School of Computer Science 60-315 Quiz 2 Answers 1. 10 marks. Get the S# for suppliers who supply both part P1and part P4. sx.sname where spjx spjy s.t. spjx.s# = sx.s# & spjy.s# = sx.s# & spjx.p# = P1 & spjy.p# = P4 2. 10 marks. Get the sname for suppliers who supply a red part to a project in London. sx.sname where spjx px jx s.t. spjx.s# = sx.s# & spjx.p# = px.p# & spjx.j# = jx.j# & px.colour = red & = London 3. 10 marks. Get the S# for suppliers who do not supply a red part. sx.s# where not spjx px s.t. sx.s# = spjx.s# & px.colour = red 4. 10 marks. Get the S# for suppliers who supply to all the projects. sx.s# where jx spjx s.t. sx.s# = spjx.s# & jx.j# = spjx.j# 5. 10 marks. Get the S# for suppliers who supply to all the London projects. sx.s# where jx (if = London) then spjx s.t. spjx.s# = sx.s# & spjx.j# = jx.j# 6. 10 marks. Get the Sname for suppliers who supply all the red parts to all projects. sx.sname where px jx (if px.colour = red ) then spjx s.t. spjx.s# = sx.s# & spjx.p# = px.p# & spjx..j# = jx.j# 7. 10 marks. Get the sname for suppliers who supply only London projects. sx.sname where spjx jx ( if London) then spjx.s# = sx.s# & spjx.j# = jx.j# 1 SQL questions: 8. 10 marks. Get the s# or suppliers who supply both P1 and P4. MUST be done using a subquery. SQL> select sno 2 from spj 3 where pno = 'P1' and sno in 4 (select sno 5 from spj 6 where pno = 'P4'); SNO --S5 SQL> 9. 10 marks. What is the maximum number of shipments and the average QTY of parts shipped by each supplier? You must show the supplier number as part of your answer. SQL> select sno, count(pno), avg(qty) 2 from spj 3 group by sno; SNO COUNT(PNO) AVG(QTY) --------------------S1 2 450 S2 8 400 S3 2 350 S4 2 300 S5 10 310 SQL> 10. 10 marks. Get the S# and status of suppliers whose status is less than the average status of all suppliers. SQL> select sno, status 2 from s 3 where status < (select avg(status) from s); SNO --S1 S2 S4 STATUS ---------20 10 20 SQL> 2 3