IX. Developmental Psychology

AP Psychology
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts.” William Shakespeare
Instructor: Satinder Brar Hawkins, National Board Certified Teacher
Phone: 562.425.7441 ext4567
Email: shawkins@lbusd.k12.ca.us
Text: Psychology, 7E by David Myers
Required Materials
Please have the following listed items by ________________. If this poses a financial difficulty,
see me before the weekend.
 Sturdy Binder/Notebook
 3 subject Spiral Notebook
 Paper
 Pens
 Regular and colored pencils
Course Assignments and Assessments:
 Tests
 Homework
 Projects, both group and individual, online and in class
 Note-taking and notebook activities
 Experiments
 Course Outline begins on page 3 of this handout
This course is designed to take a broad overview of psychology and as such will include selected
literature and movies (Rain Man, Girl Interrupted, Miracle, Secret Window, Beautiful Mind,
Matchstick Men, I Am Sam, Miracle of Life (PBS Documentary), Pay It Forward, Pleasantville,
Manchurian Candidate, 50 First Dates,Cinema Paradiso, Life is Beautiful, Breakfast Club,
Super Size Me, Real Women Have Curves, How the Grinch Stole Christmas) that are appropriate
to the unit being studied.
The letter grade for progress reports and report
cards will be determined by the following
 50% Tests, Quizzes
 20% Class Assignments
 20% Homework & Projects
 10 % Final Exam
The grading scale for class assignments is as
 90% - 100%='A'
 80% - 89% = 'B'
 70% - 79% = 'C'
 60% - 69% = 'D'
 59% and Below = 'F'
Points are cumulative from one progress reporting period to the next for the entire semester. The
final semester grade is not determined by averaging the progress report grades, but rather is a
cumulative total from September through January for the first semester and from February
through June for the second semester.
Assignments are evaluated qualitatively not quantitatively. Doing all the work is not enough to
ensure passage of this course. All work must be done at an acceptable and grade appropriate
level in order to guarantee passage. No late work will be accepted.
Homework is specifically designed to correlate and extend the learning that takes place in the
classroom. For this reason it is important that it is completed when assigned. No late homework
will be accepted.
Regular attendance is crucial to success. If for some reason you are absent it is imperative that
you speak to me after school on the first day of your return (even if it is not normally a day when
you’ve had my class) to make arrangements for make up work. Assignments missed during an
absence are due within one week of a student’s return to school. If an assignment was due on the
day of the absence, it is expected that it be turned in upon his or her return to school. It is the
student’s responsibility to make arrangements to do work missed during an absence
Classroom Behavior:
It is expected that each student will behave in a way appropriate to the learning environment.
Students who disrupt that environment deny others their right to learn. For this reason it is
expected that students will act in a courteous and respectful manner. Students are expected to
come to class each day prepared, ready to learn and with the required materials.
AP Exam and Study Sessions:
Students in the AP course are expected to take the AP exam in May. For those with financial
difficulties, fee waivers are available. Students are also expected to attend study sessions which
will begin about one month prior to the exam. A calendar of study sessions will be provided.
If at any time during the year, you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Approved: Karen Brinkman, Principal
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return this tear-off to Ms. Hawkins by the first Monday of school. The
information and course syllabus are to be kept in the first tab of your Psychology notebook for
the remainder of the year.
I have received and read the course syllabus and class information
Parent Signature ___________________________________________
Student Signature __________________________________________ Period
AP Psychology—Course Overview
Instructor: Satinder Brar Hawkins
History and Approaches
A. Logic, Philosophy, and History of Science
B. Approaches
1. Biological
2. Behavioral
3. Cognitive
4. Humanistic
5. Psychodynamic
6. Sociocultural
7. Evolutionary/Sociobiological
Research Methods
A. Experimental, Correlational, and Clinical Research
B. Statistics
C. Ethics in Research
Biological Bases of Behavior
A. Physiological techniques (i.e. imaging, surgical)
B. Neuroanatomy
C. Functional Organization of Nervous System
D. Neural Transmission
E. Endocrine System
F. Genetics
Sensation and Perception
A. Thresholds
B. Sensory Mechanisms
C. Sensory Adaptation
D. Attention
E. Perceptual Processes
States of Consciousness
A. Sleep and Dreaming
B. Hypnosis
C. Psychoactive Drug Effects
A. Classical Conditioning
B. Operant Conditioning
C. Cognitive Processes in Learning
D. Biological Factors
E. Social Learning
A. Memory
B. Language
C. Thinking
D. Problem Solving and Creativity
Motivation and Emotion
A. Biological Bases
B. Theories of Motivation
C. Hunger, Thirst, Sex, and Pain
D. Social Motives
E. Theories of Emotion
F. Stress
Developmental Psychology
A. Life-Span Approach
B. Research Methods (e.g. longitudinal, cross-section)
C. Hereditary-Environment Issues
D. Developmental Theories
E. Dimensions of Development
1. Physical
2. Cognitive
3. Social
4. Moral
F. Sex Roles, Sex Differences
A. Personality Theories and Approaches
B. Assessment Techniques
C. Self-concept, Self-esteem
D. Growth and Adjustment
Testing and Individual Differences
A. Standardization and Norms
B. Reliability and Validity
C. Types of Test
D. Ethics and Standards in Testing
E. Intelligence
F. Heredity/Environment and Intelligence
G. Human Diversity
Abnormal Psychology
A. Definitions of Abnormality
B. Theories of Psychopathology
C. Diagnosis of Psychopathology
D. Anxiety Disorders
E. Somatoform Disorders
F. Mood Disorders
G. Schizophrenic Disorders
H. Organic Disorders
I. Personality Disorders
J. Dissociative Disorders
Treatment of Psychological Disorders
A. Treatment Approaches
1. Insight Therapies, Psychodynamic/Humanistic Approaches
2. Behavioral Approaches
3. Cognitive Approaches
4. Biological Approaches (psychopharmacology/psychosurgery)
B. Modes of Therapy (individual, group)
C. Community and Preventative Approaches
Social Psychology
A. Group Dynamics
B. Attribution Processes
C. Interpersonal Perception
D. Conformity, Compliance, Obedience
E. Attitudes and Attitude Change
F. Organizational Behavior
G. Aggression/Antisocial Behavior