly alert when on watch with members of other cultures ___ 4. Language differences in multi-cultural crews are a threat to safety. ___ 5. There is less cohesiveness among multi-cultural crews. ___ 6. Some countries produce better seamen than others. ___ 7. I enjoy working with multi-cultural crews. ___ 8. There are no differences in the performance of crew members from different cultures. ___ 9. I am confident that crew members from other cultures will react effectively in an emergency. 6 7 DEMOGRAPHICS Presently on shore stationed: on board Crew position (please mark the appropriate position) DECK senior junior ENGINE senior junior SHIP’S ASSISTANT senior CATERING junior rating OTHER (please specify) -------------------------- Age Gender (M or F) How many years have you been in your present position? How many years have you been with this company? When were you last time promoted? Type of ship What is your nationality? What was your nationality at birth (if different from your present nationality)? 7 8 COMMENTS 1. What can the company do to increase safety. 2. What can the company do to increase efficiency. 3. What can the company do to improve job satisfaction. 4. What is your perception of: a) Maritime authorities b) your Union c) other safety related issues such as pilotage, dock workers, VTS, port authorities, etc. 8