Nordic Culture and Management style

Nordic Culture and Management Style
A two-day training workshop organised by the Nordic Centre, Fudan University
The Nordic Centre at Fudan University has the pleasure to invite Chinese employees
working in Nordic firms to a two-day workshop on Nordic Culture and Management
The first Nordic Culture and Management Style program was held in December 2004 and
met with warm interest. About 50 Chinese managers from various Nordic firms then
participated. This year’s workshop will be held at the Nordic Centre, Fudan University on
December 19-20 and led by Dr Tony Fang, (PhD International Business, Linköping
University, Sweden), presently Assistant Professor of International Business at Stockholm
University and Visiting Associate Professor, Asia Research Centre, Copenhagen Business
School. Dr. Fang is an internationally sought-after speaker and seminar leader in
cross-cultural management style involving Chinese and Nordic perspectives.
The objective of this workshop is to enhance Chinese managers’ understanding of Nordic
culture, society and management style in a systematic fashion.
Research questions
(1) What are the most distinctive Nordic values, behavior, etiquettes and habits?
(2) How can we better understand the Nordic society, culture and management practices
from a historical perspective?
(3) What are the major differences and similarities between the Nordic culture and other
Western cultures?
(4) What is the Nordic management style?
(5) Are there any differences between Nordic nations?
(6) What are the major Nordic companies in China?
(7) How do Nordic companies in China manage human resources?
(8) How can we work and communicate effectively with Northern Europeans?
The workshop is focused on an in-depth understanding of Nordic culture and management
from a Chinese perspective.
Teaching and learning style
The workshop is based on both theory and practice concerning Nordic culture and
management style. Theoretically, two groups of literature are integrated in the workshop;
International comparative management literature and Nordic culture literature. Theory, case
analysis and role-plays are basic features of the workshop.
The main working language is Mandarin, with all literature, presentation slides and other
materials in English. The mini-plays will be conducted in English.
Maximum number of participants
Qualified participants should meet the following requirements
• University degree
• Currently working in a Nordic firm/organization in China
• Ability to communicate fluently in spoken and written English
• Highly motivated
Comments from some of the 2004 workshop participants
“The workshop gives you the direction of how Chinese managers can learn and approach Nordic
culture and management more effectively and enjoy doing business with Nordic people.”
Mr. Dong Xiaoqiang, Resource Manager, Nokia R&D, Hangzhou
“Speaking English in daily work does not mean that you have the same mentality. The Nordic
Culture and Management Style helps you better understand different mentalities in a multicultural
Ms. Catherine Shen, Sales & Marketing/HR Manager, Nordic Industrial Park Co., Ltd, Ningbo
“This is really an impressive workshop for better understanding Nordic culture and management
style. It has benefited me a lot for my life in IKEA.” Ms. Helen Fan, HR Specialist, IKEA
Purchasing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai
“Theoretically and practically, the two-day training workshop presented us a clear picture of the
most distinctive Nordic values, behavior, etiquettes and habits, which has been a great help to my
work and has improved our internal communications as well!”
Ms. Catherine Gao, Deputy Representative, Svenska Handelsbanken Shanghai Rep. Office
“Not only can the Nordic Culture and Management workshop help you understand your foreign boss
and colleagues better, but can provide you useful practical cases of successful Nordic companies.”
Mr. Ai Jianchuan, BU Manager, Danfoss (China) Automatic Controls Co., Ltd., Beijing
“The program helps me at work. The workshop topics have helped the mutual understanding
between my Swedish colleagues and me, and I have gained a lot of trust from them now.”
Mr. Quanan Zhang, Order Desk & Master Planning Manager, Nanjing Ericsson Panda
Communications Company Ltd., Nanjing
“The Nordic Culture and Management Style workshop offers a unique perspective on the current
Nordic society as well as its history. It is superbly documented; the layout is great, well-structured
and full of examples.”
Ms. Wendy Chen, Consular Officer, Royal Danish Consulate General, Shanghai