AP SPRING VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS Scroll down to Page 4 for WEEKLY VOCABULARY WORD LISTS. Due Dates: Grammar sentences using the current week’s words due every Tuesday to Turnitin.com. Vocabulary tests administered every Wednesday. Final exam, covering all 360 words, administered at semester’s end. PART 1: VOCABULARY LOG The intent of this assignment is not just to have you memorize the affixes. You should also work to become familiar with words that use the affixes, as well as the connotations of the words and proper use of the words in context. Your Grammar Assignment sentences (see Page 3 below) should reflect this level of understanding. Vocabulary Log Directions: A minimum of 20 affixes must be logged each week. Students are required to complete logs (see Page 2 below) on their own time. Logs will be submitted with the vocabulary test each Wednesday. Vocabulary logs are worth ½ of the weekly test grade. Tests submitted without logs can only earn up to 50% (F). All sections of the log must be complete and neatly hand-written. Logs created on plain paper will not be accepted for credit, nor will printed logs that don’t show the rubric on top. Use common sense: log words you want to know and think you might use—do not log esoteric or archaic language. Study suggestion: Don’t wait until the last minute to do your logs or your grammar sentences! The point here is to actually LEARN something, not just to check the activities off your “things-to-do” list. So, consider logging 3 or 4 affixes per day and writing 3 or 4 sentences per day, and review at least one previous vocabulary log per day, as well. If you do this, you’ll likely never have to study for a vocabulary test, not even the final exam! Expectations for Mastery: Completion o All boxes in the chart are completed. Legibility o Words are printed clearly, neatly, and darkly. o Writing is free of distracting grammatical and/or mechanical errors. Online Resources: Dictionary – http://dictionary.reference.com/ Synonym Finder – http://www.synonym.com/synonyms/ AP Online Resources: AP Language MC Exam Terms – http://grammar.about.com/od/terms/a/APterms.htm Forest of Rhetoric – http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm Literary Devices Definitions & Examples - http://literarydevices.net/ Argument Strategies & Fallacies - http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ Name You have earned full credit for this assignment: 100 out of 100 points Points have been deducted for the following reasons ( out of 100 points): Incomplete: All boxes must be completed. Illegible: Be neat. If I cannot read your writing easily (even if you can), then I cannot fully assess your work. Vocabulary Affix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Week Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. PART 2: GRAMMAR SENTENCES As noted in the Vocabulary Log directions above, the intent of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use the vocabulary words in context. In addition, you are expected to write significant, purposeful, and meaningful statements. Grammar Sentence Directions & Due Dates: WEEK 1 & WEEK 10: Every sentence must fall under one of each of the following classifications FIVE times: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory. Label sentences accordingly. For definitions and examples of these classifications, go to http://freelance-writing-articles.knoji.com/the-different-classification-ofsentences/. WEEK 2 & WEEK 11: Every sentence must fall under one of each of the following classifications FIVE times: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex. Label sentences accordingly. For definitions and examples of these classifications, go to http://freelance-writing-articles.knoji.com/the-different-classification-ofsentences/. WEEK 3 & WEEK 12: Every sentence should contain a pronoun and its antecedent. Italicize pronouns and underline antecedents. For an antecedent definition, go to http://www.grammarmonster.com/glossary/antecedent.htm. WEEK 4 & WEEK 13: Sentences should contain modifiers as follows (italicize modifiers). For help with phrases and clauses as modifiers, go to http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/modifiers_modify.htm. o 5 sentences employing a one-word adjective o 5 sentences employing a phrase as a modifier o 5 sentences employing a one-word adverb o 5 sentences employing a clause as a modifier WEEK 5 & WEEK 14: Every sentence must utilize a subordinating conjunction—italicize these. For a list of subordinating conjunctions, go to http://www.myenglishteacher.net/subordinatingconjunctions.html. WEEK 6 & WEEK 15: Every sentence must utilize parallel structure; higher scoring sentences will use structures more complicated than parallel words (e.g. phrases, clauses, etc.). Italicize your parallel structures. For information on parallel structure, go to https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/623/01/. WEEK 7 & WEEK 16: Sentences should include 7 cumulative (or loose) sentences, 7 periodic sentences, and 6 inverted sentences. Label sentences accordingly. For information on these types, go to http://quizlet.com/25766345/types-of-sentences-periodic-cumulative-inverted-and-parallel-structure-flashcards/. WEEK 8 & WEEK 17: All twenty sentences must contain an appositive. They should not all look the same. Italicize the appositive. For help with appositives, go to http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/appositive.htm. No sentences due during WEEK 9, Spring Break, or Finals Week. Expectations for Mastery: Completion o All 20 sentences are provided, using 20 words from the current week’s vocabulary log. Accuracy o Sentences are typed and numbered, 1-20. o All vocabulary words are in ALL CAPS. Grammar o Uses correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics (no passive voice, agreement errors, fragments, run-ons) Context o Words are used in proper context and in a way that demonstrates understanding. In other words, someone who has never heard the words before should be able to glean meanings through reading your sentences. SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #1 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. numer (number) enumerate, numeral, numerology, numerous, supernumeraries Latin fort (strong) comfort, fort, forte, fortification, fortify, fortissimo, fortitude, pianoforte Latin osteo (bone) osteoblast, osteocyte, osteology, osteopath, osteopathy, osteotomy Greek ornith (bird) ornithologist, ornithology, ornithomancy, ornithopter, ornithosis Greek polis (city) acropolis, cosmopolitan, metropolis, Neopolitan, necropolis, police, policy, politic Greek fus (pour) confusion, diffusion, fusion, funnel, futile, infusion, profuse, refund, refuse, transfusion Latin ego (I) alter ego, egocentric, egoism, egomaniac, egotist, egotistical, egotize Latin spir (breathe) aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspiration, respiration, spirit, transpire Latin dia (across) diabolic, diagonal, dialect, dialectic dialogue, diameter, diaphanous, diaphragm, diatribeGreek acr (sharp) acerbity, acetate, acetic, acetone, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acrylic acro (high) acrobat, acrocarpous, acromegaly, acronym, acrophobia, acropolis, acrostic culp (blame) culpable, culprit, exculpate, exculpatory inculpate derm (skin) dermatitis, dermatologist, ectoderm, endoderm hypodermic, pachyderm Greek zo (animal) Mesozoic, protozoa, zodiac, zoo, zoophagous, zooplankton, zoology Greek per (through) perceive, percussion, perennial, perfume, perforation, perhaps, permit, perspiration Latin pac (peace) pacific, pacification, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacify Latin brev (short) abbreviation, breve, breviary, brevirostrate, brevity, brief Latin necro (death) necrobiosis, necromancer, necrophobia, necropolis, necrotic, nectar urb (city) suburbs, urban, urbane, urbanism, urbanite, urbanologist Latin pugn (fight) impugn, inexpugnable, oppugn, pugilist, pugnacious, pungent, repugnant Latin Latin Greek Latin Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #2 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. leg (read) legend, legendary, legibility, legible, illegible Latin anim (mind) animal, animated, anime, animosity, equanimity, magnanimous, unanimous Latin tort (twist) contorted, distort, extort, retort, torch, torment, tort, tortuous, torture Latin nom (name) ignominious, nomenclature, nom de plume, nominal, nomination Latin nym (name) acronym, anonymous, antonym, homonym, pseudonym, synonym Greek petr (rock) lamprey, parsley, Peter, petrify, petrochemical, petroglyph, petroleum Latin mir/mar (wonder) admiral, admire, marvel, miracle, miracle play, mirage, mirror Latin man (hand) emancipate, manacles, manicure, manipulate, mano a mano, manuscript Latin rect (right) correct, direct, erect, rectangle, rectify, rectilinear, rectitude, rector, rectum Latin volv (roll) convoluted, evolve, involved, revolution, revolve, valve, voluble, volume Latin demi (half) demigod, demimonde, demirep, demisemiquaver, demitasse, demiurge Latin retro (backward) retroactive, retro fire, retrofit, retrogress, retrorse, retrospection Latin sens (feel) extrasensory, insensitive, sensation, sense, sensitive, sensory Latin ocul (eye) binocular, inoculate, monocular, ocular, oculist, oculomotor nerve Latin cur (care for) accurate, curate, curative, curator, cure, curious, manicure, procure, secure Latin ultra (beyond) ultraconservative, ultramarine, ultramundane, ultraviolet Latin oid (appearance) adenoid, android (droid!), anthropoid, asteroid, haploid, xyloid gest (carry) congestion, digest, gestation, gesticulate, gesture, ingest, register, suggestion Latin apt (fit) adapt, adaptation, aptitude, aptly, aptness, maladapted Latin voc (voice) advocate, equivocation, evoke, invocation, revoke. vocabulary, vociferously Latin Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #3 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. nomy (law) astronomy, autonomy, Deuteronomy, economy, physiognomy, taxonomy Greek fid (faith) affidavit, bona fide, confidence, diffident, federal, fidelity, fiduciary, infidel, perfidy caco (bad) cacodemon, cacodyl, cacography, cacology, cacophony Greek hetero (different) heterodox, heterogeneous, heteromorphic, heteronym, heterosexual Greek sci (know) conscience, conscious, omniscience, prescience, science, scientism graph (write) autograph, bibliography, biography, calligraphy, photograph, polygraph, stenography Greek lat (side) bilateral, collateral, equilateral, lateral, latitude, multilateral, unilateral Latin Latin Latin lite/lith (rock) lithium, lithograph, megalith, monolith, Neolithic, Paleolithic, pyrite Greek tract (pull) attractive, contract, detract, distract, extract, retract, subtract, traction, tractor Latin in (in) incision, include, indebt, indicate, influence, inhale, innards, innate, insert, involve Latin phil (love) audiophile, bibliophile, Philadelphia, philanthropy, philologist, philosopher Greek ine (nature of) bovine, canine, crystalline, porcine, saturnine, ursine, vulpine Greek ar (relating to) circular, federal, linear, lunar, pulsar, secular, solar, stellar hexa (six) hexagon, hexagram, hexahedron, hexameter, hexapod, hexarchy fract (break) fracture, infraction, fraction, refraction, refractory, fractious theo (god) apotheosis, atheism, henotheism, monotheism, pantheism, pantheon, theology ambul (walk) ambulance, amble, funambulist, perambulate, pram, preamble Latin ous (full of) anomalous, garrulous, glorious, loquacious, luminous, vivacious, zealous Latin fin (end) confine, define, final, finale, finance, fine, finial, finis, finish, infinite, infinitive Latin plasto (molded) dermatoplasty, plaster, plastic, plasticity, plastid, rhinoplasty Latin Greek Latin Greek Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #4 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. ped (foot/child) centipede, expedient, pedal, expedition, orthopedist, pedagogue, pediatric Latin mort (death) immortal, morbid, mortician, mortify, mortuary, post-mortem, rigor mortis Latin carn (flesh) carnage, carnal, carnation, carnival, carnivorous, carrion, incarnate, reincarnated Latin psych (soul) psyche, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychic, psychology, psychopathic, psychosis ethno (race/culture) ethnic, ethnocentrism, ethnic group, ethnography, ethnologist Greek gen (origin) eugenics, gene, gender, genealogy, progeny, genocide, indigenous, ingenuous Greek nat (born) naive, native, nativity, natal, Noel, prenatal, natural, nation, perinatal natural Latin paleo (old) paleoanthropic, paleography, Paleolithic, paleontologist, Paleozoic curr/curs (run) courier, course, current, cursive, cursor, cursory, incursion, precursor crypt (hidden) apocalypse, cryptic, cryptologist, crypt, cryptogram, encrypt cad (fall) accident, cadaver, cadence, cascade, cadaverous, decadence, deciduous Latin capit (head) biceps, cadet, cap, capital, capitulation, capo, captain, decapitate, recapitulate Latin loqu (talk) circumlocution, dialogue, eloquent, loquacious, soliloquy Latin Greek Greek Latin Greek sacro/sanct (holy) consecrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrifice, sacrilege, sacrosanct, sacrum Greek/Latin sanct (holy) saint, sanctimonious, sanction, sanctity, sanctuary, unsanctioned Latin uni (one) communion, unanimous, unicorn, uniform, union, unique, unit, Unitarian Latin alt (high) alp, altar, altimeter , altitude, alto, altocumulus, exalt, haughty, haute cuisine Latin ics (art) aesthetics, calisthenics, economics, ethics, graphics, politics Greek iso (equal) isometric, isosceles, isotope, isomer, isocracy, isothermal Greek vert (turn) adverse, avert, convert, divert ,extrovert, revert, introvert, inverted, perverse Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #5 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. i/a (plural) alumni, fungi, Gemini, literati, magi nuclei, octopi, bacteria, data, phenomena Latin jus (law) injustice, judge, judgment, judicial, judicious, just, justice, justify Latin luc/lum (light) elucidate, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer, translucent, illumination, illustrious, luminous Latin ann (year) annals, annual, annalist, anniversary, annual, annuity, perennial superannuated Latin apo (away/up) apotheosis, apogee, apoplexy, apology, aphelion, apostasy sen (old) senator, senile, senior, seniority, senescent Latin sol (alone) desolate, sole, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solo Latin bas (low) abase, bas-relief, basal, base, basic, bass, basset, bassoon, bouillabaisse Latin rogat (ask) abrogate, arrogance, derogatory, interrogation, prerogative, supererogatory Latin parl (speak) parlance, parlay, parley, parliament, parlor Latin potent (power) impotent, omnipotent, plenipotentiary, possible, potent, potentate, potential Latin surg (rise) insurgence, insurrection, resurgent, resurrection, source, surge Latin log (word) analogy, apology, catalogue, chronology, dialogue, doxology, epilogue, eulogy Greek gram (writing) anagram, deprogram, diagram, grammar, telegram, monogram, pentagram Greek cant (sing) accent, cant, cantata, chant, charm, concert, enchantment, incantation, recant Latin reg (rule) interregnum, real, realm, regal, regalia, regicide, regime, regimen, reign, royal Latin pro (forward) proceed, proclaim, proclivity, procrastination, procreation, procure Greek gyn (woman) androgynous, gynecologist, misogynist, polygyny Greek ag/act (to do) agent, aggression, aggrade, agile, activate, counteract, interact , react, transact Latin mob (move) automobile, demobilize, immobile, mob, mobile, mobility, mobilize Latin Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #6 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. an (without) anaerobic, analgesic, anarchy, anemia, anonymous, anorexia Greek ab (away) abdicate, abduct, abnormal, abjure, absent, abrogate, abrupt Latin mel (song) dulcimer, melodeon, melodic, melodious, melodrama, melody Greek aden (gland) adenine, adenoid, adenoma, adenovirus Greek aer (air) aerate, aerial, aerie, aerobic, aerodynamics, aeronautics, aerosol, malaria Greek alb (white) albatross, albedo, albinism, albino, album, albumen epi (on) epicenter, epidermis, epiglottis, epigram, epigraph, epiphany, epitaph hum (earth) human, humane, humble, humus, exhume, posthumous be (life) aerobe, anaerobe, microbe bon (good) bon mot, bon vivant, bon voyage, bona fide, bonanza, bonhomie, bonny, bonus Latin struct (build) construct, destruct, industry, infrastructure, instruction, obstruct, structure Latin chlor (green) Chloe, chlorine, chloroform, chlorophyll, chloroplasts, chlorella Greek cyan (blue) cyan, cyanide, cyanosis, cyanotype, pyocyanin Greek cyt (cell) cytology, cytoplasm, erythrocyte, leucocyte, melanocyte Greek diplo (double) diplodocus, diplodocus, diploid, diploma, diplomacy, diplopia, diplopod Greek dys (bad) dysentery, dysfunction, dyslexia, dyspeptic, dysphonia, dystopia, dystrophy Greek eco (house) ecology, economy, ecosystem, ecotone, economist, ecologist Greek emia (blood) anemia, bacteremia, hypoglycemia, leukemia, septicemia, toxemia Greek enter (intestine) dysentery, enteritis, entozoan, gastroenteritis erythro (red) erythrism, erysipelas, erythromycin, erythrocyte Latin Greek Latin Greek Latin Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #7 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. chrom (color) chromatic, chromatin, chrome, chromosome, monochrome, polychrome form (shape) conform, deform, formation, formative, formula, transform, uniform Latin sequ (follow) consecutive, consequence, inconsequent, obsequies, obsequious Latin glyc (sweet) glycemia, glycerin, glycerol, glycogen, glucose, hypoglycemia ultima (last) penultimate, ultima Thule, ultimate, ultimatum, ultimo geniture infra (beneath) fracas, inferior, infra dig, infralapsarianism, infrared, infrasonic, infrastructure leuko (white) leucite, leucocratic, leucocytosis, leucoplast, leukemia, leukocyte lys (break down) analysis, catalyst, dialysis, electrolysis, electrolyte, hemolysis, hydrolysis Greek meso (middle) Greek mil (thousandth) mile, millennium, milligram, milliliter, millimeter, mill micron, millipede Latin mem (recall) commemorate, memento, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorial, memory Latin gress/grad (step) aggression, centigrade, congress, degrade, digression, egress, gradation, grade Latin labor (work) collaborate, elaborate, labor, laboratory, labored laborious Latin myo (muscle) fibromyalgia, myocarditis, myocardium, myoglobin, myogram, myopia vac (empty) evacuate, vacant, vacation, vacuity, vacuole, vacuous, vacuum, void oligo (few/small) oligarchy, oligocarpous, Oligocene, oligoclase, oligosaccharide Greek ose (sugar) dextroglucose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, sucrose Greek osis/sis (condition) arteriosclerosis, catharsis, meiosis, mitosis, neurosis, osmosis, psychosis Greek tude (state of) aptitude, multitude, pulchritude, rectitude, similitude solitude, turpitude Latin path (feeling) antipathy, apathy, empathy, pathetic, pathological psychopath, sociopath Greek amidst, mesomorph, mesophilic, Mesopotamia, mesophyll, Mesozoic Greek Greek Latin Greek Greek Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #8 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. pleo (more) pleomorphic, pleonasm, pleotropic, Pliocene Greek pod (foot) pseudopod, arthropod, diplopod, cephalopod, podiatrist, gastropod Greek soror (sister) sorority, Soroptimist, sororize, sororal, sorites Latin val (worth) valiant, valid, equivalent, devaluate, evaluate, ambivalent, covalent Latin para (beside, near) parable, parapsychology, parabola, paradigm, paradox, paraphrase Greek dom (rule) dominate, predominant, dominion, domineering, subdominant, domain erg (work) energy, ergonomics, erg-second, ergatocracy, exergonic, synergy Greek sapro (rotten) saprophytic, sapropliyte, saprogenic, saprolite, saprophilous Greek schizo (divide) Schizomycetes, schizophrenia, schism, schizocarp, schizoid, schizopod Greek hippo (horse) hippopotamus, hippodrome, hippogriff, hipparch, eohippus Greek som (body) somatic, chromosome, lysosome, somatoplasm, psychosomatic, somatology Greek spor (seed) endospore, sporophyte, sporangia, sporadic, sporogenesis, macrospore Greek sta (stop) hemostat, stasis, station, stationary, status quo, apostasy, hypostatize, static taxis (arrangement) syntax, chemotaxis, taxidermy, phyllotaxis, taxonomy, ataxia vol (will) volunteer, malevolent, benevolent, volition, involuntary Latin frat (brother) fraternity, fraternal, fratricide, fraternize Latin trich (hair) monotrichous, trichina, trichocysts, trichinosis, trichosis Greek troph (nourishment) autotroph, eutrophication, atrophy, dystrophy, trophism Greek tox (poison) toxin, toxoid, nontoxic, antitoxin, detoxification, toxicity, phytotoxins Greek sect (cut) dissect, intersection, vivisection, bisect, section, sectarian, sector Latin Latin Greek Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #10 (NO LESSON #9) Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. tropo (turn) heliotrope, troposphere, tropism, trophy, phototropism, apogeotropism Greek gastro (stomach) gastronomy, gastroscope, gastropod, gastroenteritis, hypogastric, gastrolith Greek arthro (joint) arthritis, arthropod, arthralgia, arthrospore, arthroscopic Greek ventri (belly) ventriloquist, ventral, ventricle, dorsoventral, ventriculus Latin dors (back) dorsal, dorsoventral, dorsum, dorsal fin, dorsiventral Latin macro (large) macrobiotic, macro cephalic, macrocosm, macron, macroscopic Greek brachy (short) brachycephalic, brachypterous, brachycranic, brachylogy Greek brachio (arm) brachiopod, brachiation, brachiate, brachium, brachiosaur Greek kin (motion) kinetic, kinescope, hyperkinesia, hyperkinetic, telekinesis, cinema Greek dactylo (finger) pterodactyl, dactylic, dactylology, dactylography Greek phos (light) phosphorus, phosphine, phosphoroscope, phosphoresce Greek gon (angle) pentagon, tetragon, decagon, hexagonal, diagonal, orthogonal Greek vore (eating) omnivore, herbivore, carnivore, voracious, devour, fructivorous Latin holo (whole) holocaust, hologram, holometabolous, holograph, holophrastic, holistic Greek opia (sight) myopia, hyperopia, hemeralopia, synopsis, diplopia, biopsy Greek lent (full of) corpulent, virulent, turbulent, excellent, succulent, insolent, indolent Latin ium (an element) radium, sodium, uranium, germanium, iridium, einsteinium Latin dicho (in two parts) dichotomy, dichotomize, dichogamous, dichotomist Greek dol (suffer) indolent, condolence, adolescence, doleful, doldrums Greek sal/sult (leap) assault, exultation, insult, resilience, salient, sally, salmon, sauté, somersault Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #11 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. Anglo (English) Anglophile, Anglophobe, Anglican, Anglicism, Anglo-Saxon Latin ist (one who) artist, funambulist, anthropologist, solipsist, centrist, atheist, sophist Greek saur (lizard) dinosaur, pterosaur, tyrannosaurus, stegosaurus, saurian, plesiosaur Greek pithec (ape) pithecanthropus, Australopithecus, dryopithecus, oreopithecus Greek calli (beautiful) calligraphy, calliope, calisthenics, calliopsis, callithumpian Greek austro (south) Australopithecus, Australia, austral, Austronesia, austromancy cephalo (head) cephalic, cephalopod, cephalothorax, micro cephalic, encephalitis Greek chiro (hand) chiromancy, chiropody, chiropteran, chiropractor Greek caust (burn) caustic, holocaust, cauterize, caustically, causticity Greek terr (land) extraterrestrial, subterranean, Mediterranean, terrain, terra firma cata (down) catapult, catastrophe, catacombs, catalepsy, cataclysm, cataract jur (swear) abjure, adjure, perjure, jury, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist Latin flu (flow) confluence, fluid, influence, fluent, superfluous, effluent, fluvial Latin here (stick) coherence, adhesive, adhere, inherent, incoherent Latin pos (put) position, deposit, superimpose, transpose, depose, imposition Latin mund (world) mundane, trans mundane, intermundane, mound Latin cracy (government) autocracy, democracy, aristocracy, plutocracy, meritocracy Greek mania (madness) kleptomania, egomania, pyromania, dipsomania, megalomania Greek ize (make) victimize, harmonize, temporize, mobilize, fossilize, polarize, bowdlerize Greek antho (flower) anthology, anthozoan, anthocyanin, anthophilous, anther Greek Latin Latin Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #12 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. lingu (tongue) bilingual, linguist, lingua franca, linguini, language Latin mot (move) motor, motivation, demote, emotion, motion, promote, motile, commotion Latin nav (ship) navy, naval, navigate, circumnavigate, unnavigable Latin und (wave) inundate, undulate, undulatory, undulation Latin flect (bend) reflect, inflection, genuflect, deflect, reflection Latin coron (crown) corona, coronation, coronary, coroner Latin aur (gold) aura, auriferous, Aurora, auric Latin liter (letter) literature, illiterate, preliterate, literati Latin rat (think) rational, ratio, irrational, ratiocinate, rationalize, irate Latin par (equal) parity, disparity, par, compare, incomparable, disparate Latin mens (measure) commensurate, immense, incommensurable, mensurable, dimension Latin mony (condition) acrimony, harmony, matrimony, ceremony, simony, parsimony Latin quin (flue) quintet, quintillion, quintuplet, quintuple, quintessence, quindecagon Latin socio (society) sociology, sociable, socialism, sociopath, dissociate Latin ovi (egg) oviducts, oviparous, ovipositors, ovoviviparous, ovisac, oviform, ovary, oval Latin phasia (speech) aphasia, dysphasia, apophasis Greek pter (wing) pterodactyl, helicopter, pterosaur, archaeopteryx, chiropteran Greek phen (appearance) phenomenon, phenotype, phosphenes, fancy, fantasy Greek hist (tissue) histopathology, histolysis, histology, histogenesis Greek glott (tongue) epiglottis, polyglot, glossolalia, glottal, monoglot, glossectomy Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #13 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. atmo (vapor) amosphcrc, atmol ysis, atmomctcr, atmospheric, atman Greek cardio (heart) cardiology, cardiovascular, cardiac, electrocardiogram Greek cosmo (world/universe) cosmos, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut, cosmology, microcosm Greek counter (against) counteract, counterproductive, counterpoint, counter insurgence cranio (skull) craniology, intracranial, craniotomy, cranium, dolichochranic Greek cyclo (circle) cyclone, cyclotron, bicycle, encyclopedia, recycle, cyclical Greek gno (know) agnostic, prognosis, gnostic, Gnosticism, diagnosis, topognosia, ignominy Greek oss (hone) ossify, ossuary, ossicle, osseous, ossiferous, ossein, ossification xylo (wood) xylophone, xylograph, xyloid, xylophagous, xylose, xylotomy, xylem monger (seller) fishmonger, warmonger, costermonger, ballad monger, phrasemonger Latin sept (seven) septangular, September, septuagenarian, septillion, Septuagint Latin xeno (stranger) xenophobia, xcnolith, xenon, xenogenesis, xenodiagnosis vas (vessel) vasoconstrictor, cardiovascular, vase, vessicle, vascular, vasectomy Latin fore (front) forehead, foreboding, forecast, forethought, foresail, forefront Latin ish (like) greenish, smallish, outlandish, snobbish, ghoulish, squeamish, mannish Old English less (without) fruitless, hopeless, motherless, bootless, pointless, hapless, feckless baro (pressure) barometer, barograph, barometric, barogram, barometry ferro (iron) ferronickcl, ferromagnetic, ferrous, ferric, ferrite, ferroconcrete Latin quasi (somewhat) quasar, quasi-military, quasi-stellar, quasi-official, quasi-judicial Latin nesia (island) Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Austronesia Latin Latin Greek Greek Old English Greek Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #14 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. lepsy (attack) narcolepsy, epilepsy, catalepsy Greek let (little) booklet, piglet, aglet, hamlet, coverlet, omlet nano (billionth) nanosecond, nanoplankton, nanosomia, nanogram Greek pico (trillionth) picofarad, picosecond, picogram Italian ideo (idea) ideograph, ideology, ideologue, ideogram, ide fixe, idealism Greek phan (appearance) phantom, epiphany, diaphanous, sycophant, cellophane, theophany Greek peri (near/around) perimeter, perihelion, perigee, periphery, periodical Greek pot (drink) potable, potion, potation, pottery, compote Latin via (road) via, viaduct, trivia, via avion, obviate, obvious, via media Latin Latin algia (pain) neuralgia, analgesic, arthralgia, hemialgia, algometry, algophobia Greek somn (sleep) insomnia, somniferous, somnolent, somnambulate, somniloquy Latin quadr (four) quadruped, quadratic, quadrant, quadruplet, quadrilateral, quadriplegic Latin err (wander) error, erratic, Knight-errant, erroneous, erratum Latin sine (without) sinecure, sine qua non, sine die, sine prole Latin phag (eat) anthropophagite, bacteriophage, esophagus, geophagy, phagocyte Greek phor (carry) anaphora, dysphoric, esophagus, euphoria, metaphor, paraphernalia Greek phyt (plant) gametophyte, imp, neophyte, phytotoxic, sporophyte Greek phyll (leaf) chlorophyll, folio, monophyllous, phyllophagous, phyllopod, phyllotaxis Greek idio (peculiar) idiom, idiomorphous, idiosyncrasy, idiot Greek fil (thread) fiber, filament, file, filarial, filigree, fillet, profile Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #15 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. thes (place) antithesis, epithet, hypothesis, parenthesis, prosthesis, synthesis, theme, thesis Latin sed/sid (sit) sedan, sedate, sedentary, sediment, insidious, preside, residue, resident Latin fic (make) artificial, deficit, efficient, edifice, officious, pontificate, proficient, prolific Latin fy (more) amplify, certify, clarify, deify, edify, fortify, horrify, pacify, sanctify, signify Latin nounce (tell) announce, annunciation, denounce, enunciate, pronounce, renounce Latin andro (man) androgens, androgynous, android, polyandry ate (cause) alienate, domesticate, dominate, implicate, insinuate, placate, procreate Latin cor (heart) accord, concord, core, cordial, courage, discord, misericord, quarry Latin ess (female) baroness, heiress, hostess, empress, goddess, governess, lioness, princess meta/muta (change) metamorphosis, metaphor, metastasis, metonymy immutable, mutant fug (flee) centrifuge, fugitive, fugue, refuge, refugee, subterfuge, tempus fugit agog (leader) demagogue, pedagogue, pedagogy, synagogue cle (small) circle, corpuscle, follicle, minuscule, molecule, particle, ventricle, vesicle ecto (outer) ectoderm, ectomorph, ectoplasm, ectothermic rid (laugh) deride, derision, ridicule, ridiculous, risibility tri (three) triad, triage, triangle, triceps, triceratops, tricycle, trident, trivia un (not) unconventional, undone, unearned, unequal, unequivocal, unfit, untenableOld English a (not) agraphia, amoral, amorphous, atheist, apathy, aphasia, apolitical non (not) non sequitur, nonchalant, nonconformity, none, nonentity, nonprofit, nonsense Latin il/ir (not) illegal, illegible, illiberal, illicit, illiterate, irrational, irrefutable, irrepressible Greek Greek Greek/Latin Latin Greek Latin Greek Latin Greek Greek Latin SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #16 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. im/in (not) immobile, impassable, impecunious, imperfect, incorrigible, indefinite Latin cede (go) antecedent, concede, intercede, precede, proceed, recede, secede, succeed Latin miss (send) admission, dismiss, emission, missile, missionary, promise, remiss Latin centri (center) centrifugal, centripetal, centrist, concentric, decentralize, eccentric Greek biblio (book) bible, bibliography, bibliolatry, bibliomania, bibliophile bibliophobia Greek anthropo (man) anthropoid, anthropology, anthropomorphic, lycanthrope Greek tomy (cut) anatomy, appendectomy, dichotomy, lobotomy, neurotomy, tonsillectomy Greek hema/hemo (blood) hematology, hematoma hemoglobin, hemolysis, hemophilia, hemorrhage Greek proto (first) protagonist, protein, protocol, proto-language, proton, protoplasm, prototype Greek phon (sound) cacophony, euphony, microphone, phonetic, phonograph, symphony Greek mono (one) monocle, monogamous, monogram, monolith, monologue, monotonous Greek viv (life) bon vivant, convivial, revive, viva, vivacious, vivid, viviparous, vivisection Greek ver (true) aver, cinema verite, veracity, verdict, verify, verisimilitude, veritable Latin matri (mother) matriarch, matricide, matrilineal, matrimony, matron, metropolis Latin mega (large) megahertz, megalith, megalomania, megalopolis, megaphone, megaton pop (people) popular, popularize populate population populist, populous Latin sangui (blood) consanguinity, sangfroid, sangria, sanguinary, sanguine Latin dec (ten) decade, Decalogue, decathlon, December, decibel, decimal, decimation, dime stell (star) constellation, interstellar, stellar. stellate, stelliform Latin amat (love) amateur, amatory, amiable, amicable, amigo, amity, amorous, amour-propre Latin Greek Greek SPRING SEMESTER VOCABULARY LESSON #17 Directions: 1. Using the affix definition (in parentheses), try to identify the definition of the words with the root without using a dictionary. List all familiar words on your weekly vocabulary log, in the third column (see below). 2. Seek out the definition and/or synonym of any word that you do not currently know. Then log at least two of these new words, along with their synonyms or definitions, in the last column in the log (see below). 3. Use 20 of the words you log for your grammar sentences, due to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday. The weekly vocabulary test will be administered the following day (Wednesday), and weekly logs are due with the tests and worth 50% of the test score. Vocabulary Log Entry & Grammar Sentence Examples: Vocabulary Affix 1. numer Affix Meaning Familiar Words List all. If none, write N/A. Words I’d Like to Learn List at least 2. Synonym(s)/Definition(s) Find a synonym or definition for 2 words and use 1 for your Grammar Sentences this week. number numeral numerous enumerate numerology enumerate (v) = count, tally, number numerology (n) = study of numbers and their influence on one’s life No human has the vocabulary, let alone the fingers, needed to ENUMERATE the stars in the universe. scope (look) horoscope, kaleidoscope, microscope, periscope, stethoscope, telescope Greek son (sound) dissonance, resonant, sonar, song, sonnet, sonorous, supersonic, unison Latin germ (vital or related) germ, germane, germicide, germinal, germination Latin greg (group) aggregate, congregate, egregious, gregarious, gregariously, segregate Latin mar (sea) marina, marinate, marine, mariner, maritime, submarine, ultramarine Latin prim (first) prim, prima donna, primary, primate, prime, primeval, primo Latin pyro (fire) pyre, pyrogenic, pyromania, pyrometer, pyrophobia, pyrotechnic Greek clam (cry out) clamant, clamor, clamorous, declaim, exclamation, proclamation Latin plu (more) plural, pluralism, plurality, pluralize, pluriaxial, plus, nonplussed Latin tact/tang (touch) contact, intact, tactful, tactile, intangible, tangent, tangible Latin string (bind) astringent, strain, strait, stress, strict, string, stringent, stringer, stringy Latin liber (free) deliver, liberal, liberate, libertarian, libertine, liberty Latin junct (join) adjunct, conjunction, injunction, joint, junction, juncture, subjunctive Latin clud (close) cloister, conclude, exclude, exclusive, include, preclude, reclusive, seclude Latin se (apart) secede, seclude, secret, sedition, seduce, sedulous, segregate, select Latin trib (pay) attribute, contribution, distribute, retribution, tributary, tribute Latin dign (worthy) dainty, dignify, dignitary, dignity, indignation, undignified Latin rupt (break) abrupt, bankrupt, corrupt, disrupt, erupt, incorruptible, interrupt, rupture Latin grat (pleasing) agree, congratulation, grace, grateful, gratitude, gratuitous, ingrate Latin medi (middle) immediate, in medias res, intermediate, mediator, mediocre, medium Latin