International Symposium: - United Nations University

International Symposium:
The Role of Research and Higher Education
in Developing
National Forest Programmes
in Countries with Economies in Transition
1-3 July 2002
Kaunas, Lithuania
Sunday 30 June 2002
Shuttle bus from Hotel Neris to the venue
18.00 – 20.00
Ice breaker and registration in the campus
Shuttle bus from campus to Hotel Neris
Monday 1 July 2002
Shuttle bus from Hotel Neris to the venue
8.00 – 9.00
Registration continues
9.00 – 9.30
Opening Ceremonies
Session 1: International Challenges to Research and Higher Education in Designing
Comprehensive Policy Development Frameworks
Chair: Risto Päivinen, European Forest Institute
9.30 – 9.40
Setting the Scene
Risto Päivinen, European Forest Institute
9.40 – 10.05
Research and Capacity Building in Sustainable Development
Motoyuki Suzuki, United Nations University, Japan
10.05 – 10.30
National Forest Programmes in Changing Socio-Economic Conditions –
Challenges in Countries with Economies in Transition
Oudara Souvannavong FAO
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee / Tea
11.00 – 11.25
The Role of Economic and Sector Work in Policy Development for
Enhanced Forest Programmes
David Cassells, the World Bank
11.25 – 11.50
Policy Perspectives on NFPs in Europe
Peter Mayer, MCPFE, Austria
11.50 – 12.20
12.20 – 13.45
Session 2: The Interface between Research, Education and Policy Development – The Stateof-Art; Presentations of Representing Countries
Chair: Motoyuki Suzuki, United Nations University
13.45 – 14.10
International Challenges and Countries with Economies in Transition:
Development Needs in Higher Education and Forest Research
Paavo Pelkonen, Silva Network, University of Joensuu, Finland
14.10 – 14.25
Role of University Level Forestry Education and Research Development in
Lithuanian Forestry Sector in Transitional Economy Period
Albinas Tebera, Lithuanian University of Agriculture
14.25 – 14.40
Research and Higher Education in Latvia
Henn Tuherm and Ilze Silamikele, Ministry of Agriculture, Latvia
14.40 – 14.55
Albania Country Report
Zaneta Prifti, Directorate General of Forests and Pastures, Albania
14.55 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee / Tea
Session 2 continues
Chair: Paavo Pelkonen, Silva-network, University of Joensuu, Finland
16.00 – 16.20
National Forestry Programme in Japan
Masahiko Hori, UNFCCC Affairs
16.20 – 16.35
Actual Role and Prospects of Higher Education and Research in
Development of Forest Policies in Ukraine
Sergeiy Zibtsev, National Agricultural University of Ukraine
Combined with
Forestry Researches and Their Role in Development of NFP in Ukraine
Victor Petrovic Tkach, Ukrainian Research Institute of Forest Melioration,
16.35 – 16.50
Current State and Prospects of Sustainable Development of Forestry of
Republic of Moldova
Petru Cuza, Institute for Forest Research and Forest Management,
16.50 – 17.05
Forestry Research in Tajikistan: Problems, Issues, Perspectives in NFP
Khukmatullo Akhmadov, Tajik Research and Development Forestry
Institute, Tajikistan
17.05 – 17.20
Reform in Chinese Forestry Higher Education
Chuo Ma, Chinese Academy of Forestry
17.20 – 18.20
Discussion and ending the day
19.00 – 22.00
Official dinner in the campus area
Shuttle bus from campus to Hotel Neris
Tuesday 2 July 2002
Shuttle bus from Hotel Neris to the venue
Session 3: Issues for Socio-economic and Policy Research and Education; Presentations of
Representing Countries
Chair: Ilpo Tikkanen, European Forest Institute
9.00 – 9.20
Socio-Economic Forest Research in Pan-European Context – A Starting
Point for Policy Development
Anssi Niskanen, European Forest Institute
9.20 – 9.45
Development in CITs and OECD Countries – A Comparison and
Challenges for Policy Research
Birger Solberg, University of Norway
9.45 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee / Tea
Session 4: Presentations of Representing Countries
Chair: Albinas Tebera, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania
11.00 – 11.15
Serbian Forestry Conceptual Statement as the Base for NFP
Radovan Nevenic, Institute of Forestry, PE "Serbia Forest", Serbia
11.15 – 11.30
Problems of Research and Higher Education in Developing NFP in
Armen Nalbandyan, ARMFOREST department of International
Cooperation, Armenia
11.30 – 11.45
The Status of the Forest Sector and the Role of the Scientific Investigations
and Higher Education for Establishment of a NFP in Bulgaria during the
Years of Economic Transition
Hristo Tsakov, Forest Research Institute, Bulgaria
11.45 – 12.00
Concept of Higher Forest Education in Russia
V.G. Sanaev, Moscow State Forest University, Russia
12.00 – 12.30
12.30 – 13.45
Plenary Session
Ilpo Tikkanen, European Forest Institute
Paavo Pelkonen, University of Joensuu / Silva Network, Finland
Libor Jansky, United Nations University
13.45 – 15.30
Tentative: Working groups, presentations of the Country Cases
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee / Tea
16.00 – 17.30
Plenary session, presentations of the possible WGs, Discussion
18.00 – 19.00
Supper in the campus area
Shuttle bus from campus to Hotel Neris
Wednesday 3 July 2002
Departure to the excursion from dormitory => Hotel Neris =>
Excursion Topics:
a) Productive forest stands
b) State forest policies after privatisation/restitution reforms: achievements and challenges
c) Grutas Park: Multifunctional forestry and private sector
d) Dzukija National Park – Cepkeliai Forest Reserve: Forestry sector reform and problems
related to protected areas
Lunch and Dinner during the excursion.
Appr. 23.00
Arrival back to Kaunas