EUROPEAN STANDARD SCHOOL (ESS) Class: VII, Subject: Bangladesh Studies Information Sheet # 2 Subject Teacher: Ms. Naima Sultana Date: 28/03/2015 Topic: (Language, Literature and Culture of Bangladesh) Chapter – 2: Culture of Bangladesh Page # 248 – 252 Do Question No. 7 & 8 (a, b, c) in your copy (Page # 262) Do Question No. 9 in your book (Page # 262) Following hints to be followed for the answer of the questions: Q.7: What is culture? What are the factors that influence the culture of a nation? Page # 248 (1st & 2nd para) Q.8 (a) Write a short note on any two religious festivals celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 249 & 250) any two. (b) Write a short note on any two National Days festivals celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 251) (c) Write a short note on any two secular festivals (based on seasons) celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 251 – 252). N.B You may modify your answer by writing in your own words or by adding more information. EUROPEAN STANDARD SCHOOL (ESS) Class: VII, Subject: Bangladesh Studies Information Sheet # 2 Subject Teacher: Ms. Naima Sultana Date: 28/03/2015 Topic: (Language, Literature and Culture of Bangladesh) Chapter – 2: Culture of Bangladesh Page # 248 – 252 Do Question No. 7 & 8 (a, b, c) in your copy (Page # 262) Do Question No. 9 in your book (Page # 262) Following hints to be followed for the answer of the questions: Q.7: What is culture? What are the factors that influence the culture of a nation? Page # 248 (1st & 2nd para) Q.8 (a) Write a short note on any two religious festivals celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 249 & 250) any two. (b) Write a short note on any two National Days festivals celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 251) (c) Write a short note on any two secular festivals (based on seasons) celebrated by the people of Bangladesh (Page # 251 – 252). N.B You may modify your answer by writing in your own words or by adding more information.