Park Way School – Theme Planning – Apple & Pear – Year R & 1


Park Way School

IPC Unit Planning – Cedar, Rowan, Cherry & Maple – Year 3, 4, 5 & 6

IPC Unit: Going Global

(Term 2)

Entry Point, Knowledge Harvest and Explaining the Theme

 Children to play the trading game ‘Pit.’

Children to prepare individual Venn diagrams showing things that are available in their own country but not in another country, things that are not available in their own country but are available in the other country and things that are available in both countries.

Think about food, clothing, electronic goods etc.

Discuss which commodities are most and least widely available. Why are different commodities available in different countries and why are some things available everywhere?

 Compile a list entitled “Factors Affecting The Globalisation


“We are going to learn about how world resources are traded amongst countries and how important trade is to a country’s development, and to its relationship with other countries.”

Pages 8 to 12.

WB: 4/11/13

International Learning Targets

3.3: To know about ways in which the lives of people in the countries they have studied affect each other, for example supply and demand.

3.4: To know about the similarities and differences in the availability of resources in different countries.

3.5: To be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group are affected by trading with other countries or groups.

3.6: To be able to identify ways in which trading works for mutual benefit.

3.7: To understand that there is value both in the similarities and the differences between different countries, and appreciate how this affects trading links.

Task 1: Globalisation

Task 2: Manufacture

WB: 9/12/13 – Fair Trade Week


Children to keep a learning log – after each task the children should record a reflection in the log, structured around:

What did I do? (a brief description of the task)

How did I do it? (a description of the process)

What did I learn? (a reflection on the value of the task)

Keep evidence of all learning in a portfolio.


3.1: To know that the study of geography is concerned with places and environments in the world around them.

3.2: To know about the availability and exploitation of natural and human resources and the associated environmental effects in particular localities.

3.3: To know about similarities and differences between particular localities in relation to the availability and exploitation of natural and human resources.

3.4: To know how the features of particular localities influence resources, production and trading within them.

3.7: To know about the geography of the area around the school.

3.13: To be able to use a variety of sources to gather information about resources, production and trading.

3.14: To be abele to collect and record evidence to answer questions about resources, production and trading.

3.19: To be able to make plans and maps in a variety of scales using symbols and keys to show resources, production and trading.

3.20: To be able to locate major world resources and trading routes using globes and maps.

3.23: To be able to explain how places are linked through trading.

3.24: To be able to communicate their knowledge and understanding of trading in a


3.1: To know that the study of history is concerned with the past in relation to the present.

3.2: To know about the main features of particular periods and societies.

3.3: To know about the general history of the host country.

3.5: To know about the main features of a particular period in the history of the host country.

3.9: To be able to enquire into historical issues and their effect on people’s lives.

3.10: To be able to find out about aspects of the past from a range of sources.

3.11: To be able to describe and identify reasons for and results of historical events, situations, and changes in the periods they have studied.

3.12: To be able to describe and make links between the main events, situations and changes both within and across different periods.

3.13: to be able to describe how the history of the host country affects the lives of the people who live three now.

3.14: To be able to describe how the history of one country affects that of another.

3.15: To be able to ask and answer questions about the past.

3.16: To be able to select and record information relevant to a historical topic.

3.17: To be able to place the events, situations, and changes in the periods they have studied into a chronological framework.

variety of ways.

3.25: To understand how localities are affected by natural features and processes.

3.27: To understand how the physical features and the availability and exploitation of natural resources of the host country affect the lives of the people who live there.

Task 1: Trading links (WB:11/11/13)

Task 2: Imports and Exports (WB:11/11/13)

Task 3: Factors affecting a country’s trade (WB:18/11/13)

Task 4: The local area (WB:18/11/13)

3.18: To be able to use dates and terms relating to the passing of time.

3.19: To be able to communicate their knowledge and understanding of history in a variety of ways, making appropriate use of dates and historical terms.

Task 1: Civilisations and trading (WB:25/11/13)

Vikings – Cedar

Victorians – Rowan

Romans – Cherry

Tudors – Maple

Presentations across classes 25/11/11

Task 2: Trading history of food (WB:2/12/13)

Task 3: Food timelines (WB:2/12/13)


(tasks are integrated)

3.3: To be able to frame questions appropriately when gathering and interrogating information about world resources and trading.

3.4: To be able to interpret their findings about world resources and trading

3.5: To be able to identify whether their findings about trading in the host country, their own country and worldwide are valid.

3.6: To be able to manipulate and combine different forms of information from different sources.

3.7: To be able to use ICT to present information on world resources and trading in a variety of forms.

3.8: To be able to exchange information and ideas about trading in a number of different ways.

3.12: To understand that the quality of information affects the results of any enquiry.

3.13: To understand the importance of considering audience and purpose when presenting information.
