Sample Questions by

Questions with a (*) have been given out to potential
candidates as sample questions.
1. Please give me an example of a time when you overcame a challenge to
accomplish something you hoped for.
2. Tell me about a time when you had to work hard to accomplish something.
3. Why do you think that you would make a good state officer?
4. *Why are you running for state office?
5. Why do you want to serve Arizona FFA?
6. *Give me an example of a time when you had to sacrifice one thing for
7. Describe how you felt and what you did when you didn’t accomplish
something you had hoped for?
8. What would you say to a student who was interested in running for state office
and wanted to know why you want to serve as one?
9. When did you decide to run for a state office? How did you go about
preparing for this and right now do you feel comfortable with your level of
10. What do you expect to give as a state officer?
11. *Why do you think you should be chosen over the other Candidates?
1. Where do you see yourself in ten years? (or 5 years)
-What is one thing that you would love to do or be if you decide not to
follow through with this plan?
2. *Is there a talent that you have that you don’t use?
3. What are your plans for the next year if you are not elected?
4. What office are you running for?
5. What motivates you to wake up in the morning?
6. Tell us about a time when you really had to push yourself.
7. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
8. Why are you running for state office?
9. What is one thing you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?
10. *What are your educational goals?
11. Other than state office, what is a major goal that you have and what are you
doing to accomplish this goal?
12. *What are 3 short and long term goals that you have. Explain what you are
doing to accomplish one of each.
13. When did you decide to run for a state office? How did you go about
preparing for this and right now do you feel comfortable with your level of
14. What do you expect to gain from being a State Officer?
1. Give me an example of a time when you were given criticism. How did you
handle the situation?
2. Give me an example of a time when your plan for something changed. What
did you do in response to the change?
3. What would you do if you were on your way to give a workshop and the
advisor called you and asked you to give your workshop on a different topic
than he had originally asked?
4. What would you do if you arrived to give a workshop and realized that you
forgot your handouts for the presentation?
5. What would you do if you arrived to give a powerpoint presentation and
realized that you forgot a projector?
6. What would you do if you were in the middle of giving a banquet speech, and
completely forgot the remainder of your speech?
7. *What office are you running for?
8. How do you handle criticism?
9. *Tell me about a time when you were faced with a new situation and how you
adapted to it.
10. *Describe a time when you had more than one thing going on at a time. How
did you handle the situation?
11. Describe how you have handled a situation that did not result in success.
12. Tell me about a time when you had to multi-task to get all your responsibilities
13. Describe a time when you were forced to step outside your comfort zone. How
did you react to the environment?
1. Tell us about an activity that you were in charge of and what you would do
differently if you could do it again.
2. *Tell me about a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.
3. Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision. What did you learn from
4. *What kind of worker are you?
5. When was a time that your values and standards were challenged? What did
you do?
6. What specifically have you done to prepare for state office?
7. What have you done since pre-interviews to prepare for SLC?
8. What skills did you gain and/or strengthen by having an SAE program?
9. Do you study a lot for school? Why or why not?
10. Describe what you did when you were late to an activity or meeting for some
reason? What did you tell your teammates, advisor or other members?
11. *Please describe the most significant lesson you have learned from a situation
that did not have a successful outcome.
12. When did you decide to run for a state office? How did you go about
preparing for this and right now do you feel comfortable with your level of
13. Has there ever been a time when you felt overwhelmed by your
responsibilities? How did you handle you feeling of being overwhelmed?
14. Can you think of a time when it is okay to tell something to someone else that
another person told you in confidence?
15. What challenges have you faced with your SAE?
16. What do you most enjoy about your SAE project?
Problem Solving
1. Please describe a time when you faced a challenge. What did you do to
overcome the situation?
2. Tell us about an activity that you were in charge of and what you would do
differently if you could do it again.
3. *What types of decisions are most difficult for you?
4. Tell me how you found a solution to a problem that you faced during high
5. *Give me an example of a time when you faced a disagreement with an
individual or on a team. What happened, what did you do?
6. Describe a time when you had more than one thing going on at a time. How
did you handle the situation?
7. Describe a time when a teacher disliked you and you felt that your
performance in the class would suffer. What did you do?
8. Please tell me what you have done in the past when you couldn’t find your
keys, and were running late?
9. *Describe one of the most significant lessons you have learned from a conflict
with another individual or a group.
10. Describe a time when you had to seek outside advice to solve a problem.
1. Give me an example of a time when you faced a disagreement with an
individual or on a team. What happened, what did you do?
2. *What is one of the most significant lessons you have learned from being a
part of a team?
3. *Describe a time when you had to rely on others for help with something.
4. Does it matter if members of a team like one another?
5. Tell me about a time when you influenced another person/FFA member.
6. If you were picking the next State Officer team what qualities would you look
7. How would others describe your personality?
8. What aspect of State Office interests you most?
9. *Do you see yourself as a leader or follower?
10. What is more important, a leader or a follower?
11. What is your favorite family memory?
12. Please give me an example of a time when you had to make a personal
sacrifice for the benefit for a group or team.
13. Describe a time when a teacher disliked you and you felt that your
performance in the class would suffer. What did you do?
14. Why are you running for State Office?
15. Please tell me about a candidate that you did not know before SLC or PreInterviews. (If candidate knew everyone already, ask them to share something
new they learned about another candidate.)
16. Describe what you did when you were late to an activity or meeting for some
reason? What did you tell your teammates, advisor or other FFA members?
17. When taking part in Team meetings, do you believe that it is important that the
group reach a consensus on all relevant information?
18. Have you ever been on a team with someone you really disliked and have had
problems working with in the past. How did you handle working with them in
this new situation?
Extra Personal Questions
1. Who are you?
2. Name three adjectives that best describe you.
3. If you were picking the next State Officer team what qualities would you look
4. Do you think loving the FFA is enough to qualify you to serve as a state
5. Why do you think you should be chosen over the other Candidates?
6. If you were not elected this year, and were given the opportunity to run again
next year, what would you do differently?
7. What do you most enjoy about life?
8. What do you do for fun?
9. What is you favorite FFA memory?
10. What is something that you find very challenging?
11. Who is someone you look up to?
12. If you met with President Bush what question would you like to ask him?
13. How do you spend your day when you have nothing to do?
14. Who is your biggest support system? If elected who would be your biggest
support system?
15. What FFA activity do you find most rewarding?
16. Select one individual, living or dead, you most admire and explain why.
17. What is one of your weakest personality characteristics?
a. How could you develop/overcome this trait?
18. If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be?
19. Based on your application and what you have told us, we think that you are
over-qualified for this position. What do you think?
20. Please describe three of your personal strengths and three of your personal
21. What do you expect to gain from being a State Officer?
22. What do you expect to give as a state officer?
23. What is more important to you fame, or fortune?
24. Tell me about a time when you influenced another person/FFA member.
25. Name three adjectives that best describe you.
26. Where do you see yourself in ten years? (or 5 years)
a. What is one thing that you would love to be if you weren’t going to be
a _______________?
27. Tell us about an activity that you were in charge of and what you would do
differently if you could do it again.
28. What is the most exciting thing about life?
29. If you were picking the next State Officer team what qualities would you look
30. Is there a talent that you have that you don’t use?
31. What do you most enjoy about life?
32. What do you do for fun?
33. What is your favorite High School memory?
34. What is something unique about the area you grew up in?
35. What is you favorite FFA memory?
36. What is something that you find very challenging?
37. What are your plans for the next year if you are not elected?
38. What office are you running for?
39. Why do you think that you would make a good state officer?
40. Who is your FFA role model?
41. Who is someone you look up to?
42. If you met with President Bush what question would you like to ask him?
43. What motivates you to wake up in the morning?
44. Tell us about a time when you really had to push yourself.
45. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
46. Why are you running for state office?
47. How do you spend your day when you have nothing to do?
48. Who is your biggest support system? If elected who would be your biggest
support system?
49. Tell me a little bit about another candidate that you didn’t know before SLC or
50. What FFA activity do you find most rewarding?
51. How would others describe your personality?
52. Select one individual, living or dead, you most admire and explain why.
53. Who are you?
54. How do you handle criticism?
55. What is one thing you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?
56. Give me three qualities that you look for in a good friend.
57. What is more important to you: Fame or Fortune?
58. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
59. What three accomplishments are you most proud of?
60. Describe a typical day for you.
61. What are the key characteristics of a leader?
62. How are you qualified to serve?
63. What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?
64. Describe your time management system?
65. Why did you join FFA?
66. Why have you stayed involved in FFA?
67. Why are you running for State Office?
68. Tell me one thing you have always wanted to do, but have never done. Why
haven’t you done it?
69. Other than your parents, who would you like to model your life after?
70. What is your most prized possession and why?
71. What is your favorite quote or saying?
72. What do you do when you are really frustrated?
73. Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a conflict.
74. Is there a place you go when you want to get away?
75. What would you do on a day when you have no other obligations?
76. What color most represents you?
77. If you could change anything about high school what would you change?
78. What is one of your weakest personality characteristics?
a. How could you develop/overcome this trait?
79. If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be?
80. Please tell me about an event in your life that has helped shape you to be the
person you are today.
81. What role do you see yourself fulfilling as a state officer?
82. What is your favorite food? Why?
83. What motivates you to put forth effort?
84. Describe your ideal life.
85. What aspect of State Office interests you most?
86. Describe your personality.
87. Are you a leader? Please give me a few examples.
88. Based on your application and what you have told us, we think that you are
over-qualified for this position. What do you think?
89. Tell me about a time when you were faced with a new situation and how you
adapted to it.
90. Tell me about a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.
91. Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision. What did you learn from
92. What are your educational goals?
93. Describe your ideal job.
94. What do you think the greatest challenge is for a state officer?
95. Why do you want to serve Arizona FFA?
96. Other than state office what is a major goal that you have and what are you
doing to accomplish this goal?
97. What types of decisions are most difficult for you?
98. What kind of worker are you?
99. *What are your values/standards? When was a time your values/standards
were challenged? What did you do?
What are 3 short and long term goals. Explain what you are doing to
accomplish one of each.
Please describe three of your personal strengths and three of your
personal weaknesses.
102. What do you expect to gain from being a State Officer?
103. What do you expect to give as a state officer?
104. How much money would it take for you to shave your head?
105. What specifically have you done to prepare for state office?
106. What have you done since pre-interviews to prepare for SLC?
107. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take three things, what
would they be?
108. Do you see yourself as a leader or follower?
109. What is more important, a leader or a follower?
110. How do you get a shy member or group of shy members to participate in
111. What is your favorite sport? Why?
112. What is something you find challenging?
113. What are you grateful for?
114. What do you like to do with your friends?
115. What is your favorite family memory?
Agricultural Education
1. How would you recruit students into the ag ed program?
2. How do we keep ag teachers up to speed with the growing changes in
3. (Prep Candidates before they enter room)You are a guest on the Today show as
a spokesperson for Agricultural Education. You have three minutes on
air…you time starts in 3-2-1….
4. Please explain the total program of agricultural education.
5. *What is the largest challenge facing agricultural education?
6. If elected, what current activities or operations would you like to improve?
7. What do you think is the best way to inform the general public about
8. How does standardized testing affect students in Ag Ed?
9. What is FFA’s role in Agricultural Education?
10. Why should an honors student enroll in a career and technical education class?
11. How, and why, should agricultural education and the FFA adapt to changes
within the agricultural industry?
12. How are agricultural education programs funded?
13. You are a guest on the Today show as a spokesperson for Agricultural
Education. You have three minutes on air…you time starts in 3-2-….
14. Please explain the total program of agriculture.
15. What is the largest challenge facing agricultural education?
16. If elected, what current activities or operations would you like to improve?
17. What do you think is the best way to inform the general public about
Supervised Agricultural Experience
*Why should every student have an SAE?
What do you see as changes in SAE programs in the future?
What role does the SAE play in ag ed?
Do you think that a student working at a supermarket should be allowed to
consider their job as their SAE project?
5. What are some major trends in the evolution of SAE programs?
6. Why should every student have an SAE?
7. What role does the United States play in solving world hunger?
8. What do you think the largest issue facing Arizona agriculture is?
9. What have you done as an FFA member to help?
10. Is you could change anything about agriculture what would you change?
11. How do you feel about changes in agriculture that have been made with
12. How do you think the drought in Arizona is going to affect agriculture?
13. There was recently a bill signed by President Bush that directly relates to
agriculture…can you please tell me about this bill?
14. Where do you see the future of American agriculture?
15. What is your SAE project?
16. What challenges have you faced with your SAE?
17. What do you most enjoy about your SAE project?
Career and Technical Education
1. How do Career and Technical Education classes differ from other programs on
2. What do you see as the future for Career and Technical Education?
3. How does standardized testing affect Career and Technical Education
4. Are Career and Technical Education Programs simply a place to put students
who have difficulty within the traditional school system?
Why should an honors student enroll in a career and technical education class?
Agricultural Issues
What is NAFTA and how does it affect Arizona Agriculture?
Can you go over, briefly, the steps Agricultural products take to get from
the field to the dinner table. Who are the main components of this system?
What role does the United States play in solving world hunger?
What do you think the largest issue (or largest 2 issues) facing Arizona
agriculture is?
*What do you see as a possible solution to this problem?
If you could change anything about agriculture what would you change?
How do you feel about changes in agriculture that have been made with
How do you think the drought in Arizona is going to affect agriculture?
There was recently a bill signed by President Bush that directly relates to
agriculture…can you please tell me about this bill?
*Where do you see the future of American agriculture?
How has urban sprawl affected the agricultural industry?
What major events have tremendously affected the ag industry in the past
year. Why and how did they impact the industry?
*How does Arizona ag play a role in the American Agricultural Industry?
How can state officers increase awareness of the ag industry by FFA
members and the public?
What percent of income do Americans spend on food? Compare this
number to that of other countries in the world. Explain the reason for the
Why should America spend money to support the agricultural industry?
1. What is the FFA?
2. FFA was originally an organization for farm boys. There have been many
changes that have occurred over the past 75 years, however we still have a
deep root in agriculture. What opportunities does FFA have for urban
3. The National FFA recently participated in a branding study that was used to
evaluate the effectiveness of our name. Do you think it was worthwhile for the
organization to spend money on something that students did not benefit from?
4. What does the National FFA do to ensure that local programs are successful as
they promote leadership and growth of high school students?
5. There are many issues facing FFA and Agricultural Education. Retention of
Agricultural Educators as well as Agricultural students is becoming a huge
issue facing our organization. What can you do as an FFA member to help in
the challenge of keeping our teachers teaching and keeping our students
6. Should agricultural students be required to be in the FFA?
7. Currently the active membership of the FFA is 77% white. Why do you think
it is this way? What can we do to increase diversity in our organization?
8. As you may know, 7th and 8th graders are now eligible for active FFA
membership? Do you believe that all FFA members, regardless of age, should
have the same opportunities with regard to CDE competitions and awards?
9. At the national level, it has been proposed to change the official FFA Dress to
reflect more modern times. Do you feel that this would be a positive step or
should we continue with the current official dress?
10. *Only 27% of FFA members live in rural, farm areas, all others living in urban
and suburban areas. Do you believe this is a negative affect?
11. *The National FFA Foundation was established in 1944. What does the
Foundation do and why is it so important?
12. The U.S. Congress passed Public Law 81-740 in 1950. What did this do for
FFA that has not yet been done for FFA that has not yet been done for other
youth organizations?
13. What is the FFA?
14. FFA was originally an organization for farm boys. There have been many
changes that have occurred over the past 75 years, however we still have a
deep root in agriculture. What opportunities does FFA have for urban
15. The National FFA recently participated in a branding study that was used to
evaluate the effectiveness of our name. Do you think it was worthwhile for the
organization to spend money on something that students did not benefit from?
16. What does the National FFA do to ensure that local programs are successful as
they promote leadership and growth of high school students?
17. There are many issues facing FFA and Agricultural Education. Retention of
Agricultural Educators as well as Agricultural students is becoming a huge
issue facing our organization. What can you do as an FFA member to help in
the challenge of keeping our teachers teaching and keeping our students
18. Should agricultural students be required to be in the FFA?
19. Currently the active membership of the FFA is 77% white. Why do you think
it is this way? What can we do to increase diversity in our organization?
20. As you may know, 7th and 8th graders are now eligible for active FFA
membership? Do you believe that all FFA members, regardless of age, should
have the same opportunities with regard to CDE competitions and awards?
21. At the national level, it has been proposed to change the official FFA Dress to
reflect more modern times. Do you feel that this would be a positive step or
should we continue with the current official dress?
22. Only 27% of FFA members live in rural, farm areas, all others living in urban
and suburban areas. Do you believe this is a negative affect?
23. The National FFA Foundation was established in 1944. What does the
Foundation do and why is it so important?
The U.S. Congress passed Public Law 81-740 in 1950. What did this do for FFA
that has not yet been done for FFA that has not yet been done for other youth
1. Present to a group of Greenhand members who know nothing about FFA
2. Present to a group of non-FFA Ag students trying to influence them to join
3. Present to an agricultural company that is interested in donating money to our
organization but don’t have any ideas of how the money would be spent.
4. Give a presentation to a school board about why they should continue
supporting Ag Ed and FFA.
5. Present to middle school students at an all school assembly, hoping to recruit
for local high school ag program.
6. The Governor wants to drop funding for Ag Ed. You have a meeting scheduled
with her. What do you do and say?
7. You have a meeting with a sponsor who is a large contributor for the FFA.
You have heard that they have considered eliminating their contributions.
What do you do and say?
8. You have a meeting with 5 young, shy freshmen who want to drop their ag
class and FFA. What do you do and say?
9. PETA is on your school board’s agenda to discuss dropping your ag
department’s land lab. What do you do and say?
10. Present a workshop to 25 Seniors who do not see the vale is continuing FFA
membership after graduating high school.
11. Presenting to a group of Greenhand members who know nothing about FFA
12. Presenting to a group of non-FFA Ag students trying to influence them to join
13. Presenting to an agricultural company that is interested in donating money to
our organization but don’t have any ideas of how the money would be spent.
14. Giving a presentation to a school board about why they should continue
supporting Ag Ed and FFA.
15. Presenting middle school students at an all school assembly, hoping to recruit.
Delegate Round
1. Are agricultural education programs a suitable place for problem children?
2. Are agricultural education programs simply a place to put students with
problems or difficulties within the traditional school system?
3. Tell us about a time when you overcame or helped to resolve a conflict.
4. What are some problems facing the agricultural industry?
5. How do you think Arizona FFA can increase its membership?
6. Who has had the biggest influence in your life?
7. What are the two biggest challenges being faced by agriculture, and how can
we as FFA members help to resolve this conflict.
8. What makes you qualified to serve as the State FFA President?
9. How will you benefit the State Officer Team and the Arizona Association
FFA by being elected to serve as the State FFA President?
10. Why do you want to serve as the State FFA President?
11. Should the FFA continue to promote diversity within its members and
programs offered?
12. How, and why, should agricultural education and the FFA adapt to changes
within the agricultural industry?