Nutrition Brainteasers and Riddles K-12

Fruit and Vegetable Brainteasers
There are 2,500 types of me
I come in a variety of colors you see
Sometimes I’m sweet, sometimes I’m sour
I give you lots of super immune powers
Answer: Apple.
There are approximately 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States. They range from
green-yellow to deep red in color. They have a variety of flavors. Apples are rich in Vitamin C, a
type of antioxidant which boosts your immune system.
I’m shaped like a pear but darker in color
My insides are creamy and have super skin powers
You can use me as dip for your favorite chip
But be careful, you should only eat a little of me
Because I have 275 calories you see
Answer: Avocado. Avocados have 20 essential nutrients. They are high in Vitamin E, which is
good for your skin. Avocado is used to make guacamole, a common dip. Avocados are high in
calories as well as monounsaturated fat. This fat is a good type of fat for you, which helps to
lower blood cholesterol. All fat however, should only be consumed in small portions.
I’m the fruit that acts like a vegetable
I’m as small as a cherry or as big as a baseball
You can eat me with salad, pizza, or pasta
Squeeze me on burgers or have me as soup
I’m very high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C
Don’t forget about all the potassium in me
Answer: Tomato. Tomatoes are classified as a fruit because they contain seeds. They come in
a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They are used to cook with in a variety ways. Tomatoes
are very high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Potassium, manganese and dietary fiber.
I’ve got lots of Vitamin C
And my seeds are outside of me
I’m a special type of fruit you see!
I grow close to the ground
You can come pick me, or buy me by the pound
Answer: Strawberries. Strawberries are the only fruit with their seeds on the outside. They are
full of Vitamin C
Every season we keep on growing
Each year our friends are replanted,
But not us, we just keep on going
We are the only two vegetables that are this special
Do you know who we are?
Answer: Asparagus and Rhubarb
I usually come in white or brown
You can get me all in year round
I have yellow stuff inside of me
I am the protein with your morning tea
Answer: Eggs
You throw away the outside and cook the inside
Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside
What did you eat?
Answer: Corn on the cob
You can find me in the ground, in your garden bed
I come in golden, pink, white and red
I am an excellent source of folate
And don’t forget I taste great!
Answer: Beets
I’m one of the world’s oldest known fruits,
I grow on a tree
You can even find me inside your cookie
Calcium and fiber, I do provide
You can eat me fresh or eat me dried
Answer: Fig
You won’t find me in the freezer
Or in the canned good isle
Chop me up with other veggies
And lay me in a pile
You can only find me fresh
Because that’s how I taste best
Answer: Lettuce
I am a handsome white vegetable
That is actually a flower
I remind you of broccoli
And bring great phyto-power!
Answer: Cauliflower
Red or green,
This grows on a vine
Besides a great snack
It makes raisins and wine
Answer: Grapes
I can be long and green
Or brown and round
I’ll be your veggie or your meat
You can eat me cold or with some heat
I can grow on a pod or on a vine
I will provide you with fiber as you dine.
Answer: Beans
I am the only vegetable that will make you cry
I can be added to almost everything,
I am really very sly
You can chop me up,
Measure me by the cup
I can be yellow, white, red, or green
Add me to your cooking for I am not usually seen.
Answer: Onion
Nutrition Brainteasers
I am found in everything you eat and drink
All except for water
You need me every single day
Some people need more of me than others
What am I?
Answer: Calorie
Although I have quite the bad reputation
I am essential for your diet.
I help you absorb Vitamin A, D, E and K.
There are different types of me
Some good and some not
Use me sparingly
Answer: Fat
I am in every part of your body
I am in the food you eat
I break down and build back up
I am in eggs, nuts, and meat
Answer: Protein
Created by:
Brittany Pond and Julie Rankin
Dietetic Interns
Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services