Pupil Growth Fund 2015-16 Schools will continue to receive the following funding outside of their school allocations: c. Pupil Growth Fund – where schools are requested to increase their pupil admission number (PAN) by the local authority or where a new school is being established by the authority the full pupil/class increase will be taken into account in determining the funding. The allocations will be based on the following criteria; This applies to all maintained schools and academies; The Strategic Planning Team will confirm with the school if the lower (15 pupil increase - £13 p.a.) or higher (30 pupil increase - £48k p.a.) reimbursements rate will be utilised; and confirm if an allocation for consumables is required. Funding will be issued for the period from the intake of pupils to the subsequent issue of the budget where the pupils are then included in the base budget; This funding is calculated using Pupil Census data or schools admissions data. Where school admission data is used to calculate the increase in pupil numbers this will subsequently be verified by the following Pupil Census data and adjusted up or down as applicable. The level of funding per school is detailed below. Pupil Growth Fund Rates for 2015-16 Pupil Increase 15 30 45 60 75 90 Monthly Funding Value for Classroom Support (£) 1,042 3,917@ 4,958 7,833 8,875 11,750 Monthly Funding Value for Consumables (£) 41 83 125 167 208 250 Monthly Funding Value Total (£) 1,083 4,000 5,083 8,000 9,083 12,000 Note - @ - the indicative split (p.a.) is £38,000 (teacher) and £9,000 (Learning Support Assistant). The indicative allocation from the Growth Fund for each school will be identified in the Schools budgets issued in February/March of each year. The funding is mainly allocated to Schools in the June and November budget transfers. For the 7 East Northants review schools the allocations will be made in August 2015 (covering Sept 15 to March 16), May 2016 (covering April 16 to August 16) and August 2016 (covering Sept 16 to March 17).