Example assessment & marking criteria Assessment type: Organisational profile Subject: HSM404 - Management and Leadership of Health and Aged Care Services This subject examines the nature of management and leadership in health service organisations. It emphasises foundations of organisation and management theory as a basis for understanding aspects of organisational behaviour including culture, power and politics, control, decision making, communication, groups and teams, conflict, leadership and change management. be able to discuss the nature of health service organisations; be able to analyse own organisational context in relation to contextual and structural dimensions; be able to formulate an explanation of management in relation to evolutionary, historical and theoretical perspectives and relate to own practice; be able to explain the relationship between management/leadership and organisational performance with reference to culture, power and politics, control, decision making, communication, groups and teams, conflict and change management; be able to analyse the management of change and conflict in own workplace and justify recommendations for improvement. Subject learning outcomes: Assessment task: Value & length: Task description: 1. Organisational profile 20%, 1100-1300 words With reference to the readings from Topics 1.1 and 1.2, and relevant industry or workplace documents: a) Briefly describe your organisation in relation to purpose, location, size and target population. (250 words). b) Explain the meaning of the term environment in relation to health service organisations. Demonstrate your understanding by referring to two examples from the external environment of your organisation that impact on the performance of your work area. (400 words) c) Analyse the structure of your organisation with reference to the structural dimensions of formalisation, complexity and centralisation. How do these structural features impact on the ability of your organisation and/ or department to achieve its objectives? (600-800 words) You may use maps, charts or diagrams to illustrate your work if you choose (not included in the word count) and these can be included in an Appendix. A formal essay structure is not necessary for this assessment task, although Rationale: paragraphs and sentences must be correctly formed and all work must be supported by references. You may use the questions as the basis of your structure, being sure to include a reference list, and an appendix if required. This early assessment task enables you to apply some of the fundamental concepts from organisational theory to your own work context, forming a basis for subsequent learning and assessment. It also provides you with the opportunity to receive early feedback on your academic writing. Marking criteria & standards of performance By Margaret Yen Criteria Describe the organisation in relation to purpose, location, size and target population 15% HD D Presents an integrated and succinct description of the organisation in relation to purpose, location, size and target population. The nature of the organisation is clearly communicated to the reader. Explain the meaning of the term “environment” in relation to health service organisations. 15% Presents a succinct Presents a succinct explanation of explanation of “environment” in relation to “environment” in relation to health services, health services, integrating synthesising theory theory presented in subject presented in subject readings. readings. Contextualises and elaborates on meaning of environment through integration of relevant examples of environmental factors affecting organisational/ work area performance. Demonstrate your understanding by referring to two examples from the external environment of your organisation that impact on the performance of your work area. 10% Analyse the structure of your organisation with reference to the structural dimensions of formalisation, complexity and centralisation. How do these structural features impact on the ability of your organisation and/ or department to achieve its objectives? 40% Presents a critical and succinct analysis of the organisation in relation to dimensions of structure, drawing on theory presented in subject readings and integrating key concepts. Evaluates impact of structural features on workplace performance. Presents a succinct analysis of the organisation in relation to dimensions of structure, drawing on theory presented in subject readings and integrating key concepts. Explains impact of structural features on workplace performance. CR Describes the main features of the organisation in relation to purpose, location, size and target population. The nature of the organisation is clearly communicated to the reader. Presents an explanation of “environment” in relation to health services, referring to theory presented in subject readings. P Describes the main features of the organisation in relation to purpose, location, size and target population. In one or two areas the description is incomplete or unclear. FL An attempt has been made to describe the organisation according to purpose, location, size and target population. There is a lack of clarity and the nature of the organisation is unclear. Presents a description of “environment” in relation to health services, referring to theory presented in subject readings. The description/definition of environment is incorrect, does not reflect knowledge of the underlying theory. Contextualises and elaborates on meaning of environment by describing relevant examples of environmental factors affecting organisational performance. Examples chosen do not demonstrate understanding and their relationship to the concept of environment unclear. Describes the organisation in relation to dimensions of structure, drawing on theory presented in subject readings and integrating key concepts. Explains structural features that may impact on workplace performance. Some understanding of the concepts of organisational structure has been included, however there are areas where meaning is unclear and the relationship to organisational performance has not been communicated. Describes the organisation in relation to dimensions of structure, drawing on theory presented in subject readings and integrating key concepts. Describes structural features that may impact on workplace performance. Structure, grammar and spelling 10% Research and referencing 10% (No marks will be awarded but up to 10% will be deducted for poor presentation or referencing) The content has been logically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions Relevant literature from subject and industry sources has been evaluated and synthesised, substantially supporting the arguments. APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have been accurately and consistently. The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions Relevant literature from subject and industry sources has been synthesised in supporting the arguments. APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used almost always accurately and consistently. The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent piece of work Formal academic language has been used to clearly communicate meaning; There is mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventions, although some errors remain. The content has been partially structured to create a comprehensible descriptive piece of work consisting of loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs Formal academic language has been used to communicate meaning Grammatical conventions have been adhered to in some areas although there are multiple errors. The content has been partially structured to create a comprehensible descriptive piece of work consisting of loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs Formal and informal language has been used to communicate meaning and in many areasmeaning is unclear. The work includes multiple grammatical errors. Relevant literature from subject and industry sources has been summarised and incorporated, the arguments. APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are in evidence but there are inconsistencies. Literature from subject and industry sources has been referred to in the essay, but does not clearly support the argument. Some key sources have not been used. Attempt made to adhere to APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but with multiple errors and inconsistencies. Literature from subject and industry sources, has been referred to in the essay, but is unrelated to an argument. Much of the work is opinion, unsupported by the literature. Some key sources have not been used. Adhered to APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or nonexistent.