AP Biology – Pre-Lab and Lab Report Formats, and Guidelines Your pre-lab is due at the beginning of class on the day we have lab. We will have a short introduction to the lab and answer questions prior to beginning lab. The class following lab we may have a short post-lab discussion, if time does not permit at the end of lab. This is your time to ask questions about the lab report. Your lab report will be due two or more days after lab. Due dates are noted on your monthly calendar or will be announced. Pre-Lab – Due before Lab begins. 1. Must be typed and include last name and page number on each page as a header. 2. Must be turned in with your lab report for credit. 3. You will not be able to participate in lab if you have not completed the Pre-lab. There will be no exceptions. Pre-Lab Report Format – Your pre-lab shall include the following information in order shown: Header: Last Name with Page # Pre-Lab Experiment Title – Create a descriptive title Purpose – Write a sentence or two explaining why are we doing this lab. (To show …, To learn …, To test for …) Hazards – List any hazardous materials or procedures that you will encounter during the lab. State how you plan to handle them. State what to do if a problem arises. (You may want to have several hazards listed in your lab format so you do not have to keep typing the same hazards over and over. This will save time.) Major Materials – List (do not number the items listed) what is needed to complete the lab. (Equipment, chemicals, supplies, etc.) Hypothesis – A tentative explanation of the problem or question being explored. Prediction – As an “If … then …” statement. Procedure – A general overview of the lab as an itemized numbered list. This should be detailed enough so you know what you will be doing and in which order, but should not include specific details such as amount of chemicals, number of drops, etc. Do not copy the procedure out of the lab manual!!! Page 1 Revised 11/8/12 Lab Reports 1. Due dates will be announced and/or on your calendar for each lab. 2. Must be typed and include last name and page number on each page (as a header), continuing page numbers from the Pre-Lab. 3. Lab reports convey information about data, not people. NEVER write in the first person. Lab Report Format – Your lab report shall include the following information in order shown: Cover page: Center of the page Bottom center of page - Lab Title and Number Student name Lab Partner(s) AP Biology Date lab was performed (Not due date) Introduction: written in paragraph form. o Explain how the topic is related to the real world. Cite information from at least one outside source and your textbook using parenthetical references. o Include definitions of relevant terms (in sentence form). o Briefly state the purpose (from pre-lab) of the experiment. o State the hypothesis and prediction (from pre-lab). Results: use the following two subheadings. o Observations – List in numbered form. o Data – (Note: All tables/graphs must be computer generated.) Paragraph describing the data recorded identifying any trends – But do not draw conclusions! After the paragraph, insert tables, figures and/or graphs from the data, if applicable. Each table and/or figure needs to be numbered and titled. Show any equations or calculations used, if applicable. Additional Questions: If questions are assigned, answer them in this section. Type out the question, then briefly answer. (You do not need complete sentences.) Conclusion: written in paragraph form. o Interpretation of results of the experiment as it relates to the purpose of the lab. o Analyze/interpret the data and suggest possible reasons for the results. o Brief description of the lab (in paragraph form), noting any problems that arose during lab that may have effected the results. If no problems occurred, state that. (1-2 paragraphs) o Restate the hypothesis and prediction, relating them to your results. Note if the results support or falsify it. Remember hypotheses are NEVER proven correct. o State your final conclusion about the lab and explain how these results may relate to the real world. Cite information from at least one outside source. (You may use the same source as in the Introduction, but not the same information.) References: APA documentation using the APA citation link on my Teacher Page. If you find this link confusing at all, please see me so we can discuss. Always cite your textbook, lab manual and outside sources used in the Introduction and Conclusion sections. (See NYA Style Sheet for APA format.) If no references are cited, no credit will be given until references are submitted. Pre-Lab: Submit the pre-lab that you showed me on Lab Day – staple to end of your lab. Page 2 Revised 11/8/12