CODE OF CONDUCT This policy reflects the vision, aims and mission statement of Dromore High School Introduction The Board of Governors of Dromore High School believes that a teacher has a commitment to pupils, colleagues, parents, governors, employers, the community at large, the Education and Library Board , and equally important, to the teaching profession. Accordingly, the Governors have produced a professional code of conduct for teachers, teaching in Dromore High School. This code reflects the school’s Mission Statement, values and beliefs, which is set out below. The code has drawn upon advice from Unions and Associations. In fulfilling the obligations of professional practice, a teacher should behave at all times in such a manner as to demonstrate personal courtesy and integrity and to enhance the dignity and standards of the teaching profession. Teachers should strive constantly to develop professional skills and expertise. POLICY INTO PRACTICE 1. Pupils/students Members of the teaching staff should: remember that the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical welfare of the pupils is the prime purpose and the first concern of education; behave with compassion and impartiality; be sensitive in expressing criticism of pupils and avoid hurtful comments of a personal nature; do nothing to abuse, exploit or undermine the teacher/pupil relationship; respect the confidentiality of information relating to pupils unless its disclosure is either required by law or is in the best interests of the particular pupil; ensure that reports on pupils are based on factual and objective information. 2. Colleagues Members of the teaching staff should: exercise the duty of care towards their colleagues; be aware of the professional needs of others; keep in confidence discussions with colleagues concerning professional problems; respect the professional standing of colleagues, particularly when making any assessment or observations on their work; not denigrate a colleague in the presence of others; exercise maximum frankness and good faith in all matters relating to appointments; take care to give references that are fair and truthful. Policies plans/code of conduct 2 3. Parents Members of the teaching staff should: seek to establish a friendly and co-operative relationship with the parents of pupils; not knowingly distort or misinterpret the facts concerning any aspect of the educational development of their children; respect the joint responsibility which must exist between the school and the parents for the education of their children; respect parental rights to enquiry, consultation and information with regard to the educational development of their children. 4. Governors Members of the teaching staff should: seek to establish a friendly and co-operative relationship with members of the governing body; not knowingly distort or misrepresent facts concerning the school; recognise and support the reasonable discharge of the corporate responsibilities and duties of the governing body. 5. Community Members of the teaching staff should: promote a good working relationship with parents, governors and elected representatives of the community in order to create a clear understanding by them of the aims and objectives of the school; be aware of the involvement of the community in the life of the school and understand its social and economic needs and problems; recognise the need of the community to use the school facilities subject to the requirements of the school. Policies plans/code of conduct 3 6. Commitment to the Profession In fulfilling obligations to the profession a teacher should: always pay proper regard to the safety and well-being of both pupils and colleagues; respect and fulfil contractual obligations; respect the right of an individual to hold religious or political beliefs and not seek to impose personal opinions in such matters; not misrepresent professional qualifications; not canvas directly or indirectly in order to secure an appointment in situations where the law requires it, make a declaration as to personal or financial interests; 7. Employers (including Education and Library Board and Governors) Members of the teaching staff should: support the Employer in the reasonable discharge of its duties and responsibilities; maintain a professional relationship with professional colleagues; be cognisant of the provisions laid down in the Employer’s regulations and guidance documents; ensure that other commitments, for example part-time employment, do not prejudice the capacity to render due service to the Employer; respect the provisions of the contract with the Employer; make careful and best use of all resources provided. 8. Promoting and Marketing of Schools Members of the teaching staff should: report results and achievements in an accurate, fair and balanced manner; avoid comparisons or statements which denigrate other educational establishments; avoid the practice of giving gifts or commercial incentives to prospective pupils or their parents with the intention of inducing them to enrol. Policies plans/code of conduct 4 Appendix 1 Bullying (Teachers and Pupils) Bullying refers to an abuse or misuse of power by one employee over another, usually, but not necessarily, by someone in authority towards a subordinate wush as the teacher/pupil relationship. Bullying is more than strong, firm or authoritarian management. It is behaviour which makes the recipient feel threatened, humiliated or patronised and creates an intimidating working environment. It is destructive rather than constructive behaviour, e.g. shouting at colleagues, pupils, making persistent negative attacks on an individual withholding information with the intent to affect performance or isolating an individual from the rest of the team over a prolonged period of time undermining an individual’s authority subjecting someone to public or private humiliation and ridicule using a position of power to deliberately undermine and belittle others and/or influencing others to behave in a similar way. Policies plans/code of conduct 5 Stages for Handling Complaints Expression of concern to member of staff STAGE ONE: INFORMAL Satisfactory outcome reached? NO STAGE TWO: HEADTEACHERS INVESTIGATION YES No further action Complainant makes written complaint to Headteacher Investigation conducted and reported to complainant Satisfactory outcome reached? NO STAGE THREE: GOVERNOR’S REVIEW YES No further action Complainant makes formal complaint to GB Complaints panel Panel meeting of Governors Complainant and Headteacher attend Satisfactory outcome reached? NO STAGE FOUR: REVIEW BY LEA (where applicable) YES No further action Complainant refers matter to LEA Satisfactory outcome reached? NO STAGE FIVE: BEYOND THE LEA Policies plans/code of conduct YES Complainant appeals to: Secretary of State or to Ombudsman 6 No further action