Syllabus Fall 2012 - Mommas-Lil-Girl

Music Appreciation
MUS 139.004 Fall 2012
Instructor: Dr. Erica Otero
Office: Center for the Arts B219
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Description: This course is an overview of Western Classical Music that encompasses the
Medieval Period through the 20th century. It is a primary goal to increase the level of listening skills and
consequently the enjoyment of music by examining the elements of musical compositions from each time
period. The course will begin with a discussion of the fundamentals of music.
Materials: 1 - Text: The Enjoyment of Music by K. Forney & J. Machlis/Pub. Norton Traditional Book
ISBN: 978-0-393-18198-2 (or) EBook ISBN: 978-0-393-18199-9
Important: Study Space is an essential online component of the text. You will need to gain
access to to the ‘locked’ sections, please contact Norton (the publisher) for assistance if you
have any problems.
Grading Scale: 98-100 A+
78 - 79 C+
1% each
90-98 A
70-78 C
88-89 B+
68-69 D+
80-88 B
60-68 D
0-59 F
Study Space Quizzes
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Classical Concerts Attendance (2) 10% each
Extra Credit Concerts
Study Space Quizzes: Please see directions for taking the online quizes posted on WebCT.
Exams: There will be three multiple choice/true-false examinations. Exam dates are non-negotiable.
Students are required to bring a No. 2 pencil on exam days.
Make-Up Exam: Make-up exams (this is not a re-take exam) will take place during regular class time.
Make-up exams will cover the same material as the original test. Excuse notes are not required. This is
the last and only opportunity to make up an exam. Only one (1) make-up exam may be taken. No
regular lecture on this day.
Attendance: Attendance is not taken, however, questions about live performances/movies presented
during class will be asked on exams.
Concert Attendance: Students are required to attend two (2) approved UNM, Keller Hall Music
Department events during the Fall 2009 semester. The approved list may be found on WebCT posted
each month during the semester. At each concert, students are required to attain a program and have it
stamped by a Keller Hall attendant both before and after the concert. Students who turn in programs
without both stamps will not receive credit. Both programs must be attached to a filled in ‘Concert
Attendance Form’ and turned in on the due date (see class schedule). The form is posted on WebCT.
Any extra credit programs aquired must also be attached to a separate ‘Concert Attendance Form’ on the
due date at the end of the semester. Please see WebCT for more information about Keller Hall Concerts.
A list of Popejoy Hall concerts that qualify for concert attendance will be posted on WebCT for each
month as they become availble. Please see instructions for attending concerts on WebCT.
Extra Credit: To receive extra credit, attend an approved Keller Hall Performance and turn in a program
with two stamps by the due date and attached to a‘Concert Attandance Form’. You may attend as many
extra credit concerts as you would like. Any lost or unstamped programs will not count for credit under
any circumstances. One percentage grade will be added to your total final grade at the end of the
Concert and Guest Artist/Lecturer Behavior – If you are reported to the instructor as texting,
talking, being on the computer, doing homework, etc. during a Keller Hall performance, you will not
receive credit for a performance even if you have turned in a program with two stamps. Ushers may take
your name and ask you to leave. If the UNM student audience behavior is exceptionally unacceptable,
the entire concert may not count for any music appreciation students who attend the concert from any
Class Behavior – Please no talking or excessive ‘whispering’ during class (the instructor can hear
you) which interferes with other students ability to hear and concentrate. Also, if you have a
documentable conflict that requires you to leave before class is dismissed, please see the instructor before
class starts, otherwise do not leave class early. Instructor reserves the right to drop students from class for
unacceptable behavior. No Food or Drink in Keller Hall.
Emails – Please send all emails to with the course number and section as the
subject. Example: 139.004
UNM Net ID - This course uses WebCT as a gradebook. Students are expected to
check WebCT on a daily basis for announcements, grades, reviews, etc. Grade questions will only be
considered within one week of their posting on WebCT. You can access WebCT by going to or Every student must have a UNM net ID to access WebCT. This can be
aquired at:
Course Schedule
Lecture: The Elements of Music, The Middle Ages and The Renaissance
Quizzes 1-16 due
Exam 1
Lecture: The Baroque and Classical Eras
Quizzes 17-25 due
2 Concert Reports and Programs attached to Concert Form due
Exam 2
Lecture: The Romantic Era and 20th Century Music
Make-up Exam (no lecture)
Quizzes 26-41 due
Extra Credit Programs due
Exam 3