STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF LEWIS TOWN OF NEW BREMEN The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of New Bremen was called to order at 4:00 p.m. on January 10, 2011 by Supervisor Schneider at the Town Municipal Office Building. Roll call found the following Town Officers present: Supervisor Councilmen Hwy. Superintendent Town Clerk Frederick J. Schneider David Becker, Milton Monnat, Ralph Bush (Kenneth Austin – Absent) Ralph Hall Elizabeth B. Jones Also Present: Judge Aucter, Matt and Jill Bush, John Boyd - Legislator, Judge Stevens, Randy Aucter, Sue Sauer, Sheila Buckingham and Peter Keys Councilman Becker led the Pledge of Allegiance. RESOLUTION NO. 1 OF 2011 APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the minutes of December 13, 2010 be approved. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 2 OF 2011 TOWN CLERK’S MONTHLY AND ANNUAL REPORTS On a motion of Councilman Bush, seconded by Councilman Becker, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Town Clerk’s monthly and annual reports are approved as submitted. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None Following is the Town Clerk’s annual report for 2010. A balance of $100.00 is kept on hand for cash purposes only. (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) RESOLUTION NO. 3 OF 2011 TAX COLLECTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT On a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Tax Collector’s annual report for 2010 is approved as submitted and is as follows: Total Paid to Supervisor - $907,869.83 Taxes Paid to County Treasurer - $688,046.99 Total Collected - $1,603,652.07 Interest & Penalties Paid to Supervisor - $7,735.25 Total Disbursed - $1,603,652.07 Balance of $5.00 in Check Book to keep account active. See minutes of June 1, 2001 for Resolution. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 4 OF 2011 PROCUREMENT POLICY & PROCEDURE On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Becker, the following resolution was adopted. This resolution sets forth the policies and procedures for the Town of New Bremen to meet the requirements of the General Municipal Law, Section 104-b. WHEREAS; Chapter 413, Section 104-b of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, enacted in 1991, requires the governing board of each political subdivision to adopt written internal policies and procedures governing all procurement of goods and services not required by law to be made pursuant to competitive bidding requirements, therefore be it RESOLVED; 1. Any town officer may purchase goods and/or services needed by his/her department up to the amount of $2,500.00 providing there is sufficient money available in the appropriation to which the purchase will be charged. 2. Any town officer wishing to purchase goods and/or services in excess of $2,500.00, but less than $5,000.00 shall use his/her best judgment in selecting a vendor. 3. Any town officer wishing to purchase goods and/or services in excess of $5,000.00, but less than $10,000.00 shall secure quotes from three (3) prospective vendors and shall note the date, amount quoted and the person contacted. The exception to this requirement will be when only one (1) source of supply is available. Town Officers needing consent of the Town Board before proceeding. (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) 4. All goods and/or services in excess of $10,000.00 shall be subject to competitive bidding requirements unless purchased through New York State Office of General Services Contracts. 5. Exceptions to this policy are postage, license and filing fees, mileage and other reimbursable expenses, professional services and emergency situations in which conditions such as natural or manmade disasters demand immediate procurement of goods by the officer directly involved and submitted to the Town Board as soon as possible after the emergency has passed. 6. Before any purchase or lease is made the officer shall check with the Chief Fiscal Officer to insure budget line item authority and sufficient budget balance is available to cover the purchase. If sufficient funds are not available, a request for transfer of funds, if available, into that appropriation account shall be made to the Town Board. 7. Unintentional failure to fully comply with the provisions of Section 104-b of the General Municipal Law shall not be grounds to void action taken or give rise to cause for action against the Town of New Bremen or any officer or employee thereof. This policy shall be reviewed annually by this board. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 5 OF 2011 INVESTMENT POLICY On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Bush, the following resolution was adopted, WHEREAS; this Town Board of the Town of New Bremen determines the need for a written investment policy, now therefore be it RESOLVED; that the Town Board of the Town of New Bremen does authorize the Supervisor to invest idle and surplus cash in interest bearing accounts and certificates of deposit in institutions recognized by the State of New York for such purposes. The Supervisor is further directed to invest with safety, liquidity and yield as his primary concern. An accounting of such investments shall be presented to the Town Board at their regular monthly meetings, and be it further RESOLVED; that all such institutions where Town of New Bremen moneys are held in account shall provide the Town of New Bremen with sufficient collateral to guarantee and protect all accounts held therein. Single custodial agreements shall be acceptable to the Town. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) RESOLTUION NO. 6 OF 2011 SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND SERVICES On a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that Supervisor Schneider is authorized and directed to pay amounts as specified below, to the Special Districts and Services, as money becomes available thru taxation. Beaver Falls Fire District - $ 12,961.00 New Bremen Fire District - $59,365.00 New Bremen Fire Protection - $16,275.00 New Bremen Light District - $4,100.00 Croghan Fire Dept. Ambulance Service - $8,800.00 Beaver Falls Light District - $6,700.00 Beaver Falls Fire Dept. Ambulance Service - $8,000.00 Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 7 OF 2011 POLLING PLACE DESIGNATION On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Bush, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Town of New Bremen Municipal Office Building is hereby designated as the polling place for District #1 and #2 for the Town of New Bremen for the 2011 year. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 8 OF 2011 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY - GAMES OF CHANCE On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Bush, the following resolution was adopted, WHEREAS; the Town of New Bremen pursuant to Part 5600 of the rules and regulations of Games of Chance, must appoint a Licensing Officer and Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Games of Chance, therefore be it, (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) RESOLVED; that Elizabeth B. Jones, Town Clerk is hereby appointed Licensing Officer to review applications, findings, determinations and supplemental papers in regard to issuing licenses, collecting and transmitting fees. Chief Law Enforcement Officer, L. Michael Tabolt, Sheriff of Lewis County, will investigate complaints, conduct hearings and supervise the operation of Games of Chance. Appointments effective January 10, 2011 thru December 31, 2011. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 9 OF 2011 TOWN SALARIES SET On a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the salaries of the Town Officers and appointees be set as indicated below, and paid in the manner stipulated. After each salary the payment schedule and expiration date of office follows: Supervisor Town Clerk Justice Justice Highway Supt. Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Assessor Tax Collector Health Officer Historian Registrar Budget Officer Supv. PT Secretary Hwy. Supt. PT Clerk Supv. Account Clerk PT Dog Control Officer Carroll Owens Aimee Murphy Aimee Murphy Frederick J. Schneider Elizabeth B. Jones Charles Stevens Errol Aucter Ralph H. Hall David Becker Milton Monnat Ralph Bush Kenneth Austin Erin Gratch Elizabeth B. Jones Sean Harney Frederick J. Schneider Elizabeth B. Jones Frederick J. Schneider Faye Schneider Elizabeth B. Jones Aimee Murphy Edward Lampson Assessor’s PT Asst/Data Collector Court Clerk Deputy Town Clerk Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None $14,000.00 20,500.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 42,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 17,500.00 4,500.00 400.00 800.00 600.00 1,700.00 2,200.00 600.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 9.50 hr. 12.00 hr. 12.00 hr. Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/13 Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 Quarterly 12/31/13 Quarterly 12/31/11 Quarterly 12/31/13 Quarterly 12/31/11 Monthly 09/31/13 March & June 12/31/11 Annual 12/31/12 Annual 12/31/11 Annual 12/31/11 Annual 12/31/11 Semi-Annual 12/31/11 Annual 12/31/11 Quarterly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 Monthly 12/31/11 (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) B. F. WATER DISTRICT Charles Pominville, resigned as Water Commissioner for the Beaver Falls Water District effective December 6, 2010. Lila Ovando, Secretary of the BFWD spoke with Brian LaChausse, Cut Off Rd., Town of New Bremen. He is willing to fill the position. After discussion the following resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 10 OF 2011 WATER COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENT FOR BEAVER FALLS WATER DISTRICT On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Bush, the following resolution was adopted, Whereas; the office of Water Commissioner for the Beaver Falls Water District held by Charles Pominville, (who resigned effective December 6, 2010) is vacant, now therefore Be It Resolved; that Brian LaChausse is hereby appointed to fill the vacancy as Commissioner of the Beaver Falls Water District, term effective 1/10/11 thru 05/31/2011. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None SPEED LIMIT CHANGE The Clerk received notification from Joseph C. Langs, Lewis Co. Highway Superintendent, that the request to “lower” the speed limit on the Artz Rd. was determined that the most appropriate action for this location is to create a one quarter mile long School Speed Zone of 20 mph adjacent to the Beaver River Central School. Copies of the approved official orders are to be filed in the Town Clerk’s office. RESIGNATION Councilman Austin submitted his resignation as Councilman for the Town of New Bremen to the Town Clerk effective January 1, 2011. RESOLUTION NO. 11 OF 2011 JUSTICES MONTHLY & ANNUAL REPORTS On a motion of Councilman Bush, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Justices monthly and annual reports are approved as submitted. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) Following are the Justice’s annual reports for 2010. JUSTICE STEVENS - ANNUAL REPORT Justice Stevens reported the following cases: 23 - Penal Law, 113 - Vehicle & Traffic Law, 2 - Civil & Small Claims, 1 – Town Ordinance, 2 – Environmental Conservation Law and 2 – ABC Law. A total of $12,208.04 in fines and fees were collected and sent to Frederick J. Schneider, Town Supervisor/Chief Fiscal Officer; with amounts being reported to Albany on a monthly basis. JUSTICE AUCTER – ANNUAL REPORT Justice Aucter reported the following cases: 29 - Penal Law, 145 - Vehicle & Traffic Law, 8 - Civil & Small Claims, 1 - Alcohol & Beverage Control Law, 3 - Environmental Conservation Law, 5 Arraignments for other courts, 1 – Village Ordinance, 3 – Parks Recreation and Historic Places Law, 2 – New York Codes Rules and Regulations. A total of $13,196.62 in fines and fees were collected and sent to Frederick J. Schneider, Town Supervisor/Chief Fiscal Officer; with amounts being reported to Albany on a monthly basis. RESOLUTION NO. 12 OF 2011 DOG CONTROL OFFICER’S MONTHLY REPORT On a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Dog Control Officer’s monthly report be approved as submitted. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 13 OF 2011 SUPERVISOR’S MONTHLY AND ANNUAL REPORTS On a motion of Councilman Monnat, seconded by Councilman Bush, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Supervisor’s monthly and annual reports are approved as submitted. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None Following is the Supervisor’s annual report for 2010. (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) VACANCY ON TOWN COUNCIL Supervisor Schneider read a letter of interest submitted by Matthew Bush, 7861 Soft Maple Road, Town of New Bremen, to fill the vacancy on the Town Board. After discussion, Councilman Monnat nominated Matthew E. Bush, seconded by Councilman Bush, appointing him to fill the vacancy on the Town Board. Term of office – January 10, 2011 thru December 31, 2011. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, Bush, Schneider Nays: None SWEARING IN OF COUNCILMAN Judge Aucter swore in newly appointed Councilman, Matthew E. Bush. Councilman M. Bush joined the Town Board for the rest of the meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 14 OF 2011 APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS PRIOR TO AUDIT On a motion of Councilman R. Bush, seconded by Councilman M. Bush, the following resolution was adopted, Whereas; Supervisor Schneider asked to renew permission to pay certain utility bills (ex: health insurance, communications, electric and natural gas) prior to audit to avoid late fee charges, Be It Resolved; that the Town Board hereby gives permission to the Supervisor to pay utility bills prior to audit. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, M. Bush, R. Bush, Schneider Nays: None HIGHWAY Superintendent Hall gave a brief report of work being done in the highway garage. He also mentioned that he is interested in purchasing a 3 pt. hitch extend boom mower. No action at this time. (Regular Meeting of January 10, 2011 con’t.) RESOLUTION NO. 15 OF 2011 AUDIT OF CLAIMS On a motion of Councilman R. Bush, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that Supervisor Schneider is authorized and directed to pay the following amounts on Abstract #1 of 2011 in the following amounts. General Highway T-Wide Voucher #1 thru #19 Voucher #1 thru #11 $22,437.77 $5,944.81 Ayes: Becker, Monnat, M. Bush, R. Bush, Schneider Nays: None RESOLUTION NO. 16 OF 2011 AUDIT OF ALL BOOKS On a motion of Councilman R. Bush, seconded by Councilman Becker, the following resolution was adopted, Be It Resolved; that the Town Board of the Town of New Bremen, Lewis County, did on the 10th day of January 2011 audit and approve all books of accounts of all Town Officers and found them to be in good order, correct and true. Ayes: Becker, Monnat, M. Bush, R. Bush, Schneider Nays: None The next meeting of the Town Board of the Town of New Bremen will be held on February 14, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Municipal Office Building. With no further business, on a motion of Councilman Becker, seconded by Councilman Monnat, the meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. Carried unanimously. ________________________________ Elizabeth B. Jones, Town Clerk