
The Official Publication of the Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach
Editor: Rick Block
November 25, 2003
Chopper Jack’s New Arrival
Coming Events
December 2 -Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country Club. Program chair of the day is Scott Smith.
December 2nd-We man the Santa Float. Please meet at
the city yard on Bell at 4:00pm.
December 4th-Board meeting at Good Stuff in Manhattan Beach, 7:30am. The board consists of Rick Block,
Paul Blieden, Helen Duncan, Don Freeman, Bill Glavin,
Stan Ralls and Dave Simon. Officers are Jack Sarcona,
Dan Skora, Ivan Stonich, Dennis Groat and Jim Packard. All Kiwanians are welcome to participate.
December 6th-Annual Holiday Party at the Skora’s.
Children are welcome. There will also be an adult gag
gift exchange, so bring a gift (PG rated please). Remember, your budget for the gift is no more than $20.
Vol. XXXIII No. 4
anniversary and was chagrined to learn the date is the
day after Thanksgiving, not the date on his list. By the
end of the discussion, everyone in the room was convinced Ken held the fine free ticket for the day. It was
surprising Chopper Jack did not levy fines on Mr. Giss.
In lieu of much deserved fines, Ken tossed in a buck for
surviving the trip to the dentist.
Don Freeman happily reports the Mira Costa Girls’ Volleyball team has won CIF III again. They begin post
season play this week.
Chief Groat praised Stan Ralls’ trimming down to 190
pounds on his new diet. The Chief brought in a picture
of Stan that was run on the front page of the Easy Reader. The Chief could not see Stan’s Kiwanis pin and
asked Chopper Jack to fine him appropriately.
December 9th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country Club. Program chair of the day is Ivan Stonich.
December 16th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country Club. Program chair of the day is Bill Switzer.
December 23rd-Round Table at Joe Jost’s Tavern, 2803
East Anaheim Street, Long Beach, CA 90804. Contact
Stan Ralls (310-318-3664) for additional information
December 30th- Round Table at Joe Jost’s Tavern, 2803
East Anaheim Street, Long Beach, CA 90804. Contact
Stan Ralls (310-318-3664) for additional information.
January 6th- Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country
Club. Program chair of the day is Paul Blieden.
Stan would neither confirm nor deny this was a picture
of him working out at Waller Stadium.
We welcomed Ken Giss’ wife Judy to the meeting.
Stan was happy to change the subject to USC’s being
retuned to the number 2 spot on the BCS rankings after
the Trojans’ trouncing of UCLA last Saturday. Mira
Costa Football continues to roll with a victory over Paramount. Next up is Chaminade.
Chopper Jack questioned the date of the Giss’ wedding
I had a few dollars. The first was for my kids being
January 13th- Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country
Club. Program chair of the day is Rick Block.
home for Thanksgiving. Another dollar was for Paul
Gold filling in for me last week.
Stan started a rumor the Chief was back from a cruise.
Dennis was initially speechless in his own defense. He
regained his composure and argued the trip was part
vacation and part business, J. Fire Travel, owned and
operated by Denise Groat. Chopper Jack did not buy
into the argument so Dennis offered up Mac McClellan
for his latest Mexican holiday. Chopper Jack’s attention
was not to be turned, and pronounced a $10 fine for the
Stan added his softball team was still able to win without the Chief’s help last week.
Chopper Jack has finally lived up to his name. He took
delivery of his Harley and thought he could get away
with a $1 for the new arrival. Jack’s conscience kicked
into overdrive and Jack tossed in $50 for his new baby.
Fine Free
Ken did not have the fine free ticket. He was able to
bluff Chopper Jack out of a fine.
The fine free ticket for next week is 424218.
Jesus won the bottle of booze.
Holiday Party
The Holiday Party will be held at the Skora’s on the 6th,
starting at 6:30pm. We will have a gag gift exchange, so
bring a PG rated gift. Dan and Sandy’s address is 1341
Gaites Avenue in Manhattan Beach. Please RSVP Dan
at (310) 374-8684.
The Santa Float is ours for the evening of the December
2nd. We need four elves to help Santa.
I am updating the roster, please send me your current
address and phone numbers, for home and business,
phone numbers, cell phone number and email address.
If nothing has changed from the last roster, please confirm that. My email address is rick@bcapension.com.
My office address is Block Consulting Actuaries, Inc.
3601 Aviation Blvd., Suite 3080, Manhattan Beach, CA
Please note the changes to the meeting schedule. The
last two meetings of the year will be roundtables at Joe
Jost’s in Long Beach.
Door Prize
Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach
Post Office Box 3492
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
First Class