A. Menyimak

Kelas /Semester
: XII/1
Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai
dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan/atau monolog
terutama berkenaan dengan wacana
wacana berbentuk narrative,
explanation, discussion, commentary dan review.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi pokok
A. Menyimak
 Merespon dengan benar tindak
Memahami wacana
tutur di dalam wacana
transaksional dan
transaksional/ interpersonal berupa:
- Menyatakan permintaan maaf
interpersonal ringan atau
I am sorry
 Merespon wacana monolog naratif
monolog lisan terutama
A boy named Abe
berbentuk naratif
B. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan nuansa
makna dalam wacana
transaksional dan atau
monolog lisan terutama
dalam wacana berbentuk
 Melakukan
berbagai tindak tutur
dalam wacana lisan transaksional
- Menyatakan permintaan maaf
 Melakukan monolog berbentuk
C. Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna
dan langkah – langkah
pengembangan retorika
dalam teks tertulis
berbentuk naratif
 Merespon
teks berbentuk
 Mengidentifikasi
text naratif
 Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat
dalam text naratif
-Past simple dan Past Continuous
-Reported speech
D. Menulis
Mengungkapkan nuansa
makna dengan langkahlangkah pengembangan
retorika yang benar
didalam teks tertulis
berbentuk naratif
 Mendemonstrasikan
ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu
menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa
kata, tanda baca, ejean dan tata tulis
yang berterima terutama jenis teks
berbentuk naratif
Forgive me for…
Ali Baba
Orientation, Complication,
Ali Baba was sleeping
when the thieves came
Ali Baba said that….
Editing checklist of the
Long time ago, ….
(Spoken Narrative)
A. Building Knowledge of Field
A.1. Listening
Activity 1
Fill in the blank with the words you heard
One day when a seven-year old boy and his dog were walking ____(1) the woods in
Kentucky, they came to a ____(2). What the boy wanted to do was to go inside the cave to see
what was in it. But what happened _____(3) after he was inside made the boy cry. A very big
____(4) of rock fell from the ____(5) of the cave, shutting him in.
The dog, that left outside, was unable to help its master. What it could do was only to
___(6) all the time. At last it ran to the nearest house. There it barked until the owner knew that
something was wrong. He and some of his friends followed the dog until it stopped in front of
the cave. What the men saw was the big stone that ____(7) the mouth of the cave. When they
moved it away they were very surprised. What they found inside was a crying boy. The boy was
Abraham Lincoln, who later became one of the most _____(8) presidents of the U.S.A..
Activity 2.
Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. When did the story happen?
4. What problem faced by the main character?
5. Can he solved the problem? How?
6. How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending?
7. What kind of story is it?
Activity 3.
Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in activity 1. Use them to complete
the sentences.
The little dog always _____________to every person who comes to Mr. Wuryanto’s house.
The boy scouts are passing the river ___________ a shallow path.
If you want to write a letter, you must prepare a ___________ of paper first.
Jaka Tarub is one of the ________ folktales in Java.
5. I was walking along the road when ___________the accident occurred.
6. If you want to explore the ________ you must prepare a light and rope.
7. When you have finished using my computer, you must ________it down.
8. The rainy season comes, some people in my village fix the _______of their house to prevent it
Activity 4.
Since grade X, you have heard and read many kind of stories, right? So to warm up your mind,
match the kind of the story and its main characters.
Kinds of stories
Fairy tales
Main Character(s)
Tangkuban Perahu
The mouse deer and The crocodiles
Nyi Roro kidul
Jaka Tarub
A.2. Grammar Focus
A.2.1. Reviewing Simple Past, Past Continuous and Past Perfect.
We found these sentence in the story above:
One day when a seven-year old boy and his dog were walking trough the woods in
they came to a cave
There are three kinds of tenses found on the sentences; came presented simple past, were
walking presented past continuous. Let’s learn summary.
Name of tense
Past Tense
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Tense
a. Verb pattern
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1 ?
b. Be pattern
(+) S + was/were + Noun/Ajd/Adv
(-) S + was/were not + Noun /adj/adv
(?) Was/were + S + Noun/adj/adv ?
a. Verb pattern
(+) S + was/were + Ving + …..
(-) S + was/were not + Ving + ….
(?) Was/were + S + Ving + …. ?
b. Be pattern
(+) S + was/were + Noun/Ajd/Adv
(-) S + was/were not + Noun /adj/adv
(?) Was/were + S + Noun/adj/adv ?
a. Verb pattern
(+) S + had V3 + …
(-) S + had not + V3 + …
(?) Had + S + V3 ?
Time references
this morning
in…….(past years)
While S + was/were + V-ing
S + was/were + V-ing
When S + V2
Before S + V2
When S + V
After ………. , S + V
b. Be pattern
(+) S + had been + Noun/Ajd/Adv
(-) S + had not been + Noun /adj/adv
(?) Had + S + been + Noun/adj/adv ?
Name of tense
Past Tense
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Tense
Verb pattern
(+) Ria wrote the letter yesterday.
(-) Ria didn’t write the letter yesterday.
(?) Did Ria write this letter yesterday?
(+) Ria was writing a letter when …
(-) Ria wasn’t writing a letter when …
(?) Was Ria writing letter when …?
(+) Ria had written the letter
(-) Ria hadn’t written the letter
(?) had Ria written this letter ?
Be pattern
(+) Ria was strong
(-) Ria wasn’t strong
(?) Was Ria strong ?
(+) They were strong
(-) They weren’t strong
(?) Were they strong ?
(+) Ria had been here
(-) Ria hadn’t been here
(?) Had Ria been here ?
Activity 4
Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form (past tense, past continuous or past perfect)
Example :
: Budi …….(fly) to Pontianak this morning
Budi flew to Pontianak this morning
1. When the security officers arrived at the office, the robber……………(steal) all the money.
2. Shinta …….(ride) to school by her bicycle this morning ?.
3. Susi……(jump) so high at this athletic competition last week.
4. After Budi ………(not, meet) his parents, he went to the school yard. They usually picked
him up there
5. You ….(go out) when I called you last night?
6. Aprillia ……(not, finish ) watering the flowers in the garden when I came home.
7. Artika …….(write) his application before he sent to the office.
8. Alia……(drive) his new car to school this morning.
9. Kareen and I ………(practise ) sport in the school yard while Andi was jogging.
10. After Budi ………..(get) his Diploma degree, he would apply for the army
A.2.2. Reported Speech
1. Snow White said, “ My uncle wants to go to America now”.
2. Snow White said that her uncle wanted to go to America then.
The first sentence is a direct speech while the second one is reported speech. How to
change them into the indirect one. Here are the rules.
A. Indirect speech Affirmative (Pernyataan Tidak Langsung)
To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be
1. Changes of Tenses
The tense of the direct sentence changes if the reporting verb of the direct tense is in the
past form, the tenses in the indirect speech change
Direct Speech
Indirect speech
Simple present tense
Simple past tense
Ira said, “ I like the show”
Ira said that she liked the show
Simple future tense
Past future tense
Ira said, “ I will go to Solo”
Ira said that she would go to Solo
Present perfect tense
Past perfect tense
Ira said, “ I have finished my work”
Ira said that she had finished her work
Simple past tense
Past perfect tense
Ira said, “ I went out with my father”
Ira said that she had gone out with her father
Note: If the reporting verb doesn’t not in past form so the indirect speech tense doesn’t
Example: Maria says, “ I will cook fried chicken tonight”.
Maria says that she will cook fried chicken the following night
2. Changes of Pronouns
Direct Speech
Simple present tense
Ira said, “ I like the show”
Present perfect tense
Ira said, “ I have finished my work”
Indirect speech
Simple past tense
Ira said that she liked the show
Past perfect tense
Ira said that she had finished her work
3. Changes in the adverb of times
In direct speech
1. Now
2. next (month)
3. tomorrow
4. last (week)
5. yesterday
6. today
7. tonight
8. an hour ago
9. three hours ago
In Indirect speech
then /at that time
the following (month)
The following day
The previous (week)
The previous day
That day
That night
The previous hour
Three hours before
Doni said , “ My father will spend his holiday in Langkawi Island next week”
Doni said that his father would spend his holiday in Langkawi Island the following week.
Rina said, “ I came to Slank concert last week
Rina said that she had come to Slank concert the previous week.
B. Indirect speech Interrogative (Pertanyaan Tidak Langsung)
To change a direct sentence into indirect one, there are some basic changes that must be
1. Changes of Tenses
See the complete explanation in previous page
2. Changes of Pronouns
3. Changes in the adverb of times
4. Changes of sentenced format (as in interrogative form)
There are two formats in making interrogative indirect speech.
a. Yes/no question (kalimat tanya yang bisa di jawa dengan Yes atau No). For this form
we must add conjunction “If” or ” Whether” and change the interrogative form into
affirmative one.
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Dani asked me, “Do you know me”
Dani asked me if I knew him.
Dany asked me, “Are you ill”
Dani asked me if I were ill
Dany asked me, “Can you help me”
Dani asked me whether I could help him
b. Pronominal question ( kalimat tanya yang mengunakan kata tanya – Wh-questions)
For this form we use the Wh question as conjunction then we change the
interrogative form into affirmative one.
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Dani asked me, “Where do you live”
Dani asked me where I lived
Dany asked me, “Who is he”
Dani asked me Who he was
Dany asked me, “When will you arrive”
Dani asked me when I would arrive
Dany asked me, “Why did Ani go out”
Dani asked me why Ani went out
Dani asked me How old I was
Dany asked me, “How old are you”
C. Indirect speech imperative and prohibition (Perintah dan larangan tidak langsung)
To form imperative and prohibition in indirect speech please study the following
A. Imperative indirect speech
Reporting sentence to V1
Example: He said, Open the door, please”
He asked me to open the door
She said, “ Be careful on the way.”
She asked me to be careful on the
B. Prohibition indirect speech
Reporting sentence not to V1
Example: He said, “ Don’t open the door,?”
He asked me not to open the door
She said, “ Don’t be naughty, boys?”
She asked the students not to be
Activity 5.
Change these sentences and questions into Reported Speech.
1. Ari said, “ Marry is picking some flowers now”
Ari said _________________________________________________________________
2. Budi said to me, “ I drove my car very fast last night”
Budi said to me __________________________________________________________
3. Aci told them, It will be a wonderful trip”
Aci told them ____________________________________________________________
4. Ari asked me, “ Did Ida go to the party last night?”
Ari asked me _____________________________________________________________
5. John asked me, “ Why do they go abroad so often?”
John asked me ___________________________________________________________
6. My teacher told me , “ Don’t put your book on my table”
My teacher told me ________________________________________________________
7. Father ordered me, “ Switch off the television”
Father ordered me _________________________________________________________
8. Joko asked me, “ Can you tell me what the time is?
Joko asked me ____________________________________________________________
A.3. Speech Function
A.3.1 Expressing regret
Activity 6.
Look at the picture and answer the questions
Sorry for
coming late,
father. I have
an additional
lesson at
That’s OK for this
time, but don’t
come home late
again tomorrow!
1. The daughter is coming late. What does she say to express his regret?
2. How does the father respond her?
3. Does it mean that he accepts the apology?
4. Mention other expressions of regret.
5. Mention other expressions of accepting an apology.
Activity 7.
Learn these expressions!
To express regret we can use these expressions.
Informal expressions
1. Sorry for…..
3. I feel bad about…
2. How stupid of me
4. Oops! Sorry!
Formal expressions
1. Please accept my apologies for 4. I’m extremely sorry ……
2. Please accept my apology
5. I can tell you how sorry I am.
3. Please forgive me for….
6. I really must apologize for….
Very formal expressions
1. I beg your pardon for…
2. I do beg your pardon.
3. May I offer you my sincerest apologies?
Activity 8.
Work in pairs.! Write dialogue based on the following situation!.
You are painting your home fence. Unfortunately, you spill a can of paint to your brother’s clothes.
You ask him apology.
: Oops! I’m extremely sorry for spilling your clothes with this paint!
Your bro
: Don’t worry about that. I’m OK.
: I promise I’ll wash them then
Your bro
: Thank you very much!
1. You and your family are having dinner in a well-known restaurant. The waiter drops the soup
on your clothes. He asks your pardon.
2. You lose your friend camera. You beg his pardon
Your friend :
Your friend :
You attend an English class. The class is very noisy. You can not hear teacher’s
You ask your teacher to repeat his speech.
Your teacher:
Your teacher:
4. You are walking in the sidewalk. Someone bump you. All of your books dropped .He
apologizes to you
Someone :
Someone :
B. Modelling of Text
Activity 9.
Read this story. Don’t forget the understand the generic structure and language features of this
Narrative story.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Language Features
Ali Baba, a poor woodcutter, happened
to see and overheard a large band of 1. Simple past tense
- who
thieves - forty in all - visiting their
- where
- happened, overheard
treasure store in the forest where he 2. Action verbs
- when
was cutting wood. The thieves' treasure
- cutting, opened, sealed
was in a cave, the mouth of which was 3. Linking verbs
sealed by magic - it opened on the
- was, were
words "Open, Sesame", and sealed 4. Connectives of time
itself on the words "Close, Sesame".
- when
When the thieves were gone, Ali Baba
entered the cave himself, and took
some of the treasure home.
When Ali Baba's rich brother, Kasim,
Complication 1
A Crisis arises
unexpected wealth, Ali Baba told Kasim
about the cave. Kasim went to the cave
to take more of the treasure, but forgot
the magic words to get back out of the
cave, and the thieves found him there,
and killed him. When his brother did not
come back, Ali Baba went to the cave to
look for him, and found the body,
bringing it home
With the help of Morgiana, a clever
Resolution 1
slave-girl in Kasim's household, they
The crisis is resolved
were able to give Kasim a proper burial
without arousing any suspicions about
his death.
The thieves, finding the body gone,
Complication 2
realize that somebody else must know
A Crisis arises
their secret, and set out to track him
down. The first several times they were
foiled by Morgiana, who was now a
member of Ali Baba's household, but
eventually they were able to ascertain
the location of Ali Baba's house.
The lead thief pretended to be an oil
merchant in need of Ali Baba's
hospitality, bringing with him mules
loaded with 40 oil jars, one filled with oil,
the other 39 with the other thieves.
Once Ali Baba was asleep, the thieves
planed to kill him.
Again, Morgiana discovered and foiled
Resolution 2
the plan, killing the 39 thieves in their oil
The crisis is resolved
jars by pouring boiling oil on them.
When their leader came to rouse his
men, he discovered that they were
dead, and escaped.
The lead thief, disguised as a
Complication 3
merchant, befriended
Ali Baba's
nephew (who is now in charge of the
late Kasim's business), and was
invited to dinner at Ali Baba's house.
He was recognised by Morgiana, who
Resolution 3
performed a dance with a dagger for
the dinners and plunged it into the
heart of the thief when was off his
Thus, the story ended happily for
everyone except the forty thieves and
Ali Baba's brother.
(taken from: www. wikipedia. Org/fairytales)
Activity 10. Understanding the text structure.
Answer the following questions
1. What does the writer want with the story?
2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?
3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?
4. Who are the characters in this story?
5. Who is the main character?
6. When did the story happen?
7. Where did this story take place?
8. What do you learn from the complication?
9. What do you learn from the resolution?
10. What moral do you learn from this story?
Activity 11. Understanding the content of the story
Answer these questions.
1. Who was Ali Baba?
2. What did he usually do everyday in the woods?
3. What did he find in the cave?
4. How to open and close the cave?
5. Why did Kasim die?
6. How did the leader of the thieves effort to kill Ali Baba?
7. How did Morgiana foil the thieves’s plan?
Activity 12.
Study the following summary.
The text above is organized in Narrative form. The text organization
1. Orientation : introducing the characters of the story, the time and
the place the story happened. (Who/What, When and
2. Complication : a series of events in which the main character attempts
to solve the problem.
3. Resolution : the ending of the story containing the problem solution
4. Re-orientation: how the story ended (if any)
C. Joint Construction of Text.
Activity 13.
Work in group of three or four students. Re-arrange the following sentences into a meaningful
The Beauty and The Beast
{_____} A.
Beauty hurried back and saw the Beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the
Beast. Suddenly, the Beast changed into handsome prince.
{_____} B.
One day, through the Beast’s magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick.
{_____} C.
Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.
{_____} D.
The Beast allowed her to go home. Her father was happy to see her.
{_____} E.
One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No-one
was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the castle. He
picked a rose from garden for Beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He
wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was brought to him.
{_____} F.
One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that the Beast was sick.
{_____} G.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her
sisters in a small village. Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hardworking. She
always helped her father on the farm.
{_____} H.
Beauty’s father told her daughters what had happened. Beauty’s sisters ordered her
to see the Beast. Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She
felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the Beast.
The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
Activity 14.
Finishing rearrange the story above , Put the story in this chart. pay attention to the generic
structure of the narrative
D. Independent Construction of text
Activity 15.
Now, it is time for you to write your own narrative
 Choose a very well known tale, myth, fable or fairy tale in your town
 Make a raw draft first
 Use the generic structure of Narrative
 Consult your teacher before developing your draft into final one.
 Finishing writing the final draft, perform it in front of the class.
The Golden Swan
There was once a mighty hunter who lived in Laos. He was a good husband and a kind father,
and he looked after his family well. In fact, he was such a good hunter that people called him
the Chief Hunter. People knew that he was a very lucky man.
Everything about the Chief hunter’s life was fortunate. His children always had food. His
wife could trade the birds and animals he caught for the best rice in the village. They had the best
cloth to make their clothing. Life was rich and happy for the Chief Hunter’s family.
Then one day the Chief Hunter hurt himself while he was hunting . He came home to his
wife , and She said, “ What’s wrong? Your face is pale, and you are moving so slowly. What
“I don’t know,” the Chief Hunter said wearily, “ I feel very sick . Let me lie down.” So he
took to his bed, and his family nursed him devotedly and watched him with great care.
At first the Chief Hunter seemed to get better, but then he slipped back. He died a week
His widow grieved terribly. She missed her husband, and she did not know how to live
without him. The family became poor, and it was difficult to find enough food to eat. The children
often cried when they went to sleep because they were hungry. The Widow could not sleep
because of her worries and sadness.
One night, as the poor widow was sleeping restlessly, she heard her husband’s voice. “ I
have come back to help you,” the voice said.
The Widow sat up and looked around. She knew she was dreaming, and in her dream
she went outside. A large swan spoke to her with the Chief Hunter’s voice.
“ I know how hard it is for you, “ the Swan said in Chief Hunter’s voice.
The Widow was happy to hear her husband’s voice, yet sad because she knew it was a
The words stuck her throat so she could not speak. The swan stood in the moonlight and
said, “ I wish I could be here with you.” Then it came closer. She could she that many of its
feathers were made of gold. In the moonlight it seemed to be a golden swan.
The golden swan said, “ Put your hand out and take one of my golden feathers. Use the
money for yourself and the children. Go on, I will return whenever you need more. Pull a feather
out of my wing.”
The Golden Swan said in the voice of the Chief Hunter, “ Go to sleep now. In the morning
you will know this was a special dream.” So the Widow put the feather beside her bed and went
back to sleep. She slept so well and so deeply it was as if her husband were still alive.
When she woke up, she remembered the dream and looked for the golden feather. There
in its place was money and gold. The woman was very happy and later she went to the village
and bought food and clothing. She was careful not to spend to much.
Hence, every time the Widow was lack of money, the Golden Swan came and gave his
golden feathers. The Widow and her children were no more lack of money.
Taken and adapted from English Teaching Forum, 1995.
Your story telling:
Good morning class. This morning. I’ll tell you a folktale from Laos. Who knows where
Laos is? ……Yes. Good. Laos
closes to Vietnam. Here is my story. Long ago
Kelas /Semester
: XII/1
Standar Kompetensi : 1. Berkomunikasi lisan dan tertulis menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai
dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan/atau monolog
terutama berkenaan dengan wacana
wacana berbentuk narrative,
explanation, discussion, commentary dan review.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi pokok
A. Menyimak
Memahami wacana
transaksional dan
interpersonal ringan atau
monolog lisan terutama
berbentuk naratif
 Merespon
dengan benar tindak
tutur di dalam wacana
transaksional/ interpersonal berupa:
- Menyatakan pengaduan
 Merespon wacana monolog naratif
B. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan nuansa
makna dalam wacana
transaksional dan atau
monolog lisan terutama
dalam wacana berbentuk
 Melakukan
C. Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna
dan langkah – langkah
pengembangan retorika
dalam teks tertulis
berbentuk naratif
 Merespon
berbagai tindak tutur
dalam wacana lisan transaksional
- Menyatakan pengaduan
 Melakukan monolog berbentuk
teks berbentuk
 Mengidentifikasi
text naratif
 Mengidentifikasi susunan kalimat
dalam text naratif
-Conditional Sentence
D. Menulis
Mengungkapkan nuansa
makna dengan langkahlangkah pengembangan
retorika yang benar
didalam teks tertulis
berbentuk naratif
 Mendemonstrasikan
ketrampilan dasar menulis:yaitu
menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa
kata, tanda baca, ejean dan tata tulis
yang berterima terutama jenis teks
berbentuk naratif
I am complain about…
A Fly and A bull
You promise to fix my..
but …
The Emperor’s New
The Emperor’s New
Orientation, Complication,
If Ali Baba were here
I wish you came
Editing checklist of the
Let’s Write a Story, ….
(Written Narrative)
A. Building Knowledge of Field
A.1. Listening
Activity 1.
Fill in the blank with the words you heard from your teacher.
The Fly and The Bull
……..(1), there was a little fly that thought he was very important. He always acts as if he
were the most important animal in the forest. One sunny morning, he ……(2) around looking for
someone to talk to. He saw a bull ……(3) in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and …….(4) around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother with
him . He went on chewing grass. The fly then buzzed right ……(5) the bull’s ear. The bull
continued chewing grass.
Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull’s ……(6) to make the bull notice him. He
waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.
The fly then shouted ……(7), “ Oh bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me
know and I’ll fly …….(8).”
The bull laughed and said, “ Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so ……(9)
that your weight does not make any ………(10) to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.”.
(Adapted from : Look Ahead 1, 2005, 134)
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________
6. _________________
7. _________________
8. _________________
Activity 2.
Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. When did the story happen?
4. What did the fly want to show to the bull?
5. How did the fly attract to bull’s attention ?
6. How was the Bull opinion about the fly?
7. What kind of story is it?
Activity 3.
Use the words above to complete these sentences.
1. I saw a folk of deer are ___________ in Bogor garden
2. A Pea is a __________ creature. It is smell and suck our blood.
3. _______,the teacher orders the naughty students to go out of the class.
4. The craftsman is making a souvenirs from the Buffalo’s ___________
5. I saw some Pelican Birds ___________to South yesterday.
6. If you want to see the fable book. It is laid ___________the cupboard.
7. Folktales are ____________ from Fable.
8. When I was sleeping I was annoyed with the fly that _______around my head.
Activity 4.
Make your own sentence based on the following words.
1. Fly :
2. Bull :
3. chew :
4. quiet :
A.2. Grammar Focus
A.2.1. Conditional sentences
From the text we have this sentence:
“ Oh bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away.”
The sentence above uses a conditional pattern. The patterns are as the following.
1. Sentences patterns
No Type
If Clause
Main clause
If Present Tense
Future Tense
 S + V1(S/es)
 S + Shall/will + V1
 If Dani eats a lot he will get fat.
 S + is/am/are
 S + shall/will be
 If you are happy we will be
happy too.
If Past Tense
Past Future
 S + V2
 S + Would + V1
 If Dani ate a lot he would get fat.
 S + were
 S + would be
 If You were happy we would be
happy too.
If Past Perfect
Past Future Perfect
 S + had V3
 S + would have V3
 If Dani had eaten a lot he would
 S + had been
 S+ would have been
have got fat
 If You had been happy we
would have been happy too.
Activity 5.
Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form of conditional
Example : If Mr. John … (be) here I would meet him.
If Mr. John were here I would meet him.
1. If you … (not, go) I shall be angry.
2. If he studies hard he … (get) good mark.
3. If it rained I …. (cancel) our trip.
4. If Amir had come his mother … (be) very happy
5. I would accept this job if I … (be) you.
6. My mother would have cooked the chick if you …(not, let) it go out.
7. If Sinta … (be) smart she will be accepted at the prestigious school.
8. If Mr. Hanson had not arrived you …(can, take) over this meeting.
2. Finding the facts from conditionals
Secara umum hanya tipe 2 dan 3 yang memiliki fakta sedangkan tipe 1 mengandung makna
kemungkinan ( bisa terjadi /tidak)
No. Tipe
Tipe 1.
Future conditional
Tipe 2.
Present conditional
Tipe 3.
Past conditional
If I have much money I will
buy a new car
There is possibility for me to buy a
new car
If I had much money I
would buy a new car
I don’t have much money so I will
not (can not ) buy a new car.
If I had had much money I
would have bought a new
I didn’t have much money so I would
not buy a new car.
Activity 6.
Example : If you went to Solo I would follow you.
Means: You don’t go to solo so I will not follow you
I will not follow you because you don’t go to Solo
1. If it rained today I would not go to school.
2. If I had come earlier I could have met Tony
3. If I had got up early I should not have come late to school.
4. If Rudi were healthy I would ask him to play tennis with me
5. If Rina is clever enough The university of Indonesia will admit her as its student.
A.2.2. Subjunctives
From the text “The Fly and The Bull ” We got this sentence:
1. He always acts as if he were the most important animal in the forest.
The sentence above contain the meaning of unreal past. It is called subjunctive pattern.
A. Subjunctive Pattern
1. Present Pattern
Adverb of time
I wish you were here today
If only you were here today
I would rather you were here today
…if only
…would rather
S + ____ + C
At present
Mr. John walks as if he were drunk
…as if
At this moment
Mr. John walks as though he were
…as though
2. Past Pattern
Adverb of time
I wished you had come yesterday
If only Dina had been here last night
This morning
I would rather Dina had arrived
…if only
had V3
Last …..
…would rather
S + ____ + C
……. ago
I ran fast as if I had chased a thief
…as if
had been
I talked to Rina as though I had known
…as though
much about her
Activity 7.
Supply a suitable tense of the verbs in the bracket.
1. If only he (not drink) so much wine yesterday.
2. Mr. John is poor. But he acts as if he (be) a rich man.
3. My sister couldn’t sing well. However, she often pretended as though she (be ) a diva.
4. The hunter wished he (catch) a lot of deer. But none he got.
5. Rina wishes I (attend) her party last night.
6. The sky is so cloudy. I wish you (go) now.
7. If only I (know) her address. I will send her a letter.
8. My father would rather I (stay) at home today.
B. Finding the meaning of subjunctives.
1. Present Subjunctive
> S + were + …
> S + is,am,are not + …
S + were + not + …
S+ is, am,are+ …
> S + V2
> S+do/does not+ V1 + …
S + did not + V1+ ...
S+ V1/s,es
> S + could + V1+ …
> S+ cannot + V1+ …
S + Could not + V1+ ..
S + can + V1+ …
Past Subjunctive
> S + had been + …
S + had not been+ …
> S+ had + V3 + ….
S + had not + V3 + …
> S + could+have+V3+ ..
S + could not +have+V3
> S+ was/were+ not + …
S+ was/were + …
> S+ did + not+ V1
S+ V2
> S + could +not+ V1+ ..
S+ could + V1+ …
I wish Rina were here now
Fact : Rina is not here now
If only Rina came to my house
Fact : Rina doesn’t come to my house
Bertentangan dengan fakta present
I wished Rina had been here last night.
Fact : Rina was not here last night.
If only Rina had come last night.
Fact : Rina didn’t come last night.
Bertentangan dengan fakta past time
Activity 8.
Find out the meaning of these subjunctives.
1. She goes to the black board as if she knew to solve the problem.
2. Ani talked as if she had understood the problem well.
3. If only his son had studied harder.
4. I wish I hadn’t been late.
5. They wish they had enough time to play together.
A. 3. Speech Function
A.3.1. Complaining.
Activity 9
Study the dialogue on the picture, then answer the questions.
I stay at Suite room, but the
bath room is so dirty and bad
smell. I am not satisfied with
the service of this hotel !.
We are sorry Sir for this
inconvenience . Our
janitor will clean it.
1. Guess!. Where are they?
2. What are they?
3. What are they talking about?
4. Why did the customer come to the hotel officer ?
5. What did the customer say to the hotel officer?
6. Give the other expressions to say complaining
Activity 10.
Learn these expressions!
To express complaining, we can say:
 I want to complain about this …..
 I must object to/about ….
 I am not at all satisfied with your services
 I’m sorry to say about this , but …
 I’m afraid ….it’s just not good enough
 Well, this is the most unsatisfactory. …..
 I’m afraid I’ve got a complain about …
 Would you mind not smoking please?
Activity 11.
Work in pairs.! Write dialogue based on the following situation!.
1. You bought a new shirt. You asked the shop attendant to wrap it. But, when you open it at
It was not the shirt that you bought. It was an old one. You went back to the shop and
complain about
2. You are watching a movie in a theatre. The movie is a horror one. But a couple next to you
talking al the time. It bothers you. You complain them to stop talking.
The man
The girls
3. You are in a well-known restaurant. You order the most expensive meal. But when it serves, it
spoiled already. You complain to the waiter.
The waiter :
The waiter :
Activity 12.
Perform the dialogue you made in front of the class!.
B. Modelling Text
Activity 13.
 Read the text loudly
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about
his clothes and about showing them off. One day he heard from two
swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the
most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special
capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not
fit for his position.
Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to
see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it.
Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and
so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and
were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.
The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes
for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit
and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the
other people would think that he was stupid.
Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent
clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them,
until a small child said:
"But he has nothing on"!
This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the
crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor
heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and
finished the procession.
(taken from . www. Wikipedia. Org. / fairy tales)
Activity 14.
Answer the following questions
1. What does the writer want with the story?
2. What was the Emperor crazy with ?.
3. From whom the emperor heard about the finest and the most beautiful clothes?
4. What was the special capability of the clothes ?
5. How did the Emperor show off his new clothes?
6. What did the people do when they see their emperor?
7. Who was dare to say that the Emperor had nothing to wear on his body?
8. What did the emperor do when he knew about it?
9. What moral do you learn from this story?
10. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct… (Last Prg, stc 2). The word “it” refers
to… .
Activity 15. Identifying the language features
Find out the action verbs, saying verbs, thinking verbs, feeling verbs, time conjunctions and
connectives and relational processes (if any)in the passage. Then write down in the chart below.
Action verbs
Saying verbs
C. Joint Construction of Text
Activity 16.
> Make a group of four
> Read the story once again. Put every part of the story in its text structure.
D. Independent Construction of Text
Activity 17. Writing a Narrative
 Write your own narrative (factual or imaginary)
 Get your friend to read your first draft then revise it.
 Submit your revised first draft to your teacher and then revise your second draft
 Use the checklist below to control your draft.
Have I written about….
Language features
Did I use….
1. The characters of the story?
2. The time when the story took place?
3. The place where the story took place?
4. The problem(s) faced by the character(s)?
5. The way out of the problem(s) faced by the
6. The ending of the story?
1. The first person?
2. The past tenses ?
3. Active verbs (e.g. action verbs, thinking verbs…) ?
4. Conjunction or linking verbs?
5. adjectives and adverbs?
Uji Kompetensi 1
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.
Text 1.
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Many years ago there lived an emperor who cared only about his clothes and about
showing them off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of
clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it
was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.
Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first
sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the
cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to
learn how stupid their neighbors were.
The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town,
never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid
that the other people would think that he was stupid.
Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to
admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:
"But he has nothing on"!
This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the
emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head
high and finished the procession.
01. Nia : Who told the Emperor that they could make the finest suit clothes?
Ani : … .
a. his trusted men
c. two swindlers
e. neighbours
b. the Emperor himself
d. a small child
02. Nia : To whom the clothes are invisible ?
Ani : … .
a. To two swindlers
b. To anyone who are clever
03. Nia
c. to the other people
e. from person to
d. to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his
: How did the Emperor show off his new clothes?
in a procession trough town
c. from village to village
in his palace
d. in a parade
e. in a ball party
04. “…afraid to admit that they could not see them, until .. (prg 4). The bold typed word refers
to… .
a. the two swindlers
c. small children
e. all the town people
b. the Emperor’s trusted men
d. the crowd
05. Nia :
"But he has nothing on"! . This sentence means that the Emperor… .
Ani : …
a. wears a new clothes
c. has no clothes on his body
e. has all of his clothes
in his body
b. wears his magnificent clothes d. wears the invisible clothes
06. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was
either stupid
or not fit for his position. The closest meaning of the underlined word is … .
a. out of eye
c. out of date
e. out of ears
b. out of sight
d. out of time
Text 2.
A Bat and The Weasels
One evening, a bat went out to hunt for food even though he was not well. As he flew after some
insects, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground in a field.
Before he could get up, a weasel pounced on him. “Please, Mr. Weasel,” the bat pleaded,” please
let me go!”. The weasel just laughed, “Certainly not! I am a great hunter of birds!”
Thinking quickly, the bat replied,” Oh, but I am not a bird, I am a mouse. Look closely at my face.
Don’t I look like a mouse?”. The weasel agreed and let him go.
A short time later, the bat fell to the ground again and was caught by a second weasel. Once
again, he had to plead for his life. “Why shouldn’t I kill you? I hunt mice! Exclaimed the weasel.
“Oh, but I am not a mouse,” he answered. “ I am a bat. Have you ever a mouse with wings?” he
asked, spreading his wings for the weasel to see. The weasel was convinced and set him free.
07. Ani : What did the bat went out for?
Nia : It came out … .
a. to hunt for food.
c. to fly its prey
b. To sight seeing
d. to fall down to the ground
08. Ani : Where did it fall down.
Nia : It fell down … .
a. in a forest
b. in a rice field
c. in a jungle
d. in the garden
09. Ani : What did the first weasel think about the bat?
Nia : It think that the bat like a … .
e. to meet the weasel
e. in a field
a. bird
b. mouse
10. Ani
c. a bat
d. a wing
e. weasel
: What did the second weasel think about the bat?
: It think that the bat like a … .
c. a bat
d. a wing
11. Ani : What kind of narrative is the text?
Nia : It belongs to … . text.
a. legend
c. fairy tales
b. folktales
d. anecdote
e . fable
12. Dina
: What did you do last night when I called you?
: I ….a folklore
a. compose
c. composes
b. composed
d. to compose
13. Ani
e. weasel
e. composing
: When I called you last night , no one answered my phone. Where did you go?
: Oh I … a bath in the bathroom when you phoned me .
c. was taking
e. takes
is taking
d. were taking
14. Ani : You finished your composition. I didn’t see you wrote it. When did you finish it?
Nia : I … this composition when you went out to Solo last night.
a. Write
c. have written
e. was written
b. Wrote
d. had written
15. Andi: “ I took this picture yesterday”
Nia : What did Andi say?
Ani : He said … .
a. that he took this picture yesterday
b. that he has taken this picture yesterday
day before
c. that he had taken this picture yesterday
16. Arif
: “Can you help me?”
: What did he say to me?
: He asked you … .
If can you help me
If you can help me
If you could help her
d. that he had taken that picture
e. that he had taken that picture the
d. If you could help him
d. If you could help me
17. Mr. John
: “ Don’t take my cake”
Mr. Bond : What did he say?
: He ordered you … .
a. to take my cake
c. not to take my cake
b. to take his cake
d. not to take your cake
e. not to take his cake
18. Lia : Did you meet Mr. Agus Wuryanto at school this morning?
Nia : If I had gone to school this morning I would have met Mr. Wuryanto.
From Nia’s utterance we can conclude that…
a. She went to school this morning
b. She didn’t go to school this morning
c. She goes to school this morning
19. Kelly
a. Is
b. Am
d. She doesn’t go to school this morning
e. She will go to school today
: I am very upset. Leo didn’t love me anymore
: If I … you, I would not be sad. I’ll find better than him
c. are
e. were
d. was
20. Budi
: Do you know Rina’s address ?
: I wish I Knew her address
From santi’s utterance we can conclude that …
a. Santi knew Rina’s address
d. Santi doesn’t know Rina’s address
b. Santi knows Rina’s address
e. Santi will tell Rina’s address
c. Santi didn’t know Rina’s address
21. Budi : I am so sorry Lina. I could come to your wedding last week.
Lina : I wished you … .
a. Came
c. has come
b. Comes
d. had came
22. Via : The old man walked as if he … drunk.
Beni : Yes he was.
a. Is
c. has been
b. Was
d. have been
23. Lina
: I am sorry for coming late, Sir.
Mr. Theo
:never minds
The first speaker shows her…
a. Pride
c. regret
b. Complain
d. capability
e. had come
e. had been
e. thanks
24. Beni
: …….for dropping you glasses. I’ll buy you the new ones.
: It’s OK. It’s not your fault
a. I am complain about
c. I am apologized
e. I am sure
b. I am really satisfied
d. I am fine
25. Mr. Wu
: This soup is too salty. Who cooks it?
Mr. Zhe
: I am sorry, I’ll change it.
From the dialogue we can conclude that Mr, Wu expresses his…
a. satisfaction
c. like
b. happiness
d. regret
e. complain