
Name: ___________________
Introduction: pg. 497
1. All the fresh water that is not locked up in glaciers makes up ___________________________
of the water on earth.
2. Surface fresh water does what 2 things?
3. Only water supply that is safe for drinking without being treated? ___________ __________
4. Ground water is _________ times greater than all surface fresh water supplies.
5. How many gallons of ground water are pumped each day? _______________________
6. Ground water makes up _______ % of the nations drinking water.
26.1 Watersheds and Rivers pp.502-504
15. How is a river different than a lake?
16. Define what a drainage basin, or watershed is
Draw a side view of a watershed
17. Use a line and arrow to place each term below in Fig. 26-6
decreasing velocity
cut bank
26.1 Stream Features pp.505-506
18. Use a line and arrow to show the two best locations on this stretch of river to locate a mill, or turbine to
generate power.
19. Explain why rivers channels meander.
21. What is the time delay between peek rainfall and peek discharge rate. “Time” is in hours. _______________
22. Why is there a lag time between increased rainfall and increased stream discharge?
23. A rainfall increase of 3cm/hr results in a stream discharge increase of _________ cubic meters / second?
24. What practical value is there in gauging stream discharge rates?
*** Complete Lab 46 – Stream Discharge Rate ***
26.1 Floodplains pg.507
25. How do floodplains form?
26. How many former river channels are in the floodplain above? ___________
26.1 Stages Of River Development pg.507-509
27. What life stage does a river form a broad flood plain? ______________________________
26.1 Stages Of River Development pg.507-509
28. List the main features and developments of a river next to the stages it goes through. Make sure you have at
least three characteristics / features listed for each stage of development.
earth math pg.509 – show your work
26.2 Groundwater pp.509-519
Groundwater Recharge and the Water Table pp.509-510
29. What is the difference between infiltration and seepage?
30. What is recharge and how does it occur
31. The Water Table marks the top of which zone? _______________________________________
32. Why does the Water Tables depth below ground vary depending on the season?
Groundwater Flow pp.510-511
33. What causes groundwater to flow? ______________________________________
34. What direction does groundwater always flow? _________________________________________________
35. Where does groundwater eventually exit to the surface? ___________________________________________
36. How do streams keep flowing even during dry, low precipitation times of the year?
37. Why doesn’t all groundwater travel at the same speed?
38. How does soil porosity affect the rate at which groundwater flows?
*** Complete Lab. On Soil Porosity and Soil Permeability ***
-- Lab is a separate handout –
Aquifers and Groundwater Discharge pp.511-513
39. For each term in Fig. 26-13 below, give its definition / function. Do this to the side and below the image.
40. Explain how the well above could be an artesian well.
41. Explain what makes the aquifer above a confined aquifer.
Groundwater Pollution pg.514
42. Below in Fig. 26-16 are major sources of pollution that can get into the groundwater. Think of things you
have seen occur that could eventually impact our groundwater here in Des Plains and list them below.
43. Why is polluted groundwater much more difficult to try and clean up than polluted surface water?
Career Connections Hydrogeologist pg.515
44. List at least 7 things a hydrogeologist would be called on to do.
45. How could you get a job as a hydrogeologist and who might you work for?
*** Complete Chapter Summary and Chapter Review as assigned in class ***