
Goal 4: Ensure Richmond City public school’s exceptional education students successfully transition to post secondary
activities that provide high quality employment and increased independence.
1. Enhance the capacity of the City of Richmond Schools (RPS) to provide career awareness, career exploration, and
career engagement to youth with disabilities transitioning to post-secondary career options.
2. Provide community involvement by the One Stop system in working with RPS & other community agencies in
developing transition planning and transition activities that connect youth with employment opportunities.
Lead People for Goal 4: Judith and Sophie Co-Lead: Robert, Erica, Kelly, Vaughn and Karla
BB: Building Blocks, or activities of the grant that can create permanent capacity, requiring little or no maintenance through
effort or funds.
M: Elements of the grant the will require resources to maintain, redefined as operational features of the One Stop, and
defined in terms of its relationship with the One Stop’s services and facilities.
Promising Practice (S Indicators
System Level; P Actions Taken
Participant Level)
Created a position with the
 Current RPS position @
school system that has served
RTC (Kelly D)
to strengthen the
 One Stop Youth Services
relationship between the OneStaff Recruitment of
Stop and the schools, mainly
Youth with Disabilities
RTC and the high schools.
 Navigator Positions @ the
This position has also helped
One Stop
to increase career awareness,
 In-Services, Visits RCAC
exploration and preparation
makes to RPS
opportunities for students by
 Plan Managers to
enlisting more business
participate in IEP
meeting at school
Source of Information
Tracking System
 MOU and Cooperative
Agreement W/ RPS,
DRS, and RHBA with
Scope of work from
Exceptional Ed.
 # of Referrals made the
One Stop +
Enrollment into CEP
 Student IEPS
 One Stop Database
 RPS Records
Sustainability Status and Action
M: Secure funds for
RPS position ( Kelly)
M: Secure funds for
RCAC position (Robert)
M: rework JD’s of CEP
staff to reflect all duties
that arise from their
daily work
M: Craft contractual
agreement to formalize
elements of partnership
reflected by these JD’s –
Promising Practice (S System Level; P Participant Level)
Actions Taken
Source of Information
Tracking System
The model for interagency
collaborative planning is
incorporated and One-Stop
participates in IEP meetings.
One-Stop staff to conduct
orientation sessions at
high schools
 Student Referrals to One
 Students participating/
tours of One Stop
 Coordinate ISS with IEP
transition component
 Individualized Transition
Plans and sharing of
 Developed process for
enrollment for students
linked to the One-Stop
 Developed job descriptions
for key staff connected
to CEP services
Cooperative Agreement with
Quarterly Partner Meetings
IEP Meetings with Community
Partners in Attendance
Monthly Roundtable
discussions on customers
Student Referrals to One Stop
One Stop staff involvement in
Community ( on
Transition Councils, Youth
Sustainability Status and Action
 CEP Monthly Reports
One Stop Rep. @ IEP
Planned Employment &
Training Activities @
Annual review of planned
goals – Performance
 Student IEPS
 One Stop Database
 RPS Records
for both tasks, envision
what will maintain the
partnership if both
positions change staff
BB: Ongoing secured
partnership and youth
BB: Two staff positions
focused on youth and
M: As above, determine,
record, and formalize all
tasks associated with
partnership – leave as little
as possible to assumption
or habit.
M: Ensure that all IA
processes and agreements
formally reflect all actual
tasks and work occurring
under CEP project
M: Determine capacity of
Promising Practice (S System Level; P Participant Level)
Actions Taken
Provide a collaborative
outreach with RPS’s Parent
Resource Center (PRC) to
more actively engage parents 
in the transition planning of
their children/students
Network, etc)
Data collection and sharing
with Partners
Review and update of RTC
vocational evaluation
RPS received a VADOE grant
to improve and upgrade
vocational assessment
materials and process
Initiate a pilot with 6 students
(ages 14-16) transitioning
with the One-Stop for
special observation and
Establish Parent Supports (3-4
Open Houses and tables at
Back to School nights)
Provide in Service Activities for
Parents (e.g., PATH,
Benefits Planning)
Increase Parents’ Usage of the
Involve RPS Instructional
Specialists in promoting
the PRC as a resource for
Utilize the PRC van in outreach
Source of Information
Tracking System
Sustainability Status and Action
CEP Monthly Reports
Planned Monthly
Meetings/ In Progress
Increase the # of engaged
interagency program for
long term (# of
M: Determine eligibility for
BB: Determine what
capacity this partnership
and its components can
integrate with and
compliment in the common
One Stop system (and PRC
M: Formally determine
relationship between PRC
and positions described
above – what responsibility
for PRC can these
positions take?