Aviation Maintenance Management MGMT/ASCI 419 Campus Course Syllabus Credit Hours: 3 Credits Academic Term: Term: Fall II 2012: 15 Oct to 14 December 2012 Meetings: 5:00 – 9:45 pm; Tuesday; MCAS Beaufort Location: MCAS Beaufort Education Building, Bldg 596, Room 204 - Campus Instructor: Mr. Anthony Petrucci Office Hours: 0830 – 1700 Monday - Friday Telephone: (703) 342-7196 Cell E-mail: petru38e@erau.edu; mastergunz@hargray.com Course Description: Students will perform a comprehensive examination of organizational maintenance policies, programs, and procedures. Emphasis is on maintenance planning, forecasting and cost control, reliability, safety, and flight schedule performance. Course Goals: Students will study and learn how typical major air carrier and general aviation organizations are structured as well as their responsibilities under Federal Regulations, advisory circulars, and to the traveling public. The aircraft organization level maintenance program of the USAF (AFI 21101) will also be examined. The concepts of Reliability Center Maintenance (RCM), the Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) committee approach for the development large aircraft maintenance programs, the aging aircraft problem, and the logistics support and maintenance scheduling aspects of aircraft maintenance programs will also be explored. Students will prepare and present an oral presentation and written term paper that is formatted in accordance with the APA Guide and which addresses some specific aspect of aircraft maintenance management, the topic of which is approved by the instructor. 1 Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Compare and contrast the components of a FAA approved aircraft maintenance program and a USAF aircraft organizational level maintenance program (AFI 21-101). (BSTM PO-3) 2. Recognize the effects of FAA, Environmental or other government regulations on maintenance operations carried out by manufacturers, carriers, general aviation, repair facilities, corporate aviation and military operations. (BSTM PO-2) 3. Understand the various elements of the Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) program and how they relate to large aircraft maintenance program development. (BSTM PO-1) 4. Characterize the nature of failure and the concept of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), which is common to both civil and US military aircraft maintenance programs. (BSTM PO-3) 5. Identify Maintenance Control by Reliability Methods and other metrics in order to determine how they apply to the management of a particular aircraft maintenance organization. (BSTM PO-3) 6. Recognize the organizational structure of a typical aircraft maintenance organization and the method by which it is integrated into the overall corporation. (BSTM PO-4) 7. Compare maintenance record keeping and documentation requirements and understand the legal and ethical ramifications of FAA and US military required maintenance documentation. (BSTM PO-3) 8. Understand civil and US military aging aircraft philosophies and demonstrate how they relate to cost trade-offs as well as their effect on Operational Availability (OA) and other performance metrics. (BSTM PO-2) 9. Compare and contrast the relationships of material support, quality assurance, and aviation safety in aviation management to foster sound decision-making resulting in the encouragement of effective maintenance processes to improve flight schedule performance. (BSTM PO-5) Required Course Materials: MGMT 419-1 Aviation Maintenance Management 2004 (Kinnison/Irwin-McGraw-Hill) ISBN 007142251X Supplemental Text: MGMT 419-7 Aircraft Maintenance Management 2 2005 (Cobb/Riddle) Suggested Supplemental Materials: FAA Advisory Circulars: (Available online) FAA Advisory Circular 43-12A (10/28/83), Preventive Maintenance. FAA Advisory Circular 120-16E, Air Carrier Maintenance Programs. This document is a valuable reference. FAA Advisory Circular 120-17A, Control by Reliability Methods and MSG-2. FAA Advisory Circular 120-49 (11/23/88), Certification of Air Carriers. FAA Advisory Circular 120-59 (10/26/92), Air Carrier Internal Evaluation Programs. FAA Advisory Circular 121-22A (3/7/97), Maintenance Review Board Procedures. Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s) (Available online) FAR PART 1--DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS. FAR PART 11--GENERAL RULEMAKING PROCEDURES. FAR PART 13--INVESTIGATIVE AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES. FAR PART 21--CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS. FAR PART 39--AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES. FAR PART 65--CERTIFICATION: AIRMEN OTHER THAN FLIGHT CREWMEMBERS. FAR PART 91--GENERAL OPERATING AND FLIGHT RULES. FAR PART 135--OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: COMMUTER AND ON-DEMAND OPERATIONS AND RULES GOVERNING PERSONS ON BOARD SUCH AIRCRAFT. APA STYLE Written assignments must be formatted in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). Grading: Class Participation and Involvement Paper/Project (30% Style, 70% Content) Mid Term Exam Homework Questions Final Exam Total: UNDERGRADUATE Grade Points 90 - 100 PTS 80 - 89 PTS 70 - 79 PTS 60 - 69 PTS Below 60 PTS 10 PTS 25 PTS 25 PTS 10 PTS 30 PTS 100 Pts Grade A (Superior) B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure) 10 % 25 % 25 % 10 % 30 % 100 % Percentages 90 - 100 % 80 - 89 % 70 - 79 % 60 - 69 % 59 -0 % 3 Library: The Jack R. Hunt Library, located on the Daytona Beach Campus, is the primary library for all Worldwide Campus students. Web: http://library.erau.edu Phone: (800) 678-9428 (ext. 6947) or (386) 226-7656 (Voicemail is available after hours) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST Email: http://library@erau.edu Research Paper/Course Project/Case Study Analysis (XX% of your course grade): This course requires the student to prepare and submit during week 8 a research paper on Aviation Maintenance. Students should remember that the nature of the class is Aviation Maintenance and the focus of the paper should revolve around this theme. Papers that do not address this topic, but focus instead on other important, but irrelevant Aviation issues will not grade well. The paper should have at least 12 pages of which 9 pages of content and prepared using APA 6th Edition standards. Writing should show college level work. Don't forget the basics; spelling, grammar, and format. Suggested MGMT 419 research report topics include: Aircraft Aging Problems Aircraft Maintenance Organizations Aircraft Maintenance Quality Assurance Programs Aircraft Maintenance Trade Organizations (ATA, IATA, GAMA etc.) Aircraft Maintenance Unions (Collective Bargaining, etc.) Aircraft Maintenance Trends Bogus Parts/Unapproved Parts Program Civil Progressive Maintenance Programs Commuter Airline Maintenance Programs Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Programs Contract (Outsourcing) Maintenance Programs Fixed Base Operators Maintenance Programs General Aviation Maintenance Programs Individual Airline Maintenance Programs 4 Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) Principles Applied To Maintenance Programs Life-cycle Approach To Aircraft Maintenance Maintenance Concept Development Maintainability Military Maintenance Programs Maintenance Logistic Support Activities/Initiatives Modern Aircraft Maintenance Management Techniques Military Maintenance Concepts Quality Assurance Procedures/Programs In Aircraft Maintenance Organizations Reliability Centered Maintenance Concepts The Historical Development of Aircraft Maintenance The Role of the DOT/FAA in Aircraft Maintenance Total Productive Maintenance Programs Applied To Aviation Organizations Other topics approved by the instructor Papers are due on the 8th week (shown on the Course Schedule). The paper must be turned in before you will be allowed to take the final examination. All papers/projects submitted for grading in this course will be submitted to safeassign.com - http://www.safeassign.com/. A paper/project that is turned in late will be downgraded 10 points for each week the paper is late. This paper is worth 25% of your final grade. This is a large portion of your overall grade and you need to treat it as such. Assignments, Discussion Board Participation (If required for Blended Delivery), and/or special administrative: All assignments will be completed in a professional manner and on time, unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor. This course includes weekly activities, each of which may have grade points associated with them. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, students are expected to participate each week, according to the course schedule. This is especially important with regards to discussion activities. Weekly discussions typically include both an initial posting and one or more substantive replies. 5 Course Policies: Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University: 1. Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. All papers submitted for grading in this course will be submitted to safeassign.com - http://www.safeassign.com/ where the text of the paper is compared against information contained in the safeassign.com database. Papers submitted will be included in the safeassign.com database and become source documents for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes the following: a. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. b. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. c. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work. d. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. 3. APA 6th edition format is the ERAU Worldwide standard for all research projects. Disability and Special Needs: ERAU is committed to the success of all students. It is a University policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities who qualify for services. If you would like to request accommodations due to a physical, mental, or learning disability contact the Disability Support Service Office at (386) 226-7916. Course Schedule: # 1 Class Date /Learning Content/Learning Outcome(s) Assignments October 15, 2012 Ch. 1 – Starting Out Questions 1 - 10 Ch. 2 – The Failure Process Questions 1 - 10 AC 120-16D Air Carrier Maintenance Programs Learning Outcome - Determine and contrast the components of a FAA approved aircraft maintenance program and a USAF aircraft organizational level maintenance program (AFI 21101). 2 October 23, 2012 6 Ch. 3 – Maintenance Philosophy Questions 1 - 10 Ch. 4 – Maintenance Management Questions 1 - 10 AC 120-17A Appendix 1 Maintenance Program Planning Document (MSG-2) Learning Outcome - Understand and apply the policies, practices, and procedures of aircraft maintenance, including the General, Airframe and Powerplant criteria specified in FAA Advisory Circulars AC65-9A, AC65-12A, and AC65-15A. Understand and evaluate the various elements of the Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) program and how they relate to large aircraft maintenance program development. 3 October 30, 2012 See the FAR’s and Advisory Circulars listed above under “Other Suggested Supplemental Materials”, FAR Part 145 Article - “The Role of the FAA” Learning Outcome - Recognize and assess the effects of FAA, Federal Aviation Regulations (FARS), Environmental, and other government regulations on maintenance operations carried out by manufacturers, carriers, General Aviation, repair facilities, corporate aviation and military operations. 4 November 6, 2012 MIDTERM REVIEW Article - An Intro to Aircraft LifeCycle and Integrated Support Management Article - The Principles of Reliability (R), Maintainability (M), and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Learning Outcome - Comprehend and analyze the nature of failure and the concept of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), which is common to both civil and US military aircraft maintenance programs. Identify Maintenance Control by Reliability Methods and other performance based metrics in order to determine how they apply to the management of a particular aircraft maintenance organization and how these principles can promote cost savings. 5 November 13,2012 MIDTERM EXAM AFI 21-101 Article - The Structure and Functions of Aviation Maintenance Organizations Learning Outcome - Recognize the organizational structure of a typical aircraft maintenance organization and the method by which it is integrated into the overall corporation. 6 November 20, 2012 Ch. 8 – Maintenance Data Collection Questions 1 - 10 Article – Computerized Aircraft Maintenance Systems Learning Outcome - Determine maintenance record keeping and documentation requirements and understand the legal and ethical ramifications of FAA and US military required maintenance documentation. 7 November 27, 2012 Ch. 5 – Human Factors in Maintenance and Inspection Questions 1 - 10 Article – Human Factors and Safety Considerations in Aircraft Systems Ch. 7 – The Technician Challenge 7 Learning Outcome - Understand and apply the requirements of an aviation safety program to a maintenance organization, including FAA, EPA, OSHA, and other applicable federal, state and local regulations. 8 December 4, 2012 Ch. 6 – Aging Aircraft Questions 1 - 10 Article – The Aging Aircraft Problem Case Studies FINAL REVIEW Learning Outcome - Understand civil and US military aging aircraft philosophies and demonstrate how they relate to cost trade-offs as well as their effect on Operational Availability (Ao) and other fleet performance metrics. 9 December 11, 2012 Student Oral reports/Presentations FINAL EXAM 8