Vocabulary Chapter 6 Adolescence Vocabulary Resource Sheet Section 6.1 Vocabulary Assignment: First, match the word with its correct definition. Then, identify the word in your own language. Part A A. Adolescence 青春期 B. Anxiety 心配、不安 C. Blurred かすんだ、ぼや けた D. Embarrassment 困惑 E. Endocrine 内分泌の Endurance 忍耐、試練 Juvenile 若々しい Oriented 関心がある Pressure プレッシャ ー J. Priorities 重要、優先 F. G. H. I. K. Puberty 思春期 L. Rites 儀式、慣習 M. Spurts 疾走、スパート 1. __ Anxiety _ a state of being self conscience about an awkward feeling (n) 2. __ Puberty __ a period of age where a child can sexually reproduce (n) 3. __ Adolescence __ the time between childhood and adulthood (n) 4. __ Oriented __ something(s) that is given more attention (n) 5. __ Embarrassment __ a high state of uneasiness of the mind or of one’s thoughts (n) 6. __ Juvenile __ a young person, teenager (adj, n) 7. __ Priorities __ to become focused towards a group or ideas (v) 8. __ Pressure __ to feel forced to do something (n) 9. _ Endocrine __ a body fluid that helps children develop adult physical characteristics (n) 10. __ Rites __ a ceremonial act or acts (n) 11. __ Spurts __ a sudden short activity (n) 12. __ Blurred __ to make something unclear (v) 13. __ Endurance __ the ability or strength to continue (n) Part B A. Acne にきび B. Anticipate 予期する C. Anticipation 予期 D. Anticipatory 予想しての E. Complexion 顔色 F. G. H. I. J. Dermatology 皮膚病学 Distinct 別個の Distinction 区別、差別 Distinguishes 識別する Extremely 極端に K. Fads 一時的な熱狂 L. Mandatory 強制の M. Proportions つり合い、 割合 1. __ Dermatology __ the medical science that deals with skin health (n) 2. __ Acne __ skin marks that develop from hormones and bodily changes (n) 3. _ Extremely __ trends or popular ideas, concepts, or things (n) 4. __ Mandatory __ the understanding that something is going to happen (adj) 5. _ Distinguishes _ to identify the difference between two or more things or ideas(v) 6. __ Complexion _ a natural color or appearance of the skin (n) 7. _ Fads __ original or unique (adj) 8. __ Anticipation __ to expect something is going to happen (v) 9. __ Distinction __ the process of identifying the differences between two or more things (n) 10. __ Distinct __ something that is very important (adv) 11. __ Anticipatory _ describes something that must happen (adj) 12. __ Anticipate __ describing something that is expecting something to happen (n) 13. __ Proportions _ the size or sizes of an object or person (n) Vocabulary Complete Sentences: Using modified sentences from the book, the following exercise requires you to fill in the blank with the correct word from the matching exercises above. 1. The brain and the _ Endocrine _ system control biological development. 2. These various biological changes sometimes cause anxiety or __ Pressure __. 3. During early adolescence, individuals often undergo _ Dermatology _ of growth in height and weight as well as changes in body _ Proportions _. 4. Teenagers are also pressured to go along with the latest __ Fads __ and fashions. 5. Common rites include demonstration of strength or __ Mandatory __. Vocabulary in Context: Complete the following item. In the box below, explain the differences between these three words Anticipate Anticipation Anticipatory Anticipate is a verb. Person guess that what going to happen in future. Anticipatory means that describes something that must happen. Explain the relationship between these three words. Complexion Dermatology Acne Complexion is color of each person’s face that nothing same. Dermatology is kind of topic of study of science. Acne is swelling that call a pimple. Explain the differences between these three words Distinct Distinction Distinguishes Distinguishes is separating each person that find different thing. Distinction is the process of identifying the differences between two or more things. Divide the following 6 words into two groups and explain the connections this words might have with one another. Adolescence Anxiety Juvenile Pressure Word Group A Adolescence, Juvenile, and Puberty Explanation: These words are looks or season of something. Priorities Puberty Word Group B Anxiety, Pressure, and Priorities Explanation: These words are person’s own feeling. Vocabulary