Schwarzwald 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald Born: May 28, 1944 Marital status: Married + two children Home address: 10 Rahavat Ilan, Ramat Ilan, Givat Shmuel, ISRAEL, 54056. TEL: 972-3-5325021, 052-2448440 Office address: Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, ISRAEL 52900. TEL. 972-3-5318667, FAX 972-3-7384192. E-mail: Website:, Academic Studies 1963-1967: Hebrew Language and Psychology, Bar Ilan University, B.A. 1967-1969: Hebrew Language, Bar Ilan University, M.A. 1966-1968: Education, Bar Ilan University, Teacher's Certificate. 1970-1973: Linguistics, the University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. Academic Work 1967-1969: Teaching Assistant, Bar Ilan University, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages. 1970: Instructor. 1970-1973: Teaching Assistant and Teaching Instructor, the University of Texas at Austin, Department of Oriental and African Languages and Literature. 1974-1978: Lecturer, Bar Ilan University, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages. 1978-1983: Senior Lecturer. 1983-1992: Associate Professor. 1992- : Full Professor; Head of the department 2005/6-7, 2008/9-2010 Periodically: 1967-1969: Teacher at Talpiot Teachers' Seminary. 1968: Teacher at Tel Aviv University "Ulpan". 1970: Teacher and manager at Bar Ilan "Ulpan". 1974: Lecturer at the Department of Education of Tel Aviv University. 1976: Lecturer at the Department of Linguistics of Tel Aviv University. 1988: Teacher at "Shein" Teachers' Seminary. 1987-1991: Consultant of the Israeli Television program and written study material of Hebrew teaching: "Yotse min Haklal". 1992-1995: Teacher and head of the Hebrew studies at Talpiot Teachers' College. 1995-1997: Teacher and head of the Humanities Department at Talpiot Teachers' College. 1998-2005: Teacher and academic consultant at Talpiot Teachers' College. Visiting professor: 1980: Department of Oriental and African Languages, UCLA. 1985/6: Department of Languages and Literatures, York University, Toronto, Visiting Scholar. 1990: Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA. 1996: Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge. 1997: Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA. 1997: Spanish Department, Emory University, Atlanta, GA., Visiting scholar 2003: Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies; Wolfson College, Oxford 2008: Wolfson College, Oxford; member of the Common Room since then Courses taught Biblical Hebrew; Modern Hebrew; Introduction to linguistics; Phonetics and Phonology; Morphology; Syntax; Linguistic problems; Sociolinguistics; Hebrew-English Comparative linguistics; Introduction to Judeo-Spanish; The development of Modern Hebrew; Scientific writing; Linguistic research methods; Hebrew and Jewish Schwarzwald 2 Languages; Workshops for teachers of Hebrew as first or second language; Workshops for teachers of Hebrew as first or second language; Hebrew as a second/foreign language at all levels. Research Grants 1976-1977: The Israel Academy of Sciences, Basic research: Normativity and Naturalness in the performance of the Spirantization Rule (b-k-p) in Hebrew 1982-1985: Oriental Jewry Heritage in the Ministry of Education: Language and Style in the Translation of "Pirke Avot" to Ladino 1992-1993, 1995: Misgav Yerushalayim: The Ladino Lexicon of the Venice 1609 Haggadah 2002: Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University: The Ladino Dictionary of the Haggadot 2007: Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University: Ladino Siddur for Women 1550 2010: Foundation Ihel, Bar-Ilan University: Ladino Siddur for Women Editor Hebrew Computational Linguistics, 8-15 (1974-1980), 20-21 (1983-1984). Editing and updating of Chapter 8 (183-299) in E. Y. Kutscher's book, A History of the Hebrew Language, Magness-Brill 1982 (Editor: R. Kutscher). Hadassah Kantor Jubilee Book: Language Research Papers, Ramat Gan, 1995, 10+262+xxi pp. (with Yitzhak Shlesinger). Hebrew Linguistics, 41-42 (1997; Special Issue: Language and Society in Israel), 70(2015-). Rafael Nir Jubilee Book: Studies in Communication, Linguistics and Language Teaching, Jerusalem 2000, 438 pp. (with Shoshana Blum-Kulka and Elite Olshtain). Talpiot College Annual, 11 1999-2000 (with Dov Shahor, Aharon Mundshain & Malka Muchnik). Studies in Hebrew and Language Teaching in Honor of Ben Zion Fischler, Even Yehuda 2001, 292 pp. (with Rafael Nir). Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israëlense, No. 14, Ramat Gan 2002. Proceedings of the 20th-22nd Annual Meetings of the Israeli Linguistic Society, No. 16, Ramat Gan 2007. Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies, Volume 3, Jerusalem 2007 (with Tamar Alexander, Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Dan Laor, and Josef Tobi) EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, (with Geoffrey Khan (general editor), Shmuel Bolozky, Steven Fassberg, Gary Rendsburg, Aaron Rubin, Tamar Zewi ). Brill, New York (2013) Multi-Disciplinary Creativity in Spain. Dahan Center (with Moshe Halamish) (in press). Member of editorial boards Hebrew Linguistics (Balshanut Ivrit; Formerly Balshanut Ivrit Hofshit) (Bar Ilan University; Editor of issues 8-15 (1974-1979), 20-21 (1983-1984), 41-42 (1997) Pe'amim (Ben Zvi Institute) Dapim (Mofet Center) El Presente (Gaon Center, Ben Gurion University) Israel Studies in Language and Society (e-Journal) The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (Brill) Journal of Jewish Languages (Brill) Role in special committees 1966-1983, 1996-2003: Advisory committee of the Israel Association of Applied Linguistics 1995- : Advisory committee of Hebrew Language Teaching, The Ministry of Education in Israel; chairperson since 2000 1996-2000: Advisory committee of the Center for the Study of Language Policy and Language Planning, Bar Ilan University 1997-2002: Advisory committee of the Planning of Hebrew Teaching, The Ministry of Schwarzwald 3 Education in Israel 2001-2007: President of the Israeli Chapter of the European Linguistic Society; changed into President of the Israeli Linguistic Society 2002-2003: Advisory committee on Hebrew Language Teaching in Teachers' Colleges 2004-2007: President of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society 2005-: Advisory Member in The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Full member from 2011 2008-: Editor in the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics 2015-: Advidory member of Real Academía Española for Judeo-Spanish Miscellaneous Member of central committees at Bar Ilan University: Senate; High Academic Committee; Publishing House; PhD research Committee; Disciplinary Committee for Students: Appeal Committee for the Disciplinary Committee; Academic Appointment Committee; Appeal for the Appointment Committee; Sub-Senate Committee (Merakezer) Evaluator of MA and PhD works and proposals: from all the Israeli Universities Evaluator of research proposals: BSF; ISF – evaluator, member of the committee evaluating linguistic proposals, head of the committee in 2009-10 Evaluator of articles: Lešonenu; Hebrew Linguistics; Hebrew – A Loving Language; Pe'amim; Helkat Lashon; Israel Studies in Language and Society; These Are the Names; Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies; Israel Studies in Folklore; El Presente; Language; Pragmatics and Cognition Evaluator of Books: Bialik Institute; Brill; John Benjamins; ISF Evaluator of academic programs for the Council of Higher Education: Programs in Teachers' Colleges (Lewinsky; Alqasimi) Evaluator of people for promotion: for all the Israeli Universities and some Colleges; for UCLA; for Emory University; for Missouri University Member of the terminology committees of the Hebrew Language Academy: Environment Committee (2005-2006), Information Technology (since 2005) Winner of the Landau Prize for Arts and Sciences of Mifal Hapayis, 2015 Graduate Supervision MA Theses 1. Malka Muchnik, Expressions of Tense, Mood and Aspect in Modern Hebrew, 1986 2. Zippora Rubin, Incomlete Sentences in Fiction and Drama, 1989 3. Ester Adamit, Past and Future Inflection in Modern Hebrew: Morphological and Syntactic Aspects 1995 4. Moshe Echshtein, Change and Tendency in the Hebrew of the State of Israel, 1997 5. Orit Or, Distinctive Syntactic Features in the Language of Boys from South and North TelAviv, 1998 6. Nivi Gomel, Judeo-Spanish in Hebrew Literature, 1998 7. Dalia Baruch, The Morphological, Semantic, Syntactic, Pragmatic and Stylistic Aspects of the Use of Pronoun in "Melkomiya Yefeifiya" by S. Yizhar, 2000 8. Ofra Malka Birenboim, Proper Names of Secular and Religious Children Born between 1983-1992: Meaning and Form, 2000 9. Sagit Rosenberg-Cohen, Form and Meaning of Reduplicative Constructions in Hebrew Words, 2002 10. Vered Bar Sela, The Morphological Formation of Brand Names and TheirSemantic Transparency, 2002 11. Alona Cohen, Differences in Understanding, Utilizing, Remembering, and Internalizing Hebrew Idioms Resulting from Different Teaching Methods in Junior High School, 2006 PhD Dissertations 1. Malka Muchnik, Language Differences between Men and Women in Hebrew Journals, 1992 2. Dalia Cohen-Gross, The Morphological-Syllabic Structure of Modern Hebrew, 1997 Schwarzwald 4 3. Rachel Schiff-Roth, The Influence of Morphological, Phonological and Orthographic Characteristics of Words on Outloud Reading Precision of Second, Fourth and Sixth Graders, 1998 4. Orit Or, Case-Study: Covering the Intifada in the Israeli Press, 2003 5. Ephrat Stein, Meta-Language in Modern Hebrew Literature, 2002 6. Rakefet Dilmon, Linguistic Differences between Lie and Truth in Spoken Hebrew, 2004 7. Chagit Avioz, Modern Hebrew Number and Possessive Inflection in Nouns, 2004 8. Tami Yair, Language Characteristics of Criminals in Prison and Rehabilitation, 2004 9. Zipora Shapira, The Hebrew Language in Tel Aviv between 1909-1935 as Reflected in Advertisements, 2004 10. Nivi Gomel, Judeo-Spanish Hebrew Teaching Textbooks in the Ottoman Empire: Methods and Trends 1823-1935, 2006 11. Ayelet Yefet, Language and Style in the Writings of Datya Ben-Dor, 2007 12. Alona Cohen, Irregular Usage of Idioms in Contemporary Hebrew Literature, 2010 13. Dror Ben-Arié, The Linguistic Theory of Abraham de Balmes according to his Treatise "Miqne Abram" (Peculium Abrae), 2010 (submitted for approval) 14. Aliza Lazerson, Literacy in Youth Culture: An Analysis of Language Uses and Literacy of Young Adults in an Israeli Rap Site, 2012 15. Rachele Liberman, The Passive Utterance in Translations from English to Hebrew, 2014 16. Ruvik Rosenthal, The Reflection of the Military Hierarchy in the Language of the Israeli Army, 2015 17. Organizing Conferences (since 2005) 14 June 2005 – The 4th Convention of the Israeli Association of Language and Society (with the help of Dr. Malka Muchnik and Dr. Muhammad Amara) 2 January 2006 – Discourse Conference in Memory of Prof. Rachel Landau (helping Dr. Zohar Livnat, Prof. Elda Weizman and Dr Aliza Amir) 1 February 2006 – Hebrew Slang (with the help of Ruvik Rosenthal and Dr. Nisan Nezer) 6 April 2006 – The 22nd Conference of the Israel Linguistic Society (with the help of Dr. Zohar Livnat) 17 December 2006 – Between Semantics and Art: In Memory of Prof, Gad B.A. Zarfatti (with the help of Dr. Zohar Livnat) 19 May 2009 – Old Texts in New Forms: The translations of Old Texts, including the Bible, into Modern Languages (with the help of Professors Michael Sokoloff, Elda Weizman and Miriam Schlesinger) 2-6 August 2009 – The Fifteenth World Congress for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, the committee of the section on Hebrew and Jewish Languages 26 January 2010 – Day of Study for the Retirement of Dr. Amos Dodi, Dr. Jacob Fellman and Dr. Nisan Nezer (with the help of Dr. Zohar Livnat) 28 July 2013 – 1 August 2013 – The Sixteenth World Congress for Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, the committee of the section on Hebrew and Jewish Languages Schwarzwald 5 List of Publications Thesis The Weak Verbs in Mishnaic Hebrew according to Lowe Manuscript, Compared to Biblical Hebrew and Palestinean Aramaic. Master Thesis. Bar Ilan University 1969 (Instructor: G. N. Haneman) (H)* Dissertation Lexical Representations, Phonological Processes, and Morphological Patterns in Hebrew. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin 1973 (Instructor: R. D. King). Books A Hebrew Dictionary of General Linguistic and Hebrew Grammatical Terms (preliminary edition, xerox), Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan 1978, 2+134 (H) (with Michael Sokoloff). Grammar and Reality in the Hebrew Verb. Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 1981, 127+ix (H) The Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth (Eda VeLashon 13), Magnes Press, Jerusalem 1989, 14+518+vii (H) A Hebrew Dictionary of Linguistics and Philology. Reches Press, Even Yehuda 1992, 288 (H) (with Michael Sokoloff). Contemporary Hebrew a, b. Units 9-10 in History of the Hebrew Language: The Modern Division. The Open University, Tel Aviv 1994, 146 (H) Writing a Research Study. Ramat Gan 1996, 24 (H) Modern Hebrew. LINCOM EUROPA, München 2001, 90 Studies in Hebrew Morphology. 12 Study units, The Open University, Tel Aviv 2002. 184+223+352+177 (H) A Dictionary of the Ladino Passover Haggadot (Eda VeLashon 27), Magnes Press, Jerusalem 2008, 12+364+viii (H) Sidur para mujeres en ladino, Salónica, siglo xvi. Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 2012, 11+247+[40] (H & S) Articles on Hebrew Vowels in Hebrew and English: A Spectrographic Study. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 6: 1972, 1-11. (H) Roots and Patterns in the Modern Hebrew Lexicon. Hebrew Abstracts 14: 1973, 95-96. Roots, Patterns, and the Morpheme Structure. Lešonenu 38: 1974, 131-136. (H) Comments on Root-Patterns Relations in the Hebrew Lexicon. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 9: 1975, 47-59. (H) On Teaching the Participle and the Copula. Hachinuch 48: 1976, 246-251. (H) Acceptability and Formation of Topicalized Sentences in Hebrew. Bar Ilan 13: 1976, 321340. (H) Concrete and Abstract Theoretical Methods and the Analysis of bgdkpt - bkp in Hebrew. Lešonenu 40: 1976, 211-232. (H) Problems in Teaching Hebrew Grammar: Compound Predicates. Hachinuch 49: 1977, 365372. (H) The Weak Verb Representation in the Modern Hebrew Lexicon. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 12: 1977, 25-36. (H) The Influence of Demographic Variables on Linguistic Performance. Quantitative Linguistics, Glottometrica 1: 1978, 173-197. The Distinction between Incomplete and Impersonal Sentences. Lešonenu La'am 30: 1978, 15-21. (H) Complementary Distribution and Shift in the Syntax of "Who." Beth Mikra 76: 1978, 81-88. (H) Morphosyntactic Agreement and Language Universals. Criticism and Interpretation 13/14: 1979, 251-263. (H) Normativism and Naturalness in the Application of a Morphophonemic Rule in Hebrew. Bar Ilan 15: 1979, 171-192. (H) * (H)=Published in Hebrew Schwarzwald 6 Disjunction: A Case of Syntactic, Logical and Morphological Dependence. Lešonenu 43: 1979, 112-120. (H) Spelling Mistakes in Elementary School. Hachinuch 52: 1979, 45-52 (with Miriam Gilis). (H) The Perception of the Weak Verb. Balshanut Shimushit 2: 1980, 63-76. (H) Parallel Processes in Mishnaic and Modern Hebrew. Studies in Hebrew and Semitic Languages. Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 1980, 174-188. (H) Grammaticality in Modern Hebrew. International Journal of Middle-Eastern Studies 13(1): 1981, 11-19. Frequency Factors as Determinants in the binyanim Meanings. Studies Hebrew 22: 1981, 131137. Comments on the Inflection of Existential yeš and eyn in Colloquial Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 19: 1982, 59-70. (H) Feminine Formation in Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Annual Review 6: 1982, 153-178. Frequency and Regularity in Language. Studies in Education (Haifa) 35: 1983, 163-174. (H) Hebrew of Next Generation? Lešonenu La'am 34: 1983, 180-190. (H) (also published as part of the symposium "Hebrew in the Next generation," University Teaching of Modern Hebrew: Workshop Proceedings 1, edited by Raphael Nir, Jerusalem 1985, 96-101). Gender Distinction and Feminine Formation in Modern Hebrew. Proceedings of the xiii International Congress of Linguists (held in Tokyo 1982). Tokyo 1983, 569-571. Markedness Relations in the Pronunciation of the Prefixed particles in Modern Hebrew. AfroAsiatic Linguistics 9(2): 1984, 73-86. Analogy and Regularization in Morphophonemic Change: The Case of the Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical Hebrew and Colloquial Modern Hebrew. AfroAsiatic Linguistics 9(2): 1984, 87-100. The Pronunciation of the Young Generation in Israel. Shevet Va'am 10: 1984, 66-75. (H) The Hebrew Language as a Topic in Children's Poems. Mehqarim beSifrut Yeladim, edited by M. Baruch & M. Fruchtman, Jerusalem 1984, 207-236. (H) Feminine Formation/ Tenses and Conjugations in Modern Hebrew, Teaching of Modern Hebrew: Workshop Proceedings 1, edited by Raphael Nir, Jerusalem 1985, 80-85, 8689. (H) Language "Tricks" in Oded Burla's Work. Sifrut Yeladim VaNoar. XI(4): 1985, 23-26, 46. (with Rachel Mashiah). (H) La Crise de langue en Israel. La Crise des Langues, edited by Jacques Maurais, Gouvernement du Quebec, Conseil de la Langue Francais & La Maison Robert 1985, 393-401. (with Rivka Herzlich) Grammatik und Wirklichkeit beim hebräischen Verb. Hebräische Beiträge zur Wissenschaft des Judentums deutsch Angezeigt 1/2: 1985, 43-51. Hebrew Grammar: Wishful Teaching. Bulletin of Higher Hebrew Education 1(2): 1986, 7-14. Nonsense, Language and System in Oded Burla's Writing. P'rakim (Shein Teachers College) 7: 1987, 63-79. (H) Language Peculiarities and Normativism in the Writings of Oded Burla. Language Studies IIIII: 1987, 459-472. (H) Tsufit u-Pirhahit: Naming Techniques by Oded Burla. Studies in Children's Literature 3: 1987, 11-21. (H) Three Time-Expressions in Colloquial Hebrew. Lešonenu La'am 38: 1987, 300-303. (H) Given and Expected in Teaching Hebrew Grammar. Hed Ha'ulpan 53: 1988, 7-13. (H) Language in Children's Literature: An assay on Language and its Correctness. Be'emet (Yemima Center for the Study of Children's Literature) 2: 1988, 155-163. (H) Language Problems as Reflected in Hebrew Poems for Children. Language Problems and Language Planning 12: 1988, 239-251. Modern Hebrew Absolute Infinitives. Lešonenu 53: 1989, 107-112. (H) The Regularity of Irregular Forms. Am VaSefer 5: 1989, 20-34. (H) On Oded Burla's Style. Hebrew Linguistics 28-30: 1990, 171-179. (H) Stress Shifts in Modern Hebrew. Studies on Hebrew and other Semitic languages Presented to Professor Chaim Rabin. Jerusalem 1990, 393-414. (H) On Vowel Assimilation and Deletion in Casual Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Annual Review 12: 1990, 23-48 (with Shmuel Bolozky). Lexical Weight in Hebrew Inflectional Feminine Formation. Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Schwarzwald 7 Leslau on the Occasion of his 85th Birthday. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1991, 1409-1425. Grammatical vs. Lexical Plural Formation in Hebrew. Folia Linguistica XXV(3/4): 1991, 577-608. On the Derivation of Hebrew Forms with the +ut Suffix. Hebrew Studies 33: 1992, 51-69 (with Shmuel Bolozky). Small and Grown-up in Oded Burla's Writings: Linguistic Differences. Be'emet (Yemima Center for the Study of Children's Literature) 6-7: 1993, 11-26. (H) Hebrew Language Studies in Israeli Universities. Bulletin of Higher Hebrew Education 5-6: 1992/3, 7-12. Ways of Reinforcing the Skills of Oral and Written Expression. Talpiot College Annual, 1993-1994, 28-34. (H) Remnants of Judeo-Spanish in Modern Hebrew. Pe'amim 56: 1993, 33-49. (H) Loan Words in Hebrew Literature. Foreign Elements in Contemporary Hebrew, edited by M. Muchnik, Everyman's University, Tel Aviv 1994, 31-47. (H) Hebrew šaf`el. Lešonenu 58: 1994-1995, 145-152. (with Ela Neradim) (H) Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon, Sociolinguistics (sub-entries of "Hebrew Language"); Phonology and Morphology (sub-entry of "Modern Hebrew"), in the Supplementary volume III, Hebrew Encyclopaedia, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 1995, 744-746, 748. (H) Missing Sentences in Fiction and Drama. Te`uda IX: Studies in Hebrew Language in Memory of Eliezer Rubinstein, edited by A. Dotan and A. Tal, Tel Aviv 1995, 297-308. (with Zipora Rubin) (H) The Language and the Teacher. Talpiot College Annual 8: 1995-6, 162-169. (H) Teaching Spelling by Morphophonemic Alternations. Hadassah Kantor Jubilee Book: Language Research Papers, edited by O. R. Schwarzwald and Y. Shlesinger, Ramat Gan 1995, 196-204. (H) The Components of the Modern Hebrew Lexicon: The Influence of Hebrew Classical Sources, Jewish Languages and other Foreign Languages on Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Linguistics 39: 1995, 79-90. (H) The Study of Modern Hebrew in Various Linguistic Schools. Language Studies 7: 1995, 145161. (H) Words with +ayim Endings in Hebrew. Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages Presented to Shelomo Morag, edited by M. Bar-Asher, Jerusalem 1996, 341-358. (H) Needs and Aims in Hebrew Language Teaching in Teachers’ Training Schools. Dappim 22: 1996, 7-18. (H) Syllable Structure, Alternations and Verb Complexity: The Modern Hebrew Verb Patterns Reexamined. Israel Oriental Studies 16: 1996, 99-112. Language Knowledge and Linguistic Awareness. Hebrew Through the Ages in Memory of Shoshana Bahat, The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Jerusalem 1997, 399-412. (H) Hebrew Suffixes, Morpheme Structure, and Phonological Processes in Inflection and Derivation. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Linguists, edited by Bernard Caron. CD-ROM, Elsevier Science 1997, Pergamon, Oxford, Paper No. 0205. The Weight of Foreign Influence in Hebrew. Am VaSefer 10: 1998, 42-55. (H) Adjective Formation, Derivation and Inflection. Helkat Lashon 27: 1998, 9-19. (H) How to Develop Language Awareness? Talpiot College Annual, 10: 1998, 208-220. (H) Word Foreignness in Modern Hebrew. Hebrew Studies 39:1998, 115-142. Inflection and Derivation in Hebrew Linear Word Formation. Folia Linguistica XXXII(3-4): 1998, 265-287. Teaching Norms and Language Norms. Studies in Ancient and Modern Hebrew in Honor of M.Z. Kaddari, edited by S. Sharvit, Ramat Gan 1999, 383-393. (H) Derivation and Inflection, Grammar and Lexicon, Language and Performance. Hebrew: A Living Language, II, edited by R. Ben Shahar & G. Toury, Tel Aviv 1999, 295-306. (H) Trends of Foreign Influence on Modern Hebrew. Jewish Studies at the Turn of the 20th Century, I, edited by J. Targarona Borras & A. Saenz-Badillos, Leiden, 1999, 81-89. Verbal Roots and Their Links to Nouns. Raphael Nir Jubilee Book, edited by O.R. Schwarzwald, S. Blum-Kulka & E. Olshtain, Jerusalem 2000, 426-438. (H) Schwarzwald 8 The productive noun patterns in Hebrew. The Language of Contemporary Press: Mina Efron’s Memorial Volume, edited by M. Horvits, Tel Aviv 2000, 148-161 (with Dalia Cohen-Gross). (H) Morphology in Context. Helkat Lashon (A Tribute to Maya Fruchtman) 29-32: 2000, 301314. (H) The Reflection of Grammar in the Lexicon. HaIvrit Wea yoteha, 1:2001, 129-140. (H) Judeo-Spanish in Hebrew Literature. Ladinar 2: 2001, 59-94 (with Nivi Gomel). (H) Derivation and innovation in Hebrew: Quantitative aspect. Studies in Hebrew and Language Teaching in Honor of Ben Zion Fischler, edited by O. (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald and R. Nir, Even Yehuda 2001, 265-275. (H) Foreign Elements in Hebrew Literature as Literary and Sociolinguistic Markers. Hebrew Language and Jewish Studies (edited by Aharon Ben-David and Isaac Gluska), Jerusalem 2001, lxvii-lxxxi. Meaning and Form of Proper Names of Secular and Religious Children Born between 19831992. Talpiot College Annual 12: 2001-2002, 465-474 (with Ofra Malka Birnboum). (H) Language Varieties in Contemporary Hebrew. Teuda 18: 2002, 141-175. (H) Opacity in Hebrew Word Morphology. Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-Based, Morphology, edited by Joseph Shimron). Amsterdam, John Benjamins 2002, pp. 147-163. Addition to Word Formation? Studies in Modern Hebrew (30 Anniversary of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics), edited by Yitzhak Shlesinger and Malka Muchnik), Jerusalem, Tzivonim 2003, pp. 310-323. (H) Transition in Modern Hebrew Word Formation: From Discontinuous to Linear Formation. Proceedings of XVII International Congress of Linguists Prague, Czech Republic, July 24-29, 2003. CD-ROM, Matfyzpress, MFF UK. Prague, 2003. ISBN: 80-86732-21-5, Section S7. Some Notes on Consonant Reduplication in Hebrew. Morashtenu Studies 2-3: 2004, pp. 1251-265. (H) Modern Hebrew Dictionaries. Kernerman Dictionary News 12: 2004, pp. 18-22. Modern Hebrew Consonant Clusters. Perspectives on Language and Language Development, edited by Dorit Ravid & Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot). Dordrecht, Kluwer 2004, pp. 45-60. Inflection and Derivation, Stems and Suffixes in Hebrew Nouns. HaIvrit Wea yoteha 4-5: 2004-2005, pp. 229-246. (H) Reflections of Language through Current Generation. Panim 33: 2005, pp. 4-14. (H) Teaching Hebrew in Teachers' Colleges. Talpiot 13-14: 2006, pp.149-160. Between last year and next year: The loss of the definite article and the particle be-. Helkat Lashon 37-38: 2006, pp. 165-174. (H) The linguistic unity of Hebrew: Colloquial trend and academic needs. Materia Giudaica XI(1-2): 2006, pp. 355-368. From Discontinuous to Linear Word Formation in Modern Hebrew. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (, 3(3): 2006, pp. 1-11. Morphemes, stems and alternants in Rosén's theory: Origin and developments. HaIvrit Weaḥyoteha 6-7: 2007, pp. 295-313 (H) Troubles in Hebrew Consonant Clusters. Aqadem: The Hebrew Language Academy Bulletin 34, 2007, pp. 6-8. (H) Trends in Modern Hebrew. The Hebrew Language in the Era of Globalization (Studies in Jewish Education 12), edited by Nava Nevo and Elite Olshtain), Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, Magnes Press, and the Melton Centre for Jewish Education 2007, pp. 59-81. (H) Modern Hebrew Studies in the Hebrew Language over the Last Twenty Years. Lešonénu 70: 2008, pp. 429-449. (H) Hebrew in Western Europe. Wieser Enzyklopädie der Sprachen Westeuropas (WSEW), edited by Ulrich Ammon and Harald Haarmann, Klagenfurt/Celovec, Wieser Verlag 2008, pp. 421-429. The Special Status of Nif'al in Hebrew. Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, edited by Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon, and Susan Rothstein, Amsterdam: John Schwarzwald 9 Benjamins 2008, pp. 61-75. Hebrew Morphological Developments. Modern Hebrew: Two Hundred and Fifty Year, edited by Chaim E. Cohen, Jerusalem: Hebrew Language Academy 2009, pp. 177-209. (H) Three Related Analyses in Modern Hebrew Morphology. Egyptian, Semitic and General Grammar, edited by Gideon Goldenberg and Ariel Shisha-Halevy, Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 2009, pp. 277-301. Historical and Foreign Influences on the Development of Hebrew. Masʼat Aharon: Linguistic Studies Presented to Aron Dotan, edited by Moshe Bar-Asher and Chaim E. Cohen). Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute 2009, pp. 619-629. (H) Recursiveness in Hebrew Word Formation. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 7(1): 2010, pp. 2-13 ( Trends in Modern Hebrew Studies. Leshonenu 72: 2010, pp, 321-336. (H) Biblical and Modern Hebrew: A Comparison. Ha'Ivrit (formerly: Leshonenu La'am) 58(4): 2010, pp. 203-220. ( Modern Hebrew. The Semitic Languages: An International Handbook, edited by Stefan Weninger, Berlin: de Gruyter 2011, pp. 523-536. From learned language to learning language. Mizimrat Halashon: Collective Articles on Language Education, edited by Irit Haskel-Shaham, Ruth Burstein, Aliza Amir and Hilla Atkin), Jerusalem: The Ministry of Education 2012, pp. 139-146. (H) On Vowel Polarity in Hebrew. Leshonenu 74: 2012, pp. 79-92. (H) The Typology of Nonintegrated Words in Hebrew. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 10(1): 2013, pp. 41-53. ( Rare Words and Special Forms in Israeli Folksongs. Helkat Lashon 46: 2013, pp. 114-136. (H) 'Back formation' (I: 250), 'Consonant Clusters: Modern Hebrew' (I: 272-279), 'Defective verbs' (I: 673-678), 'Derivation' (I: 712-716), 'Dialects' (I: 717; with Gary Rendsburg), 'Diphthongs: Modern Hebrew' (I: 739), 'Dual: Modern Hebrew' (I: 776-777), 'Galilean Dialect' (II: 1-2), 'Gender' (II: 12-17), 'Hypercorrections' (II218-219), 'Inflection' (II: 271-278), 'Judeo-Spanish Influence on Hebrew' (II: 427-430), 'Judeo-Spanish Loanwords (in Modern Hebrew)' (II: 430-432), 'Lexicon: Modern Hebrew' (II: 535542), 'Mishkal' (II: 646-650), 'Modern Hebrew: Language Varieties' (II: 668-682), 'Morphology: Modern Hebrew' (II:741-746), 'Number: Modern Hebrew' (II: 892-898), 'Secret languages, Hebrew in: Judeo-Spanish' (III: 517-518), EHLL: Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, I-IV volumes, New York, Brill 2013. Between Hebrew and Judeo-Spanish. Hed HaUlpan HeḤadash 101: 2013, pp. 17-28 (H) Survey of Research Studies in Israel, Hebrew Linguistics 68: 2014, pp. 95-105. (H) Old, new, and renewed in Contemporary Hebrew. Hed HaUlpan HeḤadash 103: 2015, pp. 138-147. (H) wud.pdf Modern Hebrew Še- and Judeo-Spanish Ke- (Que-) in Independent Modal Constructions. Journal of Jewish Languages 3: 2015, pp. 91-103. (with Sigal Shlomo) Substratum, Language Contacts, Social Stratification, and Language Variables. To appear in Karmillim [HaIvrit Weaḥyoteha]. (H) Writing a Dictionary for Modern Hebrew. To appear in Ḥokrim Ivrit Meduberet (Teˁuda 27), Edited by Einat Gonen. Selected Morphological Phenomena in Spoken Hebrew Corpus. To appear in Ḥokrim Ivrit Meduberet (Teˁuda 27), Edited by Einat Gonen. Articles on Ladino and Judeo-Spanish The Pronunciation of 'ayin in the East-Ladino Speaking Communities. Lešonenu 46: 1981, 72-75. (H) The Historical Origin and Fusion of Hebrew Morphemes in Judeo-Spanish. Proceeding of the 8th World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D). Jerusalem 1982, 63-67. (H) On Quantifying the Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 33: 1982, 89-87. (H) Schwarzwald 10 Hebrew Secret Expressions in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 33: 1982, 258-262. (H) Taboo, Death and Mourning Expressions in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 34: 1983, 203214. Note and Correction. Lešonenu La'am 35: 1984, 64. (H) Determining Criteria for the Fusion of the Hebrew-Aramaic Component in Judeo-Spanish. Milet 2: 1984 (Everyman's University Annual), 357-367. (H) Studies in the Formation of the Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu 48-49: 1985, pp, 186-195. (H) The Fusion of the Hebrew-Aramaic Lexical Component in Judeo-Spanish. Judeo-Romance Languages, edited by I. Benabu & J. Sermoneta, Jerusalem 1985, 139-159. The Typology of the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Massorot 2: 1986, 103-118. (H) Bibliographical Survey of Pirke Aboth in Ladino Translations. Alei Sefer 12: 1986, 95-110. (H) The Dialects Reflected in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Avot. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D (1)) Jerusalem 1986, 139-146. (H) The Literature of the Jews of Greece - A Linguistic and Typological Survey. Pe'amim 30: 1987, 60-84. (H) The Hebrew Words in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting (Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicii Israelensis, Studia II), Jerusalem 1988, 32-36. (H) Hebrew Proper Names in Judeo-Spanish. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 10: 1988, 94109. (H) Relations between Source and Translation (Rabbinic Hebrew and Ladino). Studies in the Hebrew Language and the Talmudic Literature (Moreshet Memorial Volume). Ramat Gan 1990, 175-186. (H) The Hebrew Component in Judeo-Spanish. Lešonenu La'am 40-41: 1990, 326-330. (H) The Hebrew Words in the Judeo-Spanish Press from Greece. Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies (Division D, Volume 1). Jerusalem 1990, 205-212. (H) Interpretation and Literalism in Ladino Translations. Recherches sur la Culture de Juifs d'Afrique du Nord, edite par Issachar. Ben-Ami. Jerusalem 1991, 25-29. (H) La Haggada de Venise en ladino de 1609. Yod 33-34: 1991, 51-69. The Venice 1601 Ladino Translation of Pirke Aboth. Folia Linguistica Historica xi(1-2): 1990[92], 131-145. Language and Literature Types in Sefardic Jewry. Pe'amim 50: 1992, 4-28. (H) The pronunciation Tradition of Hebrew Names in a Roman Transliteration in the Ladino Translations of Ethics of the Fathers. Hebrew Linguistics 33-35: 1992, 195-208. (H) Hebrew Images in Judeo-Spanish expressions and Idioms. MiQedem UmiYyam 5: 1992, 151167. (H) Morphological Aspects in the Development of Judeo-Spanish. Folia Linguistica xxvii(1-2): 1993, 27-44. The Hebrew Component in Judeo-Spanish as Genre Dependent. Apirion 29: 1993, 34-41. (H) Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew Verbs. Target 5(1): 1993, 71-88. Traducciones venecianas al Ladino (1601-1609) de Pirke Aboth y la Haggada. Proyección histrórica de España en sus tres culturas: Castilla y León, América y el Mediterráneo II (Lengua y literatura Española e Hispanoamericana), Junta de Castilla y León 1993, 561-568. Ladino Text and Additions in the Haggadah of Venice 1609. Massorot 8: 1994, 71-89. (H) The Difference between Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth and the Haggadot. History and Creativity In the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Communities, edited by T. Alexander, A. Haim, G. Hasan-Rokem and E. Hazan, Jerusalem 1994, 33-54. (H) Towards a Typology of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong: Gerineldo and the Romance Model. Yuval: Jewish Oral Traditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Volume VI, Jerusalem 1994, 68-163 (with Tamar Alexander, Isaac Benabu, Yaacov Gelman, and Susana Weich-Shahak) [96-103 (Language), 111-161 (Appendices)]. Judeo-Spanish (sub-entry of 'Jewish Languages'), in the Supplementary volume III, Hebrew Encyclopaedia, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 1995, 1008-1010. (H) Semitic Doubles in Hebrew and Ladino. Tendances Récentes en Linguistique Française et Générale - Volume dédie a Hommages David Gaatone, édité par H. Bat Zeev Schwarzwald 11 Shyldkrot & L. Kupferman, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 1995, 371-382. Les tendances linguistiques du développment des traductions en Ladino. Mémoires juives d’Espagne et du Portugal, édite par E. Benbassa. Paris 1996, 127-141. Methodological problems in Comparing the Lexicon of the Ladino Haggadas. Hommage á Haim Vidal Sephiha, édité par Winfried Busse & Marie-Christine Varol-Bornes, Berlin 1996, 359-372. Linguistic Variations among Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Temporal and Textual Factors. Folia Linguistica Historica XVII: 1996, 57-72. Expressions from the Haggadah in the Language of the Sephardic Jews. Massorot 9-11: 1997, 545-555. (H) The Hebrew Component in the Ladino of the Sephardic Haggadahs. Ladinar: Studies in Literature, Music and History of the Ladino Speakers, edited by Shmuel Refael & Yehudith Dishon, Tel Aviv 1998, 61-78. (H) Language Choice and Language Varieties Before and After the Expulsion. From Iberia to Diaspora: Studies in Sephardic History and Culture, edited by Yedida K. Stillman & Norman A. Stillman. Brill, Leiden 1999, 399-415. Hierarchy among the Hebrew Elements in Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Textual and Religious Factors. Vena Hebraica in Judaeorum Linguis, edited by Shelomo Morag, Moshe Bar-Asher, Maria Mayer-Modena, Milano 1999, 183-202. A Few Notes on the Ladino Translations of the Passover Haggadah. . Talpiot College Annual 11: 1999-2000, 152-160. (H) Proper Names in Ladino Translations: Origin and Jewish Identity. Pe‘amim 84: 2000, 66-77. (H) Judeo-Spanish Textbooks and the Spelling Issue: Some Thoughts in Connection with David Bunis’s Book “Judezmo”. Lešonénu La‘am 51-52: 2001, 81-85. (H) The Influence of Internal and External Text Features on the Hebrew Words of Judeo-Spanish. Hebrew Linguistics 50-51:2002, 121-133. (H) Judeo-Spanish Studies. Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies, edited by Martin Goodman, Oxford 2002, pp. 572-600. A new look at the origin and transmission of the Ladino translations. Kol Yaacov: Bentolila Jubilee Book, edited by Daniel Sivan and Pablo-Isaac Halevy-Kirchuk, Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press 2003, 359-369. (H) Ladino Translation of Crypto Jews in Italy. HaLapid: The Journal of the Society for Crypto Judaic Studies IX: 2004, pp. 1, 8-9. Spelling and Orthography in Ladino Translations of the 16th Century. Peamim 101-102: 2005, pp. 173-185. (H) Types of Passover Haggadoth in Ladino. Proceedings of the Thirteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies (London, 7-9 September 2003). Department of Hispanic Studies, London 2006, pp. 105-118. Géneros en judeoespañol según las caracteristicas externas e internas del texto. Ladinar (Actas del promer encuentro académico programático "El español saluda al judeoespañol (Ladino)") IV: 2006, pp. 57-82. Language Features of Ladino Translations across Time and Place. Phrasis (special issue: Translation as a Multi-Discipline) 46(2): 2006, pp. 41-51. Le style du Me'am Lo'ez: une tradition linguistique, Yod (nouvelle série) 11/12: 2006-7, pp. 77-112. Traduksiones del Tanah i traduksion de la Megila de Ester al Ladino. Alegria de Purim, redaksion de Ben Sion Nahmias y Tamar Alexander, Beer Sheva: Gaon Center & Ben Gurion University Press 2007, pp. 70-79. The Study of Eastern Judeo-Spanish. El Presente 1: 2007, pp. 149-158. (H) Lexical Investigations into Ladino Translations of Passover Haggadot. Sha'arei Lashon: Studies in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Jewish Languages presented to Bar-Asher, edited by Aharon Maman, Steve Fassberg, and Yochanan Breuer, Volume 3. Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute 2007, pp. 368-396. (H) Linguistic Features in Zadiq Formon's Ladino Translation of Hovat Halevavot. Il mio cuore è a oriente. Studi di linguistica storica, filologia e cultura ebraica dedicati a Maria Luisa Mayer Modena, edited by F. Aspesi, V. Brugnatelli, A.L. Callow, C. Schwarzwald 12 Rosenzweig), Milano: Cisalpino-Monduzzi 2008, pp. 561-579. Between East and West: Differences between Ottoman and North African Judeo-Spanish Haggadoth. El Presente 2: 2008, pp. 223-241. Judeo-Spanish Genres based on Internal and External Textual Features. Languages and Literatures of Sephardic and Oriental Jews, edited byDavid M. Bunis), Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalayim and Mosad Bialik 2009, pp. 62-77. (H) First names in Sephardi communities. Pleasant Are Their Names: Jewish Names in the Sephardi Diaspora, edited by Aaron Demsky). Bethesda, Maryland, University Press of Maryland 2010, pp. 191-207. Orthography and Pronunciation in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. Massorot 15: 2010, pp. 173-203. (H) Ladino Proverbs, Encyclopedia of the Jews in the Islamic World (EJIS), vol. 4, edited by Norman Stillman, Boston, Brill 2010, pp. 121-124. Unique Features of the Ladino Haggadah from a Women's Sixteenth Century Siddur. Mishnaic Hebrew and Related Fields: Studies in Honor of Shimon Sharvit, edited by Ephraim Hazan & Zohar Livnat), Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University and The Ashkelom Academic College 2010, pp. 335-350. (H) On the Jewish nature of Medieval Spanish biblical translations: Linguistic differences between medieval and post exilic Spanish translations. Sefarad 70: 2010, pp. 117-140. Two Sixteenth Century Ladino Prayer Books for Women. European Judaism 43(2): 2010, pp. 37-51. Explicit and Implicit Hebrew in Rabbinical Ladino. Ḥikrei Maʿarav U-Mizraḥ: Studies in Language, Literature and History Presented to Joseph Chetrit, edited by Yosef Tobi and Dennis Kurzon, Jerusalem, Carmel 2011, pp. 155-179. (H) Lexical Variations in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. Lexicología y lexicografía judeoespañolas, edited by Winfried Busse & Michael Studemund-Halévy, Bern, Peter Lang 2011, pp. 53-86. "Ladino" and "Ladino Literature". The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism & Jewish Culture (ed. Judith Baskin), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011, pp. 363, 389-390. Linguistic features of a sixteenth century women's Ladino prayer book: The language used for instructions and prayers. Selected Papers from the Fifteenth Conference on JudeoSpanish Studies (eds. Hilary Pomeroy, Chris J. Pountain & Elena Romero). London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London 2012, pp. 247260. The Relationship between Ladino Liturgical Texts and Spanish Bibles. The Hebrew Bible in Fifteenth-Century Spain: Exegesis, Literature, Philosophy and the Arts (eds. Jonathan Decter and Arturo Prats), Leiden and Boston: Brill 2012, pp. 223-243. Discourse aspects in Meam Loez. Mahbarot Liyehudit: Studies Presented to Professor Judith Dishon (eds. Ephraim Hazan and Shmuel Refael), Ramat Gan, Bar Ilan University 2012, pp. 291-309. (H) Las palabras hebreas en la prensa judeo-española en Grecia. Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH, vol. VIII Lengua (coord. Patrizia Botta y Sara Pastor), Roma, Bagatto Libri 2012, pp. 65-72. The Hebrew component in the Ladino of two books by the same author. Nitʻe Ilan: Studies in Hebrew and Related Fields Presented to IIan Eldar (eds. Moshe Bar-Asher and Irit Meir), Jerusalem, Carmel, 2014, pp. 399-416. (H) Hebrew hinne, wǝhinne and hen in the Ladino and medieval Spanish Bible translations of Genesis. Karmillim [HaIvrit Weaḥyoteha] 10: 2014, pp. 113-131. (H) Man and Woman in a Ladino Siddur from the Sixteenth Century. Kaʻet 1: 2014, pp. 26-37. (H) Ladino instructions in Meza de el alma and in Seder Nashin from Thessaloniki in the sixteenth century. Around the Point: Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture (ed. by Hillel Weiss, Roman Katsman, Ber Kotlerman), Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014, pp. 121-134. Linguistic variations in early Ladino translations. Journal of Jewish Languages 2: 2014, pp. 148. Personal Names, Toponyms, and Gentilic Nouns in Ladino and Spanish Translations of the Bible. El Presente 8-9(3) (Dameta leTamar: Studies in Honor of Tamar Alexander; Schwarzwald 13 Mikan 15(3)): 2015, pp. 209-228. On two derivational phenomena in Judeo-Spanish. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics ( 12 (3) (A Festschrift for Pavol Štekauer): 2015, pp. 488-506. Two Ladino Women's Prayer Books from the 16th Centuries. Accepted for publication, Dahan Center. (H) Ladino Translations from Italy: The Bible, Pirke Avot, the Passover Haggada, and the Siddur. The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Spread of Jewish Heritage (temporary name), Bologne (to appear). Nominal sentences and pronominal copula in Ladino and early Bible translations. Submitted for publication in Ephraim Hazan's Jubilee Book (ed. by Shmuel Refael). (H) Spanish, Astur-Leonese, Navarro-Aragonese, Judeo-Spanish. To appear in The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (OGRL) (ed. by Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden. (with Donald Tuten and Enrique Pato). Oxford. 'Judeo-Spanish'. To appear in The Jewish Languages – An International Handbook. (eds. Benjamin Hary and Sarah Benor) Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton Thessaloniki 1568 and Venice 1713: Language Differences in Two Ladino Books. Submitted for publication. Language comparison in two Halakhic books by the same author. To appear in Massorot. (H) 'The Ladino Haggadoth in the Ottoman Empire'. To appear in Dahan Centre (Proceedings of the Conference on Jews in the Ottoman Empire) (H) Book Reviews and Comments A Comment on Zev Bar-Lev's Paper: Constraints on Internal Vowels. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 12: 1977, 37-38. (H) A Survey of Hebrew Annual Review. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 14: 1978, 55-59. (H) Report on the 4th Convention of the Israel Association of Applied Linguistics. HaSifrut 26: 1978, 169-170. (H) Linguistic Journals in Israel. HaSifrut 27: 1978, 150-153. (H) To the Description of a Sociolinguistic Study. Maaseh Choshev 6: 1979, 94-95. (H) Review of Shlomo Kodesh Jubilee Volume (Minha Le'Kodesh). HaSifrut 29: 1979, 157-159. (H) Review of The Revival of Hebrew by R. Sivan. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 17: 1981, 62-66. (H) The Feminine Formation of Nouns with a Suffixed -i. Lešonenu 45: 1981, 319-320. (H) Review of Die Wortbildung der hebräischen Adjektiva by F. Werner. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 22: 1984, 69-73. (H) Review of Min Hasadna 6. Hebrew Computational Linguistics 22: 1984, 73-75. (H) Review of Modern Hebrew for Biblical Scholars by T. Muraoka. Lešonenu 48-49: 1985, 284290. (H) Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish, a review of D. Benbenisti's Book. Pe'amim, 25: 1985, 157151. (H) A Glossary to Me'am Lo'ez, a book review of Christa Wiesner Jüdisch-Spanisches Glossar zum ME'AM LO'EZ. Mediterranean Language Review 4/5: 1989, 180-183. Review of Teaching Hebrew: A Practical Guide by Wilga M. Rivers and Moshe Nahir. Bulletin of Higher Hebrew Education 4(2): 1991, 87-89. Review of I. Yerushalmi's edition of Ladino Piyutim uSlihot LeRosh HaShana ulYom Kippur by Rabbi Israel. Pe'amim 49: 1992, 154-157. (H) Review of "The Grammar of Modern Hebrew" by L. Glinert. Bulletin of Higher Hebrew Education 5-6: 1992/3, 113-117. Review of I. Jerushalmi's edition of From Ottoman Turkish to Ladino. Pe'amim 57: 1993, 4145. (H) Review of Milon HaHove by S. Bahat and M. Mishor. Ma'ariv 16.6.1995, 30. (H) Review of The Encyclopeadic lexicon by Nathan Shaham. Ma‘ariv 27.7.1996, 31. (H) Review of Death of a Language: The History of Judeo-Spanish by Tracy K. Harris. Pe’amim 70: 1997, 134-138. (H) Review of Manuel de Judéo-Espagnol: langue et culture by Marie-Christine Varole. Pe‘amim 78: 1999, 188-189. (H) Review of Sefarad in my Heart: A Ladino Reader by Moshe Lazar. Pe’amim 84: 1999, 140- Schwarzwald 14 148. Review of Sefarad in My Heart: A Ladino Reader by Moshe Lazar, La Lettre Sepharade 5: 2001, 10-12. Review of HARALAMBOS SYMEONIDIS, Das Judenspanische von Thessaloniki. Sepharadica 2. Bern/Berlin: Peter Lang. 2002. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 81: 2004, 548-549. Review of Wörterbuch Deutsch-Hebräisch – Phlilosophische, wissenschaftliche und technische Termini by Benjamin Katz-Biletzky, Kernerman Dictionary News 13: 2005, 10-11. Review of Ladino-English / English-Ladino Concise Encyclopedic Dictionary by Elli Kohen & Dahlia Kohen-Gordon. Pe’amim 104: 2005, 145-152. (H) Language education, Monthly Publication of MOFET Institute 25: 2007, p. 3 Review of Les traditions de l'hebreu des communautés juives du sud-ouest de la France, by MOSHE BAR ASHER, Lešonénu 69: 2007, 189-197. (H) Review of Roots and Patterns: Hebrew Morpho-syntax, by MAYA ARAD, Lešonénu 69: 2007, 203-208. (H) Review of Aldina Quintana Rodríguez, Geografía lingüística del judeoespañol (Sephardica 3), Peter Lang, Bern 2006, Pe'amim 113: 2007, 201-208. Review of Spracharkaden: Die Sprache der sephardischen Juden in Italien im 16. und 17. Jahrhundret, by RAFAEL ARNOLD, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 85: 2008, pp. 575576. Review of Israeli, a Beautiful Language: Hebrew as Myth, by GHIL'AD ZUCKERMANN, Oranim – Academic Multidisciplinary Journal 2: 2009, 97-99. (H) Review of Literacy and Language 4 (2012), Hebrew Higher Education 15: 2013, pp. 227231. Review of Rhetoric of the Scientific Article: Language and the Discourse Community, by ZOHAR LIVNAT, Megamot 49: 2014, pp. 622-627. (H) Review of Synoptic Dictionary of the Hebrew Component in Jewish Languages Based on Shelomo Morag's Records (Eda VeLashon 31), by AHARON MAMAN, Journal of Jewish Languages 2: 2014, pp. 104-111. 'Review of El séfer méšec betí de Eliézer Papo: Ritos y costumbres sabáticas de los sefardíes de Bosnia', by KATJA ŠMID. Sefarad 74(2): 2014, pp. 474-478. 'Review of, The Languages of the Jews: A Sociolinguistic History', by Bernard Spolsky. Higher Hebrew Education 17: 2015, pp. 179-184. Schwarzwald 15 Lectures in International Conventions Roots and Patterns in the Modern Hebrew Lexicon. The Conference on Hebraic Studies, Columbus, Ohio, March 1973. The Reflection of Demographic Variables in Linguistic Performance. The 7th International Congress on Judaic Studies, Jerusalem, August 1977. (H) The Pronunciation of the New Generation in Israel. The 5th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Montreal, Canada, August 1978. The Regularity of Irregular Forms. The 12th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea. Jerusalem, August 1979. Chronological Problems in Studying the Hebrew-Aramaic Component of Judezmo. The 2nd International Conference on General and Jewish Lexicography, Newark, Delaware, July 1980. The Fusion of the Hebrew Words in Ladino: Their Historical Origin and Means of Fusion. The 8th International Congress on Judaic Studies, Jerusalem, August 1981. (H) Frequency and Regularity in Second Language Teaching. The Post-Congress on Judaic Studies. Jerusalem, August 1981. (H) Gender Distinction and Feminine Formation in MoHebrew. The 13th International Congress of Linguists, Tokyo, Japan, August 1982. Linguistic Phenomena in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Avoth. The first International Congress for the Study of Oriental and Mediteranian Jewish Languages and Traditions. Paris, France, October 1982. (H) Language Problems as Reflected in Hebrew Poems for Children. The 7th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium, August 1984. The Translation of Hebrew Biblical and Mishnaic Tenses in Ladino. The 17th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Manchester, October 1984. The Hebrew Proper Names in Judeo-Spanish. The 2nd International Congress for the Study of Sephardi and Oriental Jewry. Misgav Yerushalaim, December 1984. (H) Dialectes in Judeo-Spanish as Reflected in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. The 9th International Congress on Judaic Studies, Jerusalem, August 1985. (H) The Hebrew Words in the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. The 196th meeting of the American Oriental Sciety, New Haven, March 1986. On Syllable Weight and Rhythmic Stress in Casual Modern Hebrew. The North Conference on Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, New Haven, March 1986 (with Shmuel Bolozky). Hebrew Grammar: Wishful Teaching. The 1986 Conference on University Teaching of Hebrew Language and Literature (of the National Association of Professors of Hebrew), New York, May 1986. Naming Techniques in the Writings of Oded Burla. The 1986 Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names, Winnipeg, Canada, May 1986. The Regularity of Irregular Morphology. The 1988 Conference on University Teaching of Hebrew Language and Literature (of the National Association of Professors of Hebrew), Los Angeles, May 1988. (H) The Difference between the Ladino Translations of the Haggada and Pirke Aboth. The 3rd International Congress for the Study of Sephardi and Oriental Jewry. Misgav Yerushalaim, July 1988. (H) On Determining the Typology of a Text: Venice 1601 Ladino Translation. The 19th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea, Freiburg, W. Germany, July 1988; The 6th British Conference on Judeo-Spanish, London, April 1989. The Hebrew Words in the Judeo-Spanish Press from Greece. The Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1989. (H) Hebrew Plural Formation within Grammar. North American Conference on AfroAsiatic Linguistics 18, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1990. Language Varieties and Cultural Creativity of Sefardic Jewry. The Section on Spanish Jewry and Its Dispersion: Its Influence on the History of Spain and on Jewish History, The 17th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Madrid, August 1990. Venice 1601-1609 Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth and the Haggada. The Seventh British Conference of Judeo-Spanish Studies, Glasgow, March 1991; The Jews of Sepharad: 1300 Years of Crisis - Identity and Assimilation, Cedar Falls, Iowa, October 1993. Traducciónes venecianas al ladino 1601-1609 de Pirke Aboth y la Haggada. La Proyección Schwarzwald 16 histórica de Espana en sus tres culturas, Medina del Campo (Spain), April 1991. Language Choice and Language Varieties of the Sephardic Jewry Before and After the Expulsion from Spain. The Second International, Interdisciplinary Conference on Sephardic Studies. Binghamton, N.Y., April 1991. Verse additions in the Ladino Haggada from Venice 1609. The International Conference on Hebrew Poetry in Spain and Its Influence, Bar Ilan, June 1991. (H) The language of the Ladino translations compared to the Ladino instructions and picture titles in the Venice 1609 Haggada. The Fourth International Congress of Misgav Yerushalayim, Jerusalem, June 1992. Morphological Aspects in the Development of Judeo-Spanish. The 25th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Galway, Ireland, September 1992. Linguistic Trends in the Development of Ladino Translations. Mémoires juives d'Espagne et du Portugal, Paris, December 1992. The Study of Modern Hebrew in Various Linguistic Schools. Keynote Speech. Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, June 1993. The Components of the Modern Hebrew Lexicon: The Influence of Hebrew Classical Sources, Jewish Languages and other Foreign Languages on Modern Hebrew. Keynote Speech. Post-Congress, Division for Hebrew Language and Culture, Jerusalem, June 1993. Foreign Elements in Hebrew Literature as Sociolinguistic Markers. Xth World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Amsterdam, August 1993. Linguistic Variations Among Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Temporal and Textual Factors. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leiden, September 1995. Methodological problems in Comparing the Lexicon of the Ladino Haggadahs, 14éme Colloque Europeen sur la Grammaire et le Lexique Compares des Langues Romanes, Tel Aviv, September 1995. Hierarchy among the Hebrew Elements in Ladino Translations as Determined by Geographical, Textual and Religious Factors. The Hebrew and Aramaic Elements in Jewish Languages, Milan, October 1995. Geographical, textual and linguistic factors in the use of the Hebrew elements in Ladino translations, The Annual Meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, MA., December 1996. Theoretical and Practical Issues in Modern Hebrew Word Foreignness. Twenty-Fifth North American Conference on Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, Miami, Florida, March 1997. Transitions in Language Teaching Norms and in Language Norms. NAPH 1997 International Conference on Hebrew Language and Literature, Los Angeles, CA, June 1997. (H) Hebrew Suffixes, Morpheme Structure, and Phonological Processes in Inflection and Derivation. The 16th International Congress of Linguists, Paris, July 1997. Derivational and Inflectional Stems and Suffixes in Hebrew. The 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1997. (H) Monolingualism or Multilingualism for Israel. Round Table. International Sociolinguistic Conference, Haifa, March 1998. (H) 1. The Weight of Foreign Influence on Modern Hebrew. 2. Expressions from the Haggadah in the Language of the Sephardic Jews. The Sixth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Toledo, July 1998. The adjectival suffix -i in Hebrew. The 31th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, St Andrews, UK, August 1998. Tradisiones de la eskritura ortografia del ladino del siglo 16 endelantre. Primer Kongreso Internasional sovre “Eskritura i Ortografia en Ladino”, Yerushalayim, Oktober 1999. (H) Transmission of the Ladino translations - Oral vs. written traditions. East and West - Jewish Narrative - Intercultural Aspects, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, November 1999. (H) Ladino Liturgical Literature. Identity and Memory, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem, May 2000. (H) A Reconsideration of the Origin and Transmission of Ladino Translations. The Sixth International Congress of Misgav Yerushalayim, Jerusalem, June 2000. (H) Hebrew-Aramaic Prevalence in Judeo-Spanish, The Annual Meeting of the Association for Schwarzwald 17 Jewish Studies, Boston, MA, December 2000. The Passover Haggadah in the Ottoman Empire. Jews in the Ottoman Empire. Ramat Gan, June 2001. (H) Modern Hebrew Morphology: The State of the Art. Ancient Egyptian, Neo-Semitic, Methods in Linguistics - Workshop in Memory of J.J. Polotsky, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, July 2001. Form and Meaning of Personal Names among Religious and Secular Children Born in Israel between 1983 and 1992. The Fifth International Conference on Jewish Names in Cooperation with the Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2001. (with Ofra Malka Birnboum) (H) Judeo-Spanish Genres as Determined by External and Internal Features. The Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2001. (H) Types of Passover Haggadoth in Ladino. The Seventh Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Amsterdam, July 2002. Considerations in Lexical Compiling of the Ladino Haggadot. International Workshop on Jewish Languages as Translation Languages, Jerusalem, June 2003. Transition in Modern Hebrew Word Formation: From Discontinuous to Linear Formation. The XVII International Congress of Linguists, Prague, July 2003. Types of Passover Haggadoth in Ladino. The 13th British Conference on Judeo-Spanish, London, September 2003. The Ladino Translations of Crypto Jews in Italy. The Fourteenth Conference of the Society of Crypto Judaic Studies, Portland, August 2004. Trends in Modern Hebrew. The International Conference "Language in Globalization Era: Hebrew Status Today", Jerusalem, September 2004. Problemas lingüísticos en la investigación de textos escritos en ladino. Primer encuentro académico programático "El español saluda el judeoespañol (ladino)", Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan, December 2004. Morphophonemic projection on tenses in Modern Hebrew. ULCL Conference on The Structure of the Verb Phrase in Afroasiatic: Morpho-phonological and Syntactic Approaches, Leiden, January 2005. The linguistic unity of Hebrew: Colloquial trends and academic needs. 2005 EAJS Colloquium on The Teaching of Hebrew in European Universities, Yarnton, Oxford, July 2005. Lexical variations in the Ladino translations of the Haggadah. Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2005. Conflicting educational traditions reflected in the linguistic style of Meam Loez. Primer Encuentro Histórico-Cultural Hispano – Turco – Sefardí, Ankara, November 2005. Language features of Ladino translations across time and place. The International Congress of the Study of Language and Translation (SLT06), Gent, Belgium, January 2006. Explicit and Implicit Hebrew Expressions in Ladino Rabbinical Writings. The International Workshop on Jewish Languages and Hebrew, Jerusalem, June 2006. Recent Research Studies of Contemporary Hebrew: A Description of Its Current State. The VIII Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Moscow, July 2006. A women's Siddur in Ladino from the 16th century and its origins in medieval Spain. The International Congress on Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy – Navarra and the Golden Age in Spain, Tudela, Spain, September 2006. Between East and West: The Differences between Ottoman and North African Judeo-Spanish Haggadoth. Los Sephardíes del Norte de Marruecos: Cultura en Contacto, Beer Sheva, June 2007. Linguistic Differences between Medieval and Post Exilic Spanish Translations of the Bible. La Biblia en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro, Jerusalem, December 2007. The Stress of Words with Suffixed +i in Modern Hebrew. Poster presented at the 13th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2008. Affix Order in Modern Hebrew: Syntactic and Morphological Interface. Poster presented at the workshop on Affix Ordering at the 13th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2008. Orthography and Pronunciation Traditions in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. The 3rd International Congress of the Jewish Oral Traditions Research Center on Oral and Schwarzwald 18 Written Jewish Languages, Jerusalem, June 2008. Linguistic Features of a Sixteenth Century Prayer Book for Women. The Fifteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, London, July 2008. Lexical Variations in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women. International Conference on Judezmo Lexicology and Lexicography. Hamburg, September 2008. Hebrew Integrated and Nonintegrated Systems and the Stress Patterns of Words with Final –i. 2009 International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, UCL, London, July 2009. Studies on Modern Hebrew. Plenary session on New Trends in the Study of the Hebrew Language, The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, August 2009. Research on Spoken Hebrew: A Panel Discussion. The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, August 2009. Recursiveness in Hebrew Word Formation. The 42nd Annual Meeting of SLE "Global Languages, Local Languages", Lisbon, September 2009. The Relationship between Ladino Liturgical Texts and Spanish Bibles. International Conference on Hebrew Literature, the Bible and the Andalusi Tradition in the Fifteenth Century, CCHS-CSIC, Madrid, October 2009. Edition of a women's siddur in Ladino (16th century). La publicasion des texts dans les judéolangues: Troisième atelier franco-israélien de linguistique des lan juives, Jerusalem, 30 November 2009. The Connection between Spanish Bible translations to Ladino Bible translations. The 4th International Congress of the Jewish Traditions Research Center on Original and Translated texts in Jewish Languages, Jerusalem, June 2010. Pre-exilic and Post-exilic Translations Compared: Are They Related? Sixteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, London, 13-15 July 2010 Las palabras hebreas en la prensa judeo-española en Grecia. XVII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Roma, 19-24 julio 2010 A Ladino Prayer Book for Women from the Sixteenth Century. The IX Congress "Judaism in the Mediterranean Context" of the European Association for Jewish Studies. Ravenna, Italy, 25-29 July 2010. Proper Names, Toponyms and Gentilic Nouns in Bible Translations: Medieval Spanish and Post-Ladino Translations Compared. The British Association for Jewish Studies Conference, Yarnton, Oxford, 19-21 July 2011. Personal Names and Gentilic Nouns in Ladino Bible Translations. The Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece, 8-11 August 2011. Ladino Translations from Italy: The Bible, Pirke Avot, the Passover Haggada, and the Siddur. The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Spread of Jewish Heritage, Ravenna and Florence, Italy, 5-9 September 2011. Word structure and vowel polarity in Hebrew. Poster presented at the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna University, 9-12 February 2012. Hebrew hinne, wǝhinne and hen in the Ladino and medieval Spanish Bible translations of Genesis. Language Traditions and Jewish Languages. Haifa University, 25-26 March 2012. (H) Hebrew hinne, wǝhinne and hen in the Ladino and medieval Spanish Bible translations of Genesis. The Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies and the Society of Biblical Studies, Amsterdam, 22-26 July 2012. The typology of non-integrated words in Hebrew. Universals and Typology in WordFormation II, Košice, Slovakia, 26-28 August 2012. Ladino instructions in Meza de el alma and in Seder Nashim from Thessaloniki in the Sixteenth century. Around the Point: The Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Jews, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 17-19 December 2012. Language comparison of two Halakhic books in Ladino written by the same author. Old and New in Jewish Languages: The Fifth International Congress of the Center for Jewish languages and Literatures. Jerusalem, 29 April – 2 May 2013. (H) Linguistic variations in early Ladino translations. International Conference on Variation within and across Jewish Languages, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, 26-28 June Schwarzwald 19 2013. Comparison of Jewish law in two Ladino books from the 16th century. The Sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 28.7.2013-1.8.2013. (H) Unknown Sources of Ladino Instructions in the Prayer Book for Jewish Women. Jews across the Balkans: History, Society and Culture, Skopje, Macedonia, 29.9.2013-2.10.2013 (H) Common Denominator in the Formation and Development of Israeli Hebrew. 2014 NAPH International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, 24-26.6.2014. Thessaloniki 1568 and Venice 1713: Language Differences in Two Ladino Books. 18th Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, Madrid, CSIC, 30.6.2014-3.7.2014. Ladino Shulḥan Hapanim and Ḥovat Halevavot:Thessaloniki 1568 and Venice 1713. The 19th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Paris, 20-24 July 2014. Hashinun shehaya lishnina (Mocking rate learning). The International Online Conference on Teaching Hebrew as an Additional Language to Diverse Populations around the World. MOFET Institute, 10-11 May 2015 ( Innovative Elements in Newly Formed Hebrew Four-Consonantal Roots. Word Formation Theories II, Kosice, Slovakia, 26-28 June 2015. Lectures in Israel National Conventions Report on the activity of "Computational Linguistics" Workshop, The 10th Meeting of the Israel Association of Data Processing, Jerusalem, October 1975. The Weak Verb Representation in the Modern Hebrew Lexicon. The 3rd Annual Meeting of AILA, Tel Aviv, July 1976. Gender and Number Deviations in Modern Hebrew. The 4th Annual Meeting of AILA, Bar Ilan University, July 1977. The use of verb patterns and tenses in Hebrew. General and Applied Linguistics Conference, Haifa, January 1978. The Pronunciation of the Young Generation in Israel. The 5th Annual Meeting of AILA, Tel Aviv, July 1978. The Fusion of the Hebrew Words in Judeo-Spanish. The Conference on Language Pragmatics and Jewish Languages. Haifa, May 1981. Frequency and Regularity in a Language. The 8th Annual Meeting of AILA, Ben Gurion University, October 1981. The Hebrew Language as a Topic in Children's Poems. The 10th Annual Meeting of AILA, The Technion, Haifa, September 1983. Orthography and spelling in the Ladino translations of Pirke Aboth. The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society. Jerusalem, May 1984. The Use of the Absolute and Construct Infinitives in Modern Hebrew Lirterature. The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Jerusalem, April 1985. Stress Shifts in Modern Hebrew. The Hebrew Language Department Annual Meeting at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Jerusalem 1985. The First National Conference for Theoretical Linguistics, Tel Aviv, June 1985. Oded Burla's Style. The University Conference on Stylistics and Text Analysis. Bar Ilan University, February 1988. Hebrew Similes of Proverbs and Idioms in Judeo-Spanish. The Conference on the Hebrew and Aramaic Component in Jewish Languages. Haifa, March 1988. The Hebrew Words in Ladino Translations. The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Tel Aviv, March 1988. Languages and Genres in the Literary Creativity of Spanish Jewry Before and After the Expulsion. The Eighth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Hebrew Literature, Bar Ilan, April 1991. Lexical Weight in Hebrew Inflectional Feminine Formation. The Seventh Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics, Jerusalem, June 1991.(E) The Development of Judeo-Spanish in the Ottoman Empire after the Expulsion. The Jewish Diaspora after the Expulsion from Spain, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem, July 1992. Hebrew Words Ending in +ayim. The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Schwarzwald 20 Linguistic Society, Ramat Gan, March 1993. Derivation and Inflection, Grammar and Lexicon, Langue and Parole. Second Conference on "Hebrew: A Living Language", Oranim, May 1993. Language Norms and Teaching Norms. Keynote Speech. The 21st AILA Convention, Bar Ilan, October 1994. Language Knowledge and Awareness of Language. Keynote Speech. "Helkat Lashon" Study Day, Tel Aviv, April 1995. Needs and Aim in Teaching Hebrew Language in Teachers’ Training Colleges. Keynote Speech. A Study Day on Rethinking on Hebrew Language Syllabi in Teaches’ Training Colleges, Tel Aviv, December 1995. Syllable Structure, Alternations and VeComplexity: The Modern Hebrew Verb Patterns Reexamined, The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Tel Aviv, May 1996. Adjective Formation, Derivation and Inflection. The Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Kefar Sava, May 1998. The Relationship between Grammar and Lexicon. Study Seminar for Hebrew Language Teachers in Teachers’ Colleges, Bat Yam, February 9, 1999; Rethinking on Linguistic Representations in Language Teaching, Tel Aviv University, May 2, 1999. Morphology in Sociocultural Setting. Changing Trends in Hebrew Language Teaching: Study Seminar for Hebrew Language Teachers, Lewinsky Teachers’ College, Tel Aviv, April 8, 1999. Language Varieties in Contemporary Hebrew. Language and Society in Israel in the Beginning of the 20th Century, Haifa University, April 3, 2001; Keynote Speech. The 28th AILA Convention, Bet Berl, October 10, 2001. Word Formation and Word Innovation in Hebrew. The 17th Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Tel Aviv University, May 13. 2001. The Study of Judeo-Spanish in the East. The State of Affairs in the Study of the Languages and Literatures of Oriental and Seohardic Jewry. Haifa University, April 2002. The Types of Ladino Haggadot. The Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society. Tel Aviv University, May 2002. Additional Derivations? The 19th Annual Meeting of the Israeli members of the European Linguistic Society, Beit Berl, January, 2003. Morphological Developments in Hebrew. Two Hundred and Fifty Year of Modern Hebrew. The Hebrew Language Academy and the Hebrew Departments, Jerusalem, May 2004. The Face of the Language as the Face of Society. The 3rd Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society on "Language, Nationality and Pluralism". Beit Berl, June 2004. Morphemes, stems and alternants in Rosén's theory: Origin and developments. Studies in the Haim B. Rosén's Theory in the Study of Israeli Hebrew. Haifa University, December 2004. Discourse aspects in "Me‘am Lo‘ez". Conference on Middle Ages: Society, Culture and Literature dedicated to Prof. Judith Dishon. Bar Ilan University, February 2005. A women's Siddur in Ladino from the 16th century and its relations to a women's Siddur from medieval Spain. Conference on Discourse and Gender in Israel. Bar Ilan University, January 2007. The Principles in the Ladino Translation Hovat HaLevavot (Duty of the Heart). Hebrew and Jewish Languages in Honor of Moshe Bar-Asher. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, November 2007. Between Biblical and Modern Hebrew. Conference on Old Texts in New Translations, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, May 2009. Teaching of Academic Writing in Universities and Colleges: Symposium. The 36th Annual Conference of IAAL, The Beit-Berl Academic College, October 2009. Between Biblical and Modern Hebrew. The Seventh Oranim Convention on "Hebrew a Living Language". Oranim College, 1st February 2010. Where was the Ladino Siddur for Women (Paris Hebr.668) published? The 26th meeting of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Haifa University, 8th February 2010. Rhetorics of the Scientific Article: Language and the Discourse Community. Symposium at The 27th meeting of the Israeli Linguistic Society, Tel Aviv University, 7th February Schwarzwald 21 2011. Survey of Research Studies in Israel. The First National Convention of Modern Hebrew Graduate Students, Bar-Ilan University, 21st June 2011. Strange words in Hebrew Folksongs. Song Theory and Language – a Tribute to Professor Efraim Hazan, Bar-Ilan University, 31st January 2012. The language of youth. Symposium in the conference on Challenges and Trends in Hebrew Teaching. MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv, 29th February 2012. From learned language to learning language. Modern Hebrew and the generation tradition: The open conference of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Herzlia, 7-8 May 2012. Old, new, and renewed. Where is Hebrew Heading? Yellin College, Jerusalem, 9 December 2012. Substrate language, language contact, social stratification and linguistic factors. Jewish Languages and Contemporary Hebrew, Haifa University, 29 December 2013. Šenišmaˁ Besorot tovot: Modal Shin in Modern Hebrew. The 41st Convention of the Israel Association of Applied Linguistics (IAAL), Bar-Ilan University, 19 October 2014. What is Good or Correct Hebrew? Symposium in the 42nd Convention of the Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics (IAAL). Yelin College, Jerusalem, 6 October 2015. Guest Lectures Phonetic Comparison among Languages. Speech study workshop, Ben Gurion University, January 1977. (H) Form and Formation in the Hebrew Verb. Colloquium of the Hebrew Language Department and Applied Linguistics, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, December 1978. (H) Grammaticality and New Standards in Modern Hebrew. Von-Gruenbaum Center for Near Eastern Studies. UCLA, February 1980; Pomona College, California, March 1980. The Uses of Verbs in Israeli Hebrew: A Sociolinguistic Study. The AJS monthly meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 1980. Grammar; Lexicon-Grammar Relationship; Predicate Complementation. Workshop for Highschool teachers, Haifa University, July 1981. (H) Language, Grammar and Reality. Seminar on the Study of Language. (H) Everyman's University, May 1982. Tenses and Patterns in Modern Hebrew; Feminine Formation. Workshop for the Teaching of Hebrew Culture in Universities, Jerusalem, July 1982. (H) Hebrew of the Next Generation. Symposium, Jerusalem, July 1982. (H) Source and translation: Language traditions, attitudes, and ways in the Ladino translations of Pirke Aboth. The center for Jewish languages and literatures. Jerusalem, March 1985. The Revival of Hebrew, Its Status in Israel and Its Relation to Other Jewish Languages. Israel Culture Centre. Ottawa, Canada, December 1985; Israel Education Day, Buffalo, N.Y., April 1986; Yeshiva University, New York, April 1990; Von-Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies. UCLA, May 1990. Linguistic Problems of the English Speakers of Israel. Parents of North American Israelis Monthly Meeting, Toronto, February 1986. Studies in Judeo-Spanish. Jewish Student Federation at York University & Ontario Sephardic Association, Maple Lake, Canada, February 1986. The Language and Literature of Greek Jewry. Opening of courses in the Literature of Greek Jewry, Bar Ilan University, January 1987. The Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Summer Seminar Series of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Yarnton, August 1987; AJS monthly meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 1989; Jewish Sephardic communities, Los Angeles, CA., February 1990, Highland Park, N.J., April 1990. Studies in Sephardic Culture. The Oxford Programme in Yiddish, Oxford, August 1988. Venice 1601 among the Ladino Translations of Pirke Aboth. Summer Seminar Series of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Yarnton, August 1988. The Relation of Hebrew to Jewish Languages. The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, October 1989. The Revival of Hebrew in Children's Literature. UCLA, February 1990. The Interinfluence of Hebrew and Jewish Languages. (UCLA Linguistic Colloquium, March Schwarzwald 22 1990). Modern Hebrew as a Fused Language. Yeshiva University, New York, April 1990. Judeo-Spanish: Three lecture series on the language and the literature. Romance Linguistics, UCLA, May 1990. Small and Grown-up in Oded Burla's Writings: Linguistic Differences. Children's Literature for Little Ones and Big Ones, Bet Berl Teachers College, April 1991. (H) The Venice Haggada of 1609 in Ladino. The center for Jewish languages and literatures. Jerusalem, March 1992. Methodological Problems in Compiling the Ladino Lexicon of the Passover Haggadahs. The center for Jewish languages and literatures. Jerusalem, December 1995. Community and Its Languages: Between Tradition and Innovations. Special session for the publication of Eda VeLashon 20, Moderator and speaker, Jerusalem, April 1996. The interinfluence of Hebrew and Jewish languages, Center for Jewish Studies, The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 12, 1996. Language varieties and cultural activity of Sephardic Jewry, The Department of Jewish Literature and the Department of Jewish History, The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, November 26, 1996. The Revival of Hebrew and the Sociolinguistic Factors in Its Formation. UCLA, May 30, 1997. The Lexicon of the Ladino Haggadot. The David Patterson Seminars at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Yarnton Manor, Oxford, November 2002. The Judeo-Spanish Influence on Colloquial Israeli Hebrew. Cambridge, November 2002. The Evolution of Judeo-Spanish. Romance Linguistics Seminar, Oxford, December 2002. Consonant Clusters in Hebrew. Phonology Seminar, UCLA, February 2003; Linguistics Seminar, Oxford, February 2003. Foreign Influence in Hebrew. Hebrew Studies. UCLA, February 2003. Hebrew Gender. Surrey University, Guildford, March 2003. A Ladino Prayer Book for Women from the Sixteenth Century. The David Patterson Seminars at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Yarnton Manor, Oxford, 13 February 2008. Ladino Translations of Liturgical texts: Geographical, Temporal and Textual Variations. University College of London, Institute for Jewish Studies, Public Lecture Series, 19 May 2008. Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women from the 16th Century. Romance Linguistic Seminar, Oxford, 29 May 2008. The Translation of Prayers and Instructions in a Ladino Siddur for Women from the 16th Century. Meeting of the Israeli Society for the Study of Translation, Bar Ilan University, 14 March 2010. Between Hebrew and Ladino. Lashon Rishon 4, Rishon LeZion Cultural Center, 19 January 2011. Personal Names, Toponyms and Gentilic Nouns in Ladino and Iberian Translations to the Bible. The Center for Jewish Languages and Literatures. The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 23 May 2011. Man and Woman in a Ladino Siddur for Women from the Sixteenth Century. The Inauguration of the New Ladino Center. Bar Ilan University, 13 June 2011. Hebrew in Ladino and Ladino in Hebrew. Workshop on Hebrew and Other Languages. Efrata College, Jerusalem, 30 April 2012. Issues in the Study of Living Hebrew: The description of Language Data. Symposium In "Hebrew – A Living Language", Oranim College, 11 February 2013. Tradition and Progress in a Women's Siddur from the Sixteenth Century. Seder Nashim discussion, The Hebrew National Library, 6 March 2013, Jerusalem. Language, Gender and Religion: The Place of the Woman in the Siddur. Lunching of Malka Muchnik's New Book The Gender Challenge of Hebrew. 24 December 2014, Bar Ilan University.