Schools Forum Bullet Point Notes of Wednesday 2 July 2008-07

Schools Forum Bullet Point Notes of Wednesday 9th December 2015
Item 1: Opening remarks and Apologies for Absence (and substitute notices):
Apologies were recorded from Debbie Rogan, Miles Bacon, Gill Thomas, Philomena Cozens
and Cindy Hemmings. Pam Langmead substituted for Debbie Rogan and Simon Thompson
substituted for Miles Bacon.
Item 2: Schools Broadband
The report provided an overview of the financial requirement for the Schools Broadband
contract for 2016/17. Forum approved the total of £3,151,436 to be delegated to schools in
2016/17. The funding for maintained schools will be de-delegated and academies that buy into
the service will be invoiced.
Item 3: Retained Funding
The report proposed to Schools Forum the final recommendations of the DSG Retained
Funding review group. Forum agreed that £1,411,645 is delegated to schools in 2016/17.
Item 4: Constitution and Membership of Schools Forum
The report considered the current membership of Schools Forum in light of the continuing
transfer of schools to academies and changes in pupil numbers. Based on the May 2015
Census, a third academy representative is required for primary schools. Forum approved that
Bruce Tuxford becomes the new academy representative.
Item 5: Any Other Business and Feedback from Associations
ASHE reported that finance and recruitment continue to be major issues for secondary
schools. EPHA has appointed Nigel Hookway as their Executive Director. Recruitment and
retention is a major issue for primary schools. ESSET reported that it was difficult to recruit
quality teachers and that funding is an issue as funding in Essex is in the 4th quartile. There is
a desperate need for mental health and social care and responses are taking 8 to 10 weeks.
ESGA reported that recruitment and funding are of concern. Balancing the books is a major
responsibility for governors who are only volunteers. The Unions are concerned about the
comprehensive spending review and the reduction in funding for council services used by
schools. Early Years reported there is a lack of clarity around the announcements in the
Autumn statement.
Item 6: Minutes of 14th October 2015
Two amendments were requested to the minutes for Schools Broadband. Subject to the
amendments the minutes were approved.
Item 7: Children & Young People’s Plan
Forum were given a presentation to update them on the development of the Children’s &
Young People’s Plan. Forum noted the plan.
Item 8: Update on the new Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service
The report updated Forum of the new Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service and the
development of a transformation plan. Forum noted the report.
Item 9: Pupil Premium for Looked After Children
The report updated Forum of how the Pupil Premium for looked after children was allocated in
Item 10: Early Years Funding
The report provided Forum with an update on the Early Years Funding issue. Forum noted the
forecast over spend of £5.5 million for 2015/16 and that the Authority is lobbying the DfE for an
increase in the guaranteed unit of funding for 3 and 4 year olds. Forum also noted the
implications for 2016/17 should there be no change to the guaranteed unit of funding.
Item 11: SEND Capital Investment Project
The report updated Forum on the progress made on the SEND capital investment programme
which will create an additional 344 places in Essex. The report also updated Forum of the
membership of the Schools Forum SEND Programme Project Management Group. Forum
noted the report.
Item 12: Scheme for Financing Schools
The report updated Forum on 2 prescribed changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools by
the Secretary of State.
Schools will be required to publish in their register of business interests of governors
any relationships between governors and school staff.
The scheme clarifies that borrowing includes finance leases unless they are approved
by the Secretary of State. Currently only Salix loans have approval.
Item 13: Comprehensive Spending Review
The report updated Forum on the announcements made in the Autumn Statement that sets out
the Governments plans for education funding for the remainder of this parliament.
In real terms the Education budget will increase by £10 billion by 2020.
The move to a national funding formula was confirmed with a detailed consultation to be
held in the Spring Term 2016.
Pupil Premium will continue and in 2016/17 will remain as the same per pupil values as
in 2015/16.
Universal Free School Meals will continue.
The Government confirmed its commitment to extend the free early years entitlement to
30 hours from September 2017. Parents will be eligible if they work more than 16 hours
a week and earn less than £100,000. There is also an additional £300 million to
increase the average hourly rate paid to childcare providers.
Funding for Further Education colleges will be protected in cash terms.
The Education Services Grant will be reduced by £600 million, which is an approximate
75% cut. The general funding rate that goes to local authorities and academies will be
phased out. The remaining £200 million will fund the redefined statutory duties of local
Item 14: LA Benchmarking
The report updated Forum on how Essex compares to other local authorities using the DfE’s
s251 benchmarking data for 2015/16. Forum noted the report.
Item 15: Forward Plan
Forum agreed to the following agenda items for the next meeting on 20 th January 2015:
Early Years and Childcare Update
PFI Affordability Gap 2016/17
Growth Fund 2016/17
DSG Budget 2016/17
Schools Broadband
Restructure of Education & Lifelong Learning
Third Quarter Budget Update 2015/16
External Funding Opportunities
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
Item 16: External Funding Opportunities
The report updated Forum with the latest external funding opportunities available to schools.
Forum noted the report.