COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to Copenhagen commands i. Basic copenhagen commands …………………………………………………………………………3 Copenhagen Installation i. Copenhagen files and location…………………………………………………………………5 ii. Editing configuration files………………………………………………………………………5 iii. Xsl template files location………………………………………………………………………6 iv. Setting copenhagen path…………………………………………………………………………………6 Troubleshooting Copenhagen i. Copenhagen too slow …………………………………………………………………………………………8 ii. Distribution not being delivered…………………………………………………………8 iii. Page not found error………………………………………………………………………………………10 iv. Admin interface not showing(page not found)…………………………10 v. Media relation site not showing…………………………………………………………11 vi. Admin interface not showing( mysql error)………………………………11 vii. Documents not recaching………………………………………………………………………………11 viii. Out of disk space error………………………………………………………………………………12 ix. Troubleshooting xsl using sabcmd………………………………………………………12 Daily Administration. i. Adding/change page status options……………………………………………………13 ii. Adding a new page type…………………………………………………………………………………13 iii. Adding options information………………………………………………………………………14 iv. Changing distribution status to tentative………………………………14 v. Creating a new internal client …………………………………………………………14 Indiana university creative services Page 1 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL vi. Copying files between servers using scp……………………………………17 Indiana university creative services Page 2 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL i. Copenhagen Command Line Interface (CLI) The command used to perform a lot of Copenhagen’s day to day task is Copenhagen. Type Copenhagen followed by the any of the following options; for example typing copenhagen [options] command Copenhagen send_email: will send all queued email. Copenhagen –-dateKey=[arg]: will display date field, e.g creationDate or publicationDate Copenhagen –docTypes=[arg]: A comma-separated list of integer document types Copenhagen -–es=[arg]: Affected documents should have status level[ arg] upon completion Copenhagen –help, -h -?: Displays this help message Copenhagen –interval=[arg]: The interval in seconds between instances of this executable is run, e.g., --interval=600 Copenhagen –migrationOffset=[arg]: The interval(in seconds) prior to now before which documents may be migrated, e.g –migrationOffset=172800 – migrate documents submitted before 48 hours ago. Copenhagen –-queue=[arg]: Run the command on documents at status level [arg]. Copenhagen –-user=[arg]: Run the command as user [arg] Copenhagen –version, -v: Display version information. The following command performs additional tasks. Copenhagen cache_xml perform a sitewide XML rechace Copenhagen flush_html: Flushes all cached HTML files Copenhagen migrate: moves content through the site’s workflow, e.g, archive all expired document. Copenhagen send_email: will send emails in the queue. Copenhagen tickle: Notify users of any tasks and/or checked out documents for the current day. Indiana university creative services Page 3 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Copenhagen update_xml: Update any data files that were recently changed in the Copenhagen database. Indiana university creative services Page 4 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL II. Copenhagen Installation To install Copenhagen perform the following installation procedure. Note that the main driving force behind Copenhagen is its ability to perform HTML generation based on the XML and the associated style sheet (XSL file). Hence the need to make sure that Copenhagen command executes successfully. The following is an overall Installation process; a. Untar Copenhagen software to the master account. Use the following command tar xvfz copenhagen.tar.gz b. In the master account change the configuration in the following files: /etc/preferences/ /etc/preferences/ /etc/preferences/ /www/.htaccess /www/.copenhagen /www/pub/libs/tpls/* /wwws/admin/.htaccess /wwws/admin/.copenhagen /bin/Copenhagen In the files above make sure that all the paths are defined correctly and the account information reference is correct. As an example the following line in adminRoot = "/home/iuinfo/wwws/admin"; Should have the correct path to the admin interface. Indiana university creative services Page 5 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL c. Modify all the related xsl/templates files. The templates files are found in /www/pub/libs/xsl/interior/*.xsl. Master.xsl- controls all the information in the head section of the HTML document. This file also controls the overall structure of the page by defining page hearders, the left navigation bar, center control area, related information bar, and the footer. Templates.xslThis file has many templates within it that control what content is displayed and how it is displayed based on document type or URLs. Person_templates.xslControls how faculty and expert sources profiles appear. This file references templates.xsl for some templates. To find the XSL configuration files go to /home/iuinfo/etc/preferences/ d. To make sure that the Copenhagen command works, the shebang line must point to an actual PHP processor i.e type whereis php to get the location of the php processor. If the shebang line does not point to the right one change it. e. To include the Copenhagen command in your path, for instance to be able to just type command Copenhagen without having to specify the path (/home/iuinfo/bin/Copenhagen), include the path in your shell. For bash shell add the following lines in your .bashrc file PATH$PATH:/home/iuinfo/bin;export PATH. In the file /bin/Copenhagen add the following as the shebang line this is in relation to #!usr/local/php4.4.0/bin f. Once all the configuration files are set correctly, the next part is to set up the database connection. Make sure that the database server is up and running. To check this use the following command. Indiana university creative services Page 6 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Ps ax | grep mysqld. III. Troubleshooting Copenhagen Indiana university creative services Page 7 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL a. Copenhagen too slow (Killing all Copenhagen process) Log into iuinfo account on Then type the following command ps –U iuinfo. This will show you all the Copenhagen processes running on the account. To kill all Copenhagen processes type the following. This should be the last option since all copenhagen work by the end users will be lost Killall –SIGKILL Copenhagen. b. Distributions not being Delivered (Mail stuck in the queue.) Type: Copenhagen send_email. This will send all the held up emails in the queue. There are times when distributions have been scheduled but mails are not being delivered. In this scenario check /etc/logs/email. Using the queueID number, this can be found by login into Copenhagen web interface. click on the intended distribution and then click on info. Hoover around the task and the queueID will be found at the bottom of the page (as shown in the picture fig 1.1). Using the queueID check in /etc/logs/email. For instance if the queueID is 995363, the files you need to look for are 995363_actual.txt and 995363_intended.txt. If actual does not exist then the distribution will have to be resent. The best way to go about this is to log into phpmyadmin, look for distQ table and change status from Indiana university creative services Page 8 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL confirmed to tentative in the status column fig 1.1 Clear all the mail spooling logs, to accomplish this, go to /var/spool/mail/ then type the following command. > iuinfo If the files system is growing rapidly, concentrate your effort in the /var/spool/mail directory – look for huge mailboxes( something like) find /var/spool/mail –size +1000k Indiana university creative services Page 9 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL This will display a list of mailboxes larger than 1MB in size. It would also be a good idea to check the httpd log files at /usr/local/etc/httpd/logs c. Page not displaying (XSL errors or XML). This error is usually caused by error in the relevant XSL or XML file, to fix this go through the XSL (for developers) or XML file. For instance, if a page with an ID of 555 is causing the error. Locate the XML file found in etc/scratch/555.xml. Open the file using an XML supported editor and look for characters that are not supported. d. Admin interface not showing. This is a result of the secure web server not running. To fix this start the secure web server. Log into using the account iuinfo. Run the following command: sudo service apachessl start Or enter the soft link path. /usr/local/apachessl_prod/bin/apachectl startssl Or the hard path: /usr/local/apache_1.3.33_ssl/bin/apachectl startssl /usr/local/apache_prod/bin/apachectl start Both mgrlog and iuinfo account should be able to run the sudo command. Note sudo command and service system utility programs are in /sbin (system binaries). Which should be in both account’s default search path. Indiana university creative services Page 10 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL e. Media Relation website not showing (page not found error). This is due to the fact that the web server is not running, to fix this start the web server. Log into using the account iuinfo. Run the following command. sudo service apache start f. Admin interface not showing (mysql error). This is due to the fact that the database server is not running. To fix this problem log onto using the iuinfodb account and restart the database. To restart the database run the following command: cmd_mysql start g. Document not recaching. If the document has been published but the changes are not reflected try the following. –In the admin interface highlight the document and click on the recache button. If the document is still not generating a newer copy, try the following command in iuinfo account. copenhagen –queue=1, page cache xml (for page) copenhagen –queue=1, category cache xml (for topic) copenhagen –queue=1, group cache xml (for group) copenhagen –queue=1, asset cache xml h. (for asset) Out of disk space. Indiana university creative services Page 11 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL In case of insufficient space copenhagen stops running- To find out disk usage Type the following command: du –h ( disk usage in a human readable form). For example to find how much space has been used in www directory type du –h www. Which give something the like: 252K ./www/blurbTest/tpl 44K ./www/blurbTest/img 1.3M ./www/blurbTest/old 2.1M ./www/blurbTest 20K ./www/pub/bclients To free up space, the first place to start from are the logs. Look for and delete old application and email logs. Email logs are explained in b) above. i. Troubleshooting xsl using sabcmd Sablotron XSL processor has a command line interface. This is tools is essentially what copenhagen command runs to generate HTML from XSL and XML. The command is in this general order. sabcmd file1.xsl,file2.xsl,file2.xsl file1.xml,file2.xml file1.html In copenhagen, command like would output the result to screen. sabcmd /home/iuiinfo/www/pub/libs/xsl/interior/master.xsl home/iuiinfo/etc/scratch/1373.xml while output to a file sabcmd /home/iuiinfo/www/pub/libs/xsl/interior/master.xsl /home/iuiinfo/etc/scratch/groups/120.xml /home/iuiinfo/etc/scratch/groups/120.html Indiana university creative services Page 12 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL IV. Day to day Administration. (a) Adding/Changing page status options. - Add status to the following file on etc/preferences/ etc/preferences/ - Test the new status within the test environment. - Move the changes to the live site at: - Test on the live site. –Notify the stakeholders. Adding a new published state (published, archived) requires additional configuration. (b) - Adding a new page type. Create two new standard web pages in Copenhagen. Indicate which one will be the homepage for the new page type, and which one will be the archive in slug and the title. Make sure that the site can be displayed on the proper internal clients (under public Copenhagen websites). Save the changes. Note the document ID form the URL fields. –Add a new document type to the following file etc/preferences/ Indicate the homepage, listpage( use homepage id), and archive page based on the documents you just created. Give the new doctype a unique id ($_doctypes[xx]) Indiana university creative services Page 13 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL – log in as super user and assign edit right to the new doc type. Finally modify the XSL if needed. (c) Adding degree options information. Edit the file etc/preferences/ Add the degree information (make sure the ID is unique). (d) Changing the distribution status to tentative. Find the distribution id (or page id). In copenhagen find the page, click on info button. Navigate to the date, and hover over the distribution link. Distribution ID will appear in the lower left corner of your browser. Note the ID. Log into phpmyadmin in The following is the phpmyadmin url log in using the mrpsAdmin account, using the database Copenhagen and table distQ. Run the following command. select * from ‘distQ’ WHERE queueID= xxxx. Edit the entry; change it from active to tentative. Other important commands are send_email and mailq. (e) Creating a new internal client (Copenhagen website). The idea is to copy the account iunews files to the new account. Make sure that all reference to iunews is changes to reflect the new account name. Do not edit any reference to iuinfo( this is the base account from which the clients account does its processing). In details carry out the following. Copy the www directory from iunews: Type cp –R /home/iunews/www. Edit the configuration files, .copenhagen and .htaccess cd www Indiana university creative services Page 14 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL pico .copenhagen Don’t change any reference to iuinfo. Reset the base url. Reset the base path Reset the scratch path. Turn off caching so that template development is easier. Edit .htaccess file. Pico .htaccess Change all iunews references to point to the new account name. Setting up scratch directory. To set up the scratch directory carry out the following. Type the following cd~ mkdir etc chmod 750 etc cd etc ckdir scratch chmod 770 scratch cd scratch Indiana university creative services Page 15 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL ckdir assets, categories,clips,email,events,experts,groups,notes,pdfs,vcards,volumes Chmod 770 In iuinfo account, carry out the following. Create a new entry for the client account cd ~/etc/preferences pico create a new internal client entry. In copenhagen perform the following Make a home page Create a new home page (standard web page) for the new site Set the site name as the primary site. Make a note of the home page id(1111) Publish the page. In the new account: Set home page for the client -pico ~/www/.copenhagen -set the home page for the account site(1111). In your browser: Indiana university creative services Page 16 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL -Load - start making changes to ~/www/pub/libs/xsl/interior/master.xsl Changing public site URL On client account do a global URL search and replace on www/pub/libs/xsl/internal/master.xsl, templates.xsl,print.xsl. On client account in www/.copenhagen change the line $_CLIENT_ENV[“base_url”]. (f) Copying images or files from copentest to coppenprod. Using the secure copy command, images or files can be easily copied from one server to the next. Other development tools like Dreamweaver can be used, but to maintain security settings on the files, it is advisable to use unix scp command. Log into iuinfo account in copenprod and run the following command, xxx being the files or directory you want to copy. Go to the directory where you want to copy the images Indiana university creative services Page 17 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Copy images from Miles to Copentest scp -r* . Copy scratch from iunews account scp -r* . Copy scratch from music account scp -r* . Copy scratch from chem account scp -r* . Copy asset XML Copy scratch from iunews account scp -r*.xml . Copy php.ini scp /usr/local/php4.4.0/php.ini scp -r . recaching command for Copenhagen Indiana university creative services Page 18 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL copenhagen --queue=1697,page cache_xml copying mysql database using command line mysqldump --quick -h localhost gunzip < copenhagen.gz DELETE -u root -p mrpsRevised | gzip > copen.gz | mysql -u root -h localhost -p copentest from pme2Recipients where pmeRecipID > 347; Untar files in unix untar filename.tar.tar rename filename.tar.tar to filename.gz gunzip filename.gz tar xvf folder created Indiana university creative services Page 19 COPENHAGEN ADMINISTRATION MANUAL copenhagen not sending e-mail * check as folder in www/pub/libs and chmod etc directory tar xvfz something.tar.gz outputting a query to a text file select description from OUTFILE 'testtest.xml'; personDescription where personID like 753 INTO Granting privileges in mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON copenhagen.* TO 'copentest'@'localhost' 'rexT4!4$' WITH GRANT OPTION; IDENTIFIED BY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vpurit.* TO 'vpurit'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'rexT4!4$' WITH GRANT OPTION; Indiana university creative services Page 20