CSCE 102 ―EXAM Study Guide No hats are allowed during the test

CSCE 102 ―EXAM Study Guide No hats are allowed during the test so don’t wear a hat on test
days. You must bring your Id to the test.
Cascading Style sheets
Setting the style with CSS
Using local styles
Using classes and ids with style sheets
User defined tags
Using <div> and <span>
*Using images
Anchor Tag
*Creating a hyperlink using the anchor element (<a ... >. . . </a>)
When is the path name necessary?
Creating an image that is a link
Creating a table
Using colspan and rowspan
What Type of language is JavaScript?
• Data Types; examples, using
*Alerts, prompts (built in functions (Methods)of the windows object)
Creating a button using HTML and clicking it to execute JavaScript
Using event handlers to execute JavaScript from within HTML elements
*Changing CSS properties using JavaScript
Objects and properties
Which are the objects, which are the properties? Example: backgroundColor
object object
*Writing functions
The purpose of functions
Naming and using functions
Executing functions
What is a parameter? How and why are they used?(in class notes)
*Using parameters
Purpose of parameters
What is a variable?
Naming variables
*Using the assignment statement
The properties of the document object
Changing properties of the page
The methods toLowerCase() toUpperCase()
* Using this. To change the current element
*Using getElementById in your notes and in lab assignment
*innerHTML − Changing the text in HTML elements on that have already been loaded on the page, in your
notes and on lab assignment
How to use it.
*Image rollover
Creating image rollovers
Know how to create a textbox in HTML
*Know how to access the information in a textbox
*Know how to display new information in a textbox
*Math with textboxes
*Know what parseFloat() does and how and why to use it
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Math methods (Math.) from your notes
*If statements
Write the code to create an if statement.
Know how to use both relational and logical operators
*Know which part of the code is executed if the condition in the if statement is true/false.
For loops
While loops
Do while loops
Do you understand the code from class and from the last lab?
Slide Show
In class notes
Check boxes
In class notes
Radio buttons, check boxes, and pull down menus;
Caution code copied from word may not work.
function Jasmine(){
if ([1].checked)
alert("that is correct")
else {
alert("Please try again")
function jordan(){
if (document.formpig.pig.selectedIndex==2)
alert ("that is correct")
alert("Please try agian")
<form name="formdog" id="formdog" action="">
<h2>Select a valid variable name</h2>
<input type="checkbox" name="dog1" id="dog1">Dog<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="dog2" id="dog2">7days<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="dog3" id="dog3">alert<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="dog4" id="dog4">my total<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="dog5" id="dog5">who<br>
<input type="button" name="b1" id="b1" value="click" onclick="isitvalid()">
<form name="formcat" id="formcat" action="">
<h2>Select the event handler</h2>
<input type="radio" name="cat" id="cat" onclick="Jasmine()">function<br>
<input type="radio" name="cat" id="cat" onclick="Jasmine()">onmouseover<br>
<input type="radio" name="cat" id="cat" onclick="Jasmine()" >if<br>
<input type="radio" name="cat" id="cat" onclick="Jasmine()">else<br>
<form name="formpig" id="formpig" action="">
Select a event handler from the pull down menu</h2>
<select name="pig" id="pig">
<option>alert </option>
<option>atl </option>
<option> onmouseover </option>
<option>if </option>
<input type="button" name="b2" id="b2" value="click" onclick="jordan()">
Difference between the checkboxes and the radio buttons
Coin Flip Problem − discussed in class
Caution code copied from word may not work.
<form name="x" id="x">
<h2> My Random Number </h2>
<input type="text" name="t1" id="t1">
<input type="button" name="b1" id="b1" value="coinflip" onclick="coinflip()">
<input type="text" name="t2" id="t2">
<img src="question.jpg" alt="heads or tails" id="flip">
var rannum, roundednum
function coinflip()
if (roundednum==1)
Guess the Number Problem – mentioned in class, on the class webpage
*Understanding the logic in code
What to study: Your class notes (code used in class), the study guide, the lab assignments, the code from the last few
labs, our web page, the both text books (DOM- Chapter 2)
*It is on the test.