Student Coursebook

Student Course Book
BSB 60407 Advanced Diploma of Management
BSB 60507 Advanced Diploma of Marketing
BSB 60907 Advanced Diploma of Management
(Human Resources)
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
About Mifm .............................................................................................3
Our Mission .............................................................................................3
Australia Government Accredited Courses Available.........................4
Industry Memberships ...........................................................................4
MIFM Contact Details ............................................................................6
Assessment Centre Contact ....................................................................6
Academic ...................................................................................................................... 7
Student Resources ...................................................................................7
Learning Principles .................................................................................8
Assessment .............................................................................................10
Course Structure: MIFM Advanced Diploma’s.................................12
Course Outline – Advanced Diploma of Management ......................13
Course Outline - Advanced Diploma of Marketing ...........................16
Course Outline - Advanced Diploma of Management (Human
Resources) ..............................................................................................20
Subject Outlines ....................................................................................23
Appendix 1: Policy and Procedure Statements and Guidelines .......................... 28
Administration and Record Control ...................................................28
Course Quality Assurance ....................................................................29
Equal Opportunity ................................................................................30
Harassment and Discrimination ..........................................................31
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer .........................34
Staff and Students with Disabilities ....................................................36
Student Grievances ...............................................................................37
Student Refunds ....................................................................................39
Privacy Policy ........................................................................................40
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
About Mifm
The Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management (Mifm) is an international
institute delivering Australian business vocational education and training in English
via distance learning. We offer a gateway to studying overseas and obtaining a
rewarding career with international companies.
Asia and the pacific basin are experiencing rapid growth with resultant increases in
business, trade and technology. The consequences of this growth demand are an
increasing need for personnel skilled in business areas such as marketing,
management and human resources.
Our courses have been designed to enable the development of business men and
women capable of meeting the demands of modern business and international trade.
Our Mission
The mission of the Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management seeks to be a
leader in providing international vocational education and training programs within
the Asia-Pacific region through creating and applying knowledge for its people,
communities and enterprises.
Identify, research. develop and deliver high quality education and training
programs and services.
Achieve the highest standards of client satisfaction.
Develop a culture of skilled and involved staff and teachers.
Ensure financial viability.
Maintain excellence through competitive performance.
Provide user-friendly, high quality facilities and systems.
Access and use technology effectively.
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Australia Government Accredited Courses Available
BSB 60407 Advanced Diploma of Marketing
Marketing is a dynamic area that involves identifying customer needs and wants,
creating strategies to develop and design products and services, and making
decisions about pricing, promotion and distribution. Rewarding career opportunities
exist for Assistant Marketers, Marketing Managers, Brand Managers and Advertising
and Promotions.
BSB 60507 Advanced Diploma of Management
Being an effective manager requires clear judgement, the ability to work well with
people, ethical behaviour, leadership and problem-solving skills. You will be
expected to make business decisions against a backdrop of economic and social
change while relating global conditions to local needs. Prioritising tasks, working in
and with teams, and operationalising financial, marketing and human resource aspects
of an organisation are key responsibilities and career opportunities.
BSB 60907 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
Human resources refers to how employees are managed by an organisation. This
course provides graduates with advanced skills and knowledge and career
opportunities in the administrative and strategic requirements of a human resources
Industry Memberships
To further enhance international employment prospects, MIFM graduates are also
eligible to become Associate Members of the following peak professional bodies:
Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
Australian Institute of Management (AIM)
Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI)
Higher Education Pathways
The Advanced Diplomas are recognised by Australian universities under the
“pathways” system. Completion of an Advanced Diplomas provide graduates with a
one-year exemption in undergraduate programs at most Australian universities.
MIFM has also formally arranged direct agreements with the following universities to
provide advanced standing to our graduates:
La Trobe University, (One Year & 6 Months)
James Cook University, (One Year & 6 Months)
Queensland University of Technology, (One Year)
Birmingham City University, United Kingdom(Two Years)
University of South Australia, (One Year & 6 Months)
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Policies and Procedures
The Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management has policies and
procedures to protect student’s and staff welfare:
Administration and Record Control
Course Quality Assurance
Equal Opportunity
Harassment and Discrimination
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
Staff and Students with Disabilities
Student Grievances
Student Refunds
Note: The relevant policies and procedures are available on the MIFM website. Policy
statements and relevant procedures are attached as Appendix 1 to this Coursebook.
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
MIFM Contact Details
Melbourne Institute of Finance & Management
Level 9, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3041, Australia
Ph: +613 9607 1397 Fax: +613 9607 1317
How to Apply
Prospective students can apply directly online via the MIFM website or download an
application form and make direct application to our Melbourne or Beijing office.
Students should make note of the pre requisite requirements of the courses before
MIFM Assessment Centre Contact
Beijing Office: Consultant Representative - Katherine He
Liu Yuran c/o Katherine
The Experimental HS attached to Beijing Normal University,
No.14, Erlong Road , Xicheng District,
Beijing, P.R.China, 100032
Mob:158013633718 Email:
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Student Resources
(a). Student Handbook:
learner guides with competencies,
how student can demonstrate competency,
assessments procedures,
how students can conduct research and required reading,
how student can achieve competencies,
where student can match competencies,
learning principles.
(b). Website
Students to register an access code from the website:
Review website annually to ensure reference to:
 assessments dates,
 assessment validation appointments,
 weekly learning activity guide.
(c). Student Welfare
Assessment Centre Program Manager is available o provide students with advice
- accommodation services,
- academic and career advice,
- IT support,
- student learning assistance,
- English language support and
- social inclusion activities.
(d). Holiday Contact
Mifm contact during holiday periods are:
 Beijing Manager Katherine He - Mob: 158013633718 Email:
 Director Studies and Finance John Henry - Mob: +6620402027505 Email:
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Learning Principles
(a). Study Habits
People of all ages and intellectual capabilities have the ability to learn new skills and
People must be motivated to learn. This can take a variety of forms, eg. Personal
development, promotional possibilities or financial incentives.
Learning is active, not passive. Get the learner involved.
People tend to acquire knowledge more rapidly with guidance. Give plenty of feedback
and set clear targets to work towards and assess progress.
Offer lots of positive reinforcement of correct behaviours to cement desired behaviours.
Good training materials and teaching aids are important.
Provide time to practice the learning. People need time to internalise and assimilate what
they have learned in order to build confidence.
Vary training techniques to offset fatigue and boredom.
The learner must feel satisfied with the learning. Take into account each trainee’s desires
and expectations.
Allow for individual differences in the learning process. What some people can learn
easily may be difficult for others because of differences in basic abilities , previous
experience or background.
People learn complex tasks and skills more slowly and simple skills more quickly.
Learning requires attention and concentration. Avoid distraction.
Learning involves long-tern retention and immediate acquisition of knowledge. Help
trainees learn and retain information by ensuring understanding and building plenty of
practice into your training sessions.
Accuracy generally deserves more emphasis than speed during the learning process. Speed
can be built up later.
To achieve maximum results, correct study habits should be maintained. The following
points may assist you in organising your approach to study:
Regular Study
Prepare a timetable covering your activities over all seven days. Work out the best
times during which you will be able to study. Vary the topics you are studying to
relieve boredom, for example, if you are studying three modules simultaneously, split
the three hour evenly between the three modules.
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Organising Your Work
When you receive your learning resources glance through the whole resource to
understand how it is put together. Then return to the start and make notes of the main
ideas as they are introduced. You should work through the exercises as you go and
attempt the solutions yourself before you look up the answers.
Exam preparation
For exam revision you should re-do each question without looking at the answer, if
you cannot get the solution right, re-do it again. If you can’t do it now without the
answer, you will not be able to do it during the exam.
Additional Resources
The learner guides will suggest further reading from which students can make notes
and read.
(b). Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct by cheating includes:
Impersonating or being impersonated by any person in or for the purposes of any assessment
Plagiarising the work of any other person;
Taking material into any assessment session which is not specifically permitted;
the use or attempted use by any student in any means to gain an unfair advantage in any
assessment where the means is contrary to the instructions for such assessment.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating in assessment. Plagiarism may occur in oral, written or visual
presentations. It is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person, without
appropriate referencing, as though it is your own. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
The use of another person’s work or ideas must be acknowledged. The penalties for cheating in
assessment are severe, whether the cheating involves plagiarism, fabrication, falsification of
data, copyright infringement or some other method.
Penalties can include chargers of academic misconduct, cancellation of results and exclusion
from your course. It is also a disciplinary offence for you to allow your work to be plagiarised
by another student. You are responsible for keeping your work in a secure place.
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Every Advanced Diploma subject will require the completion of assessments throughout the
semester which contribute to the final grade for the subject. This might be an exam, essay, case
study report, presentation or any combination of these. Details can be accessed from learner
(a). Examination Regulations
Students should only bring pens, pencils and erasers to an examination.
No dictionaries, paper, pads, mobile phones, scientific calculators or other electronic
devices are allowed into the examination. Students will be notified where a basic
calculator is allowed into the examination.
The examination supervisor shall have a dictionary available for student use.
Students caught cheating will be asked to leave the examination. Cheat notes or similar
documentation will be retained by the examination supervisor. The examination
supervisor should report in writing the incident to Director Academic Studies - Chris
Subject to extenuating circumstances, the Director Studies and Finance shall direct the
Assessment Centre Program Manager to send a letter to the student indicating they have
failed the subject on which they cheated. The subject must be repeated in full. Full
subject fees would apply.
Should a student fail an examination or miss an examination due to sickness a resit
examination is available.
(b). Examination Resits
The examination resit or resits will be held in the second week of the next semester.
If the exam failed was in the student's final semester, the examination resit shall be
held at the end of the current examination period.
The maximum subject mark available on a resit examination is 50% unless the student
missed the original examination date due to sickness and a medical certificate is
Should the student fail the resit examination the subject must be repeated Full subject
fees would apply.
(c). Remarks
An examination paper remark can be requested by a student in writing.
The request should be emailed to Assessment Centre Program Manager who will
arrange for the examination paper to be marked by another teacher. The resulting mark
shall be final.
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(e). Student Welfare
Restrict distance education study to no more than eight hours in any one day.
Asessments are not to be set outside the hours of 0800hrs to 2200 hrs on any day.
Assessment Centre Program Manager to provide students with advice on
accommodation services, academic and career advice, IT support, student learning
assistance, English language support and social inclusion activities
Assessment Centre Program Manager should not have any commercial interest in any
student service options.
Assessment Centre Program Manager to ensure enough support services staff to meet
needs of student numbers based on previous experience.
Assessment Centre Program Manager to review performance of student services
Assessment Centre Program Manager to ensure security/safety measures are sufficient
when students attend assessments at the study centre.
Student Records
Assessment method will generally be in the form of case studies and assignments. To
achieve a pass students must be deemed to be competent in each competency.
Student transcripts are issued to students following each semester.
Student transcripts are also available upon request.
Assessment grades are competent or not competent:
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Course Structure: MIFM Advanced Diploma’s
BSB 60407 Advanced Diploma of Management
Subject Title
Management in the New Global Economy
Marketing Research
Organisational Behaviour
BSB 60507 Advanced Diploma of Marketing
Subject Title
Management in the New Global Economy
Marketing Research
Organisational Behaviour
Strategic Marketing
BSB 60907 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
Subject Title
Human Resource Management
Management in the New Global Economy
Strategic Marketing
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Course Outline – Advanced Diploma of Management
Name of RTO
Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management
MIFM Course Code
MIFM Course Title
Advanced Diploma of Management
Units of competency
BSBINN601A Manage organisational change
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the marketing process
BSBMKG607B Manage market research
BSBOHS601B Develop a systematic approach to managing OHS
Pre-Requisites And CoRequisites
Students wanting to gain better qualification to come to Australia to do further studies or to gain better opportunities for employment. MIFM expects
most applicants to progress from studies which provide knowledge and qualification at AQF level V.
BSBINN601A Manage
organisational change
1. Identify change requirements/ opportunities
2. Develop change management strategy
3. Implement change management strategy
BSBMGT605B Provide
leadership across the
Communicate organisational mission and goals
Influence groups and individuals
Build and support teams
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage
innovation and continuous
Demonstrate personal and professional competence
Confirm organisational vision and mission
Analyse the internal and external environment
Write strategic plan
Implement strategic plan
Review programs, systems and processes
Develop options for continuous improvement
Implement innovative processes
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BSBMKG607B Manage market
1. Prepare market research plans for implementation
2. Engage external consultants or service providers
3. Manage market research activity
4. Evaluate research processes and findings
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
1. Devise marketing strategies
2. Plan marketing tactics
3. Prepare and present a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
1. Manage marketing performance
2. Manage marketing personnel
3. Evaluate and improve strategic marketing performance
BSBOHS601B Develop a
systematic approach to managing
1. Analyse the workplace to identify needs
2. Design integrated approaches to managing OHS
3. Plan and develop integrated approaches to managing OHS
4. Support planning for and implementation of integrated approaches to managing OHS
5. Evaluate the design and development of integrated approaches to managing OHS
Learning Activities
Research, collect and analyse data case studies.
Group discussion on case studies.
Work in a group to brainstorm and provide feedback business cases (Teamwork and initiative and enterprise)
Use technology to prepare assignments (Communication and technology)
Use Self evaluation quizzes (Learning)
Use On-line activities (Technology)
Use technology to present findings of research (Communication and technology)
Design appropriate format for assignments (Initiative and enterprise)
The course is delivered over a period of 16 week duration. The nominal hours are 400.
Organisation of Delivery of Course:
The competencies are delivered within the following subjects:
1. Marketing Research
2. Organisational Behaviour
3. Management in the New Global Economy
Units of competency
Case study
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
Written Test
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Research and report/ Oral
Prescribed Text
Other resources
BSBINN601A Manage
organisational change
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
BSBMKG607B Manage market
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
BSBMGT608B Manage innovation
and continuous improvement
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership
across the organisation
BSBOHS601B Develop a
systematic approach to managing
Walker, Gountas, Mavondo, Mullins: Marketing strategy, a decision-focused approach, McGraw-Hill, 2009John Boyce, Marketing research (2nd edition),
McShane, S. and Travaglione, T. (2007) Organisational Behaviou on the Pacific Rim, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill: NSW.
Bartol, K., Martin. D., et al. (2008) Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 5E, McGraw Hill.
Noe,R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart,B., and Wright,P. :Human Resource Management, 3 rd edition, McGraw-Hill:NSW
The Australian Financial Review (
The Australian (
Business Review Weekly (
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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Course Outline - Advanced Diploma of Marketing
Name of RTO
Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management
MIFM Course Code
MIFM Course Title
Advanced Diploma of Marketing
Units of competency
Core Units:
BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the marketing process
BSBMKG608A Develop organisational marketing objectives
BSBMKG607B Manage market research
Elective Unites:
BSBINN601A Manage organisational change
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation
BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage innovation and continuous improvement
Pre-Requisites And CoRequisites
Students wanting to gain better qualification to come to Australia to do further studies or to gain better opportunities for employment. MIFM expects
most applicants to progress from studies which provide knowledge and qualification at AQF level V.
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
BSBMKG608A Develop
organisational marketing
BSBMKG607B Manage market
Devise marketing strategies
Plan marketing tactics
Prepare and present a marketing plan
Manage marketing performance
Manage marketing personnel
Evaluate and improve strategic marketing performance
Identify strategic direction
Review marketing performance
Scope marketing opportunities
Formulate marketing objectives
Prepare market research plans for implementation
Engage external consultants or service providers
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
Manage market research activity
Evaluate research processes and findings
Devise marketing strategies
Plan marketing tactics
Prepare and present a marketing plan
Manage marketing performance
Manage marketing personnel
BSBMGT605B Provide
leadership across the
Evaluate and improve strategic marketing performance
Identify change requirements/ opportunities
Develop change management strategy
3. Implement change management strategy
Communicate organisational mission and goals
Influence groups and individuals
Build and support teams
Demonstrate personal and professional competence
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage
innovation and continuous
Confirm organisational vision and mission
Analyse the internal and external environment
Write strategic plan
Implement strategic plan
Review programs, systems and processes
Develop options for continuous improvement
Implement innovative processes
Learning Activities
Research, collect and analyse data
Provide feedback business cases (Teamwork and initiative and enterprise)
Use technology to prepare assignments (Communication and technology)
Use Self evaluation quizzes (Learning)
Use On-line activities (Technology)
Use technology to present findings of research (Communication and technology)
Design appropriate format for assignments (Initiative and enterprise)
BSBINN601A Manage
organisational change
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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The recommended duration for this program is 16 weeks, however the actual duration depends on how many hours per week each individual
students puts into their study
Organisation of Delivery of Course:
The competencies are delivered within the following subjects:
Strategic marketing
Marketing research
Organisational behaviour
Management in the new global economy
Units of competency
Written report
Oral presentation
BSBINN601A Manage
organisational change
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
BSBMKG607B Manage market
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
BSBMGT608B Manage
innovation and continuous
BSBMGT605B Provide
leadership across the
BSBOHS601B Develop a
systematic approach to
managing OHS
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Prescribed Text
Other resources
Walker, Gountas, Mavondo, Mullins: Marketing strategy, a decision-focused approach, McGraw-Hill, 2009
John Boyce, Marketing research (2nd edition), McGraw Hill , 2005
Noe,R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart,B., and Wright,P. :Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill:NSW
McShane, S. and Travaglione, T. (2007) Organisational Behaviou on the Pacific Rim, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill: NSW
Bartol, K., Martin. D., et al. (2008) Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 5E, McGraw Hill.
The Australian Financial Review (
The Australian (
Business Review Weekly (
Cravens, Merrilees and Walker, Strategic Marketing Management for the Pacific Region, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2000
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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Course Outline - Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
Name of RTO
Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management
MIFM Course Code
MIFM Course Title
Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)
Units of competency
BSBINN601A Manage Organisational change
BSBHR602A Manage human resource strategic planning
BSBMGT615A Contribute to organisation development
BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBOHS601B Develop a systematic approach to managing OHS
BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the marketing process
Pre-Requisites And CoRequisites
Students wanting to gain better qualification to come to Australia to do further studies or to gain better opportunities for employment. MIFM
expects most applicants to progress from studies which provide knowledge and qualification at AQF level IV.
BSBINN601A Manage
Organisational change
Identify change/requirements/opportunities
Develop change management strategy
Implement change management strategy
BSBHR602A Manage human
resource strategic planning
Undertake preparatory activities
Develop HR strategic plan
Implement HR strategic plans
Develop organisation development plan
Implement organisation development plan
Maintain organisation development plan
Confirm organisational vision and mission
Analyse the internal and external environment
Write strategic plan
Implement strategic plan
Review programs, systems and processes
Develop options for continuous improvement
BSBMGT615A Contribute to
organisation development
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage
innovation and continuous
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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Implement innovative processes
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
Devise marketing strategies
Plan marketing tactics
Prepare and present a marketing plan
Communicate organisational mission and goals
Influence groups and individuals
Build and support teams
Demonstrate personal and professional competence
Manage marketing performance
Manage marketing personnel
Evaluate and improve strategic marketing performance
Research, collect and analyse data case studies.
Use technology to prepare assignments (Communication and technology)
Use Self evaluation quizzes (Learning)
Use On-line activities (Technology)
Use technology to present findings of research (Communication and technology)
Design appropriate format for assignments (Initiative and enterprise)
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership
across the organisation
BSBMKG603B Manage the
marketing process
Learning Activities
The course is delivered over a period of 16 week duration. The nominal hours are 400.
Organisation of Delivery of Course: The competencies are delivered within the following subjects:
Human Resource Management
Strategic Marketing
Management in the New Global Economy
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Prescribed Text
Other resources
Units of competency
Written report
Oral presentation
BSBINN601A Manage
Organisational change
BSBHR602A Manage human
resource strategic planning
BSBMGT615A Contribute to
organisation development
BSBMGT616A Develop and
implement strategic plans
BSBMGT608B Manage innovation
and continuous improvement
BSBMKG609A Develop a
marketing plan
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership
across the organisation
BSBMKG607B Manage market
Noe,R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart,B., and Wright,P. :Human Resource Management, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill:NSW.
Bartol, K., Martin. D., et al. (2008) Management: A Pacific Rim Focus, 5E, McGraw Hill.
Walker, Gountas, Mavondo, Mullins: Marketing strategy, a decision-focused approach, McGraw-Hill, 2009
John Boyce, Marketing research (2nd edition), McGraw Hill , 2005
The Australian Financial Review (
The Australian (
Business Review Weekly (
MIFM Student Course Book 2010 Version 1
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Subject Outlines
Marketing Research
BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the marketing process
BSBMKG607B Manage market research
Session – Topic Learning Activity
Three level of strategy and marketing plan
Corporate strategy decisions and their marketing implications
Corporate strategy decisions and their marketing implications
Business strategies and their implications
Business strategies and their implications
Understand marketing opportunities
BSBMKG608A (1)
BSBMKG609A (1)
BSBMKG608A (1)
BSBMKG609A (1)
BSBMKG608A (1)
BSBMKG609A (1)
BSBMKG608A (1)
BSBMKG609A (1)
BSBMKG609A (1)
Measuring market opportunities
BSBMKG609A (1)
Target attractive market segments
BSBMKG608A (2)
BSBMKG608A (3)
Differentiation and positioning
Marketing strategies for new market entry
Strategies for growth markets
Marketing strategies for the new economy
BSBMKG608A (2)
BSBMKG608A (3)
BSBMKG603B (3)
BSBMKG608A (4)
BSBMKG609A (2)
BSBMKG608A (4)
BSBMKG609A (2)
BSBMKG608A (4)
BSBMKG609A (2)
Organising and planning for effective implementation
Measuring and delivery marketing performance
Case study examination
Assessment Tasks - EVIDENCE
Assignment – marketing plan
The assignment reflects the
competencies covered
BSBMKG603B (1)
BSBMKG603B (2)
BSBMKG609A (3)
Written case study: Questions cover
the competencies of the units.
Students are required to
demonstrate their acquisition of
concepts and their analytical skills in
answering the questions.
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BSBINN601A Manage organisational change
BSBMGT605B Provide leadership across the organisation
Session – Topic
Assessment Tasks - EVIDENCE
Learning Activity
What is Organisational Behaviour
Values and Personality
Perception and Individual Decision Making
Motivational Applications
Groups & Group Behaviour
BSBMGT605B (2)(3)
Building Teams
BSBMGT605B (3)
BSBMGT605B (3)
Leadership, and Effective Styles
Assignment Due
Conflict & Negotiation
BSBMGT605B (3)
Power & politics
BSBMGT605B (4)
Organisational Culture
BSBMGT605B (4)
Organisation Change- Forces for change
External and internal forces
Organisational gaps and
Managing planned change
Individual resistance
Organisational resistance
The politics of change
Approaches to managing organisational change
Introducing change and implementing change strategy
Exam week
Management in the New
Global Economy
Research: Interview a supervisor to find out about
leading and building teams. Present result in written
report format.
Written test: Questions cover the competencies of
the units. Students are required to demonstrate their
acquisition of concepts and their analytical skills in
answering the questions.
BSBMGT608A Management innovation and
continuous improvement
BSBMGT616A Develop and implement strategic
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BSBOHS601B Develop a systematic
approach to managing OHS
Session – Topic
Assessment Tasks - EVIDENCE
Learning Activity
Pioneering ideas in management
BSBMGT608A (1)
Managerial decision making
BSBMGT608A (1)
Establishing organizational goals and plans
Performance Measurement
BSBMGT608A (2)
Quality management
Risk management
Managing groups
BSBMGT608A (3)
The overall planning process
How goals facilitate performance
Internal and external environment
BSBMGT608A (3) )
BSBMGT616 (1)BSBMGT608A(1)
Research: Interview a manager on
how change is planned and
introduced. Present results in written
Linking goals and plans
Management by objectives
The concept of strategic management
Strategy implementation and evaluation
OH&S law in Australia
BSBOHS601B (1)
Creating a safe and healthy work environment
BSBOHS601B (2)
Managing OHS programs
OHS information systems
Evaluating approaches to managing OHS
Exam week
Report on the effectiveness of an
OHS management system
Written test: Questions cover the
competencies of the units. Students
are required to demonstrate their
acquisition of concepts and their
analytical skills in answering the
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Strategic Marketing
BSBMKG609A Develop a marketing plan
BSBMKG603B Manage the marketing process
Session – Topic
BSBMKG608A Develop organisational
marketing objectives
Learning Activity
Marketing oriented perspectives underlie successful corporate, business and
marketing strategies
Assessment Tasks - EVIDENCE
Assignment 1 – Business situation
analysis of the organisation – identify
and document internal and external
factors impacting on the direction and
performance of the business
Corporate strategy decisions and their marketing implications
1.2 , 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Business strategies and their implications
Understanding market opportunities
BSBMKG608A 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
Understanding market opportunities
BSBMKG608A 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
Measuring market opportunities: forecasting and market knowledge
Targeting attractive market segments
BSBMKG608A 3.2
BSBMKG609A 1.1
Differentiation and positioning
1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
BSBMKG603B 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Differentiation and positioning
Marketing strategies for new market entries
4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
BSBMKG609A 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Strategies for growth markets
BSBMKG609A 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Strategies for mature and decline markets
BSBMKG609A 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Marketing strategies for the new economy
BSBMKG609A 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Organising and planning for effective implementation
Measuring and delivering marketing performance
BSBMKG603B 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
BSBMKG609A 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Human Resource
Oral presentation of the marketing plan
BSBHR602A Manage human
resource strategic planning
Session – Topic
BSBMGT615A Contribute to
organisation development
Assignment 2- Devise, document
and present a marketing plan
detailing approaches and the
marketing mix to achieve
organisational marketing objectives
Oral presentation
BSBINN601A Manage Organisational change
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Assessment Tasks -
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Learning Activity
Managing human resources
BSBHR602A 1.1 ,1.2, 1.3 , 1.4, 1.5
Strategic human resource management
BSBHR602A 2.2 ,2.3 , 2.4 , 2.5, 2.6
Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources
BSBHR602A 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2. 2.9
Analysing work and design jobs
BSBHR602A 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Managing employees’ performance
BSBHR602A 2.7 , 3.2, 3.3
Organisation structure
BSBMGT615A 1.4 , 1.5, 1.6
Training employees
Human resource planning and recruitment
Establishing organisational goals and plans
1.1, 1,2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 2.1
BSBMGT615A 2.1
BSBINN601A 2.1 , 2.2
BSBINN601A 1.2 , 2.1, 2.2
Understanding internal and external environments
Organisational Change and development
Conflict and negotiation
Managing Organisations through change and conflict
1.1 , 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.7, 3.8
BSBMGT615A 1.6 , 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
BSBINN601A 2.2
Assignment 1: You are to write a report on
developing a strategic plan for your organisation
BSBMGT615A 2.4 , 2.5
after having reviewed the current one and having
identified gaps for making development.
BSBINN601A 2.1 , 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
Creativity and team decision making
Fostering an innovative organisation
Oral Presentation
1.3 , 1.4
3.1. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 ,3.5, 3.6
BSBMGT615A 2.6 ,3.2
3.1 , 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
3.3, 3.4, 3.5
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Assignment 2: You are to write a report on
developing change for your organisation and
managing the change.
Appendix 1: Policy and Procedure Statements and Guidelines
Administration and Record Control
Storage and version control
All records are securely stored with an electronic back up.
Storage of a backup copy to be held in a fire proof safe.
All policies, materials and documents are logged and maintained in the document version
log by the Director of Studies and Finance.
Information access
All information is safeguarded for confidentiality, student information must not be disclosed
to a third party without the written consent of the student.
Students can access their information by writing to the Director of Studies and Finance.
Destruction of Records
Destruction of records will only be undertaken when in compliance of relevant statutory
legislation. The Director of Studies and Finance only can approve the destruction of records.
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Course Quality Assurance
Policy Principles
 The CQA system embodies MIFM’s commitment to the Boyer scholarship of teaching
by providing opportunities for analysis, reflection and open discussion of program
design, implementation and currency.
The approach adopted:
is thoughtful and critical
involves staff at all levels of responsibility
takes account of significant developments which impact on programs
is demonstrably rigorous.
Ongoing responsibility for program quality is embedded in management practice.
Systematic review and re-accreditation provides an opportunity for the renewal of
programs involving a broad range of stakeholders.
Program Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Criteria
There is an identified industry or community need for graduates with the defined capabilities
of the proposed program, and evidence that it is feasible to recruit a viable number of
students to it. The course fits within Institutes strategic profiles and resources are available to
support it. The course is forward looking in regard to both content and methodology.
(b). Equity
Selection, transition and teaching arrangements ensure that the course is available to equity
groups and that it addresses the needs of all students once they are selected.
The course is well managed with established processes for communication, planning, and
documentation. Quality processes which are student and outcomes focused are embedded in
the design and implementation of the course including appropriate mechanisms of student
input and feedback into all aspects of the course. They seek to ensure that the program
remains fit for the purposes of all stakeholders.
(d). Resources
Resourcing requirements are clearly identified including consideration of specialised
facilities and learning opportunities, staff skills and capabilities. Appropriate documentation
is presented to indicate that such resources are available for off-campus students; fees and
materials costs paid by students are reasonable; programs gain a return on the investments
made via the Strategic Plan; and there is efficient use and re-use of courseware, learning
objects and the Institutes intellectual property.
Evaluation and Maintenance
The processes for on-going maintenance, evaluation and review for the course, both
individually and within an appropriate cognate cluster, are clearly defined for the period of
accreditation sought.
Stakeholder requirements
There is evidence that the course has addressed the requirements of relevant professional or
vocational accrediting bodies.
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Equal Opportunity
Procedural Principles
In all aspects of Institute operation:
There will be no discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, marital status, disability,
religious or political beliefs, age, sexual preference, or on the grounds of being a
parent, childless or a defacto spouse;
The Institute is committed to providing an environment free of sexual harassment;
The Institute is committed to the use of gender neutral and non-sexist language in all
policies, procedures, publications, course materials and job and position titles of the
Staff will be selected or promoted according to merit;
Admissions to courses and assessment of student performance will be according to
The Institute will monitor the representation of students from disadvantaged or
underrepresented groups in courses and make efforts to improve any imbalances;
Staff development activities related to equal opportunity issues will be conducted
where necessary;
Equal opportunity management is part of the management responsibilities of all
managers in the Institute. These responsibilities should be reflected in the management
of each strategic plan.
Advice can be sought from the Director of Studies and Finance.
(a). Procedures
All staff, particularly managers are to familiarise themselves with the procedural
principles and implement in their area of responsibility.
Any complaints relating to implementation of this procedure can be addressed through
the Director of Studies and Finance.
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Harassment and Discrimination
Policy Principles
The internal resolution of harassment/discrimination complaints is desired within the
Institute, preferably by counseling and conciliatory methods, or pursuant to the
regulations of the governing discipline procedures and terms and conditions of
employment. Notwithstanding this, any person who claims to have experienced
harassment/discrimination is entitled to pursue a complaint under the provisions of EEO
The Institute acknowledges that harassment/discrimination is unlawful and will not
knowingly permit its occurrence or continuation. To this end informal and formal
grievance procedures shall be adopted by the Institute, and Harassment/Discrimination
Contact Officers appointed.
All complaints of harassment/discrimination shall be treated seriously, confidentially
and immediately, with the rights of the complainant(s) and respondent(s) protected at
all times.
Contact Officers on harassment/discrimination are appointed to discuss instances of
possible harassment/discrimination, alleged harassment/discrimination or relevant
legislation and procedures with persons wishing to make a complaint.
The legislation, principles and protective measures available regarding
harassment/discrimination shall be widely publicised in the Institute.
All complaints of harassment/discrimination, either written or verbal, are to be
directed to an appointed Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer who shall
provide the first point of contact for information, facilitation of conciliation as
required, a method to resolve the complaint and referral to counseling (if required). In
some circumstances, depending on the level of the staff involved, the matter may
need to be referred to a higher management level.
A complaint may be made by an individual or a group of the Institute community, or
by an individual acting on his/her behalf and that of other members of the Institute
community with their approval in writing. The complainant maintains the right to
determine which grievance procedures will be instituted.
No person shall be discriminated against or victimised due to their involvement in a
complaint of harassment/discrimination.
The complainant(s) and the respondent(s) are to be informed of the Institute's policies
and be provided with personal support where appropriate.
Complainants maintain the right to lodge a complaint with the Equal Opportunity
Commission at any time.
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(b). Informal Institute Procedures:
In all aspects of Institute operation there will be no discrimination on the grounds of sex,
race, marital status, disability, religious or political beliefs, age, sexual preference, or on the
grounds of being a parent, childless or a defacto spouse.
 Any staff member or student representative in receipt of a complaint of
harassment/discrimination has the responsibility of ensuring that they refer the complaint to
a Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer immediately. This should be done with the
consent of the complainant.
 The complainant should be informed of the implications of repeating the allegation to
anyone else but a Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer and the staff member/student
representative should ensure they themselves do not repeat the allegation.
 If complainant wishes to proceed with 'Informal Process', the respondent shall be notified of
the complaint in confidence and offered conciliation.
 The respondent(s) shall be advised of the Institute's policy and procedure pertaining to
harassment and discrimination), the possible implications of State and Commonwealth laws
in this area and the availability of assistance within the Institute from other counsellors.
 The respondent(s) shall be informed of their rights and responsibilities under the legislation,
and the Institute Policy and Procedure.
 The respondent(s) shall be allowed to make a full response but also maintains the right not to
make any response at all.
 If the respondent(s) choose not to make a response they shall be informed that the
complainant has the right to pursue the complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission.
 At the request of the complainant, and with the approval of the Director of Studies,
immediate action may be taken to ensure that the basis of the complaint does not continue
(e.g. through general training, promotion of material).
 If appropriate, dialogue must be facilitated between the respondent and the complainant in
order to arrive at a conclusion satisfactory to both parties.
 If the respondent has been notified that a complaint has been lodged, he/she shall be notified
in writing of the withdrawal of the complaint and any scheduled meetings shall be cancelled.
(c). Identification of Problem Areas:
If the complainant does not wish to continue with a complaint, yet a problem area has been
identified, a general non-specific education and awareness campaign may commence. Care shall be
taken to ensure that the original basis for the complaint is not revealed in such a campaign.
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(d). Procedure - Formal Complaint
In the event that Institute informal procedures do not resolve the complaint, or if the
complainant so desires, a formal complaint may be lodged.
A complainant shall submit a written statement setting out the details of the complaint. The
Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer shall inform the Director of Studies and Finance
in confidence of the names of the complainant(s) and respondent(s), accompanied with a
copy of the complainant's statement.
All persons involved in this process shall be informed by the Harassment / Discrimination
Contact Officer of the Institute Procedure.
All appropriate personnel will determine whether the complaint has been substantiated by the
evidence found. As part of the evidence gathering process through the formal Institute
procedure, it may be necessary to initiate an investigation, with the possibility of witnesses
being required.
Following investigation, a meeting is to be called to hand down the findings/final results of
the investigation with a view to resolving the complaint, with the following people in
and Finance
- The complainant
- The complainant's support person/friend, or union representative
- The respondent's support person/friend or union representative
- The original Harassment/Discrimination Contact officer
Any party unable or unwilling to attend this meeting will be advised of the outcome after the
A complainant shall submit a written statement setting out the details of the complaint. The
Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer shall inform the Director of Studies in
confidence of the names of the complainant(s) and respondent(s), accompanied with a copy
of the complainant's statement.
(e). Procedure for dealing with an external harassment/discrimination complaint
In the event that Institute procedures do not resolve the complaint, or if the complainant so
desires, a formal complaint may be lodged. Two avenues of lodging an external formal
complaint are available to the complainant.
The complainant may choose to deal directly with the Equal Opportunity Commission. In this case
the Managing Director, on behalf of Institute Council will become involved.
Where a criminal offence may have been committed, the complainant should be advised that they
have the option to seek appropriate legal advice, report the matter and institute court proceedings if
Note: Chris Clark is the appointed Mifm Harassment/Discrimination Contact Officer.
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Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer
(a). Providing RPL/Credit Transfer information
Teaching department must inform all students/clients of availability of RPL and Credit
Transfer prior to or on enrolment.
Students are provided with access to Institute RPL brochure, and course information, which
may include: existing credit transfer arrangements, an outline of the course, relevant modules
and learning outcomes or units of competency and elements.
Note 1: Teaching departments may provide other information to
students relevant to their courses.
Where relevant, applicant is advised of any pre-selection processes or any pre-requisites.
(b). Request for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
In order to apply for an RPL a student must be enrolled in the course for which he/she seeks
RPL unless applying for 100% RPL
Note 2: An application for RPL and enrolment may occur simultaneously. An RPL
Application form is completed and submitted to the Teacher.
Note 3: Prior to lodging this form the teaching department may provide support for the
applicant to identify their prior learning.
Check that the applicant is enrolled in the same course in which they are applying for RPL
Application for RPL Form is registered for monitoring purposes and all documentation
forwarded to relevant teaching department within one day of its receipt.
On receipt of the Application for RPL Form the teaching department records receipt of RPL.
Note 4: If not done previously, this is the step where teaching departments may provide
support to applicant to facilitate the RPL process.
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(c). Processing An RPL Application
If not already provided, RPL applicants are supplied with the necessary support to facilitate
their application and an appropriate means of identifying their prior learning.
The application and supporting information is reviewed and an RPL consultation time is
arranged with the applicant and content specialist (where content specialist is not trained in
RPL, an RPL facilitator supports the content specialist)
RPL assessment is conducted and documented on a record of interview, along with a summary
of supporting evidence sighted. RPL Facilitator/Content Specialist
Result of RPL assessment is recorded on Application for RPL Form signed by Department
Manager and forwarded immediately to Student Records. RPL Facilitator/Content
Specialist/Department Manager
Record of interview and supporting documentation to be forwarded to Student Records for
Upon receipt of RPL outcome update records, send out a new Statement of Results to student
reflecting the outcome and notify the manager that the process has been completed.
(b). Request for Credit Transfer (CT)
In order to apply for a Credit Transfer a student must be enrolled in the course for which
he/she is applying for CT. An Application for Credit Transfer and enrolment may occur
simultaneously. Application for Credit Transfer is completed and submitted to Manager
Application for Credit Transfer must be accompanied with documentary evidence of exact
equivalent modules/competencies undertaken at other Institutes/organisations.
Note 5: Confirmation that original evidence has been sighted by Manager is to be indicated on
the Request for Credit Transfer form.
Application for Credit Transfer is to registered for monitoring purposes and all documentation
forwarded to relevant teaching department within one day of its receipt.
Teaching department records receipt of Application for Credit Transfer
(c). Processing a Request for Credit Transfer
On receipt of Application for Credit Transfer Department reviews the evidence attached.
Evidence will be a statement of attainment or results from another provider.
Request is approved or denied and outcome noted on the form.
Sign form and forward completed Application for Credit Transfer, outcome and all
supporting documentation to Student Records.
Update records, send out a new Statement of Results to student reflecting the outcome and
notify the Manager that the process has been completed
If Application for Credit Transfer is denied advise student to consider RPL.
(d). Forms/Records
 Website: Application for Recognition of Prior Learning
 Website: Application for Credit Transfer
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Staff and Students with Disabilities
(a). Recruitment Procedure
The Institute shall adopt all steps necessary to ensure that the number of students with
disabilities is increased to reflect the percentage of people with disabilities in the wider
The Institute shall take a pro-active role in its efforts to integrate people with disabilities
within all Institute programs.
Procedures shall be adopted which allow for alternative means of assessment and feasible
modes of study.
The Institute shall, where appropriate, liaise with government and community organizations
and other institutions of learning, for the provision of facilities and resources for prospective
students with disabilities.
The Institute recognises that staff may need preparation and assistance in working with
students with disabilities, and shall endeavour to provide such training, education and
assistance as is required to teaching and support staff.
The Institute shall monitor the success of its disability policy through the analysis of rates of
entry of students with disabilities across all Institute programs, as part of the overall
monitoring of the EO policy.
(b). Procedures for Students with Disabilities
The Institute shall maintain confidential information on the application, enrolment and
learning support needs of students with disabilities, as required by ETTE and other funding
In regard to Publicity and Information the Institute shall disseminate information on courses
and support services in an accessible format.
Application and Selection Procedures
All Institute enrolment forms shall request information on disabilities.
A student who does not completely meet selection criteria for a course may be considered
eligible for alternate entry.
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Student Grievances
(a). Key Principles:
The Institute adheres to the principles of adult learning.
All students and staff are entitled to fair and consistent treatment with any student
complaints being promptly handled.
No student, or group of students, will be discriminated against for lodging a grievance.
All students and staff are entitled to confidentiality in any grievance process.
Issues related to the delivery, teaching or assessment of a course are educational matters,
which are directed, in the first instance at classroom and teaching department level.
Individual or groups of students may and are encouraged to raise issues and concerns directly
with an appropriate member of the Institute staff. If such matters cannot be resolved, it is
referred to a higher authority through the line management structure.
Where possible, issues are resolved at the most local level with emphasis on conciliation.
While the informal resolution of a grievance is the preferred option, the Institute recognizes
that the informal process may not always be successful. In such cases, an aggrieved student
may initiate formal procedures as outlined in this policy and procedure.
All parties involved directly in a grievance must have access to all information relevant to
the submitted complaint.
All parties to a grievance have the right to be accompanied and/or be represented by a
member of the Institute community including a member of the relevant union/association
and that person has a right to be heard.
No person who is or has been directly involved in the grievance may serve as a member of
the Appeals Committee.
All issues and grievances are raised and dealt with in accordance with the procedures
contained in this policy.
(b). Procedures - Informal grievance processes
Individual students or groups of students are encouraged to raise issues or matters of
concern. In these circumstances, the student should contact their classroom teacher, their
course co-coordinator and/or the appropriate first line support staff member.
Where the complaint is made directly to the staff member, every reasonable effort should be
made by the staff member and the aggrieved student to resolve the matter. It is expected that,
in most circumstances, resolution of the grievance should be achieved within two weeks
from the date of lodgement of the grievance. If the matter is unresolved within two weeks,
the student may submit details of the complaint to the Department Manager. This must be
done in writing.
Advice and assistance may be sought at any time from the following:
- Student Nominee;
- Director of studies
- an Institute student or staff member, as appropriate.
If the student has followed the recommended procedure and the issue has not been resolved
satisfactorily, the student may present their concerns to the Director of Studies and Finance.
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(c). Procedures - Formal grievance processes
The Director of Studies and Finance, having first been satisfied that reasonable efforts have
been made to resolve the matter informally by the steps outlined above, may meet with all
parties concerned (individually or together) and/or may require that either or both parties
provide written comments.
The outcome of the Director of Studies and Finance decision will be forwarded to the student
in writing within a month of the student's first contact with the Director of Studies and
If the student is still not satisfied that the grievance has been resolved then he/she may write
to the Managing Director requesting the formation of an Appeals Committee to consider the
The Managing Director or nominee, after initial investigation, will then convene the Appeals
Committee in consultation with the student and staff member concerned with two weeks of
receiving the complaint.
Membership of the Appeals Committee will comprise:
- Managing Director
- a General Manager (from another School or Group);
- Student nominee;
- a staff union representative (if appropriate).
The Appeals Committee will determine its own processes although the student appealing
will be given the opportunity to present a case orally and in writing. The student may be
accompanied to the Appeals Committee meeting and/or represented by a support person of
their choice.
The Appeals Committee will reach a decision within the spirit of consensus. Should
consensus not be achieved, then a decision will be made on a majority vote. The decision
will be communicated in writing to all parties directly involved in the grievance.
If an appellant is not satisfied with the Appeal Committee's decision, he/she may appeal to
the Managing Director in writing giving reasons why they are not satisfied.
The Managing Director's decision is final.
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Student Refunds
(a). Procedural Principles:
By accepting a full fee student place, a student has agreed to study at the Institute for the
period of an academic year, or for the length of the program which might be less than one
year. This means that the student is obliged to pay the published program fee for the year or
the length of the program, which the student is enrolled within 6 weeks of final assessment.
A student does not have the automatic right to refund should he or she changes his or her
mind to study at the Institute
(b). Process:
A student must fill out the Application for Refund Form for the application of refund.
The Institute will refund in full if the Institute is unable to proceed with the program.
The Institute will refund in full if the conditions stated in the enrolment have not been met.
A student , under special circumstances of a compassionate nature, as approved by the
Institute, may withdraw from a program. Under those circumstances, the student will be:
refunded with 100/% if 14 days of notice is submitted before the program starts.
refunded 50% if notice is submitted after the enrolment date but before the end of the
second month of the date when the program starts.
Application must be supported by written information. An administration fee of A$50 will be
deducted from the amount refunded.
The refund will be paid by cheque and send to the student’s address on the enrolment form.
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Privacy Policy
Intent and objectives
To assure compliance with relevant privacy legislation and to establish principles of
transparency and fairness for the management of personal information at MIFM.
(b). Objectives
To guide staff in the responsible collection and handling of personal information by the
To give individuals the right to access information about them which is held by the Institute
and to correct any errors in that information.
To establish a complaints procedure for investigation and rectification of breaches of this
This policy covers the management of all personal and/or health information at MIFM
(d). Exclusions; Nil
MIFM is committed to the responsible handling of personal information and to protecting the right
to privacy of those whose information it holds.
In managing personal information, staff of MIFM will abide by the privacy principles that form
part of the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic.) and, where relevant, the Health Records Act
In so doing, staff of MIFM will:
Collect only that information necessary to fulfill its functions and activities.
Advise individuals of the purposes of collection and their rights to access that information.
Use the information only for the purpose for which it was collected or related secondary
Disclose it only as required or permitted by law.
Endeavour to ensure that information is accurate, complete and up-to date.
Ensure the security of the information and its proper archiving or disposal.
Be open about the MIFM Privacy Policy, about what sorts of personal information MIFM
holds and what it does with such information.
By arrangement, enable individuals to access their data and make appropriate corrections.
Assign and use student and staff numbers only to facilitate efficient management of its
Transmit data across borders only to legitimate recipients and when equivalent safeguards are
accorded to the data by the recipient.
Collect and use sensitive information only in accordance with the law.
MIFM appoints Director Studies and Finance to be responsible for the administration of this
policy, including the MIFM Privacy principles, and the handling of any complaints relating to
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