ANSWERS to review questions

Final Review ANSWERS ‘12:
1. a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
e) 3
f) 3
2. 598 meters
3. c) density
4. Elements, compounds and mixtures
5. oil & water; chicken noodle soup; many more
A. Intensive
B. Extensive
C. Intensive
D. Intensive
7. Density decreases
8. saltwater solution; many more
9. A, D
a) [Kr]5s24d105p5
b) 7 valence electrons
A) +2
B) +3
12. A) lithium bromide
C) +1
14. a) Na Al S
b) see text for ideas
16. Ca(OH)2
17. LiCN
18. MgF2
19. FeSO4
20. NF3
21. KClO3
22. NH4Cl
23. Cu2O
24. PbI4
25. Sr(NO2)2
26. Mg(ClO3)2
27. Sn(C2H3O2)4
28. CBr4
29. Li2Cr2O7
30. Ba3(PO4)2
E) -1
B) calcium chloride
13. C only
15. Fe(C2H3O2)3
D) -2
F) -3
C) sodium sulfide
D) strontium oxide
31. aluminum chlorite
32. Tin (IV) bicarbonate
33. potassium iodide
34. cesium sulfide
35. aluminum chromate
36. potassium carbonate
37. phosphorus triiodide
38. rubidium sulfide
39. beryllium iodide
40. aluminum oxide
41. silver nitrate
42. calcium phosphide
43. copper (II) iodide
44. diphosphorus hexoxide
45. zinc chlorite
46. magnesium phosphide
a) 6.02 x 1023 particles
b) 2 moles
48. a) 59 g
b) 85 g
c) 601 g
d) 74 g
49. 18 g
50. 347.8 g
51. C
52. 4.28 x 1023 atoms Cd
53. 28.38 liters N2
54. 3 moles of Carbon
55. 27.8 grams
56. 7.09 x 1023 atoms
57. 14.0 liters of O2
a) 4Al + 3Pb(NO3)4  4Al(NO3)3 + 3Pb
b) 7.02 x 1023 atoms of lead
a) 3Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2(NH4)3PO4 (aq)  Pb3(PO4)2 (s) + 6NH4NO3 (aq)
b) Double Replacement Rxn;
c) 40.8 g
60. any example which describes a transfer of energy.
61. A) 1273 K
B) 315 K
C) 140 K
62. -273 C / 0 K
63. 38.8 grams
64. 0.485 J/g-C
65. Air pressure is caused by the collisions of gas molecules against the walls of their container.
66. 270 liters
67. 790 kpa
68. 95.9 kpa
69. 87.91 kpa or 0.8679 atm
70. 1.31 x 10-3 g/cm3
71. 159 liters
a) see bonding chapter
b) B=linear; C=tetrahedral; D=linear; F=pyramidal
73. 1) a
2) b or g
3) f
4) e.
5) h (not a good question)
74. must be transparent (not cloudy) and the particles cannot ever settle out.
75. 353 grams of K2O
[NO2]2 x [O2]
77. [N2O4] = 0.033 M
a) shift left because increased temp. favors the endothermic direction.
b) shift left because it speeds up reverse reaction
c) shift right because increases forward reaction.
79. [HI] = 3.05 M
80. Less pressure will allow more gas to form. The equilibrium will shift in the direction that has more moles of
81. [NH3] = 0.0367 M
82. [Ag+] = 7.0 x 10-7 M
83. [H+] = 7.3 x 10-3 M
84. [H+] = 2.0 x 10-2 M
85. H3O+
86. HNO3 : [H+] = 1.5 M ;
HCN : [H+] = 3.0 x 10-5 M
87. Pairs: HF(acid) and F- (base) / SO32- (base) and HSO3- (acid)
88. [H+] = 6.7 x 10-14 M
89. pH= 1 (1.3 w/o sigfigs) ; HNO3  H+ + NO390. pH = 13
91. pH = 2.10
A) Ba(OH)2 + 2HCl  BaCl2 + 2H2O
B) 0.11M Ba(OH)2
93. 4.0 x 10-14 M
94. pH = 1.66
95. pH = 4.46
96. A) +6
B) +4
97. A) +6
B) +6
C) -2
D) +6
4Al + 3O2  2Al2O3
B) Aluminum is oxidized; oxygen is reduced
Oxidation 1/2 reaction:
2Cs --> 2Cs+1 + 2eReduction 1/2 reaction: Cu2+ + 2e- --> Cu
Reduction takes place at the cathode (REDCAT)
Voltage: 3.26 V
100-102 see text and class notes
H = [Hf Prod] – [Hf react.]
H = -9040 KJ
a) 1.08 x 104 Hz
b) 7.1 x 10-30 J