University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN Open-form Questionnaire for self-assessment MEDA Universities 0) Basic Information 1) Faculty; research areas 2) Assessment Topics A. University characteristics B Industry characteristics C. Government characteristics 3) SWOT Analysis 4) Examples This Questionnaire is meant to be used in an open and flexible way – as a guide in the selfassessment of University and companies involved. The questions especially relevant for input by industry representatives are announced below. All questions are relevant for University respondents. 0) Basic Information University/ Company Faculty/ Department Your position 1 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 1) Faculty; research areas 1.1 For what Faculty/research group are you doing this assessment – if more than one please asses each one separately. 1.2 What are the research area(s) you are planning to focus on? Describe the area(s) and explain the main reasons for this selection. 2 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 2) Assessment Topics For each of these faculties/research area combinations elaborate on the following topics: A. University characteristics 2.1 What is the multidisciplinary technical capability of the University/ Faculty relevant to industrial innovation needs in the prospective area? 2.2 What mechanisms for project identification/problem identification exist? 2.3 What are the current technical, administrative and entrepreneurial skills of the Faculty? 3 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 2.4 Is there potential strong personal leadership available in the Faculty to develop the Chair group and the cooperation process with industry? 2.5 Describe the current situation of necessary supporting university infrastructures of labs, equipment, instrumentation, students in place? 2.6 In what way are students currently exposed to Industry practice and industry cooperation? Is problem-oriented and interactive learning in cooperation with industry part of the current curriculum? 2.7 What cooperation exists on these type of projects with other MEDA universities and with EU universities? 4 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN (please note: The questions following now, 2.8 – 2.13 should be answered not only by University staff, but also by involved industry representatives) 2.8 What is the current level of involvement of industry (consultation, contract research, creation of chairs in university, employees’ enrolment in universities, etc.) 2.9 What network of contacts in relevant industry does the leadership of the faculty have? Identify the level of understanding for each other. 2.10 What is the attitude/position of University administrative and scientific leadership towards this type of cross-cooperation – will administrators of the University allow for development of a Chair position on this? 5 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 2.11 Are there any incentives in place for professors to initiate cooperation with industry? 2.12 What are the current activities and organizational structure on Technology Transfer/Valorization in the research areas selected? 2.13 What is the current level of costs for this type of industry cooperation projects, and how does this compare to costs for other actors (consultancies, companies) 6 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN B Industry characteristics (please note, the questions of the following sections B and C (2.14 – 2.19), should be answered not only by University staff, but also by involved industry representatives) 2.14 What groups/clusters of companies are currently in the network of the University, connected to the research focus? 2.15 What is the level of innovation of processes, products and systems in these companies? 2.16 What prior activities have been executed by the Faculty with these companies? 2.17 What potential companies can be added to this network in the future? 7 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 2.18 What is the level of trust that companies have in the capabilities of the University staff? 8 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN C. Government characteristics 2.19 What is the current role of government to help linkage between Universities and Industry (IPR, linkage grants, incubators, project/program tenders etc.)? 9 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 3) SWOT Analysis On the basis of the information gathered, perform a Strenghts-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats analysis for each of the selected research areas: S: What are the scientific and organizational strengths of the Faculty and the likely team members of the innovation chair group? For example, what is their experience with industry, what are the strongest research areas, is there already a mission for industry-university cooperation, etc. W: What are the scientific and organizational weaknesses of the Faculty and the likely team members? For example, are there administrative practices that inhibit cooperative research, missing research competencies, government regulations etc. O What opportunities in the external environment are relevant for the proposed cooperation? For example, actual innovation needs and interest articulated by industry. Of course, the University Chair itself is also an opportunity. T: What threats in the external environment are relevant for the proposed cooperation? For instance, competition from consultancies, other (international) universities, conflicts of interest originating from legislation, weak IPR legislation etc. You can put the analysis in the following 2x2 matrix for quick overview: internal external + Strengths Opportunities - Weaknesses Threats 10 University-Industry Relationship Questionnaire for Assessment WP 1 Tempus UNCHAIN 4) Examples Provide examples of successful and failed cooperation projects (please include references to publications, patents etc). Briefly elaborate on the success factors and/or fail factors of these examples. The success/fail factors can be of a different nature: - technical - financial/economical - legislative - communicative/cooperative - organizational - institutional (please note: The examples can be provided both by the University and by the involved industry representatives). 11