
ICT Medium Term Plan
Module Length: 5 weeks
Module Planner
Year Group 5/6
Time Allocation: 4 ½ hours
Health & Safety: Risk assessment to be addressed each week
BLOCK FOCUS: Pop Art-Using
Key Skills to focus on:
This unit provides opportunities for children to talk about ICT;
its purpose and usefulness in the school curriculum. Key skills
to focus on should include talking to children about how they are
developing ideas within their work. Encourage children to
evaluate their work and suggest ways of amending and refining
to solve problems. Ask them to think about the presentation and
is it suitable for the intended audience?
Teachers Note: Teachers should ensure that cameras are
charged before use.
Poppies pop art – in Shared Resources ‘pop art pics’ file
Pop art examples - in Shared Resources ‘pop art pics’ file (plus
hard copy)
Paint Shop Pro 9 features hand out - - in Shared Resources ‘pop
art pics’ file (plus hard copy)
Camera user sheets – green file in the ICT Suite
Curricula links: History changes since the 1950s Art Pop Art
English speaking and listening 1a, 1e, 2e, 10c
digital cameras and manipulating images
Key National Curriculum Objectives:
Finding things out 1aTo talk about what information they need and
how they can find and use it. 1b How to prepare information for
development using ICT, including selecting suitable sources, finding
information, classifying it and checking it for accuracy.
Developing ideas and making things happen 2a how to develop and refine
ideas by bringing together, organising and reorganising images.
Exchanging and sharing information 3a how to share and exchange
information in a variety of forms 3b to be sensitive to the needs of the
audience and think carefully about the content and quality when
communicating information
Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses 4a Review what
they and others have done to help them develop their ideas. 4b describe
and talk about the effectiveness of their work with ICT, comparing it with
other methods and considering the effect it has on others 4c Talk about how
they could improve future work. BoS 5b working with others to explore a
variety of information sources and ICT tools 5c investigating and comparing
the uses of ICT inside and outside school.
Key Vocabulary:
Digital camera, image, download, USB port, file, save, copy, paste,
Learning Objectives
Children should
learn to:
 Explore the
use of a
camera and
its functions.
Children should
learn to:
 Save an
image file,
give the file
a suitable
name and
know its
Key Questions
Activities (links to other areas of the curriculum)
How do you think we can use digital
cameras to create pop art?
Have you looked at the image viewer to
ensure that you are ready to take a
How are you going to take the picture?
Why have you chosen the object to take
a picture and why do you think it would
make a good subject for pop art?
Is the photo your desired outcome?
If not, what are you going to change to
improve it?
How do you know whether your camera
uses a card reader or USB lead for
Can you locate the USB port?
How are you going to insert the USB
Can you demonstrate how to locate the
Shared Resources folder from the
What name are you going to give your
file and why?
Why is it important to give a file a
suitable name?
Can you demonstrate how to locate this
file from the Desktop?
Look at examples of Pop Art on the IWB (see
resources). Explore the school’s digital cameras (use
the user guide sheets as a check list). To start, let
the children just explore using the cameras and
taking pictures of any subject until they feel
comfortable with using them.
Ask the children to focus on taking pictures of
people and items such as soup cans. Question
children about using the digital cameras and ensure
the children are viewing the pictures taken to
control quality and desired outcome.
Children to download photographs as per instructed
for each camera (either by USB lead or by card
reader). Demonstrate the location of the USB port
on the front of the computer (lift up semi circle
flap) and how to insert it correctly without force.
Explain the importance of alignment. Save class
photos in a prepared folder (pop art pics) in the
learners’ pool; this can be accessed from the
Desktop. Within this folder, each class has their
own folder. Ensure the children save their work with
a file name so they can retrieve their work next
week. Ask the children to find their work again from
their desktop so they are familiar with retrieving a
Children to take
pictures of selected
subject ready for
downloading next
week. They should
recognise that they
need to check their
photo for a desired
Children should
download their
photographs and be
able to give the file a
suitable name in
order to retrieve
their work.
Children should
learn to:
 Explore the
features of a
NB: 2 week
block of work
How do you find the program Paint Shop
Pro 9?
What features have you found to change
your image?
What effects have the features had on
your image?
Why do you think these features are
suitable for pop art?
What effects have you found by
changing the hue and saturation?
What effects have you found by
changing the colour intensity?
Do you have the notes needed to prepare
for your image change?
How have you made your decision on
which features to use?
How are you going to save this image?
What improvements do you feel could be
made to your image?
Open Paint Shop Pro 9 by clicking start – programs –
Jasc software – Paint Shop Pro 9. Explain that this
program offers a huge variety of features and that
they are going to explore just a small amount in
order to create their pop art. Show them ‘Pop Art
Poppies’ in learners’ pool. This piece of art has been
created using the feature examples in resources.
Explain how the children are going to create their
own pop art poster along the lines of the poppies.
Read out some of these features and give the class
time to orientate themselves with the location.
Children should open their image file saved from last
week by going to file – open – then into Learner Pool –
relevant class folder in pop art pics folder and then
choose their named file by clicking on the open icon.
Children should explore the features of Paint Shop
Pro 9 and decide which features they will use for
their pop art poster. They can change the image and
use the undo button before they try another
feature. The photo will not change, as the features
are not being saved. Children should take notes on
which features will be appropriate for their desired
outcome. As a class, discuss findings and how the
effects changed the original image. (The IWB can
be during discussion to demonstrate these effects.)
Children to select
desired features in
order to create a pop
art image, create an
image and evaluate
their work.
Using notes, children should change their image to
the desired outcome and save their image by clicking
file – save as – and giving the file a suitable name
that is different from the original image file by
easily identifiable to them. Using the IWB, select
different pop art images and ask the class to
evaluate and suggest improvements.
Children should
learn to:
 Transfer
images into
programme in
order to
create a
How are you going to copy your image
and paste into Word?
How are you going to tile this image?
Are you going to insert the original and
How many images are you going to use?
Why have you chosen this amount?
How are you going to create a border?
Why have you chosen this border?
How are you going to shade the
Why have you chosen this colour to
shade the background?
Are you happy with the outcome of the
What would you change next time?
Demonstrate how to create a pop art poster in Word.
Open Paint Shop Pro 9 and open the image as before
– minimise the program. Open word read and
maximise Paint Shop Pro. Click edit then copy; go
back to Word and click edit and paste this will
produce the image onto the document. For every
time edit paste is revisited an image will be produced
in a tiled effect. If the children want to insert their
original image with their pop art version - go to the
Insert icon at the top of Word click picture – from
file and insert the original from their class folder.
More advanced users can create more types of
images by using the original image in Paint Shop Pro,
changing it, copying, pasting in Word, undoing the
changes and creating new ones and repeating as
Children create a pop
art poster using a
photograph taken
with digital camera.
Outcome suggestion:
to create an upper
school display for
the whole school to
To create a border around the poster, highlight the
whole of the images by starting at the top of the
poster – left click the mouse and dragging until the
poster is highlighted. Click the Format icon at the
top of Word; click borders and shading and then the
border tab. Select the desired choice and click Ok;
this will be applied to the poster. Explain that the
border needs to be suitable to the poster. Click the
white space between poster and border and go back
to Format, borders and shading and click the shading
tab; choose and select and click Ok.
Class to discuss what impact a pop art display would
have on the school. What would be the reactions of
their audience?
Expectations/Progress Level Descriptors
Level 2
Some children will not have made so much progress and will: use ICT to generate their work, presenting their images with a specific
idea in mind.
Level 3
Most children will: use ICT to generate, amend and develop their images within their work showing clear organisation.
Level 4
Some children will have progressed further and will: use ICT to generate, amend, develop and refine their work with an awareness of the
Year 5
Year 6